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56026447 No.56026447 [Reply] [Original]

How do they do it?

>> No.56026458


>> No.56026460

They work for themselves instead of Mr. Shekelberg

>> No.56026474

I work for the government in an isolated rural location that's hard to get people to apply for.

The pay isn't 6 figures, but I only have to work maybe 2 hours a week, and I don't need anything but internet and hot water so I don't give a shit that I live in the middle of nowhere. Maybe there's a job out there I could do that would make me 'happy' but I'm willing to settle on an easy job that doesn't make me depressed or worn out. I can kick back, take it easy, and just collect paychecks until I retire.

>> No.56026480

Dopamine self deception.

>> No.56026495

Many women I have worked with seem to genuinely enjoy coming to work. They were the ones to break down during covid, because they had to sit at home all day. Their job makes them truly happy because clearly they would prefer that over doing nothing, it has nothing to do with self delusion in these cases though

>> No.56026563

Jobs aren't really jobs for women. It's child daycare centers where they get to socialize and gossip with their work girlfriends. If they're a bit more career-y and barren than hospitality then it's because they get a kick out of being in male dominated offices, working in HR and being the gatekeeper for men wanting to make it.
Men actually have to work.
Hopefully this helps.

>> No.56026660

>I can kick back, take it easy, and just collect paychecks until I retire.
so, you're waiting to die. if that were me, i would kms. perhaps you should kys.

>> No.56027052

It's not the job, it's the fact they get to go to a place with other women and bitch and gossip for 8 hours whilst """working""".

>> No.56027076

Read what Ted Kaczynski writes about work and the power process and you might get a better understanding of why people enjoy work and what makes them hate it.

>> No.56027099

I think some people enjoy their jobs because they are just egotists, so they end up trying to be the best at some menial shit that everyone else hates. They get dopamine hits from that and talking about it all the time.

>> No.56027105

They earn a lot of money

>> No.56027107

I work for Sonifi Solutions. We have an in-house gym, culinary staff, and sparkling water with caffeine. Great company to apply for. The pay is alright.

>> No.56027607
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>brain now takes the work as non-existent hours
nothing about my work makes me feel anything, I just pretend those hours don't exist until I finally get home
I honestly feel more joy when I play things like duck race than trying to carry on a conversation with my coworkers

>> No.56027660
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Embedded systems programmer here - The best job I ever had was where I was given the most difficult problems to solve. The NEET will never understand this.

>> No.56027664
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bootstrapped my own SAAS B2B company and reached $1.1m ARR so far, this is the era of bootstrapping anon. don't be miserable

>> No.56027677

I think they just lie.

>> No.56027686

Congrats anon, how do you get sales? I've been a software dev my whole life but the pathway towards getting that first sale is completely foreign to me and has prevented me from getting into it. Did you know businesses beforehand and talk to them to figure out what they need and built out the product? Or did you just make something you knew was needed and put up a website and cold called businesses? Did you partner with a sales guy or hire one?

>> No.56027714

first of all I partnered with someone I met on Twitter who is a bit older than me and had experience as a VC and in working in real companies.

that being said, I can say that I would have been able to start without him, what I did was to identify a niche within the cybersecurity world and build a POC that could be understood by cybersecurity companies and regular companies.

I then started reaching out via Linkedin + cold emailing, didn't get a single sell the first 4-5 months I think.

When we secured the first customer, a pretty large cybersecurity company it boosted my confidence that my product could sell and by using their name as a proof to other companies that this product is actually being used, I was able to secure more customers, collect more logos, attract more companies, etc.

We didn't develop a platform until like 9 months in or so, but that doesn't work for any idea, when we did start developing we did talk to the customers to see what they wanted

>> No.56027726

Interesting story, thanks for sharing.

>> No.56028034

What the fuck does one even "bootstrap"

>> No.56028040

I’ve seen those postings online for corrections officers at rural Alaskan prisons that pay you $100k starting salary. I often wonder if it’s worth it.

>> No.56028045

Every bloated company with gyms/chefs/pool tables/wine dispensers seems to laying people off now. Good luck anon

>> No.56028069
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Well it's like this. I like fixing shit. It's my thing. I fix forklifts.
I don't mind at all. I wouldn't do it for free, exactly I just don't feel so much like work is work unless I'm really down and out on something I don't want to do, usually anything tedious.
Luckily most of my job isn't tedious. I'm always doing shit I've either never done or have to break the book out for. There's just too much rare and random shit that can happen. Still, I get those maintenance days where we're just greasing shit all day until something comes by the shop with a fucked mast or blown hose, or even better, fucked engine. Workmates are all boomer fishing dudes with trucks. While I can't exactly discuss Nietzsche or their favorite Dickens novel, the surface level friendliness goes a long way for the soul. Yep, still alienated, but that's what online forums are for, fellow autists.

>> No.56028071


>> No.56028078
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>so, you're waiting to die. if that were me, i would kms. perhaps you should kys.
Sounds like jealousy....

>> No.56028242

follow levelsio on Twitter, you'll begin understanding

>> No.56028257

Where can I read this?

>> No.56028288

i like my job. only downside is i'm underpaid by like 15%.

>permanently remote
>work is interesting (as much as accounting can be)
>get to collaborate with smart and knowledgeable people in accounting management
>boss trusts me, doesn't micromanage

>> No.56028315

Read Industrial Society and Its Future.

Does it pay well though?

>> No.56028321
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>>56028315 Meant for >>56028257

>> No.56028344

They lie and they are alcoholics

>> No.56028375

Are you getting any?

>> No.56028441

getting any what?

>> No.56028475

>You get to spend your time learning about and doing things that interest you, all while having your finances largely taken care of in an extremely low stress environment?
>I'd kill myself

>> No.56028684

I'm a full time work from home web dev. I make $121k base comp, $135k total comp. I work about 3-5 hours most days, and no hours, on some days. I have little oversight and appearance and looking like you are doing proper work is most important. I don't sign on until about 11am most day, then sign off for lunch again at noon, then work 1pm to 5pm. I have very low expenses, also, and am pretty minimalist, so money is essentially endless for me, and I have saved $150k in my first 2.5 years working in tech.

I enjoy the work as it is interesting and I don't do too much off it, and I can just be signed in for about 4+ hours each day, while I do other stuff, instead of working; reading, lifting weights, focusing on some personal project, etc..

Also, at some point, I realized, even when my life is still overall well balanced, I was still spending a ton of time on the computer, mostly via anime and 4chan. If so, why no move this time wasting to a paid job, instead. So, I got the WFH dev job, and now still waste a lot of time the computer, but make $135k doing it, instead.

>> No.56028715

Is it that hard to comprehend that people enjoy helping others? When you work a role you are valued in, and feel a sense of belonging to, it can be rewarding. If you are obsessed about the people who own the business you work at getting a better end of the deal, start your own business.

>> No.56028726

they are asleep npcs who have learned to accept their slavery and enjoy it.

>> No.56028767

Sounds like a dream job. How would one go from zero experience with coding to being in a position like that?

>> No.56028799

I made a lot of money with crypto so knowing I can walk out at anytime changes the way I view work. To me, it’s like volunteering except I get paid for it lol.

>> No.56028838

>who say they are happy
I just am
the best part is making women coworkers uncomfortable

>> No.56028962

>I made a lot of money with crypto
What did you buy? Don't mention memes please. I need alts like BNB, NXRA, MATIC... with strong fundamentals to push the next bull market. I'm dying in this market. HELP!

>> No.56029082

get a job doing something you like, pays well and is not too stressful. also one that lets you work from home if that's something you like.
I work in IT. shit's stressful sometimes but it's fun nonetheless. I don't make as much money as american but the pay is good for my country.

I did some hard (but interesting) stuff when I was a NEET. I've always been a lonely autodidact though, and that helped me get my current job

>> No.56030874

Their job is filled with sweet women with big boobs. I have once tested those fine boobs when I was a millionaire from ETH and NXRA...
Job filled with women is sweet.

>> No.56030890

Women make offices smell like rotten fish and stale perfume

>> No.56030938

I quite like my job, I'm a network installation engineer. I choose who I work for and set my own rates. It's not all bad and I dont mind getting up in the morning.

>> No.56031044

You're inspiring bro, wish we could follow each other on the twatter.

I'm only 31 but have done alot of jobs in search for meaning. started out as an engineer in a big auto company. Hated the windowless factory and bureaucracy + rednecks. Upgraded to management consulting for deloitte. Was better but if you're smart you realize you're doing a whole lot of nothing and the bureacracy is even worse. Although there were alot of hot women there. In between all of this, I started a small biz selling shirts. The feeling of someone buying something that you created is one of the greatest feelings. I was young and dumb so I made alot of mistakes out of laziness and sold it for pretty much the value of remaining inventory.

Anyways, I made my way into a T20 MBA program in hopes that after 2yrs of idle, I'd build a business or something. I ended up and am still working for a finance startup that is turning into a VC shop. In terms of lifestyle, it's pretty good. I make $120k, have been remote the entire time and control what I do. For a while I was pretty content, but things are a bit slow and I have not satisfied the itch of starting something on my own. I think that's what I'm meant to do, I just need to find out what I care enough about and go build it.

Finding meaning in your work is paramount in my opinion. There should not be a work life and a personal life, but just simply a life that you enjoy living. I don't think it is easy to build but it's possible.

>> No.56031085

nepotism getting them cushy jobs

I would know, my uncle hired me to work at a bank that he's the president of, I am posting from there right now after taking a break from playing Starfield all day, I make 80k doing nothing but playing video games all day, it's like I'm a neet again but get paid. Dental and medical insurance is all included, I'm set for life.

>> No.56031089

Sex with asian coworkers.

>> No.56031117

they have nothing interesting to do at home.

>> No.56031155

I like my job, mainly because I don’t work much and it pays well.

>> No.56031800

opening the mouth and vibrating the vocal chords, I'd reckon.

>> No.56031814

They are socially active and enjoy others company.

>> No.56031873

You should be angry you have a job, not happy. The employer-employee relationship will always be an antagonistic one, a ponzi scheme to extract wealth (for themselves) from your labor, but it is better than the alternative which is starvation.

I enjoy work. I don't enjoy my job. When I work, I produce things on my own time for myself regardless of outcome to their profitability. And I enjoy this far more than working for wages. If I could, I'd work on my work fulltime. But I can't yet.

>> No.56031959


Literally me, without the profitability. Proud owner of an extensive app graveyard. Good for him though.

I do it nights, I do it weekends, I do it occasionally do it during work breaks, because companies hate guys like this. It's why they ask, "How was your weekend?" They want you to engage in hobbies / interests. The thing that angers them most is when you are not working for them. I choose to forgo a life to focus on working for myself, whenever I am able.

>> No.56032065

I'm a doctor and i enjoy helping people. Granted i never was some schizo who hated everyone else while being insufferable themself.

>> No.56032074

They are probably the worst employee so everyone else does their job and they have some connection that makes them not get fired.

>> No.56032468

I'm a doctor too. I barely made it through medical school. I've lost 11 patients this year, but nobody seems to care so I don't worry about it too much. The important thing is, I kind of tried.

>> No.56032613

Dont talk to your coworkers and just do your job, its mad easy.

>> No.56032641

No hobbies and no interests

>> No.56033082

>you realize you're doing a whole lot of nothing
Have you seen those tiktoks of girls in their early 20s sharing their life as a consultant? Is that what girls really do, nothing?


>> No.56033193
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how do?

>> No.56033205

I knew a woman who liked coming into work a little TOO much. At first I thought I was just underperforming but one day her office door was cracked and she was just mindlessly scrolling on her phone all day. Turns out she just hated her child and was literally using her entire salary to pay for child care while her husband worked nights at a factory. Anytime you see someone who is happy at work, know that there are reasons that have nothing to do with work.

>> No.56033273
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I'm happy at my day job, as I could reasonably be.

I come from one of the shittiest neighbourhoods in France (91 RPZ), but still, I was raised there, so my views on work are some of the chillest on the Western side of the world. I see it now that I live in America, people like to defined themselves through work.

Plus, I am smart. Reasonably so that I could get a Masters. That helps.

I work in design in one of Canada biggest banks. I worked hard during my studies, unrelated to what I do now, but I always found a way to make it work. Now, I have enough XP that Google and Microsoft come knocking.

If they came before COVID, I would have had happily slavewaged there. Having a FANGAM on the resume is very cool in itself, and I always found myself to be geared towards these types of objectives.

Now ? I don't give a shit. Give me a "better-than-average" pay, 35 hours of work and near-to-perfect work-life balance and I'm a happy man.

I'm happy because I get all of these. I have time for my leisure, my reading and shitposting on 4chon.

Really, you have to just find work interesting enough in an area where there's not so much kool-aid to drink (governments, banks, and generally un-sexy jobs are good for that) and that's it.

Remember Anons : you'll die too. What aspect of your life (work, family, fitness, wealth, spirituality, artistry, sex) do you want to maxx out ?
Finding the balance towards what counts for you is the key of a good life.
Realizing what should TRULY matters is the key to a great life.

>> No.56033643 [DELETED] 


>> No.56034430

I genuinely love my job. I mostly work on production art, rebuilding what the customers already have. Occasionally I get to generate some new artwork with my own ideas. Making praiseworthy artwork satisfies me immensely. I get to show my work to everyone and hear how talented I am. People also treat me really well at work, because they want me to focus on their tasks at the expense of the rest of the schedule. So they are always outdoing each other when they know I have a lot on my plate. I get doughnuts, hugs from big tiddie coworkers, free sodas, free food, etc. I live really close to work and never have to work overtime unless I just want to finish something. Work makes me happy. Everyone depends on me and I constantly feel like a hero.

>> No.56035169

No one isnhappy at their job but small thing let them tolerate it.

Workload, coworkers, work life balance.


You work the scheduled hours than you leave work at the door. It sucks but don't think about it until the next day. Only way to stay sane.

If you really hate it, quit and find a new job.

>> No.56035487

How did you get a job like that?
t.accounting graduate

>> No.56035698

How? Why not just ask a senior whenever patient has something serious and you don't know what to do?

>> No.56035727

seething faggot lmao

>> No.56035978

Stockholm syndrome

>> No.56035990

You just work work work, then work some more. It's easy, beats starving/homelessness. Monke fed monke happy.

>> No.56035997

That's the problem

>> No.56036007

I get there late, leave early, and take 1hr lunches but claim it's 30 minutes. My supervisor does the same. Yes, it's a union job.

>> No.56036010
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I teach in a Nordic country so I don't have to worry about the company doing well etc.
The majority of the children really enjoy my classes and many even stop me in the halls to talk about things in their lives.
Before summer break I got a paper crown from one of the groups I teach that said "The Best Teacher"

I couldn't be happier with my choices.

>> No.56036222

Build a lot of cool shit nigger

>> No.56037150

>The feeling of someone buying something that you created is one of the greatest feelings.


>> No.56037294
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I love working and working for my society and being useful. It sucks that our labor is exploited by capitalists piggies but hey it is what it is.

>> No.56039349

>my boss is cool
>my coworkers are cool
>I can do whatever I want whenever I want
look for a job where the majority of the people are cool and you get along with

>> No.56039356

>How do they do it?

>> No.56039365

>literal trannies, fags and pedos rule the world
>I love working for my society


All wagies will go to hell for contributing to this satanic society.

>> No.56039366

I like my job well enough. The problem is the pay and the hours and the people.

>> No.56040648

The stickman be as the stickman do.

>> No.56040693


I'm an RN and get paid a decent amount of money. I'm not just their to make Mr. Kikestein more shekels, but I actually serve a real purpose to my patients. I find it really rewarding to actually help people and make a difference it their life when I'm at work, and I only have to work three days a week, so that leaves me with plenty of time to relax and enjoy shitposting and hobbies. Of course I wish I was independently wealthy and retired, but it's still pretty nice.

>> No.56041951

It's easy, just work a job that actually does suck for 5+ years, then quit and get a better job. It'll seem utopian by comparison. Even better if it's a union/government job.

>> No.56042847


None of this is true and you are a retard.

>> No.56042927

Just reframeyiur thinking so that your sole reason for existence and the only source of accomplishment is your job