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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56022995 No.56022995 [Reply] [Original]

So... the entire financial system is going to be completely reworked into a digital prison by the same satan worshiping elites who have continually worked against the common man and they're just gonna let a bunch of neckbeards buy up tokens that will make them fabulously wealthy.

How fucking delusion are you retards?

>> No.56023001

yes wagies don't control anything
which token are u talking about tho

>> No.56023183

Having some make it is part of their grift. It is the carrot on the stick of having a chance to make it that keep goyim working and in a state of mind that they are only temporarily embarrassed “millionaires”. No carrot in stick, then no reason the work and system falls apart.

>> No.56023212

That worked in the old system, but it won't be necessary once the control grid is in place. The entire point of this digital hellsscape is to make it impossible for resist the de-industrialization of society for the sake of their "green" agenda that is ultimately a depopulation scheme. As the economy collapses people will accept more and more tyranny just to have a chance to keep their stomachs full. Anyone who isn't an elite but still has more resources than the normies will be a target for the mob. Their deaths won't be mourned; they'll be seen as moral victories.

>> No.56023244
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Most people have no idea what a high-stakes game is being played right now. Policy-based money, centrally controlled, is the wet dream of many in power. The trick is that once you build a network which globally connects all the CBDCs, you also have a network which provides global reach to privately-issued currencies. Once the ARPANET was built and once TCP/IP networks became widespread, it's possible that all of the original entities which participated in the creation of the network can die off while the network survives and thrives. The stage is being set for a Darwinian survival-of-the-fittest showdown between all currencies. Satoshi is in the belly of the beast and who knows if he still retains Satoshi's ethos?

>> No.56023248

Kys bagholder

>> No.56023250
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>> No.56023257
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>> No.56023263

Yep. We're just so early that blackrock couldn't even figure out how to buy xrp OTC or on exchanges for 7 years while the price did nothing. They're finally figuring it out and when they buy that will flip the switch. These things take time.

>> No.56023277

Unless they have an army of killbots keeping people in line then there will 100% be a revolution. You can’t blatantly enslave billions without causing opposition.

The reason the elites maintain power is because they use the power of illusion/subversion and stay hidden. If they make themselves an obvious target then they all get BTFO and Jewish hellworld ends.

>> No.56023282

>my worthless tokens will pump the WEF told me in a dream
you are in for a very rude awakening

>> No.56023359
File: 675 KB, 3000x1680, yes_you_all_are_wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
