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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56022065 No.56022065 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56022074

The quality of women also went down significantly

>> No.56022077

just be more productive

>> No.56022080

even harder than most shitcoins

>> No.56022092

just work harder
look at me, i inherited 400K at 21
i worked hard to get these 400K

>> No.56022124

>$108 vs $2000
What is this supposed to mean?

>> No.56022130
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Okay but most households are typically dual income households in 2023. If we're talking about median household income, then the $56k figure should be more like $112k.

>$56k being typical individual's income in 2023
I would be surprised if it's anything less than $90k in reality. If the government gussies up inflation figures to look better than they really are, then you can sure as hell bet that they're going to massage income stats to make people feel better about themselves.

>> No.56022171

education is even worse than stated
public graduate school used to be damn near free. Now it's tens of thousands per year and more competitive.

>> No.56022192

rentcucking I assume
the bottom $-amount might be income

>> No.56022283

>I would be surprised if it's anything less than $90k in reality.
You are a dumb nigger
That is all

>> No.56022620
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>> No.56023109
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>but now your wife has to work 9-5 instead of taking care of kids, which means that we became only 2 times poorer

>> No.56023117

>Bro just have double income with no kids lol ez

>> No.56023138

It means you should be married instead of being an incel.

>> No.56023139

they charge literally $1000 to $2000 a credit hour for masters now lmao

>> No.56023173
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>> No.56023180
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average salary in europe

>> No.56023235

> If the government gussies up inflation figures to look better than they really are, then you can sure as hell bet that they're going to massage income stats
inflation stats are manipulated so that COLA stays low and the government can give retirees less purchasing power every year. not sure what they would gain by overstating income stats

>> No.56023251

>France below Belgium and Austria
Doesn't match my experience, as far as software engineer salaries go.

>> No.56023258

>median individual income is $90k
No it isn’t lmao

>> No.56023270


TFW you double that as a europoo

>> No.56023272

>ugh life is so hard when you live in a $2m condo with an employee on payroll
Honestly though I guess when you think about it if you’re living in a place that’s only 2x your income that’s pretty fucking good, relatively.

>> No.56023299

Human individuals are worth less now.

>> No.56023419
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>> No.56023430

shes mine!

>> No.56023465

No, I have to make a new tiktok. I cannot get a job that's heckin mean!

>> No.56023477

What you need to realize though is that they didn't have anything like Xbox or PS5 back then, they were bored like crazy all day. I wouldn't trade then for now.

>> No.56023488

The average house in 1970 was also 2 bedrooms,1200 sqft, didn't have AC, and couldn't run more than 1 appliance at a time without blowing a fuse. The equivalent of a modern house would have been way more than 15k and youre a retarded faggot for thinking otherwise

>> No.56023500

You are a boring person.

>> No.56023669

>they didn't have anything like Xbox or PS5 back then, they were bored like crazy all day.
You had the world to do whatever with. You didn't need some advanced machine to have fun back then.

>> No.56023703

These stupid fucks will never understand this
> hey my house is worth twice as much
They're working twice as many hours for the *exact* same house.
But instead they get a boner
> my zestimate went up

>> No.56023709

it's a retarded bait tweet anyway because if you do the math his leftover is >$200k. it's literally impossible to spend $200k per year on food and entertainment unless you're at the very peak of the hedonistic treadmill. hell, even most software cuckolds with their $300k salary end up sending their money to onlyfans girls because they have too much of it more than anything

>> No.56023731

It's 4 times his *net* income

>> No.56024125

Even if you double the income to 112k, it's still looks like less purchasing power than a 9k salary in 1970

>> No.56024165

>tfw 70% of average.
I’m switching jobs.

>> No.56024288

If you have that amount of money, why not fuck escorts non stop? Why send it to camgirls? I don't understand

>> No.56024297
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>> No.56024580

its harder to pretend a girl is perfect in real life

>> No.56024660
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>> No.56024955

>list $732K in expenses
>implies he has nothing left from $268K after transportation, food, personal care, and entertainment
Fucking kek. Is he commuting with a helicopter?
I got tired of videogames several years ago, I'm 34. What I do like about the present is we got the internet and you can self learn almost anything, and also work remotely.

>> No.56025505
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ohhhhhh so the extra 400 sq ft, ac, and 30% more copper are why it's 2900% more expensive
got it

>> No.56025511

>Okay but most households are typically dual income households in 2023
The stat is literally there retard 47% DUAL INCOME vs 63% DUAL INCOME

>> No.56026122

Could boomers really buy a fucking house with 2 month of working/ 2 salaries?
I am a zoomer and have no idea if that is realistic. Was that actually the case?

>> No.56027136

After taxes it'd be like 2-4 years. Doesn't seem weird at all.

>> No.56027377

That's BS. Now way the average is 58k here in Germany

>> No.56027389

Why the fuck would you want to raise your kids in downtown Manhattan?

>> No.56027804

>What is this supposed to mean?
Ask me how I can tell you've never had a job or paid a bill

>> No.56028597

Blame women. They couldn't just shut their mouths and be housewives, now everything is inflated as fuck and everything is balanced around 2 full time incomes.

>> No.56028606


>> No.56028610

> you want a career girls?
>> yeah we'll do anything!
Imagine wanting to work.
Thinking that its a privilege.
Women were so stupid to agree to work for nothing in return.

>> No.56028668

that same house is for sale for 500k today you dumb nigger

>> No.56028694

he did not include the greatest inflation of all.


>> No.56029645

delete this image

>> No.56030118
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>The average house in 1970 was also 2 bedrooms,1200 sqft, didn't have AC, and couldn't run more than 1 appliance at a time without blowing a fuse.
Where's the other 435 thousand dollars gone?

>> No.56030222
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>> No.56030260

If you keep on with your antisemitism, I’ll be forced to report you to moderators.

>> No.56030391

why is it so hard for american lazy millenials to understand that boomers were a uniquely priviledged demographic by virtue of the fact that the us had just won the WW2, stealing britain's spot as top dog and imposing it's dollar as the reserve currency at a time when most nations were aggresively borrowing and developing?

things were rather grim behind the iron curtain or in the rest of the world by comparison.

your daddy got it good and now you will inherit some of it, you can quit bitching about it

>> No.56030425

and the quality of men

>> No.56030427

The quality of women literally went down twice in this fucking decade

Millennial chicks collapsed around 2012-2014 with tinder and are now ugly and old.

Zoomer chicks collapsed 2018-present because of tiktok and 7th wave feminism and are pushing 30.

>> No.56030438

>the government is telling you that most people make less, therefore you shouldn't care about inflation?

>> No.56030472

This. Boomers just had to say some corny shit to women and they would get laid instantly.

>> No.56030502

>you will inherit a slim minority of what's left to feed the turd world that mass flooded this country under the boomers rule

>> No.56030512

Either you nolife neetcode/do some debauch nepo shit to get a decent salary or you have to be on a perpetual grind to try and get ahead in the rat race (staying stagnant anyway because everyone else is doing the same thing)
Once upon a time you could just meander up the corpo ladder by virtue of tenure and get paid enough to go and do “fun” stuff like boating et al
That doesn’t happen anymore so you have a trifecta of “makes money - is fit - has time” women choose 2 (anything less than all 3 is unacceptable)

>> No.56030531

Let's be real, so did the quality of men.

>> No.56031620
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>> No.56033194

>half the wage of Greece
Suffering being a Caribbean man..