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File: 54 KB, 1280x846, 170685901746510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56018398 No.56018398 [Reply] [Original]


picrel was leaked on discord recently
these guys are making a multichain protocol powered by ccip

you will literally be able to bridge, swap, bridge back, vest, vote, farm, and whatnot on multiple chains all by signing a single transaction

LINK is the new ETH

>> No.56018425

ETH is the only chain that matters, everything else is a ghostchain. Also, according to that pic, link tokens aren't needed for the swap?

>> No.56018434

>being this stupid

>> No.56018438

Nobody cares. Go advertise somewhere else
Not everything that is produced had a value. This shit has no demand. So it has no value

>> No.56018441

yeah dood chainlink just built the protocol but allowed people to not use token in the transfers... what a fucking retard
Fee payment premiums for CCIP Messaging will be a flat fee per message, while fees for using CCIP to enable token transfers will be a percentage of the value transferred. CCIP fees also include gas cost overhead. The premium portion of fees paid in alternative assets will have a surcharge of 10% versus LINK payments. Current CCIP premium fees are in line with industry standards within the cross-chain ecosystem, although these values are subject to change.

>> No.56018444

Whaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaaooaoa I can trade meme coins cross chain woowowwowoowowowoiwiwwitokwn not needed

>> No.56018487
File: 86 KB, 218x278, Screen Shot 2023-09-03 at 7.36.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

token not needed
token not needed
token not needed

>> No.56018512

Why is cross-chain even relevant when ETH is the only chain that is being used? Chainlink just created a solution to a problem that doesn't exist, ETH is the only chain that matters. Nobody cares about swapping harrypottershitinu across chains.

>> No.56018527

yeah bro only ETH is used and that's why there are endless hundred million dollar bridge hacks and VCs throwing billions at cross-chain projects like LayerZero am i rite lmao

>> No.56018529

Then why did vitalik pedorin say that chainlink token is needed?

>> No.56018544

Why the appeal to authority? I speak common sense, ETH is the only chain that is being used and is the only chain that has institutional interest. The L1 war is over.

>> No.56018552

>being this stupid
also ccip isn't just about bridges you retard, it's just as much about cross-chain dapps, unifying liquidity etc
actually read about it for 5 mins

>> No.56018555

>endless hundred million dollar bridge hacks
Other chains don't have these hacks because they have no activity to begin with. I never stated ETH was a flawless chain, I stated that it was the only one that has any real activity on it. Even Binance Chain, the chain of the largest crypto exchange in the world, is a ghost chain.

>> No.56018560

>ETH is the only chain that is being used
why do you keep lying

>> No.56018564

Is the link token needed?
No, the link token is not needed.

>> No.56018569

That's all just wash trading and money laundering

>ross-chain dapps, unifying liquidity etc
Which is completely irrelevant since ETH is the only chain being used.

>> No.56018577

are you quite literally retarded? why are there HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS going through bridges and all of it being hacked if no other chain is being used?

>> No.56018581

Okay, answer this, whenever someone mentions the shitcoin casino, what chain are they referring to? To which chain do all these meme tokens that are doing 10-100x belong to?

>> No.56018594

That's just user error, nobody in their right mind would want to bridge to a ghost chain with no volume.

>> No.56018601

>whenever someone mentions the shitcoin casino, what chain are they referring to?
depends when you ask. if you're asking now, 100% ETH.

>> No.56018602

don't post here for the next 3 months, just read you absolute retard
eg. what is gmx? where is it deployed?
what has happened to this board, so fucking depressing

>> No.56018606

>That's just user error
oh so you're just memeing

>> No.56018610

>crypto will stay a shitcoin casino forever
Lol, lmao even.

>> No.56018611

>if you're asking now, 100% ETH
I accept your concession. I have one more question, which chain is the only one that has any institutional interest whatsoever?

>> No.56018617

Be honest, that is the only reason any of us are here, to get in early on that 100x moonshot so that we can retire early.

>> No.56018638

Sure, I would like to catch a x100. Best bet is investing in projects that will lift crypto to the next level. You are not going to make it by trading sonicpotterbuttrocket with 100 other morons while shitting on LINK.

>> No.56018640

>I accept your concession
where is my concession? I am only talking about facts
>which chain is the only one that has any institutional interest whatsoever?
make up your mind, do only shitcoins matter or institutions. DeFi bridges and protocols got hacked for over 3 billion and you keep spewing how no one uses anything else lmao

>> No.56018672

>I love sucking eth cock and gaggle in its cum
>lol why are you appealing to authority??

>> No.56018682

>That's just user error

>> No.56018687
File: 394 KB, 2484x1050, 1691126977253651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

umm avax for example via ccip?
stop wasting our time and do some research

>> No.56018703

>while shitting on LINK
I'm not shitting on link, I am just stating that CCIP, whilst very neat, is just another goal post. First it was arbitrum that was supposed to make link moon, then it was staking, then it was CCIP, now even SWIFT came out with confirmation that the experiments with Chainlink were very impressive, but there is no moon in sight. If anons in this thread were given the choice to go all in on ETH when it was still sub 1 dollar back in 2016 vs going all in on link during it's ICO, everything single one of you would pick ETH. All these technological buzzwords mean nothing if the goddamn price won't go up!

>> No.56018711

>going to make it by trading sonicpotterbuttrocket with 100 other morons
This is exactly how people are making it though, while link is stuck as a 6-7 dollar stablecoin, harrypotterspx6900 tokens with no usecase whatsover are pulling 100x and more.

>> No.56018719

AVAX is a scamchain, nobody will use it.

>> No.56018731

Speaking of which, is Chainlink considered a layer 2?

>> No.56018747

Are you the anon that makes 50 fud posts on chainlink threads?

>> No.56018756
File: 35 KB, 823x468, ethvslink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah dood swift are going to use mev infested eth to settle on

>> No.56018771

I'm genuinely curious; in addition, my posts are not FUD, they are objective. I hold a little over 10k link that I got back when it was under a dollar, I remember when whale killer was trying to make it go over the dollar mark. I also remember that Chainlink was actually inversely correlated with BTC price movement, whenever btc dumps, link would actually go up. 2018-2019 was so comfy for link, I'm actually very sad this comfiness had to end.

>> No.56018937

It hasn't ended. You may have missed the 2021 profit, but the chart is showing accumulation. Whenever it drops below $6 the volume spikes.

>> No.56018980

no one gives a shit about this until the link token is high. Fuck off

>> No.56018999

Buy high sell low, biz way all the way

>> No.56019036

>chart is showing accumulation
A lot of alt charts look similar to link, doesn't necessarily mean it is accumulation.

>> No.56019107

>but the chart is showing accumulation
Man, this hopium is just sad at this point

>> No.56019668

ok but are other coins working with swift

>> No.56019745


>> No.56019758

Ah sip that post crumb clarity

>> No.56019802

can someone redpill me on EIP 712?

>> No.56019810

will i finally be able to swap out of some tokens like BNB / ROSE that Im locked out of trading on CEX's?

>> No.56019963

Nice! now we can all swap currydogecumobama69nigger420 from bnb to arbitrum to avax! How useful and revolutionary!

>> No.56019991

Interesting. Is this a uniswap killer then? Come to think of it, are uniswap not gonna utilise ccip? I don't trade shitcoins so I'm not very hot on this

>> No.56019993
File: 412 KB, 1363x1524, 1693802070290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullish for vechain. When whales stop suppressing us it will rocket up at the flip of the switch!!!

>> No.56020004

There is like a million tools in defi to do this already these shills r just pure retardation at this point. You use them to airdrop farm

>> No.56020011

why would anyone care about what some bancor/cowswap fork does feggit?

>> No.56020045

>Clown doesn't even know what a layer 2 is
Also top kek at the zksync airdrop farming bot levels

>> No.56021125

Private bank chains lol

>> No.56021307

>15 pbtid

Getting nervous?

>> No.56021327
File: 271 KB, 870x986, shitposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've mapped out the source of the fud diagrammatically.

>> No.56021358

it's not a leak if you officially announce it you fucking dumbass

>> No.56021423

Correct. Imagine these news back in 2017. Would ve probably hit 300$ or more

>> No.56021424

>what a layer 2 is
mev scam

>> No.56021432

call me when chainlink isnt dependent on ETH

>> No.56021448

I posted it here yesterday and got zero reply
Board is dead and taken over by fuddies

>> No.56021460
File: 88 KB, 817x894, IMG_5443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linkers were talking about CCIP as if it was a revolution, yet their shit is barely used, 2k revenue on a good day
How do they cope ? They were saying that staking and CCIP would put Link at 1000$ ?

CCIP is unused garbage, deal with it you lost your money, Sergey says kiss kiss

>> No.56021502

$2k on a good day and it’s not even available to the public. What do you think, $20k on a good day when it is? $200k?

>> No.56021514

Dollar sign goes before the number, bro.

>> No.56022156

>it’s not even available to the public

You post this unironically and don't even think to question that maybe there's a reason for this.

>> No.56022479


>> No.56022649

i wish i cared

>> No.56022667

your post is too logical and makes too much sense therefore chainlink holders will not understand any of it, try again