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File: 373 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230903-150351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56016874 No.56016874 [Reply] [Original]

Kek fuddies

>> No.56016891
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>> No.56016899
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>> No.56016905
File: 935 KB, 1125x1854, 0E8F43F5-46B1-47AF-8957-AC49B857EF41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude b b bredkrumbz!!!!!!

Bahahahahahahahaahahahahaah wooooooooooooooooo

>> No.56016930

We all already know that, but the price is still stagnant so what's the point? This is a letdown on the future outcome of the price action if anything, because they've already played their best cards and there's little to nothing else relevant to be put on the table. Defend this faggot.

>> No.56016946


>> No.56016960
File: 691 KB, 1125x1614, C06B2568-48E0-4146-9F22-BFCA4C5657A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooooohhhhhhhhhhh linnnnnnkie

>> No.56016968

Remember when link moved up against btc in a bear market? What ever happened with that? Cuz like… LMFAOO

>> No.56017046

There are no special movements for Link because Bitcoin crashes every time Link threatens to move against the market.

>> No.56017062

Is it driving you mad? Try to focus on other things and just let it happen. We'll get there. No need to freak out.

>> No.56017064
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>> No.56017070

Ok…? Price is still $6?

>> No.56017072
File: 753 KB, 1125x1620, 16387C42-6B82-4F26-A807-EFD6F942C193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 more years

>> No.56017087

Tell it to >>56016968 he can't handle the wait lol

>> No.56017099

No, it’s not driving me mad because I chose not to baghold link while cardanus was doing a 100x in a bull market and link did 1/10th of that.

>> No.56017113
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>> No.56017122

if link is unable to move against the market, it's not a bear market token, is it?

>> No.56017130

Nothing moves against acute Bitcoin dumps.

>> No.56017143

>it’s not driving me mad because
it's ok we understand. it's not easy. just try to be a man about it like the rest of us. the childish stuff isn't a good look and isn't good for your head. seriously

>> No.56017170

so if link is worse than btc (can be seen on the chart as well), why buy it?

>> No.56017179
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kek baggies

>> No.56017181
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>> No.56017218
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yeah you've done real well linktards, right guys? KEK

>> No.56017225

Wasn't sergey dumping millions of LINK each week during the bull run KEK.

He has no more skin in the game, his bags are dumped.

>> No.56017249
File: 550 KB, 1125x2436, 41631E80-0A6C-485D-A2B8-67D7EC1168A2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are link “marines” so weak?

>> No.56017265

LINK cannot pump because the team has tens of millions of tokens sitting on Binance ready to sell into any market movement. Any time there is volume they dump into it.

That is the difference between LINK and shitcoins. Shitcoins are designed to pump. The developers burn tokens and engineer pumps and do everything they can to increase the price.

Chainlink on the other hand sells every time there is good price action. They kill every pump. This will continue to happen for several years because they still have hundreds of millions of LINK tokens to "distribute."

As promising as Chainlink is, this fact is extremely bearish for the LINK token. The only way things will change is if there is another bullrun and the buying volume is orders of magnitude greater than the tens of millions they are dumping on the market every year.

>> No.56017289

>because they still have hundreds of millions of LINK tokens to "distribute."

KEK linkies can't stop losing. Any and every dip you see "I'm slurping more!!!" from retards here. Sergey has been dumping for years, this coin is a hard pass.

>> No.56017308

the only conclusion that can be drawn here is that shitcoins are tightly correlated with btc. a real eye opener, anon

>> No.56017313

Who the fuck are you? trip fags just please die you're the worst of the worst and that's saying something in a thread like this

>> No.56017318
File: 169 KB, 918x1113, 1677692330782885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link pumps all the time, and when it does they dump Bitcoin.

>> No.56017322


>> No.56017327
File: 103 KB, 610x771, 1685829856965191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tightly correlated


>> No.56017335

first the turn the frogs gay and now this. inconceivable

>> No.56017344

the correlation isn't perfect, link is performing considerably worse for the last few years after all

>> No.56017403
File: 275 KB, 1807x1525, 1688528309207509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only "tight correlation" here is Bitcoin always dumping on Link news.

>> No.56017526

so the news was a non-event and then it just dumped together with btc? i mean, you don't have to go to a therapist right away, but it couldn't hurt

>> No.56017585

>the news was a non-event
I wouldn't call it that, It fucked Bitcoin up pretty good.

>> No.56017602


>> No.56017634
File: 6 KB, 485x216, 1668716125420587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like your post really upset them, OP
but that's not hard
pic related

>> No.56017659
File: 1.41 MB, 1399x1622, 72D80CCA-E5CC-49CC-97B7-FED0DD02E53D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adem Kayser -Voorburg, Zuid-Holland - third world import leeching off of Netherlands taxpayer dollars when he isn't working for actual MLM scam companies doing paid stock bashing on here along with a small collection of other parasites with similar backgrounds also living in the Netherlands.

He immediately shut down his twitter @chainlinkthomas when a pic from his facebook was posted along with his name. His twitter used to be @geoxadem (literally had his first name in it) when his porn addiction posts were initially discovered and he shut his account down and scrubbed it the first time to change it over to @chainlinkthomas. Now it's back up and he's trying to pretend nothing happened even though he still stupidly referenced deleting his account when he said he was "back" and going to war with an equally retarded faggot, CLG. Also has a linkedin with a netherlands location in the same city that he lives in, listed as a "crypto investor" at a very shady looking netherlands company (The Success Factory) that apparently tried to run a failed DAG ponzi / MLM pyramid scheme style grift and was busted.

>> No.56017718

Kek, he's Keith. He just kinda showed up one day and started following linkies around. Sometimes they toss peanuts at him. Its pretty funny to watch him store them in his cheeks.

>> No.56017767
File: 659 KB, 999x999, 7773A102-77DC-41CC-A462-A9082254129F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This you?

>> No.56017840

can't believe he was retarded enough to get himself doxxed
no wonder he's so angry and chimping out on biz daily
every time he thinks about this place he has to be confronted with what a mind-blowingly cringe failure he is lmao (and that's a lot because according to the references he makes, basically seems to live here, not that that's suprrising considering he's a basement-dwelling porn addict who projects through his memes)

>> No.56017847

Based Adem Kayser. He sacrificed his privacy to warn us about the chainlink scam

>> No.56018000

He is fighting the good fight against sega saturn guys. He will single handedly defeat the globohomo by posting cuck memes on 4chan.

>> No.56018014

I hope he manages to get an erection if he ever manages to persuade a girl into bed. maybe she'll let him put some porn on the tv

>> No.56018016

The funniest part about that anti-WEF posting narrative is it basically claims that buying link tokens somehow means globohomo wins and humanity is enslaved. Direct contradiction to the TNN posting which is basically gone now.

>> No.56018135

He owns you though. The ironic part about you culties is you dont realize youre the same as him. Also:

That meme above>>56017767 broke you, and finally:

The chart

>> No.56018143

do you think the moorshit walking graft has ever talked to his father about his crippling porn addiction? is it true that all muslims are such depraved degenerates behind closed doors? (probably the father also has even worse tastes or perversions)

so much for the "invaders" kek, parasitic leeches living in slums whilst masturbating to death.

>> No.56018144

>itsthhhh a consssssthpirathhyyyyyy

The boy who cried wolf over here. You know, you “marines” sure do play the victim card a lot

>> No.56018151

>gets himself doxxed on the asshole of the internet
>"t-this means he owns you, look at this badly made meme now"
can you explain this logic? did chris-chan start owning /b/ when he became a lolcow on there? sounds like a third-worlder's attempt at cope

>> No.56018153

Lmao at the blatant samefagging in this thread. Fuddies are unhinged

>> No.56018155

Did amazon have a cult that tried to dox le fudders or was the sole difference between it and Link? Linkies are so broken they spend all day plotting revenge on some random jerkoff dude a continent away hahahahahaa. You guys are kinda gay

>> No.56018170
File: 126 KB, 680x820, B8516C52-8DCC-4480-95A2-2F2BCFF211D9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This you?

>> No.56018175

Just admit the meme bothers you. It is fucking hilarious. It destroys you because it is you. Fag

>> No.56018184

Kek that image never gets old

>> No.56018221
File: 56 KB, 794x796, fuckaroundfindout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-i can't answer your questions so please just pretend that the meme hurts your feelings
uh yeah sure bro
oof ouch! this hurts! that looks and sounds just like me apparently! i am utterly "destroyed"

so NOW can you explain how a dude "owns" a board by chimping out on it every day after getting himself ousted as a cumbrained incel full-time fuddie? an easier explanation is that he just went ahead and put himself on the scale in pic related because he wanted attention from biz so badly (and he got it, just not in the way he wanted) lmaoooo

>> No.56018225
File: 540 KB, 1125x1409, 4B9EF101-E261-4C39-A855-FEFCB9206632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>w w we doxxed him, he deleted everything mahhhhhrines

Ooooohhhhhhh linnnnnnnnkiiiiiieeees. Can you really claim victory when he comes back every single day and shits on you? Between Thomas and the team, are Linkies ever not covered in shit?

>> No.56018232
File: 560 KB, 1125x1837, F94902E6-4EF6-45CF-B4BF-72E6A5FD4389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>g guys Im a dangerous elite autist

Cupcake soft. Your “doxx” is nothing. Less than nothing, pussy. Now go help mommy with the dishes, she has a big date tonight

>> No.56018256

>t-the d-doxx is n-nothing
Hasn't he deleted his account twice over it though? And now he's here, extremely upset and chimping out and obviously scared that someone's going to hurt him irl?
I dunno man, looks like he's absolutely whipped by biz and lives here 24/7 as a result. That's just the reality of it KEK

>> No.56018311

>I dunno man, looks like he's absolutely whipped by biz and lives here 24/7 as a result. That's just the reality of it KEK
Absolutely. He seems ever more deranged since the 2nd doxx. Appears to hound the place around for any link related posts and claim his "vengeance" on every thread lmao. I would be funny if it wasn't so sad. Go on kid, you will eventually get one up and le ebil linkies will be defeated kek

>> No.56018327
File: 638 KB, 1125x1874, 9457C3BC-B5E1-4AA5-9882-3D21D6855DE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize Im not him right? And you also realize you can literally just go on twitter and see he posted a few hours ago

Hahahahahahahaa holy shit you cuckolds arent too bright are you

>> No.56018329
File: 100 KB, 1008x514, 1E48437F-593F-43C4-B57F-A50C88809000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude i checked his twitter and biz is basically all he talks about now
think about that
he's a porn addict with a dead business and finance board living rent free in his head, and his life revolves around pretending to be an og when he's obviously just another stacklet who bought the top in 2021
and his only actual job prospects are trying to grift even dumber subhumans while working at MLM scam companies

i just feel sorry for the guy personally
he's obviously not very smart and doesn't know how to deal with having his details leaked
i also keep seeing pic related being posted which seems to kill fud threads here and there so im guessing he knows that someone knows his actual neighborhood / street

a lesson for everyone - dont act like a faggot on 4chan when your personal details are easy to find

>> No.56018347
File: 628 KB, 1125x1188, 25F02C7C-3AD7-429A-8C97-532426D7D104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuckold concern trolling

The old “anyone against my cult is deranged” line, a reddit classic. That meme above broke you guys. You are fighting it tooth and nail, but it just comes across as desperate. Maybe your cult leader can help

>> No.56018364
File: 486 KB, 1280x956, uh huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not him, I'm just angrily posting on his behalf
>He posted on twitter recently therefore I'm not - I mean he isn't here chimping out right now with screenshots from his own literal who account

>> No.56018374

>biz is all he talks about

Ehhh…Id argue its the other way around. I will go in Link threads and the cucks will preemptively post the Thomas pasta. Hes that in your head.

> a lesson for everyone - dont act like a faggot on 4chan when your personal details are easy to find

Incel delusion fantasy. Again, what has this “doxx” done? You guys are the worlds biggest losers so having your name here means absolutely nothing. Youre having an emotional tantrum bc a random dude online made fun of your cult. You need a hard look in the mirror

>> No.56018383


Projection. Im laughing my ass off how hard he triggers you. And to reiterate, he absolutely OWNS you. Also, youre kinda gay for thinking about another dude jacking off bahahahahahahah, fag

>> No.56018420

>timeline is basically all angry posts about biz and biz references now
>still pretending that he hasn't shut down his account multiple times over it
i understand why you're trying to run this as some kind of damage control but the cats already out of the bag, friendo
you should have just cut your losses after the first time and made a new persona
now its probably just gonna escalate from here because biz actually has some really mentally ill people here

>> No.56018423
File: 754 KB, 1125x1132, 0F11B24C-C8DA-4775-959C-33CF453A1E91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we stop to appreciate how great this meme is? Linkies are THE cuckolds of crypto

Youre weak
Youre stupid
Youre broke
AND youre a cuck

>> No.56018431
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Stfu youre a fuckin wannabe tough guy.

>s s someone else here will get you
But not you eh? No balls

>> No.56018433
File: 1.14 MB, 200x147, 1871994690864252.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gets doxxed on 4chan
>Claims to "own" 4chan as a result?
>Starts chimping out and doubling down even more

>> No.56018448

see how you're reacting?
i never said id do anything and i dont want anything to happen to you honestly, you're just not important outside of being amusing trivia
your life sounds bad enough as it is without further interference, so youve already paid your toll imo

>> No.56018509

brown kekfuddie Adem absolutely mind broken ITT lmao

>> No.56019028

Checking lispy dudeposter's digits. Those are the words of your camp, not mine. I think the whole NWO/WEF/Cult of Saturn thing is retarded. Those in power will continue with their plans regardless of whether autists hold link or not. And there's something to be said about a system that manages something like 7 billion people and keeps a majority of them somewhat happy and healthy. Could they do better? Maybe. Could they do a lot worse? Absolutely.

>> No.56019038

no one cares when the price of the token is low. Fuck off

>> No.56019056

>chimping out

Not really. Just letting you fake keyboard toughguys know youre frauds. You faggots love to insinuate how dangerous it is to talk shit to your cult here, meanwhile you cant even do 10 pushups. Become a man before its too late bro. You should be thanking me for this. Some of you need an asskicking. Thats the problem with everyone under 30 and lame ass partcipiation trophy culture. Youre beyond soft

>> No.56019060

If you're not him youre even more pathetic for white knightong in every thread that he gets called out in (which only happens after he posts his gay little fantasies which immediately outs him) my favorite line of his is the "youre my bitch because you reply to me" thing. Really glorious projection since we can make him dance just by speaking of him which immediately summons him.
Real. If he stopped being obnoxious and made a genuine apology and appealed to the humanity within all of the people he tries to harrass he'd probably be met with sympathy and genuine concern and encouragement to get help rather than being mocked. Whether fuddie or avocados were all link bros at the end of the day. These are just little roles we play to pass the time while we wait for the inevitable.

>> No.56019186

>Keeps screeching about internet tough guys and how he has been threatened in this thread or something
Yeah dude you don't sound worried at all! And why would you assume that the kind of people who would use that info to actually find and hurt you would actually openly talk about it on a honeypot website? You really are a bit daft, aren't you?

>> No.56019206

literally just one incel switching IDs and blogging his incel manifesto ITT

protip vlog you're incel manifesto on jewtube for max carnage

>> No.56019214

>1pbtid OP
>80 hysterical fud replies
Absolutely based lmao just kick the hornets nest and walk away

>> No.56019231
File: 113 KB, 1170x1137, basedbladerunnerkings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'd think these fags would do something productive with their time like taking down security cameras like these based blade runner kings