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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56012375 No.56012375 [Reply] [Original]

It's pretty obvious now that we're at peak depression with the ETF around the corner this fall. So far I was only stacking sats and managed to accumulate 1 BTC. Shill me some alts (no faggy memecoins please). I'm thinking about getting some Solana and Matic with my last 5k I have in my savings account. What's the SUI and make it stack for SOL and MATIC?

>> No.56012507

>ETF around the corner this fall
What makes you think they won't just delay them all again?
Bitwise withdrew its ETF applications for a reason. They have no intention wasting their money and time begging politicized SEC for permission when they know SEC intends to delay them all until timing is right.

>> No.56012513

We are literally at denial

>> No.56012515

Gary is under strict orders from Biden inc and Liz Warren banker lobbyists to stop crypto. We won’t get an ETF until Trump gets back in

>> No.56012525

The constant L's the SEC is eating and also the fact that Robinhood bought over 3B in Bitcoin alone without moving the price that tells you the scalping was done by a professional. Oh, and there's the fact that Blackrock owns the fucking government they are above the law.

>> No.56012527

We're at complacency

>> No.56012533

No way. Normies are out of the market and the FUD has reached stratospheric levels. Ppl are unironically saying that there will be no more bull cycle it's depression.

>> No.56012579

What makes you think it gets approved. Nothing changed since van eck
Oh, right, Larry the headless jew fink

>> No.56012582

>my investments are with great companies
Other than the LINK token holders. I don't think anyone is delusional enough to think they are holding great tokens.

>> No.56012589

It takes a while for people to forget they got ass raped in the last cycle

>> No.56012603

Yup, that's why we buy before they do. 99% will always chase pumps and that's how they get rekt.

>> No.56012685

Crapto is over. There is no merit in the tech. The oracle isn't satisfiable solvable, so it's a closed island tech that is ultimately worthless

>> No.56012745

As I said, Depression

>> No.56012812

>It's going up again
>Please buy my worthless useless bags of communist surveillance tool
>Come on
The oracle problem is not satisfiable solvable there is no value in crypto
And it makes 0 sense to put the world on chain, except if you are a drooling communist grifter looking to enslave the population

>> No.56012829

>We are at depression
Kek nigger when every redditor that bought in 2021 is saying we are at depression thats how you know we aint. Good luck to you and every other newfag that was sucking formula when 08 or even the dotcom happened. You have no idea whats happening.

>> No.56012855

Between anger and depression, and reaching the old ATH's will take several years

>> No.56012880

Market is more illiquid than ever. After the halving and the ETF the supply shock alone will make the price pump WAY faster it will take days to zip past the previous ATH. If I'm not mistaken this newest whale (robinhood) slurped 20% of the entire circulating supply in days.

>> No.56012900

I read that miners will have to sell a lot of coins after the halving because of their dire situation, so there will be a lot of sell pressure as well.

Realistically we need to go through the recession and Fed easy so at least another year before an uptrend. But the golden conditions from 2020 and 2021 will hardly repeat themselves

>> No.56012952

From a macroeconomic standpoint you are absolutely correct we do need a recession but here's the thing the election is right around the corner and they will need to pump the markets so it looks good as no president ever won a reelection during a recession. IMO the fed will do another round of QE add the halving and the spot ETF and you get the perfect storm. As for the sell pressure from the miners it is a possibility for sure but there will be plenty of buying pressure from the ETF and their pockets are deep af.

>> No.56012960

If I had to bet I think we have another pump in the tank and a 1929 style crash shortly after. Prob by 2030. The wildcard now is that the Saudis will join BRICS in 2024 and this will kill the dollar as they together with Iran and Russia will represent over 80% of the energy market... but hey your guess is as good as mine I have no way to prove my hypothesis.

>> No.56012965
File: 215 KB, 879x403, Screenshot from 2023-09-02 22-01-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek picrel sounds like (you)

>> No.56012979

See? We have to start buying more. My current play is to become a wholecoin (done) and then start accumulating alts as a form of leveraged play without all the risk of longing the market bc with an illiquid market the volatility will be too high.

>> No.56012982

What do you reckon the SUI for Matic and Solana are?

>> No.56013083

That seems too optimistic

>> No.56013091

I we have another entire cycle that ends in a crash without any meaningful adoption it's time to move on

>> No.56013096

>You think there is more downside risk so you must have gotten rekt.
Nigger I already made it cope and seethe.

>> No.56013114

>Shill me some alts

>> No.56013145

they're going to fuck themselves in the ass trying to torpedo crypto

>> No.56013169


>> No.56013193

Gensler seems willing to sacrifice his career as long as he kills crypto

>> No.56013200

Because I have it.

>> No.56013202

This. Bitfuck is going to $10.

>> No.56013216

Experts are predicting that @cogwise is taking over the finance sector in a year or two.

>> No.56013245

denial was in-between 3ac do-kwon and ftx collapse

>> No.56013289

We are done with panic and capitulation. People left ages ago. We are past anger too, we are but we are far from depression. ETF news will come with halving news to turn this thing around so baglets have almost one more year to accumulate

>> No.56013676

kek at least you're honest

>> No.56013730


Pulsechain pulsechain and pulsechain - nuff said nigga

>> No.56013743

OP you are telling yourself a story and you know you are
There isn't max depression
Know why?
You just posted this bullish thread
This is a green thread, not a red one
It's literally not full depression because here you are being bullish

>> No.56013747

the difference is you're being emotional and he's being analytical
thinking in "bullish" and "bearish" is retarded, just analyse where you're at and act accordingly

>> No.56013805


>> No.56013822

Except i'm a fucking nobody and a contrarian by nature so my bullish opinion is not an indicative of the opinion of the majority and by applying your logic there has never been capitulation ever bc somebody somewhere was bullish.

>> No.56013830

No one uses Bitcoin as a currency. In fact the people who buy it don’t even want that, they want the value to keep going up (making it unusable as a currency) and so they can change it back for dollars later. However the SEC rightfully sees cryptos as speculative as much as securities or futures or options or forex and wants appropriate regulation. This trigger manchildren who spend more time watching porn than reading investing material.

>> No.56013884

> bitcoin
> currency
Anon I...

>> No.56014244

Always dial back a few times over the general consensus opinion on where we are at each time this chart is posted.

>> No.56014297

Saying we're in depression is the functional equivalent of being bullish because the upswing is right around the corner. When we're in depression, you won't be here optimistically saying we're in depression. You'll be back at McDonald's wishing you never heard about this place.

>> No.56014312


>> No.56014322
File: 45 KB, 1361x774, Screenshot 2023-09-03 185815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The crypto bottom is in!"

Is it though?

>> No.56014325

there are only 2 "coins" that are not scams. XMR and ETH.

>> No.56014334

if not then we are going to 2016 prices which... doesn't makes sense because most coins are down -95% or more

>> No.56014469
File: 480 KB, 1242x2208, FB72BA3D-1FAF-4797-8E63-B4C8393533FD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56014604

MATIC is on my top list. You can also add NXRA. A lot of bullish news have been flying around it.

>> No.56014683

you are likely to ignore this but KDA is the best advice you will ever get
good luck taking it
DYOR of course
if youre not a retarded faggot youll buy

>> No.56014690

>The wildcard now is that the Saudis will join BRICS in 2024 and this will kill the doll
If that's the case then there isn't a valid reason to not start QE again

>> No.56014734

>no faggy memecoins
you guys are all such idiots for not buying HPOP8I, I have never seen devs so involved. They have spaces on X 24/7 and have several billionaires keeping the chart up. They are literally giving away their NFTs. I got one at .006 ETH and they keep sweeping the floor to .33 ETH. get the fuck in

>> No.56015479

Buy RAIL or just die poor.
>> $16M in MC
>> Privacy focused

>> No.56015583

We are literally at complency aka return to normal

>> No.56015608

time to buy bsv

>> No.56015613

bearish as fuck

>> No.56017343

I'm not the average person. I leave my feelings outside when I'm trying to figure out the market.
I just want to make money so I can stack more sats. BTC is all that matters.
Will look it up thx
My point exactly. They can't raise interest bc the amortization alone is more than the entire defense budget at the current rates and there is nothing stopping another QE. IMO they will revise the inflation metric to 3% and tell the normies that they missed it by 1% (when in fact a raise from 2% to 3% represents a 50% raise in inflation but most normies can't into math so they won't figure it out) and turn the printer on once again.
I bought a bag when it was first shilled here, same for canine with a baseball bat. Made 100k total in the casino and paid off all my student loans and my mortgage.

>> No.56017355
File: 176 KB, 610x421, 1693570628740883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why it's a good time to buy. When it looks bullish you should already have your bag. You are not a genius, I'm not a genius so the only chance we hit the absolute bottom is if we get lucky and counting on luck is not something I do.. but if that's your strategy then go for it.

>> No.56018041
File: 69 KB, 602x452, 1665664846555353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MATIC, SOL and POND. That's the right call.
>Make it stack
I'm more bullish on POND and SOL than MATIC despite me liking all three. POND will release a pretty good piece of middleware soon-ish with good chance at mass adoption (look up Oyster enclaves) and Solana gets megapumps every now and then despite me not being 100% sure on why that happens.

>> No.56018401

>SUI ngmi
>MATIC might make it or not
>SOL- jut stick to buying the dips.

You're better off with platforms that Gary would have little or no control over. Go Defi especially those platforms with a functional DAO.

>> No.56018500

Whenever I hear y'all talk about DAOs that are functional, I laugh my ass out. Lol

>> No.56018616

But there are functional DAOs in Defi atm. SpoolFi's DAO has developed so much to the point that it offers some sort of help and guidance to other upcoming DAOs. Defi is coming.

>> No.56018680

thx bros

>> No.56018838

How do you know the DAO is that functional? Never believe what's written on social media.

>> No.56018903

most people are quite optimistic and loading up thinking the bullrun is only a few months away. This makes me quite sure there's at least one more big dip.
I visit a small normie message board that has a long-running crypto thread as a way to gauge sentiment. I know we're past depression because it used to go weeks without any new posts. Now there are several posts a day about accumulating and buying before the next bull market returns, the overall feeling is much more positive.

>> No.56018910

Gems like KAS and FUN will be carrying this market. Once bullrun resumes, it’ll be a whole different story out there

>> No.56018981

I know it's functional because I'm a member of the DAO nd I can see literally see my inputs being worked on.