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56009368 No.56009368 [Reply] [Original]

There will never again be so many golden opportunities that I squandered each and every time.

>> No.56009455
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>Noooo I didn't capitalize on the dollar getting off the gold standard
>Noooo I didn't short the Japanese housing market in the 80's
>Noooo I didn't capitalize on the dip of the Dotcom crash
>Noooo I didn't short WTC stocks when those planes hit
>Noooo I didn't listen to Burry when he was shorting housing bonds
>Noooo I didn't buy 20 billion BTC when they were 0,0002 dollars each
>Noooo I didn't invest in big pharma before corona
>Noooo I didn't buy one specific shitcoin before it mooned

There are always more opportunities. Whatever's being said about the end times now has been said for the past millennium.
Just keep your eyes open and you'll find something. Don't panic.

>> No.56009463 [DELETED] 
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did you think haircomb was a meme or keylogger too?

>> No.56009472

It's unironically the end this time. All other avenues of making it besides wagerslavery are gone now.

>> No.56009525
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>>Noooo I didn't capitalize on the dollar getting off the gold standard
>>Noooo I didn't short the Japanese housing market in the 80's
I was too young for these.

>>Noooo I didn't capitalize on the dip of the Dotcom crash
>>Noooo I didn't short WTC stocks when those planes hit
I was a broke college student

>>Noooo I didn't listen to Burry when he was shorting housing bonds
no idea this guy even existed at the time

>Noooo I didn't buy 20 billion BTC when they were 0,0002 dollars each
This one I actually tried to do in 2010 but couldn't find a way to do it.

>>Noooo I didn't invest in big pharma before corona
uh, ok I guess...

>>Noooo I didn't buy one specific shitcoin before it mooned
usually I don't sell before it crashes that's the real issue

While I agree there will be more opportunities (hopefully) it really feels like there's nothing that going to give you a chance for quick a massive gains like crypto used to be able to do. Feels like it's over, also there's the fact that we don't have unlimited time... getting older and taking risk becomes more dangerous.

That said the most important thing I've learned is to actually have money/save....so that when the opportunity does arrive you have capital to take advantage of it. Also don't be afraid to break the rules or do something that maybe seem a bit extreme, if I had went to extremes to acquire Bitcoin in 2010 then I would have been rich right now, but it wasn't a sure thing at the time, there was no indication that it would go up massively, I just wanted to buy some because "fuck the government, if they can't stop it then I want some."

>> No.56009589
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It's worse than it's ever been, and it's in a global economy for only the second time in any significant sense.
But look at what you assume will be happening in 10 years and roughly bank on that. You should be all in on AI instead of crypto at this point.
Some digital Fiat coin is somehow more of a speculator's market than AI? That can't last, so get in on it.
The greatest fortunes of all are yet to be made.

Of course you weren't around in the 80's to bet on these events. The point was that plenty of people before you thought the same things OP is right now.
The chances for a big pump in anything is entirely risk-based, so while crypto might have another big boost in the next quarter, there's plenty of industries only on the cusp of popularity right now. Just look further than coinmarketcap.com.
Maybe some new alloy will prevent bitflipping in manned spacecraft and speculators will jump on the manufacturer's stock because they're afraid a solar flare will brick everything except alloyed processors.
Maybe there's some treatment of kevlar that makes it suitable as a lightweight sound insulator and some dumbass is going to stumble on it next year, mooning all use of it.
Maybe there's a streamlined way for water-purification that's about to be introduced and will change the entire Indian continent into an actually livable space.

And yes, fuck the government.
But crypto isn't all they didn't have a grip on at first.

>> No.56009671

I feel like AI is just the next big meme. Normies just say "Muh AI" but beyond "replacing jobs" and "data collection" there's not much else to it.

>> No.56009695

If anything is worth going long in, it's AI. It might not be ChatGPT, but it's going to be big.
Think about Teflon for a second. It was just a non-stick alloy for cookware but some guy called Gore found out you could heat it up and stretch it into a fabric that turns out to be a very good insulator.
Guy made billions out of an outdated tech he fucked around with.

AI is so much more versatile than this and you assume it's going to be a meme? This is extremely pessimistic from an investor's standpoint.
Every time there's a new technology the unbelievers shill ancient technology because the implementation would be too costly. Think trains, combustion engines, electricity, trans-Atlantic flights, etc.
But there is NO cost associated with implementing AI into this overwhelmingly digitized world. Why wouldn't we bank on it?
For better or worse it will take off, and it's going to be fucking huge.

>> No.56009932

One thing I've accepted over the last 7 years of investing is that there is ALWAYS plentiful moonshots. 50-100X is all around you. The only problem is most of these are short term gains and those are heavily taxed. Heavily taxed trades are a ticket to hell because you are responsible for the evil that you financially support.

>> No.56010154

just buy plebbit
plebbit dot com

>> No.56010160

There is one more bull run. It is now or never.

>> No.56010179

Same OP. It's amazing looking back. I was given a winning lottery ticket and I was too much of a pussy to hit the sell button and cash it in. From over a million dollars to 300k. I'm just praying we get some good price action in 2024/2025.

>> No.56011439
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I'm gonna third party this comment, how would you suggest capitalizing on AI? I'm guessing stocks, but is there any other way?

>> No.56011499


The next bull market is going to be insane. 100k btc ez. It’s so obvious. It’s just hard af to know when it will come. I’m guessing early 24. These jews will bart us into oblivion as long as they want so just hold on for dear life because they will reverse eventually, the law of physics dictates it

>> No.56011609

300k is still good enough to make good bets on relatively good stocks and get 1-2 M in 5years from now you don't need a huge bullrun to make it.

However poorfags like me are unronically dead. Crypto was indeed the best/only way to make it for poorfags.
People saying "there are always opportunities" are stupid.

>You could short the housing bubble
Yes, what about the short limitations, limited leverage ? Burry made money because he used a firm and went max leverage with firm's money. He is the only guy who successfully made money on the crash, retailers were forbidden to short the market, exactly like china right now.

>You could accumulate after the 2000 bubble
Yes, go buy AAPL for 20 years for a 20x return. If you have a top 5% salary and dump 30% of net income on AAPL for 20 years, yes you might have made it. For what cost ? How much time and dedication did it take ?

>You could short japan
Again short sellers are limited by a lot of factors: short interest rate, limitations, max % is 99% opposite to infinite % on the upside. "But options?" It's gambling and stupid and long term options don't deliver good returns overall. Short term options are literally loto tickets.

And so on..

With crypto you could have an account without any ID, use 30x leverage, withdraw 2btc DAILY (which was 30k$ approx in 2018) without any kyc, transfer wordwide unverified money. It was insane. You could buy Ethereum with an unverified account, it would go 150x so with a small 2k buy you could buy a full flat after a few months (a good flat was 120k in 2017). I remember a guy I knew, he told me about Ethereum at 5$ he bought 5k, then he made 200k, bought a house few months later.

Even now with good stocks you're at leverage 2x max or options but we all know options are stupid R/R related if not for hedging. Also insane fees(disguised for most), max regulation, limited shorts, gaps, rugs.

Also every retard is calling another crypto run like it's obvious. Biggest sell signal.

>> No.56011672

>There are always opportunities
Yes mr genius, that's why I was right on the exact day to go short gbp/usd, I took the perfect set-up, the perfect trade.
I made fucking 300$.

With the same perfect trade on Ethereum you just buy a house the following month.

>But... There are always opportunities
Yes I also took some trade on the polish market, some wild tickers, one of them went 3x in a few months which is great related to others stocks. But : no leverage possible, low liquidity (cigame CIG ticker) and even 3x in a few months is great, with low capital good riddance. I think I made something like 2k on this one. Fucking great one month expanse I'm rich wow.

Opportunities doesn't mean good return it's actually uncorrelated.