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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 587 KB, 604x675, racist man laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56008351 No.56008351 [Reply] [Original]

>CRA (Canadian IRS) fires dozens more employees for applying for CERB while working for tax authority
'Out of the approximately 600 cases we can report that 120 individuals are no longer with the CRA as a result of this internal review'

120 Canadian IRS employees defrauded the Canadian government out of ~20,000$ each.

>> No.56008360

The pyramid scheme and ponzis are in full collapse

>> No.56008365
File: 3.48 MB, 1916x1033, canadian tax collectors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the people who did it

>> No.56008371

What do i care, the ponzis are breaking world wide, and there wont be any picking up the slack, we leave it to die, burn Rome to the ground and when there is only ashes point at the corpses and laugh saying
Told you so

>> No.56008381

Canada ain't rome though , more like a roman toilet

>> No.56008385

>all women
>immigrants with luxury handbags
the usual

>> No.56008387

The west in general that got run into the ground by drooling stuck in the late 90s kumbaya boomers and their freak pink haired heirs, tech bruh scammers that repackaged html, databases and script languages for 30 years straight, finance jews playing rehypotecization pyramid scheme with real estate, while a group of right wingers screamed for 20 years stop it this is ending in a catastrophy and got waved away and called nazis, left wing retards from the 30s

We have enough and wont pick up the slack, just let it die

>> No.56008391

>Muh right left votin
Voting doesn't matter retard , didn't you get it while you were barking for 20 years.

>> No.56008392

How chuffin' dare you.... what about the new audi!? It's not stealin', it's owed. Now get out and do some waging wagie. A 90 minute bus ride there and 90 minutes back for 1 hour of shift time is perfectly reasonable.

>> No.56008398

Oh so you are one of the parrots, completely terminally brainwashed. Congrats, you die in the fire with the rest, buried under 50 years of retardation and pyramid schemes, by a generation of draft dodgers

>> No.56008401
File: 118 KB, 929x906, canada 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draft dodgers are heroes in Canada, imagine fighting for this

>> No.56008408

As I said, it's over. It's completely done. There is nothing that can prevent the pyramid scheme and ponzi games that were built on assumption about future productivity and reproduction rate that never happened collapse. The future is now, time to pay up, in blood

>> No.56008411

> Its le over, IT JUST IS OKAY

>> No.56008415
File: 119 KB, 1024x597, zogbot cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dodging military is smart imo, why would anyone throw their life for a bank/hedgefund , you sound like a braindead retarded mutt.

>> No.56008424

Tell me how do you plan on keeping the pyramid schemes going? More immigration, more unproductive population, while boomers cash out of the pyramid scheme and the pay -ins go negative?
Oh yeah, crapto is the solution, nononono, AI is the solution, oh oh oh I know Digital identity will turn it around, or how about evs, there is no solution. The pyramid scheme is done

>> No.56008448
File: 323 KB, 1600x2384, bill gates daughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is over for the west overrall since they are already planning to move into the east and africa and by them i'm talking about the big players of course.

There are starting to mix with asians ,blacks and arabs to enter the game
>pic real is bill gates daughter

>> No.56008452

You don't get the core problem. The cleavages, the atomization are too far gone. There is no shared reality, no common identity no trust in society. No national economy, that on top is also looking at the barrel of demographic catastrophy can survive this, more so when the base of the economy is not build upon tangible production but pyramid schemes and bullshit services, like dog walking, airbnbing, app development, call centers, and "science"

>> No.56008459

Asia is fucked as well. Their demographic pyramid looks even worse, and asias economy is 100% dependent on the west buying their crap

Globalization pyramid scheme is coming down together, world wide. There is no place to flee, not for the plebs, not for those invested in it, and the latter is going to lose the most

>> No.56008464

Damn the pits on top right are so delicious

>> No.56008466
File: 6 KB, 250x200, 1508435905026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and of course the solution was to vote harder and send more of our bravest and strongest children to die in foreign wars.

>> No.56008474

Yes, that would have been the solution. But instead, the amount of non voters is the highest voting demographic

>> No.56008477
File: 40 KB, 580x386, bill gates blacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is her now , yes both of his daughters got browned/black and moved to the east.
You can see this with a lot of big families , look up kate rotschild, there is a clip of trumps grand daughter speaking fluent mandarin.

>> No.56008488

Looks sweet, happy for her

>> No.56008493

Oh. You are just the hapa, spamming this website. Go back to your dead subreddit hapa

>> No.56008497

You should consider preparing an exit and aswell.

>> No.56008523

What does it mean? I already moved to Japan in 2013

>> No.56008540
File: 186 KB, 600x600, sexypepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based ????
a bit high taxes though

>> No.56008544

Fuck off hapa, go back to your dead sub reddit you stinking Asian mutt

>> No.56008559

Not reading.
Is CERB Canadian centerlink?