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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 270x258, a8bab0b36c53ea552842a567a4c6b4c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55998291 No.55998291 [Reply] [Original]

Relaunched at a terrible time, with terrible liquidity, and terrible token distribution. Congratulations morons.

>> No.55998324

its almost like it lacks the spirit the original one had. Oh wait, it DOES lack the money laundering and real team the original one had. this shit wont succeed its just another erc20 shitcoin now.

>> No.55998488

They need a bat to the head. They are trying to get the original token holders to buy their bags on the eth version. Very scum baggy of them. They are either really fucking stupid or something for releasing a shit coin during a bear market.and conning original holders like this. Its very sad. Self proclaimed devs trying to rip apart the community for a quick buck. The original coin will go up with bnb. They are so stupid they think binance will go down like FTX but they don't realize due to their stupidity that if binance goes so will crypto. Their money is running out and they will have to leave thailand if their little scam can't find more liquidity so they can dump their bags. They also claimed CEXs are "knocking at their door". They will ruin lives by conning original holders to sell their bnb bags for this steaming pile of shit. L

>> No.56000643

>he fell for the bear market meme
Do you also clap when the airplane lands? Are you that mentally challenged that you have to rely on this fake ass market to make personal decisions? Wake up it’s all being manipulated by people that make more money than you in an hour than you would make in three lifetimes.

>t. doesn’t hold any dogbat

>> No.56000773

Ah yes another daily dobeaux fud thread by nobonkers, ty just bought more faggot

>> No.56000789

If by spirit you mean endlessly spamming on biz like we are doing right now im sorry to break it to you kumar.....

>> No.56000828
File: 347 KB, 777x440, Screenshot 2023-08-29 at 9.50.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DoctorBonker samefagging.

He thinks I didn't save all his profile before he deleted it. He also tried to ask for eth for him to stop posting fake fud. The sociopath schizos are fudding d0b0 again like 2021. Bullish sign

>> No.56001389
File: 29 KB, 640x557, neutreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know fellow dobro, literallly same autism and fud aura as with bnb bat insanely bullish. Everytime they seethee and cope i up my stack.

>> No.56001450

Don’t drag me into this I would rather buy dogbat than watch these fucking crybabies shit up the board with more useless threads like this

>> No.56001454

Hahaha the amount of effort in fud some people dedicate their lives for. All because a little dog and it's bat. It's fucking disgusting, they need to liquidate themselves.

>> No.56001612

Based devs launched it while BTC is trending down, so they can dump on noobs and make extra money during bear

>> No.56001614

>They seethed on bnb. They missed 200mil
>They are seething on eth. They are gonna miss the inevitable
Does biz ever learn? These retards are getting a second chance and yet refuse

>> No.56001623
File: 372 KB, 1125x2436, IMG_1691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily casual reminder that the current /biz dogbat eth fudder is doctor b0nker, the same guy who asked me to give him eth so he would end fudding deaub0 eth. This is the state of bnb in a nutshell, jeets trying to act morally superior who got nothing to offer but believe they can bully their way to money.

Try harder faggot

>> No.56001663

Anon its the same cancerous fud biztards did on bnb. Just usual day. Nobonkers completely btfo. The complete state of fudderss

>> No.56001808


>> No.56001858
File: 3.92 MB, 2436x1125, IMG_6565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yawn another day and another lame ill informed argument about eth dog bat. When will biz learn? Buy the meme coin that actually has a chance. Hold it like the chad you want to be but aren’t, and then get rich after looping in the hype fiends on Twitter. You biz faggots have been burned many times yes. We all have. But to be a contrarian “I’m better than you” fudding faggot isn’t the best get rich method is it? How’s it feel to be stuck in six figure hell still? Oh what’s that? You don’t even have a six figure net worth? Go buy more green candles and never sell the top because it’ll go higher. Dumb dumbs.

>> No.56001941

This is literally the plot of Austin Powers. Poor doctor B0nker, still watching VHS from 1999


>> No.56001948
File: 916 KB, 2000x2000, Wagie_Bonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They seethed on bnb. They missed 200mil
Dogbatretards doing revisionism lmao. The fud came AFTER 200 mill because people were sick of coping dogbatretards spamming the board. Everybody knew it was over after the double top except for dogbat whales who bagheld without selling even once.

>Anon its the same cancerous fud biztards did on bnb. Just usual day. Nobonkers completely btfo. The complete state of fudderss
>Acts like the fud didn't have any affect on dogbat BNB
I'd say the fud on dogbat BNB was a great success look at the chart lmao. Fud memes completely obliterated post-200 mill dogbat memes to the point pic rel got pinned in Bonksquad. All you guys did was AI spamming and low effort cookie cutter memes.

>> No.56002016

I made this meme and the only revisionism happening is in your posts kek. I watched it go from $10k marketcap to over $200m and the entire time biz was seething. They even said the NYC billboard was fake and then got proven wrong immediately kek. You truly don’t know anything and are just pulling shit out of your ass because you’re having a temper tantrum that you didn’t get your way. Ngmi

>> No.56002073

>"community" driven project (bearish af)=no marketing le work for your bags
>volume is dying just like the bsc version

It's fucking joever.
Congrats to presalers who made some money and are still waiting to kill every small pump

>> No.56002118

Pretty much this. Biztards think that every coin will make then rich. Made around 50 grand from old safemo0Nz so what? Got burned on 200 other shitcoins. Crypto is rinse and error.. Im a dobbeaux holder im not saying its gonna million x but im not saying its gonna rug either. Its all a gamble. I saw old dobeaux/hp0ss didnt buy and missed an easy 400x. Even to this day i think why didnt i put in even measly 100 dollars. You either take the risk or you dont. Never change biz

>> No.56002126

>I made this meme
Nuh uh I made this meme. You're the one pulling shit out of your ass lmao. Of course there are the occasional seething missoors but most of biz was on board. Dogbat general threads reached max replies and any memecoins shilled on biz was fudded relentlessly.

>> No.56002134

Show me the photoshop file chud. Biz hated dogbat so much that they literally wordfiltered it on here long before we ever hit $50m. Stop lying on the internet for attention.

>> No.56002138

Anon i still dont get your point? The fact that it went to 200m plus doeesnt change. People were wrong, seething and fudding everyday. Of course peoplee who didnt sell the top were tards it was completely up to them.

>> No.56002149

no sovl because memers and cool guys leaved the project long time ago
Justin is a jerk and a scammer, santovi and other fags are just glorified jannies

>> No.56002152

Tards like you are the reason why i load up even more. Do you even know how many morons with fud like this ive seen with hp0s/dobeaux? Every fucking day. Now im not saying this is gonna do million x, but i would rather sacrifice my 200 dollars to the village rather than rope myself after not buying

>> No.56002181

If we make a shill thread disguised as a fud thread the mods won't delete it guys! We tricked them!!!

>> No.56002192

Thats why dobeaux wwill forever stay rent free and make biztards seethe. Win win

>> No.56002200

I said it tongue and cheek retard. You're the one who needs to show proof lmao.

>Biz hated dogbat so much that they literally wordfiltered
So a couple jannies missed out dogbat. That has nothing to do with the average biztard being pro-dogbat at the time. Everybody was on board exept the precious metalfags.

>> No.56002221

Seems fairly similar to harrypotter?? That launched and then dumped for a bit. Once it found its bottom then it mooned. Who knows.

>> No.56002228

Tards like you are the reason a new pajeet scam is born every day.. also if relaunching the same turd in another chain is a guaranteed success then everybody would be rich (this eth version is indeed a pajeet scam tho, devs are scammers).
Besides OP arguments of why this shit is failing are valids.
Just buy more and enjoy losing money even if it just $200. It's your money, go for it.

>no memes other than the same 2 or 3 spammed cringe ones
>le work for your bags (very bearish)
>scammer devs
>shitty volume

Yup, it's joever for chuds

>> No.56002295

So bullish. I'm gonna pull up the archives from Oct 2021. It's gotta be the same few anons, I remember how irrationally angry they sounded back then over a coin they shouldn't even care about because they don't even own it

>> No.56002335

>X happened so Y will also happen
Quick way to lose your money. Also alot of BITCOIN whales were in dobeaux ETH presale and we will crash it if dobeaux threaten or slander BITCOIN. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to shill your presale to us.

>> No.56002342
File: 264 KB, 2274x1802, we_are_back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're back bonk sisters

>> No.56002348


spreading lies and misinformation is a common symptom for being a fucking retard

>> No.56002364

So many juicy posts. This was before the giga pump. Damn I miss the bull market
replace the 3 with e

>> No.56002392
File: 41 KB, 384x342, peepo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to be mildly triggered. Why doees a dog with a bat upset you so much? Its makes you seethe to levels never seeen before anon. Bought more ty

>> No.56002410

I mean who wouldnt be when theyvee seen it being shilledd here sub 1mil if not less. You just NEED a good coping mechanism after that amirite

>> No.56002414

You’re gonna get a DMCA from Warner bros as happened with the original bsc version in 2022.

>> No.56002420
File: 46 KB, 750x482, 345466314_571954961447799_7119824050261238347_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some talking points

dogbat has become what they hated, well the ethbats anyway. ive been banned from the reddit and their telegram for some time just for supporting dogbat classic. for. supporting. it. just posting dogbat classic ticker numbers.

its asanine that they claim they are a dual project and it will help them because when dogbat eth crashes after it is rugged from shills cashing in their og dogbat and putting it in dogbat eth, then again we lose twice as much credibility. those devs just ban an open honest conversation about the transparency of their coin. plus dogbat eth hasnt renounced their tokens. that community tax. devs are going to steal it from the community guaranteed.

im just hoping the eth devs lose all of their dogbat classic because they dont deserve it.

eth has insanely high transaction fees. ive always hated eth. it literally pumped when btc dumped and dumped when btc pumped. it was always counterintuitive and meant to sabotage cryptos original whitepaper. as much as i like buterin i know he hated bitcoin. it never worked in unison with btc. ever.

dogbat is looking like another btc vs btc cash dilemma. that fork literally killed the original bitcoin and its ideals. all those dreams of decentralizing fiat in favor of a currency that would stop inflation and flagrant money printing by the elite were severely attacked to a debilitating degree. we would never have had such an unstable pump if these wolf of wall streets in sheeps clothing didnt feel they could use the original tech, but the second time around be able to manipulate it before the people could. they sheisted the people with their shady tactics and voting power at the original fork. i should know i was there.

>> No.56002440

Holy shit I’m not reading all that just but dogbat it’s that easy

>> No.56002452

Oh anon i completely agree with you, tho i still dont understand why some biztards are so irrationally angry about dog with a bat bnb or ethereum it doesnt matter. It does whatever x? cool. It rugs, we get completely fucked by santovi? Also whatever. Of course there is a difference if some anons throwed in their last pension at the top. Thats all there is to it. I just grabbed a stack and enjoy my ride either to the top or complete fucking abbyss, But at least i wont miss if by some godforsaken chance this does well. Ive already missed few 400x becausee those coins looked "retarded". I mean look at hp0s obama fucking sonic inu looks like a complete shitfest yet did hundreds of x, i will never underestimate autism.

>> No.56002488
File: 161 KB, 1024x1024, Blackswan Super Moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitcoiners are gonna shitcoin. Speaking of which, have you looked into the project called Blackswan yet? The AI-powered trading bot swiftly executes trades by analyzing news releases, allowing you to enter positions ahead of the market response, whether the news is positive or negative. You have the option to select the specific events you wish to trade on. For additional information, refer to their Twitter or website. Website: Blackswan dot biz

>> No.56002799

No B0nkye, The fud was always there. You don't know what you're talking about, you werent there for the start. Its not because you started fudding your bags after 200m because you bought the top that fud wasn't there before retard.

Ways to know its b0nkye:
>the image
>the word: revisionism
>thinks he invented d08o fud

>> No.56002830

no b0nkye, its not because you started fudding your own bags at 200m because you bought the top that there was no fud on biz. In fact, the fud was better than yours.

How to know its b0nkye:

>he's mad today on tg chat, deleted everything and he's gone for now
>the pic
>the word "revisionism"
>implying there was no fud before he started fudding because he doesnt know shit and only cares about his nostrils as always

>> No.56002861

I threw $500 in, we'll see what happens

>> No.56002869

No, we don't ban people supporting BNB dogbat. We just ban people who believe supporting BNB dogbat is calling the dogbnk community scammers because of dogbat eth.

Dont twist shit up senpai, we got all the history at hand.

>> No.56002872


>Holders amount unironically decreasing
>Most active TG members smugposting, literally presale niggers circlejerk fest

It's really discouraging desu

>> No.56002883

yeah this is definitely him

>> No.56002887

>says meds

its him

>Holders amount unironically decreasing
>Most active TG members smugposting, literally presale niggers circlejerk fest

That's all on you Ian.

>> No.56002902

>Suddenly namefags


I'm merely a salty poorfag who regrets buying

>> No.56002910

>Implying holder amount forever keeps increasing
>Implying dobbeaux tb wasnt a spam circle jerk fest from the start
Anon are you okay by any chance. Just buy d0gbeeaux and shitpost along the ride down or up instead of seething for ktgd8

>> No.56002916

who uses the same words as b0nkye and somehow finds troubles with the coin but doesn't obviously blame b0nkye for them

>> No.56002920

yeah wb it

>> No.56002936

hello me,

>says samefag
Is wrong like alt calling

its him

>> No.56003032

>2m marketcap
I might buy at 30k

>> No.56003036

Or you might buy at 3B who knows anon. Im always right tho so its your loss.

>> No.56003046

>t. Tryhard presale buyer shill faggot

>> No.56003049

I bought at 3 million you complete mongoloid. Checkmate nobonker faggot

>> No.56003061

>15 posts itt

Well, at least you're "working for your bags" kek

>> No.56003083
File: 1.33 MB, 1408x1410, Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 2.59.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the same phrases as b0nkye

>> No.56003084

>bought at 3 million
Oh Nononononononono

The worst thing is that it will keep dumping and dumping until presalefags unload everything

>> No.56003112

Stfu lil fuders lmao

>> No.56003113

I enjoy suffering therefore i will buy in more because it always go up when the screen is upside done. Heh cornered you there bonkye

>> No.56003190
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Watching you both meltdown and trying to claw your way out of this pit of despair while going through the stages of grief is wank material. Right now other pre sale buyers with half a brain are unloading their bags on other pre salers. Holy fuck you schizos are stupid. A fool and his money.. easy come easy go. Enjoy the ride to 0 gentlemen.

>> No.56003223

I do infact enjoy getting dunked on by heavy presale bags anon, but ive been confirmed to be colorblind so i dont know whether the chart is red or green. bought more

>> No.56003271


Apologize when the CEX will be announced sir. ;)

>> No.56003300 [DELETED] 
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>> No.56003328

its okay that you want a better position to buy sir, don't worry I can handle the chart going down. I absolutely would love to pack more money lower.

>> No.56003358

the chart, lol. this is not salvageable, move on

>> No.56003377

If this gets to Hposi marketcap I'm unironically going to take a big shit, encase it in glass and hand it to my boss

>> No.56003404

I know benzofags Kept buying it and I hope it meets them well. But the biggest thing is gonna happen soon when the QANX private blockchain is launched. Can't wait to make some huge gains from it.

>> No.56003415 [DELETED] 

Get in on LOC poker game and own AceStakes NFTs now before the bullrun starts

>> No.56003439

Get in on LOC poker game and own AceStakes NFTs now before the bullrun starts

>> No.56003489

Based and checked

>> No.56003871

Cumming in your mom was a mistake, now you're posting FUD on 4chan

>> No.56004397

>Right now other pre sale buyers with half a brain are unloading their bags on other pre salers
There’s no volume to substantiate that claim nigger

>> No.56004452

Damn, those desperate bagholders are getting sadder by the day

>> No.56004531

>terrible liquidity

>> No.56006589

Kek, I dumped my bag months ago and never turned back. Now I'm balls deep in Ride and Egld which earn me a based yield on Xexchange.

>> No.56006633

It's the best marketing strategy without needing to spend any money on it and biz eats that shit up every time.

>> No.56006757
File: 56 KB, 1116x691, HAHAHAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys have really outdone yourselves. whats the next plan after the failed eth relaunch, gonna try on base instead??

>> No.56006765 [DELETED] 

dobsisters, our response?

>> No.56006773

how could you be so blind and delusion into thinking this can compete with BITCOIN? the bitcoin guys got their asses on twitter and fucking marketed the hell out of their bags and figured out they needed to be as schizophrenia and meth pilled to get buyers. I could look up dog bat on twitter and all ill see is nothing. You've been on this board since 2021 and have learned NOTHING

>> No.56006785

Damn that dump today really got you in your feelings hey? Cheer up sonicfag there’s a whole world outside of schizo crypto, or just rope. That might be easier.

>> No.56006803

I parked my money on miladys and remilios, and have been enjoying seeing all the other projects seethe as we pass them in floor price. I came here to laugh at you

>> No.56006861
File: 167 KB, 1170x1244, 1E3DB0B7-2C61-4AB3-A81F-1013228E9880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might want to shill a little bit harder there little faggot, your magical schizo shilling powers are pile driving hpussy10i into the fucking ground lmao

>> No.56006879
File: 68 KB, 626x456, F1YkrQCWYAAwnbI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this coin has barely been alive for 2 weeks you pajeet curry nigger

>> No.56007058

This shit is literally brand new and hasn't had a genuine pump yet. This is before being added on listing sites or call groups, and before any exchanges or social media partnerships. Despite that, you niggers act like you're entitled to have your bags pumped after one day like bottom feeding jeets who will inevitably waste more time and money falling for curry scams then come back here and complain that you can't find any real gems.

>> No.56007134

How do i even buy the eth version?

>> No.56007142


>> No.56007156

I see this shit mooning just based on the sheer amount of seethe it has been receiving.

>> No.56007161

hell nah. this was months ago when the tg just suddenly started promoting eth with no warning at all. they just saving face rn bout their policies.

>> No.56007510

this is a subtle shill post. the fact that you are posting in a d0 b0 thread is proof you still want it to pump because you hold either the eth or the bsc one or both. immediatley kill yourself for the low effort

>> No.56007543

Old dobeaux/hp0sz seething is always the best sign. Why would dog with a bat make biztards so irrationally angry?

>> No.56008082 [DELETED] 

K. Look. NFTs were a success. Devs trying hard af on this. Project is going somewhere stfu.

>> No.56008109
File: 42 KB, 870x490, 7D5DCA5D-52C7-486D-82D1-29877B2ADB5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there’s one thing I learned from 2021 world champion competitive vaper, Daniel Magee, it’s that fortune favours the brave. d0b0 fud on biz is bullish, therefore I buy the token. That being said, now that I hold the token, I won’t simply won’t countenance any more d0b0 fud. The fud ends NOW. Capiche?

>> No.56008130

Wat? Dogbat on eth is less than a month old

>> No.56008154 [DELETED] 

Very bullish indeed

>> No.56008258
File: 727 KB, 1439x2398, Screenshot_20230902_062451_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture speaks a thousand words. Hit the jackpot and talked to an NFT designer. Devs are cookin. Just wait and stop listening to this bs.



>> No.56008326
File: 230 KB, 1242x821, 20230828_192342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't touch this program with a 10 foot pole. Probably ransomware and take your wallet. I would not trust.

>> No.56008361

>muh eth fees
>muh buy my 20% tax coin

>> No.56008372

yall just played games with your shit liquidity
dogbat had 1m liquidity at 2.5m, hposi had 3.5m liquidity at like 150m
we are not the same

>> No.56008484

Post the sound effect

>> No.56008657

The liquidity is actually pretty good stop lying

>> No.56008698
File: 1.39 MB, 1280x1017, 84937837193632897924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all in on Boost. Got 2M coins on lockup. I trust the whitepaper, the dev team and the entire community with all of my net worth. Don't worry I'll be back in a few years to laugh at you.

>> No.56008706

There isn't a FUD vector to exploit so they have to invent shit.

>> No.56008707

I’m not here to countenance any FUD, but this faggot has a point, d0b0 Twitter game is homosexual AT BEST, need to buck up their act, quit fuckin about on telegram and find some buyers

>> No.56008713
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x855, 83945324293344333031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol ur just salty we're the superior project. the market will speak for itself and we'll see whos right. boost > d0gbat

>> No.56008869


I cannot think of a coin with lamer imagery. Looks like a dude with a goatee downloaded a pirated copy of Macromedia Fireworks in 2008 after watching The Dark Knight. Good luck!

captcha: buyd0b0

>> No.56008875
File: 22 KB, 640x201, C4DBE779-2494-4BF3-A1C4-4D656E1BEAF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parked my money in nft’s

>> No.56009152
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon im all in dobeaux but isnt having such thick ass liquidity at such mc is counterproductive yeah we might not dump to 0 with sells but i dont think 10k buy ins will barely scratch the chart.

>> No.56009176

You're literally paying for them to stay in thailand and fuck hookers and live lavishly 24/7 while you invest your meager savings hoping to strike it big. Don't be retarded people. Do not buy this shit.

>> No.56009257

Not great but also not bad for a coin it's size
Slow rise vs pump and dump my black skinned fellow

>> No.56009320

i enjoy some good community infighting when the token inevitably dumps, but this is just sad

>> No.56009939

The move to ETH was key but it’s about ETH+Twitter since all the whales and influencers are on Twitter. Hpos guys figured that out and stopped caring about biz. Coin would have had 1/10 the success it did if they didn’t do that