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56007926 No.56007926 [Reply] [Original]

I don't have a son and I had a vasectomy. I made a good investment, anon?

>> No.56008006
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If you're a nigger, congratulations,, you made a great investment.
>I don't have a son
if you have a daughter, do the world a favor and kill her, and yourself immediately.

>> No.56008029

if you're incapable of having a blue-eyed son then yes you've invested in the genetic prosperity of the world.

>> No.56008059

Yeah, now big mike can impregnate your mom and you’ll pay.

>> No.56008060

I know plenty of blue eyed retards that are almost fucking worse than bugs. I wish the blacks and whites would kill each other so us Asians can get on with the rest of human advancement

>> No.56008071

Having children in our era is the most retarded thing someone can do.

>> No.56008100

poorfag detected
Why would raising your progeny in a time when it's easier than ever to build wealth be a bad thing? It sounds like you've been making poor financial decisions anon.

>> No.56008133

>genderless generation
>generation without pronoun
>generation where joke is a crime
>generation where no one loses
>generation that lives on tiktok
The financial part is the easy part of the business, you fool

>> No.56008166

Homeschool your child and take responsibility for it's mind. Stop blaming society for your failings as a parent. If you have the money, there's literally no excuse. It is within your capabilities to raise a strong child.

>> No.56008183

the problem is if all you have are asians you don't have any innovation or advancement. for having a higher iq on average they didn't manage to do anything until europeans showed them how to act like humans.

>> No.56008186

School is primarily used to acquire social intelligence.
Homeschooling is the best way to end up with an incel.
You still have private schools with electronics forbidden but you better be a millionaire for this.

>> No.56008208

>Homeschooling is the best way to end up with an incel
Huh. Weird how all the HNIs homeschool, and yet incels are overwhelmingly in the lower socioeconomic strata - don't you think? Besides - school isnt for socializing; it's for learning. 8hrs a day is not a good balance. There are better ways, anon.
Private schools are getting just as pozzed as state schools in the UK thanks to ESG. Homeschooling and ensuring your child is properly socialized is literally the only way.
>but you better be a millionaire for that
I thought you said the finances were the easy part?

>> No.56008213

>thought you said finances were the easy part
sorry, didnt read your ID. disregard.

>> No.56008250

Of course, school is for socializing. I didn't give a shit about lessons until college, still ended up graduating.

>ensuring your child is properly socialized
And how you ensure this? The second you will put him with people of his age, he's gonna be influenced, or rejected if too different.
The only way is that the entire group he socializes with is kept in a sane place.

>> No.56008380

School is for socialising only if you want to let the state teach your child ethics and morality. Camps, sports, outdoor activities and holidays are the best place to socialise your child imo - not school. There is too much poison in those circles, and your child will be turned against you and your traditions.
>he's gonna be rejected if too different
This is an important lesson for children to learn - self sufficiency, belief in oneself and integrity to do what you believe is right is not taught by group think. I raise my child as an individualist; not a collectivist. He has 3 good friends (one neighbour, two from kickboxing) and all their parents are based. That's enough for a healthy mind.

>> No.56008442

I have 2 sons and refuse to have one, my wife is getting it in october. My whole family acted like I was somehow bad for not getting.

>> No.56008502

He's definitely gonna be an incel. Sorry.

>> No.56008543

Better than a troon.

>> No.56008553
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>my wife is getting it in october.
what ?? does your wife have a cock and balls

>> No.56009242

I think you are irrationally demoralized. I do hope you aren't correct, there's no way of knowing right now. All I know is I've taken every precaution reasonably available to me to give my son the best chance at a balanced and healthy life. He listens to me and I never bullshit the kid. It remains to be seen if this tactic works, but I'm confident I've done the right thing.
Either would be abject failure on my part, but at least inceldom is reversible. Dickchopping is not.

>> No.56011457

Fathers are NGMI

>> No.56011572

Smart lads generally but terrible at taking direction and being decisive. Esp. In SE. Asia.

>> No.56012108
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If life extension happens soon, probably.
If not and the world continues to go to shit, retards keep breeding, and CRISPR and NeuralLink or whatever starts getting used to create better slaves, then probably.

>> No.56012189

>I'm an evil chink
What a surprise. How original.
You seem to be missing what happens when you don't.
Happy Father's Day (at least in Australia).
I love my daughter and I've built up a successful career and a decent amount of wealth so her life and the guidance she receives will be better than my experiences. My wife and I love her more than anything and it's rewarding and feels more meaningful than any other activity in my life prior.
Philosophically, we're shaping the future, disregard the forever alone fags that have entirely opted out of the human race.

>> No.56012280
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Private tutoring/homeschooling was what humanity did for the whole of history until the 19th century.

The modern schooling system was made literally by the j*ws to teach peasants to be drone soldiers, and then workers en masse. Learn about the prussian model of school if you want to learn more.

>> No.56012385

I'm a bong so happy upsidedown fathers day ozanon. It's a demoralizing fact in and of itself that so many young men would willingly terminate their bloodline like this. Men have survived battles and wars beyond modern comprehension just to allow each and every one of us to be here today. There are trillions of involuntarily terminated bloodlines and these faggots just give up. Awful.
I appreciate you.
I don't know how so many people overlook this fact. The state schooling system in britain at least is still using victorian programming techniques, just with a more modern flavour.
I've been looking into sudbury schooling recently, if there were a school like this near me, my boy would be attending:

>> No.56012407

You can adopt a child if you change your mind, but you only live on in spirit instead of blood.

>> No.56012509

What makes you say that?

>> No.56012514

>he fell foe the vasectomy
enjoy having low t

>> No.56012526

How can you invest in the future now retard ?

>> No.56012559
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>I am a genetic dead end.
Thank you for cervix.