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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56007396 No.56007396 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck people create entire religions and cults behind a fucking asset? We still have GME threads and link faggots after YEARS of their stuff dying.

And if you ask it's always the same cope:
>never selling
>nice fud
>if i hold my vidya for another 100 years financial institutions will surely collapse
>do you even know what kind of technology you are in front of?

>> No.56007401

because that small chance of success is all they have

>> No.56007402

nigger ANZ Bank is literally sending CBDC testnet transactions using chainlink as we speak and im still up 10x what the fuck is the problem.

I swear to god you retards will always buy high and sell low. the /biz/ way

>> No.56007403

>We still have GME threads and link faggots after YEARS of their stuff dying
Threads like this just makes me more sure that MOASS is almost here. Sneed hedgie shills

>> No.56007410

This is pathetic.

>> No.56007420

if you're not actively accumulating bitcoin and promising alts (especially chainlink after the SWIFT confirmation) right now, then you're genuinely an idiot and I have nothing to say to you

>> No.56007426

>newfag experiences his first bear market

>> No.56007514

>bought in at $0.02
>predicts chainshit will be at $0.20 soon

>> No.56007521
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because they're fanatics

>> No.56007751

>15 link threads 24/7
Who is shilling this garbage? No one outside of /biz/ even knows what chain link is.

>> No.56007764

Chainlink has a compensated "community advocate" program. They get paid in link tokens to keep threads on the board, and they bump and talk to themselves with airplanemode id changes. Shill, fud, whatever, as long as link threads stay prominently on the board they get paid.

>> No.56007840

what happened to melvin capital? why are there people who have spent full time job hours posting anti gme content as if it’s normal to be 25% (or more) of public discussion on every platform? why is the nbbo still so much higher since jan 28th?

nice fud. never selling.

>> No.56007875

Gme cultists are okay in my book. You stay in your threads unless provoked, and you've even developed your own subtly nuanced Chan sub culture as a result of living in isolation. You're like a remote amazon tribe of people, suspicious of outsiders, and content to bleed money forever as long as you can continue practicing your religion and customs in peace.

The link deathcult has paid faggots going door to door forcing their smug and arrogant total loss of money message on everyone. They're like if the jehova witnesses hired drug addicts to go bang on doors and scream in people's faces about how losing money is a good thing.

>> No.56007966

Brilliant work of creative fiction but you're retarded if you believe this. The truth is that millennial and zoomer midwits are simply bored, broke, and latching on to whatever trend or movement they happen to fall into in order to give them a sense of belonging and a hope for a better future because there's not much hope to be found anywhere else. Some of them have real potential, some are deliberate scams, some are misguided or based on faulty information. If the world wasn't run by parasitic jews and young people could find hope elsewhere shit like GME would never exist.

>> No.56009546
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People are too retarded and love to have a hive-mind. The more a leader abuses his people, the more they like it. Sergey can dump millions every month and people will still think chainshit is future of cryptocurrency. Same with XRP fags- new month, new millions of xrp released by devs. People still have faith while their bags slowly bleed to 0. Cultish mentality and mental retardation

>> No.56010097
File: 74 KB, 960x928, 1692738884677626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek baggie. You are going to die poor. Dumbfuck.

>> No.56010113


>> No.56010749

>have a stock
>don't want to sell it
>"YoU'Re IN a CUlT!"


>> No.56010807

Gme holder here and this is aggressively accurate, kek.

>> No.56012751

Very few cases. Sad!

>> No.56012764
File: 92 KB, 1018x640, swiftwegoonby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture came out less than a week ago lmao

>> No.56012846


nailed it in a single sentence. Same reason why people call lottery tickets "stupid tax". The chances you'll win are astronomical, but the people buying the tickets get more joy out of imagining themselves winning than investing that money into a slow and steady fix for their problem

>> No.56013019

Agreed. GME generals should be BANNED.

>> No.56013075

>never selling

i bought a shit coin for 1000$. now its 100$
there is no point of selling it. I just keep it and hope.

>> No.56013081

It's something people used to do in a self-aware, ironic, humorous way, then retards notice and start copying the behavior without understanding the joke.

>> No.56014295

kek i was gonna post it

>> No.56014442

this. on the bright side, with the token continuing to lose relevance, mindshare and value, it's only a matter of time until the link bagholders huddle together in a general thread to tell themselves tales of a future where the time and money they spent on link wasn't a total waste

>> No.56014595


>> No.56014606

desperate poorfags without a god

>> No.56014725

Mental illness and sunken cost fallacy.

>> No.56014846

Some people here have made hundreds of thousands of dollars buying shit like chainlink and other crypto. If you really think that's pathetic then maybe you're the one that is pathetic. Have fun being poor forever lol

>> No.56015098
File: 70 KB, 1290x262, Screen Shot 2023-09-03 at 9.09.21 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, anon. A diagram from SWIFT.

>> No.56015119

lottery ticket phenomena.

every retard in the world thinks their lottery ticket is going to be the one to win the billion dollar powerball... until the numbers are announced and they're forced to face the reality of their total and unavoidable defeat.

as long as a shit stock like GME, BBY, DISH, etc. remain tradable on a stock exchange, they will forever believe that they're holding a winning lottery ticket. it turns into a social club, like your normgroid coworkers explaining their strategy behind picking powerball numbers.

>i buy at this gas station because they had a $500k scratch off winner last month!
>i always go with the last 4 of my social security, my daughter's birthday, etc.
>i buy on tuesdays, because that's my lucky day.