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File: 225 KB, 1289x1518, 1693507723003640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56004697 No.56004697 [Reply] [Original]

>Chad coworker left the company a month ago
>The only cute girls working here left weeks later and a few others left as well

No wonder HR hires good looking people

>> No.56004707

Post the rest of the set, anon. I'm guessing she gets naked about halfway through and is covered in strawberry jam by the last page?

>> No.56005266

do women really stay at a job for chad? kek if cute girls are at my work thats a plus but I'm not gonna base my career trajectory on it

>> No.56005272

Yes, they do


>> No.56005301

Why are so many men going bald nowadays?
Especially younger men in their 20s and 30s.
It's not normal.

>> No.56005304

These hair systems look fake as fuck in person.

>> No.56005311
File: 1.05 MB, 3721x1563, 1693542061270528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That hair ISN'T REAL

>> No.56005313

You're a man. Women are looking for the highest providers they can find. If they work a good job and they see Chad working there and succeeding they'll want him

>> No.56005317

it is more that when someone popular leaves everyone else starts thinking about their reasons for leaving. problems or issues at the workplace which no one really considered day to day because there was stability quickly start to piss everyone off when there is a catalyst like someone leaving.
>x is getting xxxxx more at another job and better x
>maybe i should start looking too

>> No.56005318

It's totally normal as going bald does not affect your ability to reproduce according to wymyn

>> No.56005328

Naw it’s just because Chad was there and now he isn’t women don’t think that much

>> No.56005636

And Chad makes the team better and more upbeat. Imagining your team was full of beans & blacks. You wouldn't be motivated to work or like your coworkers

>> No.56005671

Is this before or after the marketing stunt?

>> No.56005822
File: 831 KB, 1170x1133, 1692134135508917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta work 40 hours at least, you wanna look at ugly people or what?

>> No.56005826
File: 514 KB, 600x638, 1691811146684207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagining your team was full of beans & blacks
I used to work with the blacks and browns, fun as fuck, you get work done and they let you fuck around all day while they crack jokes and shit.
Working with white people is terrible.

>> No.56005854


Couldn't hack it in a real career so now you're surrounded by those people. But I'm sure the "fun" work environment is worth it

>> No.56005872
File: 751 KB, 200x200, 3C028030-986D-4EA2-B0A9-0B508F148C78.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek legitimately good on them.

>> No.56005880

man why white women tend to be so pretty

>> No.56005894
File: 86 KB, 847x1024, 72F2F390-6825-4565-9BCE-1ED7457510B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it’s not normal to go bald at sixteen. It’s literally all the BPA and chemicals in the water turning the anons bald… and gay.

>> No.56006354

>you wanna look at ugly people or what

Says this and then writes this

>I used to work with the blacks and browns, fun as fuck, you get work done and they let you fuck around all day while they crack jokes and shit.
>Working with white people is terrible

>> No.56006394

hahahahaha no. that's not how it is.
niggers are unreliable, inconsistent, and just a general pain in my ass. kill me now

>> No.56006720

god she's so perfect

>> No.56006907
File: 34 KB, 736x717, 1692417004583034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm 30 and no balding whatsoever, i also put collagen in my coffee every day. I also have a low body fat percentage and wear sunscreen, I also jack off every day to keep and microderm my face once a month. I get mistaken for early 20s all the time and bars always card me

>> No.56006942

I had a real fren at my last job. Real fren who I could say fuck niggers and fuck jews around. When he quit, I quit soon after. The job sucked but we had fun. We are still frens.

>> No.56006945
File: 187 KB, 2048x1967, not real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56006949

I'm 22 and balding/overweight. everyone thinks I'm early 30s/

>> No.56007092

just take the cap pill desu

>> No.56007101

i have a theory its why zoomers do the fringe perm thing. because they see a receeding hairline super early in life so they overcompensate.

can understand it though. imagine being a young person in 2023. just had a couple of years of lockdowns for the coof. people are cutting their dicks off. everyone is connected to the social hivemind. etc. etc

>> No.56007104

also apparently the hair falls out of these hair systems quite fast. only takes a few months and you need to buy another. and they arent cheap.

>> No.56007105

also the hair is from the head of pajeets. true story.

>> No.56007328

you know you can reply to more than one person in a single post. instead of you farting out a new thought about balding men for the world to hear

>> No.56007768

Im early 30s full head of hair, fit and still getting asked for ID when buying booze. I think i could probably pull some 18 year olds if wanted to.

It comes down to genetics and a lot to where were you born and raised. Water supply in highly populated areas is loaded with all sorts of shit. Reject modernity, go back rural.

>> No.56007909

Not the same woman

>> No.56008883

What's her name?

>> No.56009300

>i’m 30 and no balding whatsoever
This probably means you’re low T, you should get your levels checked anon

>> No.56009397
File: 72 KB, 674x911, 92948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngl but if I have to work around women then being able to see at least a few hot women at work is actually motivating. Just being able to see them is enough, I don't even have to interact with them. If the women are all ugly or fat it's actually kinda depressing. But if there are no women at all then that's even better.

Just started a new job and most of the women are fat and/or ugly... of course they're very sexually aggressive too the uglier and fatter they are.

>> No.56009931

The month after a Chad left, two of the hotter girls at my job left. Now it's just older fat women and fat uggo men and me. The halo effect is real

>> No.56010031 [DELETED] 

You seriously took a webm posted here last night and uploaded it to your youtube?
4d chess jeet I see you.

>> No.56010322

It's true.
Seen both sides of it.
My current employment (10 years) is mostly ugly dudes of all ages and none are confident Chads, any attractive female that joins leaves within 6 months, guaranteed.
An old job I had where there were a handful of young Chads, there were also quite a few attractive women that stayed there longer than I did.

>> No.56010325

Also, I want to fuck Tiffany so bad bros. I would nut so hard up her it's unreal.

>> No.56010367
File: 15 KB, 227x319, tiff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's hotter on the plane

>> No.56010403

I don't know, if this is really her she cute

>> No.56010404

My office is 95% just genetic garbage. It's surprising actually

>> No.56010617
File: 108 KB, 1165x690, Tiffany-Dover-Look-Alike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because that's not actually her. Just like the other Tiffany.

>> No.56010763

They can't be bougie, though. If they're bougie, it's just as bad, maybe even worse. They Karen with the rules but don't know when to back off.

>> No.56010772

She's kinda weird looking but still hot

>> No.56010799

I dont know but they look nothing like each other

>> No.56010855

Are you saying this because you're a little bit in love with the plane lady and this new video, if true, would crumble your fantasy to ashes?

>> No.56011281

>My office is 95% just genetic garbage

Fat HR women only hiring ugly people

>> No.56011541

its the same woman u schizoid

>> No.56011579

lol a youtuber i watched who did civ videos devoted himself to this shit randomly

>> No.56011584

all memes except the low bodyfat and sunscreen

>> No.56011653

Very real. A mid 30s manager chad at my old job got in some beef with the rest of the management team and walked out. I’ve never seen brain drain so fast. Within six months all the top performers and cute girls had left. They tried moving me into his spot and I turned it down. I left soon after because shit was falling apart around me fast. Things got so bad senior management ended up firing the other managers who were perceived as pushing him out and hired him back as a director. He’s brought back nearly everyone who left after him. I’ve contemplated returning but I’m comfy at my new spot and don’t miss the drama of that place.

>> No.56011937

At one of my older jobs, they replaced the management and the workers within a year. Lifelong company men who were let go before they couldn't handle working with Chad. Funny enough they still talked about him months after he left, and most likely years

>> No.56012475

Most women don't want to spent the rest of their lives being a wageslave/career woman. To them it's just a phase,a way to say "i need no man". They are all looking for a high earner chad.

>> No.56012552

The filename i originally uploaded this with was queen.jpg
Fix it.

>> No.56012583

She is wearing a lot of make up here, id be curious to see her natural state

>> No.56012598
File: 153 KB, 600x485, 1693183227972923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but those chemicals also make zoomers taller and have bigger dicks.

>> No.56012747


This is a masterclass in self promotion. She went insane on a flight and is now presenting to the world as clearly lucid but still insists that the full story has not been put out and can't be until litigation is complete. Also interesting is this shit: (https://www.tiktok.com/@be.dgirl/video/7253449677662620971?lang=en)) which would definitely explain why she started freaking the fuck out especially if she was on edibles or xanax or something which is extremely common on planes. I will keep following her because I want to see what happens next in the mystery, it's genius really.

>> No.56012802

>natural state
Just try to imagine what a nearly 40 year old white grandma looks like.

>> No.56012841

It's honestly wild how many people are so sheltered are make up the most crazy explanations for what people do on drugs. Millions and millions of people have taken drugs on flights. This is just the dumbass who took too much/something they didn't know/could handle that someone was able to film. Really not that weird. Go get high.

>> No.56013016

It's hilarious because if she weren't an attractive wealthy white woman she would have literally been thrown into jail, an asylum, or both.

>> No.56013068

>Most women don't want to spent the rest of their lives being a wageslave/career woman. To them it's just a phase,a way to say "i need no man". They are all looking for a high earner chad.

Where do I find these women?

>> No.56013180

I work at an ad agency. It's all competent older men and then sexy young recent grads females on the client teams and project managers jobs aka the dumb monkey jobs. It's a winning formula

>> No.56013682

People leave with their friends. Having a friend at work improves employee satisfaction. Maybe Chad was every girls friend

>> No.56013767
File: 16 KB, 375x211, fauci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the vax might make you go bald.

>> No.56013776

she looks half jewish,unironically

>> No.56013779

Her face looks alright for as old as she is and she looks like she has that sort of mess of a body where you'd get that nice gut bounce along with her tits while you were fucking her.

>> No.56013784
File: 5 KB, 273x184, biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to know what she saw or thought she saw. It seems to be oppressed in the media.

>> No.56014010

>People leave with their friends. Having a friend at work improves employee satisfaction. Maybe Chad was every girls friend

That's just being stupid. Leaving when you don't have a new job lined up is gonna fuck you up

>> No.56014277

I think you mean suppressed?

>> No.56014425

Tiffany Gomas and yes its the same fuckin person. Sick of this meme
You incels realize how much makeup fucking changes women's faces right!?!?

>> No.56014665

Damn... this must be photoshopped. Latinas don't look that cute.

>> No.56014671

She's hot af. High sex appeal. Something about her makes me want to go primal fuck on her. Like realy nasty rough sex

>> No.56014682

She's Italian

>> No.56014771

>Leaving when you don't have a new job lined up is gonna fuck you up
That's why the bitches left weeks after Chad left, learn to read incel

>> No.56015148
File: 152 KB, 266x216, grsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ on weekend
>the world

>> No.56015169
File: 87 KB, 800x800, egfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Society is slavery

>> No.56015187

please upload the webm i need that for my collection

>> No.56015201

These tards should embrace their shit genes and not reproduce

>> No.56015207

It was posted long ago

>> No.56015415
File: 57 KB, 751x540, 1618760873094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


would do drugs with and fuck on the airplane bathroom

>> No.56015423

It was done on a stage by intel ops.

>> No.56015557

>its the same fuckin person
>You incels realize how much makeup fucking changes women's faces right?
This may seem an obvious question, but how do you know it's her since makeup changes faces?

>> No.56015622

More lovely Tiffany footage from that fateful day. She's rather rude here and not nearly as fuckable as on the plane. In fact i'd say she could use a slap.
video is embedded

>> No.56016762

Still hotter than most women

>> No.56016827

>No wonder HR hires good looking people
everyone gets OLD. enjoy your vanity obsession while it lasts.

>> No.56017020


Sorry but I'm aging gracefully

>> No.56017228

When peopl behave that way i find them instantly unattractive. She's clearly under the influence, which makes it even worse. Walking about an airport shoving people and being unreasonable is a no-no in my book. Imagine if she'd been male and done that kek. Yet they get away with it.
>"she's just having a bad day"
i wish they'd locked her up. it'd have done her good

>> No.56017473

From incel to chad just from hair. Hair is literally a big fkn deal

>> No.56017478

I'm 28 and balding. I'm going to get a hair transplant in a couple years because I hate myself

>> No.56017485

The baldness gene is actually inherited from the mother.

>> No.56017556

Kek retard
Sunscreen is toxic and ages people. I never wear it.
Also people are just polite, somebody guessed im 21 lately and im 32. 5 years lower means they guess right.

>> No.56017568
File: 122 KB, 634x878, 3123123123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so cute bros. Look at her little legs!

>> No.56017569

Weird cope
Nope, i have ful hair while all my mothers relatives went bald super early
>coffee every day

>> No.56017629

>Come back from vacation
>"Hey anon, can you come in for overtime?"
>Asked why were short staffed
>"Chad left two weeks ago and Stacey left yesterday"

Maybe it is true