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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56000646 No.56000646 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think your actions have no consequences?

Do you think that you can freely insult and slander pythagoras incarnate with no repercussions?
Do you think that the hateful and psychotic fud posts you spew here every hour are going unrecorded?
Do you really believe that a certain "someone" is not running oracle algorithms that feed hungry assassination contracts with your information?
Do you truly believe that once linkies become Kings, once they have the funding of nations, that they won't use their wealth to hunt down every single fudder?

Repent now, the oracle still has room for forgiveness. Aplogoize in this thread and save yourself.

>> No.56000679
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do jannies ever do their jobs

>> No.56000694

I ignore Link's existence unless I'm insulting a bagholder.
There's better choices for a pair
In something that never goes up?

What else you got? I can't hold paper down with it, it's digital, it isn't even a good paperweight.

>> No.56000786


>> No.56000830

53 airdrops so far.

>> No.56000833

There is consequence and it's reflected in the token price

>> No.56000897

Our actions have caused this token to dump to $5. I think we can all agree that we are winning

>> No.56000921

>Doesn't go up
Check again

>> No.56000927
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Didn't read, NEVER buying your bags.


>> No.56000976

Hmm… let’s see the projects
>Pacific Meta - Web3 consulting firm
>Blue Kraken Online - Play-to-Earn NFT Game
>Konnect - A lifestyle-membership project

>> No.56000989

A lion does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep

>> No.56001044

>animal facts
nigga wtf that linker had to get a job as a zoologist because he can’t live off of his link investment hahaha lmao

>> No.56001112
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you guys all managed to burj khalifa generational wealth but aren't cognizant enough to realize it.

>> No.56001168
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This is not fud, this is pure objective reality. Here are the factual stats.
>August 12, 2020:
>LINK: $17.25
>ETH: $390
>BTC: $11,800
>BNB: $21.77
>DOGE: $0.003
>ADA: $0.14
>SOL: $3.77
>MATIC: $0.02
>TRX: $0.02

>August 12, 2023:
>LINK: $7.44
>ETH: $1,848
>BTC: $29,415
>BNB: $240.15
>DOGE: $0.07
>ADA: $0.29
>SOL: $24.86
>MATIC: $0.68
>TRX: $0.07

>> No.56001224

I don't want to start a new thread so I'll just ask here. Anyone know why the dune ccip dashboard has been broken for the last few days?

>> No.56001635


>> No.56001744
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You look like this

>> No.56002286

Imagine being given the gift of life and an abundance of time and creativity and using it to make this.

>> No.56002318

no matter your angle of attack I remain highly motivated

>> No.56002326
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>> No.56002386

To be fair I just edited it.
Im fighting back against satan saturn NWO globohomo in think thats a noble caus3. What are YOU doing with your spare time? Shilling a globohomo scam while circle jerking to larp 'crumb screencaps?? Cringe

>> No.56002435
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>Im fighting back against satan saturn NWO globohomo

>> No.56002641
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>Im fighting back against satan saturn NWO globohomo

>> No.56002678

You are a mote suspended in the all-seeing eyes of a 4-dimensional hivemind

>> No.56003584
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>> No.56003656


>> No.56003662

>Do you think your actions have no consequences?
theres definitely going to be consequences for some of them
the post singularity era will see a couple pf these retarded fudding brownoids disappear from their homes to experience things like scaphism

>> No.56003671

The spiritual world use the principle of balance.
Evil expressed into the world always comes back as a boomerang to the one who sent it out.

>> No.56003687

You love lengthy black lollipops

>> No.56003979
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>theres definitely going to be consequences for some of them
Adem Kayser -Voorburg, Zuid-Holland - third world import leeching off of Netherlands taxpayer dollars when he isn't working for actual MLM scam companies doing paid stock bashing along with a small collection of other parasites with similar backgrounds also living in the Netherlands.

He immediately shut down his twitter @chainlinkthomas when a pic from his facebook was posted along with his name. His twitter used to be @geoxadem (literally had his first name in it) when his porn addiction posts were initially discovered and he shut his account down and scrubbed it the first time to change it over to @chainlinkthomas. Now it's back up and he's trying to pretend nothing happened even though he still stupidly referenced deleting his account when he said he was "back" and going to war with an equally retarded faggot, CLG. Also has a linkedin with a netherlands location in the same city that he lives in, listed as a "crypto investor" at a very shady looking netherlands company (The Success Factory) that apparently tried to run a failed DAG ponzi / MLM pyramid scheme style grift and was busted.

>> No.56004282
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>> No.56004316

Kek desperate baggies see that their giga spamming has no effect on raising price. Fudders control link bich

>> No.56004637

No QANX? Yngmi! You could be on the verge of losing out as the private blockchain will be launched soon.

>> No.56004656
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>> No.56004663
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Didn't read; never buying.

>> No.56005018


>> No.56005036
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>> No.56005053

Jannies hold Link just like you fuckboy

>> No.56005703

holy cope lmao nice job almost getting to $6