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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56000826 No.56000826 [Reply] [Original]

If I marry my partner, do I assume their debt? Also will my income tax lower?

>> No.56000836
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>> No.56000848

just kill yourself already

>> No.56000884

You are either a fag or a total beta. Next, you'll be saying "we're pregnant".

>> No.56000904
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I would kill everyone for that.
Although I guess not since I don't even do cardio for that.

>> No.56001138


>> No.56001158
File: 62 KB, 600x645, 168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>camera turns around
>picrel is the husband
kek. dont get it confused anons.

>> No.56001180

Wow she is hot, skinny, her house is clean, and she’s taking good care of her child (even cutting his hair!). I wish my wife was 1% as good as this angel.

>> No.56001208

where is he now, do you think?

>> No.56001245

I bet $100 that she's not the mom. Film me while I cut the my nephew's hair!

>> No.56001256
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>> No.56001455

he started a business and became a multimillionaire

>> No.56003072

greensboro jock turned out to be a bum

>> No.56003088


Lol no he didn't. He's Private Equity BALLER bro. Cope harder chancel lol.

>> No.56003091

That kid doesn't have a chance

>> No.56003093


>> No.56003107

the girl from Ghost?

>> No.56003173

Do you also refer to you "partner" as "SO" on reddit? Go back

>> No.56003229
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kek you niggers are pathetic. that's the easiest normalfaggot shit in the world

literally every single fucking GF i've had in the last 10 years wanted to get married and have kids, and that's exactly where i ended the relationship. shit is mundane as fuck, i dont understand people that literally want to live in some gay little suburb and spend their entire free time and money on some kids while working some soulless job

im tired of this faggot website and its cringe retard users who cant imagine and long for anything other than a mediocre existence which 99% of humans have already achieved

>> No.56003287

>Look like pic related
>6’2”, 8 inches, /fit/, and a fat wallet
>still an incel

Protip: We’re in hell because we died roughly 10 years ago. Not /x/, call me schizo, but if you want to test it out vocally say you love something and watch it as it becomes rotten. HTH

>> No.56003304
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>> No.56003308
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This is what Chads become after high school. Don't believe those Hollywood movies

>> No.56003355

You’ll understand when you’re like 45

>> No.56003368

no, some people literally have goals and aspirations outside of "muh trad family", but yea enjoy your mid-temp IQ i guess

>> No.56003380

When people say "I would kill for ..", it carries on the connotation that life is sacred and they would break their humanity as an absolute last resort.
When you say it, your psychotic incel energy is spiking hard and I feel you'd do anything to get your peepee hard

>> No.56003387

>cocomelon screen in front of a toddler
>weird dyke looking mom with dyed black hair
this kid is so fucked and you retards eat this shit up because she's not a landwhale or nigger...society has fallen so badly that a woman just be nearing a child is seen as virtuous despite the obvious red flags when you look for longer than a second

>> No.56003390

BRUTAL mogging holy shit

I googled him and he has a mid 8 figure NW

I can’t cope bros

>> No.56003402

What do you want your daily life to look like when you are 45? Just curious.

>> No.56003412

my wife assumes my debt (but I make more). it's pretty amazing how much power I have over her.

>> No.56003413

hello oldfag.. guys it is just two of us here now.

>> No.56003453
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>> No.56003509

Enjoy severe suffering in a nursing home because the niggers know nobody is coming for u

>> No.56003514

the world shall not know peace until the white race is exterminated root and stem

>> No.56003518

No. But you should combine forces to get rid of them anyway.

>> No.56003552

describe your ideal life then actually go try it for 6 months you can rent an airbnb or whatever. try not to get bored and have an existential crisis lmao

>> No.56003573

Yes and be really fucking careful about how sneaky women can be with shit like that. So many women come off as dumb, but when it comes to being conniving and fucking up a man's life it's as if they have a supernatural power that subconsciously guides their actions. It doesn't even seem like they're aware of it or directly control it. If women could actually identify and elaborate on the schemes they seem to run completely on autopilot, I swear they'd be some of the greatest tacticians humanity has ever seen. It's almost like nature "realized" that making women oblivious accomplices to their own bullshit makes them even better at committing those acts of bullshit.

>> No.56003592

enjoy your mud huts

>> No.56003621

enjoy extermination and watching your every descendant (if any lmoa) become inevitably brown

>> No.56003652
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honestly I could believe this. my life seems to be a sisyphean cycle of apparent success, only to have it brutally snatched away and my life being somehow worse then before.
>become extremely popular in college, only to halfway through lose it all and become lonelier then ever
>become fit enough to run a marathon, then suffer massive health problems and my previously normal gym routine leaves me exhausted
>make thousands in crypto, lose it all through rugpulls
>favourite musicians always die, go to prison, or switch to making music I hate (like going from english to spanish)
>go from having my own independent place to sharing a room with my little brother at my parents house
I am about to start a new dream job. I am currently running into beuracratic hurdles in the screening process. watch me get my position snatched away from me at the last second.

>> No.56003682

Your face is ugly, cope

>> No.56003744

Fellow kings of /biz/

>> No.56003782
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>Absolute Chad.
>Becomes a Bitcoin Maximalist

Checks out.
Shitcoin DYELs and incels SEETHING.

>> No.56003870

This is because men allow themselves to fall for whores with huge red flags (tats, "abusive" ex, multiple sexual partners, lived on campus and didn't work for 4 years or alternatively was a waitress for 4 years). We live in a period of the most unrepentant sluttery - if you don't let her emotionally and financially control you, then she can't fuck you over. Men were duped into being "vulnerable" towards women when that's the absolute last thing you can be with >90% of them.

>> No.56003953
File: 572 KB, 720x416, 9024A60B-67D3-44BA-9A5E-D95A6F17DFCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try fag, Chad jawline because I fell for the mewing meme.

Start to invest in things you truly hate. Life will still suck, or you will WAGMI. You’re still in hell, even if you have a billion dollars. You’re just just king fuck of shit mountain now, which is slightly better when you realize no one else here matters.

>> No.56003985
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A well-adjusted, healthy, good genes, upper class or upper middle class woman at home with her child; a veritable Unicorn.

>> No.56004009
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Funny, I don’t remember dying. What happened?

>> No.56004062
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Look at all these low IQs above. 100% that she is a lesbian in a relationship with another woman and this child is adopted. You are so stupid on 4chan it's unbelievable

>> No.56004301

>Nice try fag, Chad jawline because I fell for the mewing meme.

Not all jawlines are the same

>> No.56004310

>shoves baby in front of iPhone
>good mom


>> No.56004456

It’s far more likely you’re heavily exaggerating or overvaluing yourself.

>> No.56004659

Think back to a day when you’re life started to go to shit, then try to remember what happened around that time. It was during surgery for me. I was a godless fedora tipping heathen.

>> No.56005283
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dumb bitch is just shoving scissors next to that baby's eye without holding its head still. can't be the mother. can't be.

>> No.56005309

its clearly not the mom, she doesn't look like she's had a kid, her tits are too small to have ever had milk.

>> No.56005312

>t. soon to be extinct redditor

>> No.56005332

Based, redditniggers need to fuck off

>> No.56005339

Ghost girl best girl

>> No.56005364

God I wish that were me (left)

>> No.56005556

so, money laundering?

>> No.56005643

This webm did nothing for me. I’m dead on the inside…

>> No.56005924

I’m so tainted by 4chan that I was 95% sure that video was going to end with her knifing the child or some fucked up shit.

>> No.56005933

No, I have bipolar disorder. I’ve been told by many women that I’m hot or handsome (before getting /fit/) just lost interest in having a fling or one night stand because every woman saw that as a deal breaker. Basically just go to bars in other towns now, turn down women I don’t know who hit on me. It’s like the one solace I have left. Fuck being a mencel…

>> No.56006187


>> No.56006201

Look like Jesse ventura young

>> No.56006234

That poor thing is frightened. Terrible parents

>> No.56006646

Disgusting, she only looks about 29. She should be in grad school, or working in an office in the city and having lots o new experiences instead of taking care of some 37 year old loser's crotchfruit.

>> No.56006673
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>literally every single GF i've had

How do you achieve GF if you're not fun or good looking?

>> No.56007180

>thinks he's le super duper based
>is actually more cringe than reddit

>> No.56007198

Work out

>> No.56007220

wtf is that circle now?

>> No.56007599

no shit whats with these lonely faggots thinking getting married and pumping out kids will be some kind of lightbringer thing in their life and they somehow hate on normies while repeating to achieve the most normie wish ever
go outside touch some green grass get a gf your entire existence wont change in the morning why do you need to put everything on a fucking pedestal

>> No.56007656
File: 38 KB, 592x720, 1668420957692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no shit whats with these lonely faggots thinking getting married and pumping out kids will be some kind of lightbringer thing in their life and they somehow hate on normies while repeating to achieve the most normie wish ever
>go outside touch some green grass get a gf your entire existence wont change in the morning why do you need to put everything on a fucking pedestal

>> No.56007702

hell if i know. can't keep up with this shit!
best to ask your question on Discord

>> No.56007709
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>> No.56007771
File: 89 KB, 1182x302, Screenshot 2023-09-02 100255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is correct. careful research shows that all homo sapiens do their selfish behaviors while honestly believing that they are doing the "right" thing for everyone. Its much more convincing to your tribe if, when you lie to get a little more for yourself, you actually honestly believe the lie.

This is why we need cryptographic truth and smartcontracts

>> No.56007780

this. so much this.

>> No.56007854


>> No.56008237

i married a thai girl, i can fick off to thailandnwith a visa for life and life on my 6 figure hell crypto pot.

>> No.56008344

Just be positive while allowing yourself sadness. You'll always win if you refuse to be conditioned by all realities. Be sad when you should be happy, and happy when you should be sad. Hum your favorites songs and daydream about suicide. Then we can celebrate our suicide and die scared together.

>> No.56008382


>> No.56010158
File: 19 KB, 474x474, chudchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low effort kek i am a straight 20m with 20/10 gf you dumb faggot go and pay a hooker if you are putting a pedestal on some pussy than jerking off on a biz board of 4chin about muhh inceldom,muh trad wife

or is it perhaps you have no purpose in your shitty existence besides dreaming about a saviour coming to your life?
wake up anon go and get rejected by a girl if you want than being such a miserable faggot at least you will get out of your head that way

>> No.56010236

>Do I assume their debt
Yes generally but really depends and can be avoided
>Income tax lower
Yes if you file jointly and make a lot more than your partner

>> No.56010543
File: 24 KB, 376x277, Screenshot 2023-09-02 at 11.43.19 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also interested, my girlfriend has $48k in student loan debt.
I have a house and make over $300k a year (working two SWE jobs)

>> No.56010578

finally someone based

>> No.56010662

hmm can confirm. am travelling for almost 2 years now. it is/was nice. but im bored of it too. probablly going to make my foreign gf pregnant idk what else to do.

>> No.56011162

I had an OBE once and it was terrifying. I guess that could have been it. Shortly after (a few months) my life was ruined and has been a living hell for decades now. I always knew, in the back of my head, that everything basically sucks, but it wasn’t awful until after that. Now it’s just a joke to me how bad life is. It’s when any hope the the future is gone that it gets real bad.

>> No.56011289

What this anon said. Your taxable income limits basically doubles once your married. Ex: 12% bracket single your fucked if you make over 45k a year cause your kicked into the higher bracket. However if your married that same 12% bracket jumps to 89k. Also you gain stock tax benefits as well. For details see your brokerage.Your 401k can knock down your tax hit to. So say your married. Your doing good on just 1 salary. So you can punt most of the other person's into retirement (401k,roth,etc). So the more your kick into the 401k (till the max allowed) the lower your tax bite will be. Now the rub; Anything done during your marriage becomes "joint property". What this means; You and her buy a house. Your both on the hook to pay it off. She wracks up a 20k credit card bill. She dies. Your stuck paying that off. You wrack up a 20k gambling bill and die. She gets stuck paying it off. You and her divorce after 10 years; Half your assets get taken by her. You and her have kids. Guess what, your paying kid support till the kid turns 18 plus she still gets half. No joke; fuckers have gone broke after the lawyers and shit have their way.

>> No.56011296
