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55999369 No.55999369 [Reply] [Original]

Why do zoomers get married and then refuse to join incomes? Are they retarded? If they can't trust their wives, then why the fuck did they marry a whore?

>> No.55999374

she actually looks mid in this photo

>> No.55999381

Solid point

>> No.55999390

>why marry
For the tax break and to convince employers they are "normal"

>> No.55999398

marriage was meaningless the moment they normalized divorce, whats the point of an eternal bound that can be so easily undone?

>> No.55999410

join incomes only makes sense if you wife is a religious virgin, otherwise the marriage you're entering is nothing like those when the husband shared everything down the middle.

>> No.55999716

Again, why marry a whore then?

>> No.55999745

Because she would freak out if she realized our savings keep evaporating into options. I’ll get a joint account after I make it.

>> No.55999790

anon, that is the worst possible plan. Get a new wife after you make it ffs. Make sure she is 25 or younger even if you have to settle for a plain jane.

>> No.55999809

Women and finances do not mix. They simply don't. They exist to spend and consume and think about 1-2 weeks ahead of time, no further. I love my SO but this is not her role or what she's good at, worst like the kikes ever made was that there are no roles or unique acuities for the sexes, partnerships are supposed to be complementary not two clones happening to live together.

>> No.55999813

nobody does, which is why marriage rates have dropped off a cliff. women are no longer worth commitment.

>> No.55999848

this, found this out after combining incomes. Never enough enough money in our spending budget, ever, no matter how many times I increase it.

>> No.55999863

>If they can't trust their wives, then why the fuck did they marry a whore?
Very good point.

>> No.55999887

women are responsible for like 70% of all consumer spending, most of them are on SSRIs and need to spend to feel good

>> No.55999896

>women are responsible for like 70% of all consumer spending,
Proofs? Youre conjuring claims like Powell conjuring fiat.

>> No.55999931

>If they can't trust
They can. For now. This, however, can change.
Doesn't have to be because of choices the wife (or husband if it's a wife who doesn't want to join incomes) makes on purpose or otherwise.
Terrible mental illnesses can descend on a person, many forms of coercion, etc. The world is full of, if not more dangers, then more people willing to create dangerous conditions for couples these days.

>> No.55999946


It's actually 80%. Walk into any department store, 3/4ths of it are geared towards females.

>> No.56000110

>It's actually 80%. Walk into any department store, 3/4ths of it are geared towards females.
Again youre gonna have to post proofs that arent anecdotes. Its not that I don't believe that you think youre telling the truth, its just that its men who buy cars and houses. Women are too busy drinking starbucks to afford the real expensive shit. Women dont drink as much beer. Women dont gamble as much on stocks. Women dont buy football jerseys. You're being blinded by your hatred of women. Its probably more like 40% seeing as women are poorer than men and this is a high estimate.

>> No.56000125

>have joint checking account
>set up a budget including a stupid stipend for you and your wife
Literally what I do. How is that difficult? Are you too much of a faggot to lead your wife?

>> No.56000132

women cause 80% of spending the science says so

>> No.56000149

>women cause 80% of spending the science says so
Im going to go to bed now, cant be bothered to bite every bait anymore.

>> No.56000150


Ok, here you go you stupid fag


The funny part is women boast about it

>> No.56000187

i agree marriage is retarded
it's a contract where you get nothing for sure, demanding anything makes you abusive and your wife can ruin your life on a whim using the state and its courts

>> No.56000193

marriage was meaningless the moment they overturned coverture

>> No.56000246

How about something more reliable. Like something made by men? Fucking idiot. Provide proof or fuck off with your wild claims about how women somehow control the markets.

>> No.56000263


If you were the least bit intelligent you'd open the article and see the sources. Forbes for this stat in particular.

>> No.56000265

This, i dont get it how can 6k a month not be enough for two and a half people?

>> No.56000270

Im not clicking that link, jeet. Screenshot it.

>> No.56000272


Also consumer spending isn't controlling the markets ffs. You are jamming together different things.

>> No.56000278
File: 266 KB, 424x428, edgar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How about you get to sucking that fat cock you've been dying to get back to and stfu. This isn't even some secret stat it's a known thing that's commonly noted.

>> No.56000378

Why do you think everything is woke as fuck you retard? Women are easily manipulated by stupid shit and being an insufferable retard is fashionable

>> No.56000544

My cousin does this, I can see on venmo, and they have a child together

>> No.56000865

because people today are deathly afraid of divorce and failure so they rarely ever go all-in to anything including marriage. What's worse is women who want joint finances except they get to keep their own savings. Also why women often don't change their last name, they want the benefits of marriage with minimal risk or sacrifice.

>> No.56001481

The only "tax break" is that the two individual deductions of 12k get combined for one deduction of 24k.

>> No.56001524

Keep a joint account that you put just little bit of money into. She won't have to know what you're doing with your personal account.
This is why a prenup is so important. Watch the Soft White Underbelly interview with the divorce lawyer.

>> No.56003071

>Soft White Underbelly interview
interesting channel
thanks for the recommendation
could help me advise friends in the future when romance randomly comes up

>> No.56003133

zoomers do the following
>date far too long
>marry, travel
>dont combine income, dont have kids
>get divorced
>share custody of a dog
thats their 12 year plan.

>> No.56003394


If you are planning all these ways to weasel out of it why get married at all

>> No.56003420

Weasel out of what? A prenup is a fair and honest way to decide who gets what in case the marriage doesn't work out. I plan on one day getting married because I want to share my life with someone and raise children.

>> No.56003431


>> No.56003442
File: 1013 KB, 1280x720, gane scholar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prenups don't work buddy , how come you don't know about this

>> No.56003477

Football Jersey: $80
The average male doesn’t even have a football jersey
The average female has 2 fucking new articles of clothing a week

>> No.56003539

Prenups do hold up in court buddy. It'll prevent me and my future wife from having an expensive court battle to decide who gets what if the marriage doesn't work out. For example, it can state that I keep 100% of the assets that I built up beforehand and we split 50/50 whatever we built together during the marriage.

>> No.56003779

Same my friend and his wife are always venmoing each other for random shit like eating at restaurants lmao

>> No.56003826

At the point at which you need a prenup you don't need to get married buddy

>> No.56003988

It was hilarious when X threw a meltdown

>> No.56004003

They start fucking freshman year or younger now a days, grampap.

>> No.56004022

>How about you get to sucking that fat cock you've been dying to get back to and stfu.
Wow that's really gay anon, are you sure you aren't a shit dick yourself?

>> No.56004031

Zoomer here, I fuck prostitutes and work all the time.
Fuck women, get money.

>> No.56004118

men that are afraid of losing everything deserve nothing

>> No.56004837

a prenup is a different issue, this just proves my point that people today are far more afraid to get married without hedging everything in their life. Like the other person said, if you have to shield yourself from every potential downside to marriage, don't get married.

>> No.56005003

also tax brackets are doubled and effective tax rate is reduced by virtue of the woman inevitably making less

>> No.56005077

Marriage is a legal contract and one of the biggest financial decisions on the same level as buying a house or car. It's not some fairy tale built based solely on love. So why wouldn't both parties come to the table and properly hedge their bets in the off chance that something goes wrong?

>> No.56005087

Lmao that >56000246 >56000270 kid is a jackass. You gotta pity his horrible attention span.

>> No.56005371

I'm not even really disagreeing with you, I feel that a prenup is a wise decision if one side brings more assets or income to the marriage. That's just one aspect of ways people protect themselves prior to marriage. But being honest, this is only one practice among many that when added up begs the question why get married in the first place. Women having a private savings account even though finances have been "joined", refusing to change their last name because it might hurt their career. Everything is being structured with an exit plan having a rational fear of divorce, and these things make it very convenient to separate at any time in the future. It's a bad cycle

>> No.56005467
File: 38 KB, 500x500, ERSDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok guys i need to explain something very serious. I have been crunching the numbers and i have come to the conclusion that HOWIE = WOWIE. after submitting this to several peer reviewed journals, they have agreed with my conclusion, and it will be published in major mathematical journals across the world very soon. you have been warned