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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55996910 No.55996910 [Reply] [Original]

If banks create money out of nothing when they make a loan, what cost do they incur when someone defaults on that loan? Do they actually lose any money (besides the profit they would have gained?)

>> No.55996921

They don't create it out of nothing they borrow it from a central bank, moron. These are the people giving you financial advice by the way

>> No.55996953

They take the think you got a loan out for and sell it to make the money back.
I thought everyone knew this.

>> No.55996993

You now know what bail outs are

>> No.55997023

Are there any real people left on this site?

>> No.55997040


Where does the fucking central bank get it from you stupid kike

I’m a real person op stop being schizo

>> No.55997047

No. Go away.

>> No.55997053

yeah but i only came into the thread because i like horses and dogs.
i'm leaving now though.

i just hangout with horses and dogs.

>> No.55997066
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You're not real

>> No.55997070

Just like the ponzi we fucking live in

>> No.55997073

oh and to answer your original question.
the money just gets duped.
it doesn't even exist.
its just a promise you will mcwage for x amount .
and supposedly do some labor to back it up.
but we all know most jobs are total horseshit.

most money does not even exist.
probably less than 5% of it is even in existence.
which basically averages out to the percent of white populations on earth.

no one else even operates thinking about $
except for goyims and yids.

>> No.55997085

The thing I'm really wondering about is: if this narrative about loans being created money that doesn't exist is true, then wouldn't banks profit the most from defaults, since they basically just get the asset for "free?"

>> No.55997089
File: 1.77 MB, 2619x3423, Schizo Bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and my wife are here

>> No.55997110

Yes they lose money. They lose the entirety of the principal loaned amount. Lending without collateral is just leverage, reserve requirements are effectively a cap on leverage, without any reserves a bank's ability to wreck themselves is basically unmitigated.

>> No.55997166

The central bank follows a labour theory of value. Money is only printed as GDP of the nation increases. It is not allowed to be printed on demand. So more dollars come into circulation the more productive a nation is and retains it’s value because it’s backed by real labour. If a nation is not producing as much value then the central bank needs to decrease the money supply by increasing interests rates otherwise we get inflation.

>> No.55997170

The central bank creates it by adding a line to its balance sheet. I'm so fed up with this forum you're all too stupid to be handling money I'm starting to side on the sec side plebs should just wage and consoom let the state do the rest

>> No.55997177


>> No.55997183

This explains how the scam works:

>> No.55998497

The central bank creates it without requiring reserve deposits now
So the money is created from nothing, moron

>> No.55998523
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>It is not allowed

>> No.55998832

Balance Sheet Analysis.
>Bank creates loan
>gains +$x debt asset & +$x dollar liability for crediting account
>asset/liability balance unchanged / net 0
>Person pays back 20%
>Both debt assets and credit liabilities fall 20%
>Person defaults
>debt asset worth 0 & 80% liable cash still created
>Bank balance now 0 asset and 80% liability, net -80% loss (mitigated by any interest)
Banks start net value nuetral and only make profit on interest or selling the debt at a lower rate when the debt appreciates or sold at a premium in a bailout.

Think of money needing collateral. To get a new receipt you have to deposit something. In the case of a loan, you are depositing debt and gaining cash receipts. 2008 was because a large swathe of 30% of bank collateral (MBS) went bad due to fraud in the credit ratings and the system seized up when it couldn't handle the deflationary shock. Lehman failed because it was buying the MBS others were selling, not realizing why, then got left holding the bag.

t. Yid system understander

>> No.55998849

Not nothing. They put it on their balance sheet. It's a debt

>> No.55998915
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If there were to be no debt in the world, there would be no money.

>> No.55998930

>Money is only printed as GDP of the nation increases
It's the exact opposite. They print money when GDP contracts so they can (in theory) smooth out the business cycle.

>> No.55999470

The LTV is literally made-up bullshit

>> No.55999985 [DELETED] 
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>> No.56000083

loan = money created out of thin air retard

>> No.56000129

None of that is true. First of all they don''t follow the labour theory of value, no one does, because it's just irrelevant marxist nonsense. They print money on broadly Keynesian terms; during slowdowns in order to drive up spending and investment, easing it back during times of growth. In reality they just cause inflation and the propping up of bad corporations as the printed money finds its way from the central bank to (((investors))) to failing corporations that adhere to ESG.

>> No.56000175


>> No.56000191

>the central bank
Lmao I bet this guy thinks the Federal Reserve is... Federal.

>> No.56001030

>money has inherent value
lol, it's value is whatever the current dictators want it to be.
The governors of the fed are appointed by the president and the congress has final word on the fed.
The US didn't just sell off it's currency control fully.

>> No.56001087

>The central bank creates it by adding a line to its balance sheet.
If someone can make new money by typing it into a balance sheet then it's a bad form of money. Try adding a line to your bitcoin balance.

>> No.56001098

Correct and also Keynes was a brainlet hack who fucked us all.