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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 894 KB, 1200x1200, bip300only.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55994943 No.55994943 [Reply] [Original]

Jannies dont want you to see this because it would be a death blow to their shitcoin conspiracies. But 7 posts about some new shitcoin with the same image is fine.

>> No.55994976

tranny jannies pick which threads to nuke based on required iq to comprehend OP

>> No.55994987

this is an attack on bitcoin, moron

you have vitamin coin anyway for this shit

>> No.55994996

No IQ is required, simply buy more BTC and wait for BIP300 to get merged

>> No.55995004

>This is an attack on-ACK

just say you get life advice from YouTube influencers

>> No.55995011
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>> No.55995038

qrd on vitamin coin and this entire thread?

>> No.55995048

Concept ACK means the reviewer acknowledges and agrees with the goal of the change, but is not (yet) confirming they've looked at the code or tested it

He's a retard, pay him no mind. Bip300 is going to happen one way or another. Whether it ends up being because of bip300 is a different story.

>> No.55995106


>> No.55995972

As much as I want to see shitcoins destroyed and bag holders financially ruined in one fell swoop. Shitcoins on TARO or RGB would be way safer and flexible and wouldn't require a (((fork))).

>> No.55996618 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 219x230, 1625727426433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have any idea how good Bip 300 is for haircomb holders?

>> No.55996695

all shitcoins trend to zero
why bother with shitcoins on bitcoin when its going to leave a pile of zero value assets and nothing more in its wake?

nobody wants shitcoins on bitcoin, layer 2s settling on bitcoin is all you need and not for a while.

>> No.55997333
File: 790 KB, 1200x1388, Who-is-Crypto-Casey-1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lost me at equating bip300 with shitcoins. Bip300 is everything, including shitcoins. You've been in the casino too long. Let me guess: you hold a shitload of link too

>> No.55997343

Holy shit this board is trash AF now lmao

>> No.55997884

unnecessary complexity unless you care about a fraudulent "token economy"
only neutral cryptographic upgrades make any sense. talk to me when you're going to add zk opcodes.

nobody cares about alts, which is why nobody cares about bips that only serve speculation.

you're too late, go back.

>> No.55997914
File: 949 KB, 1054x800, 1662162241891805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maxis just can't evolve, its sad.

>> No.55997999

why does every single alt and up trending to zero against btc then?
nobody's going to fall for this shit just like nobody fell for bcash.

>> No.56000218

Its fundamentally different from bcash

>> No.56000885

Fuck the shitcoins time to consolidate, aren't there like 1000 shitcoins with a market cap above 10mil not a single 1 has replaced btc or developed anything useful except for a few defi apps. Eth is a spaghetti mess times up intiate the purge

>> No.56000925

its the same scenario. a tiny militant group thinks they've found the magical solution, a larger group that's against it, and the vast majority who don't care enough to use the inevitable fork with functionality they don't need.

>> No.56000950
File: 198 KB, 768x1024, 1561282606034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is perfect as it is and there is no need to improve anything.

Fuck off with your attempts to corrupt Bitcoin.
You've got thousands of worthless shitcoins already.

>> No.56001019

>BTC can copy every useful technology

>> No.56001759

sidechains are useless, you want to merge mining ? do it i don't care about it!, your want a centralized L2 with bitcoin, set up a multisig and do it, i don't care about it.

You want to change the code to increase the vulnerabilities of the code... GFY and your soft fork, my node won't ever propagate your sidechain garbage.

>> No.56001895

>implying we want to do defi on that shitchain called btc

>> No.56002580


>> No.56003597

Of the voices critical of Drivechain/BIP300, maybe 5% of them know what they're talking about. So many BTC maxi influencers trying to get their 5 minutes off this stuff.

>> No.56004816

Checked and crypto Casey pilled. Would

>> No.56004835

>don't buy these alts
Correct. Those are scams
>buy Bitcoin
Also a scam, buy neither and accumulate wealth with hard work and determination.
If you die in the process then you will contribute to someone else's success. It won't go wasted.

>> No.56004886

>bitcoin is a scam

Why have I made so much money dumping it on people then? It works fine for me.

>> No.56005368

Segwit was a failure, taproot was a failure.
Btc is unironically done.

>> No.56005503

checked, I fell for bcash (bought 10 at $100)

>> No.56005512

why were they failures? they both went through I believe.

>> No.56006929 [DELETED] 
File: 745 KB, 1106x1489, NYPICHPDPICT000026901340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BIP300≠segwit/taproot. We're in an anonymous forum, there's no need to drop retarded hot takes for influencer clout. Btc is going to do something with BIP300 or get flipped.

>> No.56006975

BIP300 supporters are dumb as fuck and are doing the opposite of what they should do if they actually wanted it to get adopted. Starting to fearmonger that if their stuff doesn't get adopted its going to be the end of the world just puts people off from the proposal.

>> No.56007000
File: 40 KB, 536x534, IMG_20230901_092543_487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not fearmongering, it's just true. ETH will flip BTC at this rate. Why do people think this isn't the case when almost every observable metric dictates as much?

>> No.56007006

Kek speaks. BIP300sisters wagmi

>> No.56007013

>muh perfect bitc-ACK
king shitcoin is gonna shit the bed all the way to 0

>> No.56007036

No, it is fearmongering. If you actually want BIP300 to pass I suggest you reevaluate your strategy because the current one is awful. BTC is a conservative coin, if you start trying to rush people into things saying that your stuff must be adopted or else the sky will fail people will just reject you outright. Good decisions don't need to be rushed.

>> No.56007073
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>> No.56007133

kek, the narrative changes never end with you desperate altmaxis. meanwhile they all keep sinking to zero after 2017

>> No.56007286

Bip300 is based but sadly will never happen bcuz btc maxis are the lowest of the low IQ. Ah well, its over for crypto anyways

>> No.56007708

I think we've already had months of ACKing the past two years

>> No.56007714

I could see a lot of people wanting stable coins on bitcoin

>> No.56007716

Nobody gives a fuck. That's the real reason your threads can't pump. If it can't 1000x, it's irrelevant.

>> No.56007735

>Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 300
Today, coins such as Namecoin, Monero, ZCash, and Sia, offer features that Bitcoiners cannot access -- not without selling their BTC to invest in a rival monetary unit. According to coinmarketcap.com, there is now more value *outside* the BTC protocol than within it. According to cryptofees.info, 15x more txn fees are paid outside the BTC protocol, than within it.
Yes because Bitcoin SUCKS just let it go fucking retards, if XMR is better, use XMR, holy fucking shit

>> No.56007853

what do you think tether is?
there's no value in any base layer changes that aren't directly improving lightning and other decentralized l2s.
there's no long term value in ethereum style centralized layer 2 but actually a layer 1 network.

>> No.56007856

monero already failed at it's single feature, privacy, and now they have to rewrite the entire thing or just give up and let it die.
last high in 2018, just move on.

>> No.56008102

Rushing things? The FCK you talking about, drivechains are proposed almost 8 years ago. Seems like only retarded boomers are left holding the corn

>> No.56008313

It has been years and bip300 hasn't merged
Anything requiring forks won't merge ever again
Look at Ordinals, it's stupid yet it managed to gain so much traction because it works without changing BTC

Atomicals Protocol supposedly doesn't require any modifications to BTC code and would allow for interoperability between UTXO chains. Hope it realeses soon
And hope Biz isn't sleeping on it. Atomicals is big if true

>> No.56008860

Research platforms like Altcoinistdao and apeoclock come in handy predicting the unpopular narratives that'll run the next bull market

>> No.56009232
File: 67 KB, 620x513, confused-black-girl-627947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so mad? Seriously, what is your problem my boy? If someone chooses to make it their thing to try and change Bitcoin why does it have you shitting your pants? If BTC is dead already then why does it matter so much if a handful of people want to change it? Consider taking a break from biz

>> No.56009313

Btc maxis are the tardest of the tard

>> No.56009468
File: 152 KB, 1072x883, 64528169384445857172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's why BTC is still relevant as a store of value. For making transactions though it sucks. BTC was designed for peer to peer transactions. Now it would cost you something like $40 worth of BTC to buy a cup coffee. Boost is aiming to fix that and many other issues facing BTC.

>> No.56009473
File: 125 KB, 1072x883, 45656167071909672925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pump is coming. boost doesn't need your FUD right now. we're in a bear market and have been waiting patiently for the right time to strike. we will be the dark horse of the next bull market. the gains will be so immense you wont believe your eyes.

>> No.56009481
File: 962 KB, 1024x1024, 16118029318857656306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XMR is cool for darknet stuff and all but I don't like it because I don't fully trust it. I feel like its too niche and I'm not a criminal so I don't need it. Boost is meant to be for the masses, we will bridge the gap between traditional finance and crypto. I plan to be the one who will get a crypto related Nobel Prize.

>> No.56009489
File: 50 KB, 891x622, 25516979520134391750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already made hundreds of millions of dollars in crypto so I definitely know what i'm talking about. ETH is trash though I'll give you that. Just because it is decentralized does not mean it will be the most successful, the crypto market is about hype and adoption, both of which ETH is failing at. I'd rather go with a centralized L2 chain and get those big fat gains than miss out because "Muh decentralizationz". Boost gives you the best of both worlds, decentralization where it matters with the ability to be able to implement new changes in a timely manner.

>> No.56009495
File: 308 KB, 1178x958, 14112040782784514079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biz is sleeping on everything right now. They've missed boost's early gains, they've missed monero's recent moonshot. biz is good at shilling shitcoins but they are terrible at investing. they don't have enough patience these days. its all about the quick gains for most of them.

>> No.56009500
File: 477 KB, 1003x994, 83639471249707126434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100%, all they care about is decentralization and censorship resistance. Like bro who cares if i get banned on twitter if i'm up 2000% on boostcoin?

>> No.56009502

Nobody cares. Nobody uses crapto outside of ponzi line go up
Dev scammers can bloat as much as they like, production and supply don't drive demand

>> No.56009658

>Now it would cost you something like $40 worth of BTC to buy a cup coffee.
You made this up. Show me the estimated fee on your wallet app, because mine says 64 cents to send 5 dollars worth of bitcoin. That's the "fast" setting. And anyway, by the time Bitcoin is mainstream a cup of coffee is practically free. That's what all you "investors" aren't getting. Real money never existed until now. It's not the same world. Anyone today can skip high school and get a job, and retire in two halvings. And you're complaining about fees as though final settlement matters for buying coffee.

>> No.56010018

>monero already failed at it's single feature, privacy
what the fuck are you talking about?
Do you know my balance when I send you XMR? can you tell what amounts are being transacted every day?

So shut the fuck up, no?

>> No.56010026

jannies, what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.56010168

don't fall for the obvious bait

>> No.56011305

saw this shit on xitter, not buying

>> No.56011314

Without trustless money, economic calculation will continue to be perverted by statist fucking shits, your "wealth" is built on a foundation of sand

>> No.56011326

You don't buy a bitcoin improvement proposal ranjesh

>> No.56011352

BTC fees average about a buck, lightning tx are essentially free, BTC works great as money, even $50/tx is a bargain for trustless infinite value settlement (look at what a wire costs, and that's not even trustless). Maybe try not being poor?

>> No.56011355
File: 1 KB, 125x85, 1692620507276935s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't do shitcoins OP, and You can't stop to love SAND and MANA's creativity in the metaverse. Also, RIDE, which brings metaverse, gaming, NFTs and syncs them into moving cars

>> No.56011382

Watch anon, Learnt Meta wants to do this too with their partner BMW. They'll not stop copying others. Unfortunately for them, Holoride is already making their Motorverse tech fuckin compatible with all cars.

>> No.56012459

Michael saylor basically shitted on this today, its over

>> No.56012512


>> No.56012833

>dude, infinite sidechains!
Is this a necessity?

>> No.56012857
File: 114 KB, 1280x1280, bitcoin_snail_blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bip300 is a reaction to the impending Bitcoin halving apocalypse. Miner revenue is getting fucked and something must be done

>> No.56012896

I want more uses for Bitcoin

>> No.56013146

Why do something when you could do nothing? What's the incentive for non BTC maxis to adopt this shit when they already have ETH? BTC maxis digging their own grave as usual. ETH will flip BTC. Screencap this

>> No.56013825

Does BIP300 address globohomo kikery like ASIC mining, lack of tail emissions and artificially small blocks? No it does not. So why should we care?

>> No.56014288

Michael saylor shidded/farded on this, its DOA. Try again in 5 years

>> No.56014438
File: 316 KB, 1600x1600, drivechain_peg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody cares about bips that only serve speculation
Speculation? There are real sidechain ideas that bring alot of utility on top of bitcoin. For example, you have prediction markets like hivemind, DNS services like BitDNS and Namecoin sidechain, news feeds, Nostr, Monero-side, large block sidechain, defi and smart contracts, you name it, it can be a sidechain built on Bitcoin. And all the sidechains have a 1:1 atomic peg with Bitcoin layer 1

>> No.56014443

BTC works fine now, but remember there is a big halving coming up, and then another, and another, etc.

>> No.56015808

This isn't going anywhere without popular support. Nobody cares what core devs think. They only care about a handful of whales, many of which are lukewarm or hostile to the concept. Drivetrain trannies will be BTFO.

>> No.56015826

its the same bip they tried and failed in 2013-2015
nobody wants this ancient tech added to bitcoin, it's already been surpassed by many other ideas

its just all paid promotion because some nobody wants to start companies around drivechains. nobody's falling for it.

>> No.56015958
File: 35 KB, 1070x252, 1605632431132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"BTC can copy every useful technology, as soon as it is invented; scamcoins lose their justification and become obsolete"


JFC its so over for BTC this is beyond delusion at this point, fire this incompetent core cucks open op-codes for zk-snakrs and start competing instead of living in dreamworld, pic related is fucking 8 fucking years old and you are just recycling same shit every few years

>> No.56015969

didn't btc have op codes for colored coins but satoshi disabled them bc he wasn't sure of their implications?

>> No.56015974

Indeed it did

>> No.56016000

so what's the fuss about enabling them - concerns about security / spam? I wondered whey they never got activated as a response to ethereum.

>> No.56016088

Because nothing productive ever comes from core, bitcoin social layer is captured by mongoloids grasping for power and this is coming from OG Bitcoiner who still loves Bitcoin not newfags like OP
>yes there are concerns about spam but we should have long ruining testiests and funded impartial core we cant get anything done like this where 8 year old ideas are rehashed as solutions of Bitcoin
>Don't know what's worse at this point broken social layer that can't vote in simple upgrades and than we discover big whoopsies still can happen like with ordinals
>Don't get me started on how simple shit like drive chains who can be good start are shilled as "solution for shitcoins" because truth to be told no one cares about shitcoins its fear of Ethereum (and valid one at this point, so much infra/tooling/eco is developing around it while we are jearking of on socials)
>fess will become issue in 1-2 more halvings and we are still at start line in race to find solution, I was comfy 4 years ago drinking hopium that this is slow process but "bettter safe than sorry" now idk anymore seems more like I am in cult that just closes eyes to mathematical and game theory realities

>> No.56016111

To expand digf about drive chains (beyond hilarious death of shitcoins from core we hear every few years) I just want to see any kind of coordination and cooperation and will to address decreasing security budget or compete on real tech fronts like zktech

>> No.56016125
File: 49 KB, 392x500, dd6296ce8cc534debb781dc617868c93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a newfag
>sends massive incomprehensible green text reddit spaced essay
Biz in bear market 2023

>> No.56016161

Sir you're one of the social layer mongoloids. You're crying about BTC not being able to get anything done while dogmatically rejecting the one thing can do away with retarded consensus mongoloid shit. Make your post make sense.

>> No.56016190

I'm not rejecting it i'm tilting how doa solution (due cucks postering on socials) of what might be good start (drivechains) shows how broken social layer is.
Drivechains are not cure for all as shilled!, but would be good start
Anything would be good start at this point

>> No.56016200

Not to mention how Luke went from "NO worst thing ever" to "Maybe not bad and true shitcoin killers" in just 7 years JFC

>> No.56017256

>it's already been surpassed by many other ideas
Such as?

>> No.56017261

>Nobody cares what core devs think. They only care about a handful of whales, many of which are lukewarm or hostile to the concept. Drivetrain trannies will be BTFO.
Actually when it comes down to it, miners have the power.

>> No.56017671

Yeah and, what, you think Joe somebody in the middle of nowhere makes a difference compared to some black rock backed miner?

>> No.56017898
File: 106 KB, 471x704, money_trust_octopus_federal_reserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked. Bitcoin is a dinosaur. Not just BIP-300 but literally all the BIPs should be merged imo. Make Bitcoin the all-encompassing hentai monster

>> No.56018844


This. These faggot jews need to stop trying to molest the BTC base chain layer code for their retarded purposes. The upside is infinitely small and the downside is absolute. Bitcoin is the only hope for the future of humanity to be free from the trappings of the kike's financial digital prison. Any entity that recommends changing the core code should be treated with extreme prejudice.

>> No.56018879
File: 39 KB, 600x338, 1vitalik-buterin-eth-inventor-cat-bag-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Incoming faggot shitcoiners:

>SNEED, just wait for the splurge verge purge gurge!! flippening!!!!, lmao!!!!!!!!!1one

Meanwhile your WEF controlled faggot skeleton's dogshit dinosaur chain which larps as a 'decentralized' platform is going to be eventually destroyed as innovation moves more into Bitcoin's L2 because there's no point in supporting a PoS system when it's completely paid for by Joe Luben, Infura and the rest of the JP Morgan chase banker elite that are controlling Ethereum/ERC-20 dog shit network.

Lastly I denounce the talmud, torah, zohar.

>> No.56019451


Can we make this a general

>> No.56019459


>> No.56019466


Safe ? What is unsafe about bip300 ?

>> No.56019472


This is just more reason to ack bip300

>> No.56019480


We can have zk through ONE opcode. Why many new ones

>> No.56019491


You have to go back

>> No.56019515


>eth is at 0

>> No.56019520


Dead meme boomer

>> No.56019525
File: 471 KB, 220x220, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking newfag KEK. this is either a paid shill or someone trying to 5d larp as a paid shill. is this the power of drivechain?

>> No.56019542


>> No.56019561
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>> No.56019565


First time on 4chan ?

>> No.56019569

>Miner revenue is getting fucked and something must be done
Inefficient ones will die, innovators will thrive and have to reinvest. Bitcoin doesn't serve the miners.

>> No.56019573

They'll hate you for telling the truth.

>> No.56019636


>> No.56019665

Exec working on Infura here. Confirming poster is right

>> No.56020088

Do it. these faggy altcoins all claim they are the next-thing but where is the real traction?

Where are the innovations?
Has anyone gotten their data back from big bisniss yet?

Oh... Yes? No?

>> No.56020326

It's more about what the pool operator wants, since every miner in a pool shares 1 node

>> No.56020930

and the miners have the pool operators by the balls. it all flows down to who pays for the hardware and energy, which is why ethereum so quickly became compromised when there was n longer any recurring costs

>> No.56021905

yeah, that and Eth minted 50+% of the supply straight up.

>> No.56023618
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>> No.56023710
File: 229 KB, 1094x945, IMG_6951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God that’s true

>> No.56023733

BIP 300 and BIP 301 do not improve Bitcoin.
What's funny about the image you posted is that BIP 300 was created 6 years ago and BIP 301 was created 4 years ago.
And they could definitely be considered an attack on Bitcoin.

Etherem is a centralized project and ETH is a premined shitcoin.

>> No.56023908
File: 268 KB, 937x720, dc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drivechain is coming! Check out SKYDOGE.NET!

>> No.56025830
File: 162 KB, 1023x760, 20230904_053910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bip300 grifter fags getting rekt on xitter kek

>> No.56026068

It might but it will take a long time. The first mover advantage is still with BTC so it won't be happening anytime soon. Regulations will also favour BTC more. I hope NexeraID and Polygon ID is enough for compliance.

>> No.56026323
File: 7 KB, 250x234, 1693054167253178s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, don't be a retard. BTC is just getting warmed up with its current dev. Start stacking it alongside utility tokens like TIP, NXRA, DUA, XRP, and even SHIB. They always riding the BTC trend. I've open your eyes on this.

>> No.56026508

I'm looking forward to the halving as well anon. Till then I'd keep stacking and hold in a wallet that implements account abstraction and 2FA for security.

>> No.56026654

Eth has done nothing but bleed against bitcoin since 2018

seethe cope and dilate shitcoin tranny

>> No.56026713

polishing a turd
(yes, a limited turd but still a turd)

>> No.56026775

XRP and NXRA aren't so bad after all. They are among my most bullish bag.

>> No.56027237

It's just a turd

>> No.56027954
File: 132 KB, 724x1024, monero_meme_listening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the oldest turd though, so that's something. I still think Monero is more of Satoshi's original vision

>> No.56029262

I don't think it stands here. Monera is just a part of the whole. The global acceptance needs regulations and a good form of compliance even for Defi. PendleFi and SpoolFi are ready for institutions and I like how they have planned to achieve this.

>> No.56029343

>ETH is a spaghetti mess

>> No.56029351

Bitcoin is outdated and the federal government loves when you use it versus other things. That's all I need to know to acknowledge it is trash.

>> No.56029422

>Monero "failed"
>Just abandon making the thing that people think Bitcoin is

>> No.56029435

The only way to get yield on Bitcoin is giving it to centralized ponzi schemer middlemen. Bitcoin, truthfully, was DOA since it is unable to evolve.

>> No.56029522

>Bitcoin doesn't serve the miners.
Bitcoin is literally distributed only to miners.
And guess what the megaminers do when they expend electricity to mint coins (in 2023 for some reason???? LMFAO?!?!), yep they dump that price chart.

>> No.56029534


>> No.56029565

>(Bitcoin is a) cult that just closes eyes to mathematical and game theory realities
Best line I've read on biz for the past week.

>> No.56029588


>> No.56029614

>Ethereum is a centralized project and ETH is a premined shitcoin.
Yep, thank God somone recently forked the entire system state of Ethereum and all of the code deployed on it to a brand new chain with better tokenomics and marketability.

>> No.56029750

It's so irritating reading all these shitcoin traders trying to project their ignorance and spiels about "utility" onto the only coin with actual utility - btc. It's amazing that after all these years they STILL don't understand the point of btc or crypto in general.

>> No.56029786

Bitcoin utility:
-Mostly immutable send/receive
-Store of value
and yeah, it doesn't need to do anything else to be Bitcoin. It has grown massively just doing those two things well enough.

But don't stick your head in the sand and deny that other things exist and or could be created which dwarf it in usecase despite adoption and hardware limits.

>> No.56029822

When are we going to pump?

>> No.56029850

why is literally every maxipad a drooling moron?

>> No.56029893

So much this!

>> No.56029910

That's worse than Visa.
Also it's like $5. You are using the bottom of activity levels to get a buck tx sir and you know it.

>> No.56029979

That's literally 10x the Visa fee or more.
I was in at $3.
It fucking sucks balls dude and it's run by big powerful people.
Helps absolutely no one.
All tx fully tracked forever.
It has zero redeeming qualities.

>> No.56030040
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>dwarf it in usecase
Everything outside of BTC are shitcoins. BTC solves money, people call it "digital gold" but even gold relied on trust in the sovereign that the coinage was of the correct purity & weight, and after redemption based currency gained traction was entirely trust-based. BTC on the other hand is truly trustless, the first trustless money to ever exist, a definitive solution to the money problem. The systemic economic value of trustless money is nearly beyond comprehension, hyperbitcoinization will unironically multiply global (real) GDP by a factor of 2 or more, $150T-$300T in 2023 dollars, that's the minimum value BTC brings to the table. What the fuck value does eth bring? High fee trading of even jankier shitcoins than allowed on CEXs? Defi "yield farming" ponzis? Monkey jpgs? Crypto outside BTC (and XMR) is a bad joke.

>> No.56030083

>he doesn't know the developers are desperately trying and failing to rewrite monero right now
always the baggies who are clueless about their "investments"

>> No.56030179

256, actually

>> No.56030196

>Anyone today can skip high school and get a job, and retire in two halvings
anon you're not on normiegram selling ponzi to normies, stop

>> No.56031349

Visa isn't settlement-layer and charges 3%, even $5 is less than that for transactions over a $150. And again, BTC is not p2p paypal, send me a gold bar that's been assayed by two independent labs for $5
>65 cents is 10x 3% of $transaction
Shitcoiner math.

>> No.56031435

The surgeon did a fantastic job hiding the scar from the Adam's apple reduction.

>> No.56031886

95% of all tx are under $150 retard.
Probably more like 98%.

I take 2 million in cc payments a year.
BTC is garbage, XRP/XLM is dramatic improvement for me and customers.

You are a poor just hoping for your bags to grow. I'm a business man making actual money.
Your opinion is uninformed and pathetic.
BTC helps no one but you and other holders
It's use is not worth anything. Just the hope that you can hold and it go up.

>> No.56032195

Whatever it is it’s bitcoin improvement. Next barrier is less restriction on whomst is buying.

>> No.56033705

Taproot and rootstock are both shit, we have side chains on BTC, they're shit

>> No.56035950


>> No.56035984

i use bitcoin all the time in the philippines. I exchange bitcoin to php and withdrawl from lbc express with pouch.ph app. Saves me a massive amount in exchange fees. Even better when I'm on vacation in boracay i can pay straight with the app at 50% of places there. No need for php at all.

>> No.56036154


this is the 100% sales tax coin. Congrats on being retarted you dumb fuck

>> No.56036599

>zoomies don't even know about TCP