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55993002 No.55993002 [Reply] [Original]

>4 interviews for this sick well paying remote engineer role
>Each interview is increasing more technical
>Getting each question and impressing these guy
>Get to the final interview
>"We think you'd be better for an on-site help desk role"
Fuck these faggots for wasting my time.

>> No.55993576

I interviewed for a PM job a while back and then they offered me a QA job instead. Told them to fuck off. In hindsight I should've taken it, but it would've been really demoralizing answering to whatever cuck they hired instead of me. Swallow your pride if you have to.

>> No.55993599

Fair enough, they're not the only people I'm talking to, but being remote was the big pull for me, I don't want to drive 30 minutes there and back on-site every day. Additionally yeah it feels cucked to go from a cool technical job to some basic entry-level helpdesk shit.

>> No.55993649

I worked remote for Two years and didn't like it, am I the only person like this

>> No.55993699

it should be illegal to do shit like this. but of course this is antisemtic and the jewnited states of muttmerica loves its jewish employers.

>> No.55993772

You just want to get paid 300k a year doing nothing. Everybody wfh doesn’t do work except 3 emails a day while playing video games all day

>> No.55993835

What's wrong about that? Everybody wants that.

>> No.55994029

You're not wrong, but every job I've had has been in offices with a fuck load of downtime where you're just there with nothing to do but expected to look busy. I'd at least rather save some money and be in a comfortable enviroment that has everything I need.

>> No.55994656
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I wish, every damn time I open a video or go for coffee somebody pings me on Teams, without fail.