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55991040 No.55991040 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55991067

Same but I had 10 last cycle and 22 2 cycles ago I'm never going to make it

>> No.55991075

What happened to your BTC ?

>> No.55991082

That's a man

>> No.55991090

do not say it out loud man, do you want to risk ending up on the known physical attacks list?

>> No.55991272

nah, Anon.....No one has any BTC here. Hes a larp faggot....this is a shitcoin casino forum here. We all hold XRP, AVAX, DASH. FUN, and WAX....not a satoshi in site.

>> No.55991481
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Hey I followed your quest since 0.35 BTC, last time I read a post from you you were in the 0.83 range, anyways nice job anon
t. fellow 1 btc holder

>> No.55991508

Same I have been following you OP. Congrats. A jewish beak wife will soon be yours

>> No.55991552

See you at 1.25 BTC, keep us updated on pictures of jewish beak wives until then

>> No.55991566


>> No.55991951
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Lol, this place was the reason for selling most of my shitcoins into BTC
The last 0.20 BTC was the hardest part. My wife will soon be a stay at home mom so we will have less income. Was really important to reach my goal before she quits her job.
Not sure if I wil go for 1.25 BTC anon. My next step was building a dividends portfolio. First goal already reached of € 1 a day in divis. Next goal is €4 a day. Also still have a few shitcoins left to sell into BTC if we get another good run. Lost my beak folder. Can you frens help an anon out to refill with the finest beaks?

>> No.55993204

I'm at 0.98
Almost there. And then I'm gonna hodl it

>> No.55993271 [DELETED] 

share some my friends, kindness is the best investment.


>> No.55993275
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I have .5 BTC among other things

>> No.55993397

I have 500 Link

>> No.55993430

no begging, street shitter

>> No.55993712

no begging, street shitter

>> No.55993738

Fuck off curry nigger

>> No.55993801

Nice. 1 BTC=Comfy retirement money by 2035.

>> No.55993979

Enjoy your ban.

>> No.55994085


Well done, king. You'll be a millionaire at least by 2024.

>> No.55994446

Hell yeah brother

>> No.55995156

realistically only in 2029. and then a million will be worth half what it is now.

>> No.55995167
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Bro, you should increase your stack cycle after cycle, not reduce it.

>> No.55995205
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>> No.55995421

What do you do after 1? Carry on DCAing? I want to buy a new PC but I keep slurping.
t. at 0.9

>> No.55996474

I hold, sometimes I swing it a bit to try to make some money, let's say btc pumps to 30k in a 1hr candle, I sell 0.1 btc there, of ot keeps pumping to 31k another 0.1k and so on. Most likely it barts, then re buy and maybe make some extra satoshis but there is always a chance it backfires. One bad trade and you're done. Swingies get the rope as the they say
t. not financial advice fag

>> No.55996547

That's a big achieve man, if I got that 1/10 will be in wrapped BTC then I take it to Uniswap to get Sylo LP tokens which I withdraw for the Sylo LM; passive income ain't bad, aye.

>> No.55996830

out of curiosity, how much do they pay you per post?

>> No.55996875

Well done, OP

>> No.55996883

It must be fuck all surely, and even then whoever pays them is getting poor value for their spending because the shilling is dead obvious and in most cases downright irritating. On multiple occasions they manage to derail threads altogether so any genuine Anon bails and they’ve lost a potential buyer. If Gookmoot were to implement flags it would destroy these simpletons as the overwhelming stench of curry would be revealed.

>> No.55998564
File: 56 KB, 500x749, 2VeMzM8ANvqjAogBaatK0NdYGqB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its looking into other things to invest in. Main goal of my overal portfolio was to own atleast one BTC. Next goal is to earn atleast € 5k in dividends per year. That goal is harder than reaching 1 BTC.

>> No.55998595

What am I looking at here, CCTV images from Auschwitz?

>> No.55998621

Is 1 btc enough to make it?

>> No.55998679

>put 1 btc in aave
>borrow eth
>convert to wsteth
>borrow more eth using wsteth as collateral
>loop it
Won’t be $5k per year but still great

>> No.55998870

Sounds risky anon, tell me more.

>> No.55999004

Have to ad another thing here.. I like Bitcoin and I have no problem with a bit of shitcoin gambling, but crypto is a bad way to earn stable passive income. I went from earning about 600 a month in staking income to it being less than 75 a month in less than a few months staking the same amount. Only took a massive dump and a massive decrease in apy. I will rather go for slow and steady when in comes to passive income.

>> No.55999022
File: 125 KB, 640x640, IMG_20230604_142339_244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone should aspire to own 1 BTC.

>> No.55999066

I have 2.5. Top was 3.5

I might still make it.

>> No.55999112

Everytime I tried to have passive income on defi, I end up loosing.
Most of my stack I did in the bullrun betting on some shitcoins and selling when I reached a certain goal, like 10x ou even 100x depending on the coin. Sometimes I got fucked, like Truebit, others I got lucky like Kadena.

>> No.55999237


I also want to reach 1 BTC then build up my dividend portfolio. I buy O (Realty Income) and Bitcoin monthly, hope I will reach my goal of having 1 BTC and 100 € monthly passive income soon

>> No.55999493

Nice anon. O is also on my list of campanies. I'mm spreading the dividend pay outs in a way that I would get payments from dividends every month.

>> No.55999505

That man has never been funny once in his life

>> No.55999556

There's this jewish girl at my work with a big 'ol honker, wouldn't mind invading her gaza strip if you know what I mean ;)

>> No.56000159

i have 10 haircomb
that's a bitcoin, right?