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55990817 No.55990817 [Reply] [Original]

>finally got 10/10 girl
>she can’t have kids
go on without me lads
I’ll see you on the other side

>> No.55990831

If she can't have kids, she's not 10/10. That's literally their purpose for existing.

>> No.55990834

My gf told me she has low fertility and she’s the most attractive woman I’ve been with. What do I do bros.

>> No.55990846

Safe and effective!

>> No.55990854

Think of it this way, you will spare your unborn children lives of suffering and depression. What if your kid gets old, gets married and has kids then 4 of his children die in a fiery car crash? Now the possibility of that had been eliminated. Enjoy your own life and blow your head off with a shotgun at 65.

>> No.55990877

Just get a second wife and go full modernist Mormon. If you're a good enough dude to pull your 10,youre good enough to provide for another wife. This whole 1 man 1 woman bullshit is leftist horseshit meant to placate the weaker men in our society by sedating them with charity pussy. When things get tough, women will naturally flock to the better providers. Cut out the faggot welfare state gibs and things would change overnight. Harems for the competent, nothing for the losers.

>> No.55990879

Oy vey!

>> No.55990899

did you really want kids to begin with? imagine forcing an innocent life into this majority non-white hellscape on an undeniable and never-ending economic decline.

>> No.55990911
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>> No.55990969
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>> No.55990979
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top 20% men have no interest in the lower 80% of women who would be marrying lesser men

you're saying the equivalent of
>multimillionaires should be buying up 25 year old shitbox beater cars with 300k miles, rather than letting poor people and thirdworlders hoard them!

a special kind of retarded

>> No.55991000

rent a surrogate mother in ukraine who'll birth both of your genes

>> No.55991011

This. She only settled for you bc she knows her true worth

>> No.55991025

Why are his ears so big

>> No.55991033

>a special kind of retarded
>comparing women to cars
Yes, you are.

>> No.55991048

he can still fertilize another egg from a woman that looks like her and use a surrogate mother. that's what i would do. she wont even be affected by birth and stay hot. the hotness of a man's wife is correlated to his happiness. i wouldn't let go a 10/10 for this reason.

>> No.55991063

low doesn't mean zero. there's a bunch of treatments to try
her telling you she has "low fertility" is weird to start with. what is that supposed to mean? low hormone levels? low ovarian reserve? this is not typically exams docs do unless you've been trying to conceive for a year+ without success. it might just be her way to express anxiety about having kids to you