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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 621 KB, 1767x987, pyth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55984301 No.55984301 [Reply] [Original]

>Here's why Pyth is better than Chainlink!
>According to this VC dog who works at Pyth!
>He reiterates the same lie he's been saying for years that's been corrected multiple times.


How much was this old hag paid?

>> No.55984315
File: 907 KB, 1608x1801, pyth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gets called out
>Oh I'm sorry I was """sick""" so I didn't do my research
I hate crypto so much, fuck this corrupted space.

>> No.55984440

stupid chink

>> No.55984690

Would have been nice if Chainlink was on the stock market instead.
It could have pumped like the crypto mining stocks and would not get so much fud...

I wonder if we could find some names and conflicts of interest behind the supporters or unchained..

>> No.55984749


>> No.55984824

That pic is not the conversation that took place and has been doctored to make Laura look worse. Check on twitter if you don't believe me. i cba screenshotting it

>> No.55984840

Swift quite literally has zero mainnet usage of chainlink right now so he's not wrong. That's all testnet and therefore free.

>> No.55985002

>Chainlink stock
I wish. I bet $1,000 that she was paid.


Suck my dick.

That's not the issue at hand, fuddie. He was saying Chainlink was slow and that it uses free data. Try to keep up, do some research before spewing that garbage.

>> No.55985014

How is it not the issue? Swift and DTCC are not currently using any paid chainlink services.

>> No.55985272

You pay to use CCIP. They confirmed to be testing it. Can you prove they didn't pay?

>> No.55985291

he was talking about the price feeds using "free data" when they use premium api feeds, nothing to do with swift
this is a good reminder that some people will do things you would never consider for money

>> No.55987402

>S-SWIFT isn't ever partnering with scams like Chainlink
>yeah they said they partnered but its just a proof of concept
>ok they might have gone all in on Chainlink as the only blockchain project worth of working with, and every other project like XRP or quant has lied through their teeth but its ok because its only testnet transactions
We are here
>yeah Chainlink might power the entirety of tradfi moving to the blockchain and all the banks behind it, but doesn't matter because SWIFT is dying anyway
I will make my mission to find fudders and torture them for months before gutting them like fish. Money won't be an issue.