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55980361 No.55980361 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to innovation?

>> No.55980369

Gone. Disgusted by marxists and socialists

>> No.55980386 [DELETED] 

I miss him bros.

>> No.55980388

replaced by diversity hires to spin the wheels in the age of free money while the owners retire very, very far away

>> No.55980405

mp3 players and smartphones exsisted before the apple versions, jobs was only good at marketing to create a generation of apple brandwhores.

>> No.55980712

Back you go

>> No.55980751

Diminishing returns.
We can't even get AR glasses despite META changing their names and throwing billions at it.

We just get "faster" stuff now. Bullshit.

Low tech is the thing now.

>> No.55980768


>> No.55981140

it just moved from hardware to software

>> No.55981154

>Steve jobs


>> No.55981230

>Most economic growth comes from innovation, not the accumulation of capital or labor.


>> No.55981238

Dumbing down existing technology so the average retard can use it is innovation for OP

>> No.55981306

The only people who don't like Apple products are the ones who are too poor to afford them

>> No.55981461

>30% of us gdp comes from marketing
>Not marketing translated into sales, just a mouth breather saying stupid things and chasing sales away
Congrats you are the reason the USA is going to see a deflationary deathspiral

>> No.55981489

Still seems to be going strong, just not in retard consoomer adjacent industries so of course you wouldn't notice faggot

>> No.55981548

Correct but Jobs was great at making every new product announcement seem like a historic event. Nobody even watches Apple keynotes anymore, less talk about them. Tim Cuck announcing an incremental update to the iPhone and bending his knees at the start of every sentence is as forgettable as it gets.

>> No.55981628

No he was shit at marketing. The only thing that made him "good" was an army of back then tv pundits, also advertisers, that told a bunch of drooling zombies that trusted what the advertiser in the box said was true and repeated it like gospel, of course were the bosses of those advertiser all invested in crapple. They were able to create shared reality. That isn't the case anymore and you have drooling retards like him >>55981489
trying to make marketing like a pajeet, unable to create shared reality because nobody trusts or watches the advertiser in the box or any other marketing freak

>> No.55981671

Apple's main "innovation" was design.

>> No.55981674

And the failure to create shared reality is the reason the USA is going to lose its internal market and die like china in a deflationary deathspiral

>> No.55981700

Back then you told a bunch of drooling zombies watching tv to put their money with Buckley,and they believed it, if you tell somebody today to put his money with Buckley they ask you if you are a scammer and tell you to piss off or block you

>> No.55981706

I'm not talking about apple

>> No.55981725

Jobs didn't innovate shit beyond letting women, darkies, and absolute retards use the internet.

>> No.55981727

You don't get the core statement. Marketing doesn't work anymore because there is no shared reality to create foundation myths

>> No.55981739

I don't give a shit about marketing I'm just pointing out that technological innovation still exists

>> No.55981745

Steve Jobs is literally a Syrian

>> No.55981760

Sounds like you haven't seen the Innovative app CryptMI built to simplify payment option.

>> No.55981763

So? Who cares. That's the thing with tech "innovation" it requires a shared reality foundation myth to be seen as innovative. Innovation doesn't exist per se, it's a perceived category that becomes perceived as innovative through shared reality

>> No.55981787

There is a small part that calls buttcorn innovative, there is a small part that calls phone payment innovative, there is a small part that calls green energy innovative, there is a small part that calls eve innovative. Not a majority, not a shared reality, not innovation

>> No.55982608

he wasn't hired because of it
note the difference

>> No.55983359

It takes a backseat to making thing as one-time-use as much as possible. Smartphones are the worst product in the world. Can't replace parts, and even if you could, you can't get them in the first place. And even if a phone was brand-new in box, the relentlessly aggressive upgrade cycle renders it worthless in a scant few years to everyone except maybe collectors.

>> No.55983373

That's hardly innovative that's a scam

>> No.55983395

You just gave me an idea for a new type of -punk setting where it's our world's technology but with an entirely different culture around products

>> No.55984491
File: 115 KB, 960x954, 1652880012903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happened to innovation?
innovation disrupts established jewish businesses
it steals profit
so jews jew anything that might be a threat

>> No.55984522

Well I'm atleast trying to innovate how about u op

>> No.55984711

Ai space is innovating a lot right now

>> No.55984757

You can't innovate in a totally atomized, low trust societies with no shared reality outside of tribalist cults. "Innovation" is not a naturally occurring phenomena but a constructed one

>> No.55984772

By hiring Kumars and Changs for $1/h to prevent the fucked up indexes to end in digital mad cow disease? Great innovation you got there, no use case defeating completely the purpose of using that crap, let alone spend money on the digital mechanical turk

>> No.55984774
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A recent innovation was that innovators realized that not only would their contributions be used against them and against their people in the most dystopic ways imaginable, but their ideas would be stolen and some business savvy dipshit would wind up getting all the credit anyway.

>> No.55984779

Do you think it has anything to do with the rise of outsourcing to India?

>> No.55984812
File: 930 KB, 640x360, 1692999514006676 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, my main job is bringing innovation at a large financial institute and the biggest hurdle is that it's better for your career to just do the same thing like everyone did the last 5 years then do something new with the risk of failing.

Feel free to shoot some questions

>> No.55984825

>t.doesn't understand the philosophical concept that defines innovation
You are just a waste of funds for you boss

>> No.55984914

What a pea brain reply. Innovators do not lack drive and ambition like yourself, you are a data entry tier employee

>> No.55984928

I think someone already said it but low interest rates since financial crisis. Just decimated any real economy. Turned everything into a rent seeking selfocracy intent on proposing itself up rather than innovating and growing. It's unironically the start of the beginning of a rebirth now with rates going up. We're feeling it's birthing pains.

>> No.55984944

>go to university for 100k
>you got the wrong degree
>struggle for 10 years
>go back for 'another degree' to try and fix your shit in an actual career
>some rich fag from your class immediately gets funding from his dad and grandad to make anal probes for gay men from space
Innovation doesn't exist in a society where the goal is basically to fleece the middle class and all job training is considered worthless for some reason.

>> No.55984945

There are no new grounds for innovation. VR was supposed to be the next technological frontier where new enterprises were to establish themselves, but so far the vr technology has proven to be a flop and lots of big efforts have been a failure.
AI has shown some signs of advancement but its the dystopian kind of advancement that will make people more miserable in the future

>> No.55984965

there's plenty of grounds for innovation. Robots, plants that grow in the dark, synthetic meat, etc... Hell if the super conductor thing goes anywhere they might be able to make roads for hover craft.

>> No.55984972

Vr is fun for dry combat and weapon handling simulation training, if the program is well written, which is rare, but that was about it. The rest is furfags, homosexuals and other degenerates erping and riping each others generic avatars and trying to sell them to Koreans for pennies

>> No.55984999

There is no reason for a hovercraft as there isn't a market big enough to sell that crap too with atomization, going to fail at "marketing" and manipulating enough people to make it profitable. Artificial meat was rejected whenever somebody tried to scam with it, automation has been a scam since the early 90s, grow in the dark, led growing is a thing already fuckhead

>> No.55985039

What I meant was commercial grounds for innovation. People are using the internet so by offering them an x service, we can make money off of them. Internet was the perfect place. Robots, and everything else you have mentioned are very specific grounds that need a huge group of scientists, engineers etc in order make breakthroughs, and also the end product will probably be to expensive and not quite as "necessary" as the internet is. However, when it comes to the internet itself, some codemonkeys can get the job done with the bare minimum funding and the product can be accessed by millions of people with ease.

>> No.55985071

>Repackage html, a database and nodejs for the nth time trying to pitch it as the future
That's no innovation that's a repackaged scam only boomers fell for, boomers are out as investors to pay for your lattes Kumar. Can't scam millennials with it

>> No.55985340


>> No.55985371

if plants in the dark exist where can I buy one?

>> No.55985391

Dark light LEDs. Did a grow of chili's and Tomatoes indoor with it a few years ago. Good results, comparable with HPS at better energy efficiency

>> No.55985422

That’s the United States average citizen anon. The global market is full of retards with money. The Jews are going to keep this party going until their time is up.

>> No.55985438

>Dark light LEDs
no i meant plants that grow in the dark through photosynthesis.
Making an internet start up was never easy, you just thought it was. It requires millions of dollars worth of server costs. Since the bar was so low it was reserved for preppy people or something. The stuff i mention is hard work, but if you dedicate years of your time to a single project you'd be amazed of how far you'd get. They sell crisp kits on amazon btw. Don't become a bio cunt and make the news now though.

>> No.55985984

Oh you are a retard. Should have known when the synthetic meat, robots and hover shit was mentioned. Stuck in 1998 much boomer. Retire!

>> No.55986574

everything apple did already existed tho

>> No.55986634

Someone post the article about journos seething at china for having too much innovation

Sorry sweaty but the Marxists are the innovators now

>> No.55986641


>> No.55986652

You're completely out of touch with reality if you really think China is actually a Marxist state.

>> No.55986658

Why do you think the neocons are gearing us up for war? If they really believed all the china collapse propaganda theyd just be waiting around

>> No.55986660

It is. It's a socialist dictatorship with no energy independence no food independence no force projection capabilities and no internal market

>> No.55986664

Would you like me to quote Marx on why China is Marxist? You probably don't know anything about Marxism and think Marxism is when trannies and high taxes

>> No.55986665
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People who are mean get cancelled now. You can't innovate in this kind of environment

>> No.55986667

The USA is as fucked as china. It's funny, both countries are going to die in tandem with Russia and India being the laughing third

>> No.55986674

Russia is surgically attached to China at this point dude. Can't speak for India

>> No.55986680

No. You marxists are funnily just as retarded as the new liberals. You can't into realist geopolitics

>> No.55986693

>only argument is "no" and "ur dum"
Screencap my posts. Or even save them for later. You retards think you can peel Russia away from China. The GOP is obsessed with the idea. Laughable.

>> No.55986702

But you are stupid. Enjoy the next decade. Institutionalism, new liberalism, marxism and constructivism failed

>> No.55986715

>Russia is surgically attached to China at this point dude.
To be honest, who isn't? As far as I remember, a lot of western nations gutted their local manufacturing base and moved everything to china.

>> No.55986723

We are presently living through the death of neoliberalism. Best part is you defend the financialization to the death despite it being the root cause of the downfall of the west.

>> No.55986727

That was 20 years ago. The manufacturing has been long relocated
You live in the past

>> No.55986731

Lenin was right the capitalists really did sell the communists the rope they're going to use to hang us

>> No.55986733

What? You got brainwashed by marxist lecturers you paid for. Hilarious. Stupider then a marxist is never ever anybody going to be in the history of humanity

>> No.55986736


Huff Huff huffffffffff friend shoring will work! It'll be different this tiiiiiiime

>> No.55986739

Odd. Yiwu and Shenzen, among others, are still booming in manufacturing all sorts of crap. But yeah, maybe I live in the past.

>> No.55986746

All of my economics professors were Chicago school. Your understanding of reality is based on YouTube grifters and other brain slop

>> No.55986748
File: 519 KB, 1074x1580, IMG_20230827_134123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need to post the Chinese youth unemployment chart, the deflationary deathspiral charts? The charts about chinas food production, I know what i post

>> No.55986758


>> No.55986761

Chang cope. Hilarious. On a western forum where they try to desperately create pr for a dead nation

>> No.55986768

Wait you're telling me the world's industrial base saw a massive downturn when globally demand has been going down? Obviously this can only mean one thing, china is finished and austriantards will make a comeback

>> No.55986769

Well being an independent millionaire is fun. Hold your bags tied, baggies

>> No.55986781

Nobody is waiting to buy them
You are going to hold them very very very very very very long

>> No.55986783

Post wallet

>> No.55986791

Crypto? I'm not stupid. That shit is dead

>> No.55986803

Really, marxist drooler with crapto. It's true what they say, as soon as an industry caught marxism its dead

>> No.55986817

And here they sit all day, spamming one buy my bags thread after the other, the marxist mouth breather holding bags waiting for bigger fools that never come, because they were the biggest fools

>> No.55986823

Drug addicted freaks that got brainwashed by advertisers

>> No.55986836

Innovations happening in the political money laundry sector. Development also happening in the payment sector on CryptMi, Binance, alchemy, Wirex etc.

>> No.55986840

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and in strange aeons even death may die.

>> No.55986844

Huffing their own farts non stop
With bags nobody is ever going to take off of them for the dollar they paid not to talk of more dollars.
Spamming and spamming in hope that somebody comes to this dead imageboard everyone forgot about

>> No.55986856

And here we have the prime example of a retard holding bags nobody cares for

>> No.55986876

I'm about even. Won't lie a little down. Point stands though.

>> No.55986879

But the Marxist are so certain all it takes to get somebody to buy their bag is neo liberal advertising. Quite ironic that they are the last fools im the chain

>> No.55986886

Larry is going to buy their bags any day now, a day that never js going to come

>> No.55986899

And they spam and spam and spam the same boring images they stole from unironic conservative neo liberal never coming up with their own innovation. Quite notable

>> No.55986911

Marxists and collectivist can simply not innovate. The butt of every joke

>> No.55986937

They think they figured it out. Never going to make it
Holding bags to 0
The marxist crapto freaks the last fools

>> No.55986957

Hiro really left the greatest losers in charge of this dead imageboard
Always marxists holding bags to 0

>> No.55987560

hey if you can make billions and create a legion of followers, who can complain?
People who aren't you.

>> No.55987984
File: 2 KB, 123x125, 1692404917984790s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Innovation's hitting its stride, and we're on the verge of a peak. Tesla's doing their thing, and Peaqnetwork is about to drop the truth on how crucial the Economy of Things is for businesses. They're rolling out Tesla and Jaguar cars to prove it. What else?

>> No.55988001

You are a brainlet. Thousands of patents are issued every month. Just learn something fucking useful like physics and read pattents in a sector that you like to understand industry problems and then try to solve them. It is one of the easiest ways to make money unironically as you will have barely any competition

>> No.55988004

Even simple innovations like
>LCB PET for UV resistance
make a huge difference in a global economy even if you don't appreciate it. People just expect Moore's law type of innovation forever when physics has been a stagnant subject for 50 years

>> No.55989611

Have you ever read Arthur C. Clarke's "Superiority", you dumb fucking queer jew shill?
Clearly you haven't or are pretending you didn't, which makes you a subhuman either way.
In that seminal work which was at one time studied in Berkley or MIT school of Engineering, can't be arsed to remember which of those overhyped conformity factories, the scify luminary uses a metaphor for NAZI wunderwaffen to scathingly satirize the SICK DEGENERATE fetishization of forced "progress" and "innovation".
Please proceed to swallow a box of tide you dumb fucking cunt faguette.