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55978440 No.55978440 [Reply] [Original]

This is $256 worth of groceries from Amazon Fresh.

>> No.55978443
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>> No.55978446
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>> No.55978450

i don't remember asking

>> No.55978451


>> No.55978459
File: 438 KB, 2000x2288, Doh Nutkinson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon, NOW BUY DONUT!

>> No.55978461


Maybe don't buy cherry flavored mineral water, faggot

>> No.55978469

Also, I gave the delivery guy a $20 in addition to the $10 tip because when he delivered, he put everything in a shopping cart and managed to get it up the stairs to my front porch in no time.

He was Hispanic and thanked me for the tip.

The last time it was an Asian couple who delivered and I gave them a $20 after they got everything on to the porch by going back and forth.

I remember this one time a young American black guy delivered, he was mumbling about having to go up and down the porch stairs and "all these fucking groceries.". I didn't give him the extra $20 and left him a poor review.

There was a black guy from the Caribbean once who delivered. He was very friendly and jovial so I gave him a $20 tip.

This younger generation doesn't want to work and don't know how to provide good service.

>> No.55978470

You could buy almost the exact same shit at Aldi for less than $100

Also are you one person? How tf do you eat all that before it spoils

>> No.55978479

>How tf do you eat all that before it spoils

>what is a freezer

>> No.55978483

This isn’t the most egregious grocery list I’ve ever seen, but you’re going to get shit on for being a hipster faggot. How long do you expect this food to last you? Hope you only buy this twice a month max and that you’re making a good income, otherwise you need to evaluate your spending.

>> No.55978484

Horrible choices. First of all, food is free, you can just steal it from the store, second of all, if you actually want to pay for it, just buy beans and rice and maybe some sauce. You really don't need ready made rice, chicken, all this weird shit like kimchi and kefir, blueberry scones, like wtf bro lol

>> No.55978488

That's exactly what we needed,another Blog post

>> No.55978492
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You're right.

I should drink soda and go bald.

>> No.55978498

Can’t freeze everything (produce)

>> No.55978499

Buy a Brita and drink water dumbass.

>> No.55978506

Half the shit in his list are condiments or some weird niche delicacy

>> No.55978515

I keked at the water bottles for $6, even if you want bottles you can buy a pack for $2 at Aldi, it’s all the same

>> No.55978518

$10 tip?
Are you fucking serious?

>> No.55978519


I eat produce twice a day.

>> No.55978523

>he doesnt have an automated garden in the year 202x
what are you even doing?? stay broke and/or goyslopped

>> No.55978526


>not giving a tip for good service.

You're a monster.

>> No.55978541

says the guy that is giving sub 5% tips lmao

>> No.55978550

>Just eat beans and rice forever
I'm just picturing you sleeping on your mattress that's on the floor of your dingy room with your skinnyfat indian-adjacent body as you huff your own farts from a diet of nothing but beans

>> No.55978554


I gave him an extra $20.>>55978469

>> No.55978562

dats amazin a whoppin 11.5%
get ur lazy ass to the store next time

>> No.55978582

>You really don't need ready made rice,

Sometimes I don't feel like cooking or don't have the time.


Frozen chicken is a life saver.

Just defrost, season, stick it on the toaster oven, and you'll have a meal in no time.

>all this weird shit like kimchi and kefir,

They contain healthy gut bacteria/prebiotics.

I'm trying to incorporate a bit of fermented food into my diet because there's been research coming out over the last few years linking healthy gut bacteria to low levels of anxiety and good mental health.

>blueberry scones, like wtf bro lol

I'm just splurging and trying something new.

Maybe I'll try ordering from Aldi next time but since Amazon owns Wholefoods, I doubt Aldi has the same quality food or variety.

>> No.55978686
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>> No.55980279
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I think I'd rather eat dirt until I go vegan, I'm a little sick of having to work so I don't starve, sometimes a man just wants to sleep peacefully without worrying if he'll get to eat that day, or if he did his daily duck race game

>> No.55980289

>grocery prices have doubled over the past 3 years
>CPI claims 20% or some nonsense
really makes you think