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55975096 No.55975096 [Reply] [Original]

>U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said U.S. companies have complained to her that China has become “uninvestable,”
>“Increasingly I hear from American business that China is uninvestable because it’s become too risky,” she said. “So businesses look for other opportunities, they look for other countries, they look for other places to go.”

Huh? Isn't China not letting Americans invest in their economy a GOOD thing? The US's been trying to decouple from China, and saying doing ANY deals with China is a risk to "national security". So isn't China blocking investments from just the US a good thing?

>> No.55975107

>advertising and begging and advertising blog
Lol gtfo kike

>> No.55975113

Europe should do the same, I'm fucking sick of seeing European startups getting bought by amerimuttnigger companies and the profits of european innovators go to obese mutt hands.
The US dominates our tech scene because (unlike china) we opened our assholes to muttnigger capital, China is based for protecting themselves

>> No.55975141

Oh an uninvestabile means in the context as much as
You have to be a fucking mouth breathing low IQ nigger to give the changs a single dollar

>> No.55975174

Europe hasn't produced anything useful in centuries. It's just a museum for homeless niggers.

>> No.55975208

A short list of Evropean companies bought by brown mutt hands:
Booking.com, Mojang, Shazam, Skype,...
The list goes on and on, US capital is predatory and abused for national interests

>> No.55975241

>jewSA hasn't produced anything useful in centuries. It's just a museum for homeless niggers.


>> No.55975253

meanwhile european cities are safe and walkable, if you want to go anywhere in europe you can take the train and you don't have to worry about injuring yourself because you have free healthcare.
fucking faggot.

>> No.55975274

Judging by the amount of seethe this post caused, he hit a little too close to home.

>> No.55975280

Eurobros I'm tired of America. What are the best countries to live in? I'm looking for

>low cost of living
>easy to get laid

>> No.55975318

I agree, but the biggest problem is the business environment and regulations in Europe, blamming the US is pointless

>> No.55975321

Europe has ASML. You wouldn't even have a high end computer chip without Europe

>> No.55975327

>european cities are safe
kek, you have to be an american democrat who idolizes Europe, I can guarantee there's a shitton of crime around here

>> No.55975336

There are a ton of no-go areas where not even cops show up anymore. There are parts of Europe that can be called Anarchic

>> No.55975351
File: 123 KB, 1465x728, 1661781263065025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing, Bubba

>> No.55975380

You don't want to know how many bodies are pulled out of the Seine, dutch Grachten, Moese, Spree, Isa and Danube that are simply filed under accident

>> No.55975384

i guess comparing any city to a nigger infested shithole would make it look like paradise, doesn't mean we don't have a shitton of crime, we are still not Africa, just on the process of becoming it, Brussels is already above NYC in murders.

>> No.55975417

back to zerohedge

>> No.55975440

kill yourself

>> No.55975664

thats not one nigger shithole thats the whole US

>> No.55975679

Hey. Just go take a walk at night in typical American fashion through one of the outter districts of Paris or Brussels, no guarantee you get out alive

>> No.55975697

Nigger. I can see the numbers. Why dont go to fucking detroit and see how it goes.

>> No.55975705

Post nose Schlomo.

>> No.55975747

Eastern Ukraine

>> No.55975768

I haven't done a ghetto tour in Detroit yet. wandered deep into east Harlem, and was drunkenly strolling through the alleys china town at night, the worst that happened was some nigger selling me shit weed for way too much dollar

>> No.55975774

Cool story. Neck yourself

>> No.55975810

Niggers are tame compared to Shitskin, gypsies and Albanians. They seem to be preoccupied killing each other instead of attacking whites

>> No.55975919
File: 43 KB, 479x464, OP the fag type pokemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This article is saying that US companies don't WANT to invest in China, not that China isn't LETTING US companies invest there.

>> No.55976206

>Working for US gov

2 facts. Actually one of them says it all and the other one is redundant.

>> No.55976855

ASML is indeed a crown jewel of Europe. European semiconductor industry is underrated, with Bosch, Infineon, IMEC, CEA-Leti, ETHZ, EPFL, and others. But Europe's tech sector still lags US and Asia by a significant amount overall

>> No.55976876
File: 38 KB, 720x895, chad chinese vs virgin americna politician.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US Based Companies
More like US Cringe Companies.

>> No.55977532

Take a look at those race-on-race crime stats, broski.

>> No.55977550

So a bunch of bullshit companies.

>> No.55977571

Basically, when labor was dirt cheap there before Apple fucked it up, lots of american businessmen were investing in Chinese sweatshops and making fortunes off the slave labor. Lots of wealthy pajeets did the same shit. These people are going to hell, but regardless, the profit margins aren't what they used to be, so it's not worth it anymore.

>> No.55977620
File: 127 KB, 972x1024, eternal AMERICAN vs the eternal have-not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes I agree too but having less trade with a country means less money for the government from taxes and tariffs on that trade and the business surrounding it. and there is plenty of business to be done in china so that's why businesses are complaining to the government. and the USA doesn't want to do no business with China. But it looks like any kind of trade surrounding "national security" is off the table.

probably what we will see as cold war 2 drags on is more Western investment in south/southeast asia, in addition to that which is already happening in the USA and Europe.

>> No.55977755

it's telling that Europe's most valuable company is LMVH, overpriced tchotchkes that convince proles they are sophisticated. That's the whole continent in a nutshell.

>> No.55978060


LMAO at you first world kids complaining about your 0,00001% chance of getting your wallet stolen at midnight in a dark alley. You faggots have no idea what urban violence is.

>> No.55978114

The US economy is univestable because the market is so fucking rigged they won't allow commodities or value stocks to go up but they'll pump overbloated fake and gay vapor nothing tech stocks.

>> No.55978172

You're a fucking idiot. The risk of investing is too high, that's it. Chinese companies are dying to scam another rube, but after 10+ years we're finally getting wise that the society as a whole can't be trusted. I can't believe you're this stupid.

>> No.55978193

I cringe every time I see an Apple watch. Notice that only manchilds wear those after being bombarded with Apple ads for their whole life. Americans just aren't cut out for luxury products

>> No.55978798

You should visit molenbeck its like a ghetto in Marrakech, literally

>> No.55980253 [DELETED] 


>> No.55980342

>china not letting
>actual reason is because businesses find china too risky
lmao china isn't stopping shit.

>> No.55980676

harsh but valid point
Americans and Asias can't get enough sophistication

>> No.55983160

Does it look like picrel? I bet not, also hearing rifle caliber gunshots in the distance as I type.

>> No.55983174
File: 1.71 MB, 2400x1600, canalcienciascriminais.com.br-desvendando-a-cracolandia-origem-desafios-e-possiveis-solucoes-para-o-grave-problema-social-cracolandia-capa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic kek

>> No.55983210

Why do europoors act like the peak of human existence is to live like a 13th century peasant? If you voluntarily forfeit your freedom to rely on public transit then are a sub human bug person.

>> No.55983259

>Wasting 2 hours of your day driving in and out of your suburban shithole every single day dealing with retarded drivers while risking your life and being stuck in a perpetual cycle of buying expensive shitboxes that are making the atmosphere unbreathable.


>Sleeping an additional 20 min on your way to work in a slightly cramped bus.

Idk anon both are bad but good public transport looks more apealing.

>> No.55985143 [DELETED] 


>> No.55985690

t. Roma people