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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55970339 No.55970339 [Reply] [Original]

How is the president of the United States' economic vision for the country not related to business, finance, and economics?
Asking sincerely.

>> No.55971152

They have to delete real threads like yours to make room for social engineering, brainwashing, race baiting, porn, and other psyops. This is a dangerous spot to be

>> No.55971167

I love Joe Biden.

>> No.55971174

kind of funny how trump won georgia by like 6% in 2016 then lost it by 0.2% in 2020 and debating that got him arrested

>> No.55971177

>Trying to have a caption contest on 4chan
Mail that in to the newspaper where it belongs.

>> No.55971178

Tranny jannys attempt to control the narrative and shill only approved coins.

>> No.55971182

Jannys are tranny nigger faggot kike leftist scum

>> No.55971187

Because you're presenting it as a joke and you're obviously not interested in discussing the matter. The thread will evolve into "BIDEN BAD" low effort shitposting. Understand? :)

>> No.55971274

Tranny jannies are monitored and receive directive from US three letter agencies. This isn't a conspiracy theory, it's a fact. Biden admin is easily the most restrictive administration ever in terms of free speech.

>> No.55971314

>um, sorry sweatie you can only discuss business & finance in the way that *I feel* is appropriate

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.55971334

>Brandon Obiden tries to pretend he's Ross Perot
these liars are really running out of ideas

>> No.55971370

The thing is that black people are too lazy to drive somewhere to vote, but will vote at home

>> No.55971493

Democrats have no vision for the economy other than to steal as much as possible from it and regulate it to death. Their entire operation is funded by tax money and they're always coming up with ever more elaborate schemes to plunder the public treasury and put it in their pockets.
Yes economies will grow despite democrat government policy cause that's what businesses are designed to do, and dem politicians will jump on tv and brag about growth despite doing everything they can to stop it, but they want nothing more than to destroy the private economy and have everyone dependant on government.

If you want a glimpse of democrat economic vision, just look at detroit

>> No.55971521


>> No.55973254
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I hate the retarded scammer jannies on here and so does everyone else.

>> No.55973481

>This isn't a conspiracy theory, it's a fact
Anon, respectfully, I don't think you know the difference between a conspiracy theory and a fact.
But if you produce evidence or documentation to support your claim, I'll happily concede that you're correct and I'm wrong.

>> No.55973500

i think it's just one mentally ill tranny jannie doing this. i get banned for the most asinine reasons, but it's only between the hours of 6 AM and 9 AM eastern time zone on weekdays.

>> No.55973539

pretty sure trump got more black vote in 2020 too idk if per capita % or total

>> No.55973616

The thing is all black "votes" are just made up.

>> No.55973634

kek @ pic

>> No.55973656

Kys nigger

>> No.55975514
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>> No.55975851

from the sticky
>Discussions of government policy must be strictly limited to economic policies (fiscal and monetary). Discussions of a political nature should be posted on >>>/pol/.

I think if you specified elements of the policies Biden propose in you OP it would become /biz/ related e.g. "Biden propose tax cuts for X, because Y, but will X help with Y?"

>> No.55975863

Nobody cares what that old retard says. The CIA is running the White House

>> No.55975918

kys faggot Jannie

>> No.55975937

So? Thats none of your business

>> No.55975973

Elon released tons of evidence showing the white house demanded twitter ban political opponents and famous people that voted for trump publicly

>> No.55975985

you will never be a woman.

>> No.55975993

kek imagine being one of the few who legit voted for bidet in 2020
wonder how they feel rn
bet there's a few on /biz/ too lmao

>> No.55976011

they don't care and will never realize just how stupid they are. they are the type to ignore the socioeconomic problems of whites in favor of gorilla niggers. they are secret communists and they also secretly wish for the destruction of their own race.

>> No.55976027

its a sexual fetish a weird sexual destruction fetish

>> No.55976080

i know of a family who help foster kids and they had a little nigger homed up with them for a while, pretty sure that little nigger molested on of his daughters and they proceeded to cover it up lmfao.

>> No.55976109

they get paid nothing for their work. what kind of quality do you expect from that kind of work?
>inb4 ban

>> No.55976120

ffs man fucken weirdos draggin us all down with them

>> No.55976640

bump. invest in $ROPE, janitor.