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5597002 No.5597002 [Reply] [Original]

You guys realize what this ripple boom means right?
A certain coin makes ripple obsolete functionally and does a hundred other things. Don't you think it'd be smart to stock up on it now while it's under everyone's radar?

>> No.5597038
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Hmmm, interesting, good sir (I don't know him). Tell me more about the LINK, sir. Is it good coin? Will moon, yes?

>> No.5597058

Agreed OP, stocking up on bitshares right now

>> No.5597106
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>> No.5597204

I'm in

>> No.5597288

That's what I'm saying. Everyone needs to accumulate Bazingacoin

>> No.5597310

But seriously what coin are you talking about

>> No.5597323

No, Sir, not even me and my bois do the bazinga. Is disgusting. Not good poo. Just out to the loo.

>> No.5597341

I'll say it: QASH

>> No.5597353

>he doesn't recognise their stench from 3 threads over

get out

>> No.5597384

Is it happening tonight?

>> No.5597397

does this certain coin already have the level of institutional support that ripple has? if not, it's never going to be ripple

>> No.5597426

You very smart good sir
I will buy more of this coin because i see only good things come

>> No.5597456

Stellar? Right?

>> No.5597471

Look at the picture he posted you dumb fuck, it's chainlink

>> No.5597478
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If it doesn't reach Ripple's current market cap by 2020, I'll eat my own dick on national TV.

>> No.5597562

Ahh.. Link bagholders - the utter lowest layer of scum this forum ever represented.

How does it feel knowing you bought into a shitcoin with 1 fat developer?

>> No.5597601

sir, where I come from, to be fat meaning to be rich, and not have to move a lot all day long. Is very good sign sir. I better believe.

>> No.5597687


This is a good larp, keep this up and we can dip Link down to 30 cents again so I can buy more.

>> No.5597699


>Doesn't understand the joke


>> No.5597704
File: 2.35 MB, 1268x948, domnald trump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-b-b-but what if they're r-r-r-right????

>> No.5597732

It has the support of several billion dollar companies.

>> No.5597842
