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55968740 No.55968740 [Reply] [Original]

>Chainlink saved crypto by making Defi viable
>Chainlink is about to save crypto AND traditional finance
>rank 20+

>> No.55968754
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>> No.55968764

Xrp fags said for years and years that xrp was the swift coin. And now that we won, no one fucking cares, and all this shit does is dump.

Fuck quant fags, fuck xrp retards, and fuck this gay market.

>> No.55968770

wtf is this cope ?price keeps going down retards

>> No.55968774

It's almost like a shitcoin price checker service isn't worth $5billion or something. Crazy!

>> No.55968776

It's not even about the price going down.
The total crypto market cap could be $1 quadrillion or $1k; but Chainlink belongs in the top 3 either way.

>> No.55968787
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But Tron, XRP, ADA, Doge, Shib, ... are worth more, right?

>> No.55968788

cope poorfag

chart lmao lmfao even

>> No.55968793

the GME general faggots also have opinions on where GME's market cap belongs, you guys should hang out

>> No.55968794

>centralized oracles

>> No.55968800

its not a shitcoin price checker faggot
That was one aspect (which is incredibly important)
It is gas for sending transactions from a blockchain, to into tradfi systems, and visa versa.

With that said it is incredibly surprising this is not going up. It is a low risk investment with huge upside for a bank to buy this.

As a bank, you can buy it to use for your blockchain strategy, or as a price appreciating asset. The game theory is for banks to start piling into this fucking coin.

>> No.55968805
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>It is gas for sending transactions from a blockchain, to into tradfi systems, and visa versa.
>Chainlink is sold to pay real L1 gas fees
Wow! Rubic stays cubic!

>> No.55968806

damn, if only they were as smart as you are

>> No.55968807

lol no

>> No.55968810

they will be getting link as grants from chainlink labs

>> No.55968812

They obviously aren't paying attention nigger faggot
As evidenced by the fucking chart
once again, faggot

>> No.55968815

>half a dozen 1pbtid fudders within 4 minutes
>on a board this slow

Samefag harder

>> No.55968818


>> No.55968830

The link from chainlink labs is not infinite fudcuck
If one makes the assumption that at least some banks are going to use this solution (some already are)
Then its a low risk move to buy the coin, thus allowing you to either do the work to implement chainlink's solution for your own bank or hold it assuming others will

what do you fucks not understand about this. Holy shit you fags are low iq. It's only because the chart is shit that you can't see it. Thats why you're a follower, and always will be. You're no different than every other norm faggot who buys the top.

>> No.55968835

>if only they were as smart as you are
They are.
Hence Swift.

>> No.55968837

Go to bed wagecuck. You need to be up early.

>> No.55968841

or maybe you're just coping and shitting your pants watching Link price doing nothing for 1 whole year

>> No.55968842

I actually didn't mean to quote you, but >>55968805

>> No.55968848

The price is doing nothing, but the project is flourishing.

>> No.55968849

>1pbtid fudders
>1pbtid community advocate

>> No.55968855

lol you're stupid

>> No.55968859

You know how you can avoid these community advocates? It’s a very easy trick.

You’re basically standing in the middle of the highway, complaining about traffic.

>> No.55968865

>reddit the post

>> No.55968866

Show him how stupid he is by arguing with him over the course of two days and 50pbtid.

>> No.55968870

I'm not stupid. I clearly explained why (you) who takes the normie take position on the matter is a low iq faggot (stupid)

>> No.55968872

Token not needed

>> No.55968877

lol no
raging samefag kek

>> No.55968885

they said the same about xrp, 4 years of nothingburger

>> No.55968888

Let me put it this way, you cannot even articulate an argument against my analysis
Because my analysis was flawless. Logical. Perfect.
You (the normie hard) simply cannot compute on your own thus you must default to your slave nigger programming where you only know how to follow. In the investing world that means you only know how to fomo into a coin that is going up.

aka since link isn't do this, you think anyone explaining to you why its a good buy is stupid.

>> No.55968895

not reading any of that incel manifesto
chart lmao

>> No.55968897

XRP was rank 2 for a while, and is still top 5.
And it arguably never got as close to mass adoption as Chainlink. Swift barely ever acknowledged them for instance.

>> No.55968898

>not reading any of that
t. 6 pbtid

>> No.55968899

>I'm a slave nigger who can't read

>> No.55968903

>Banks get it for free from Sergey
>So I should market buy it because...?

I don't get the paypig mentality. Your plan was always institutions would pump your bags and now that it's clear they won't you're left holding the bag.

>> No.55968905

As a simple investor i'm asking you, when is chainlink going to see mass adoption?

>> No.55968911

> it's clear they won't
Its "clear" to you because you're a normie and since the link price isn't going up
to you that means you shouldn't buy
back to bed wage cuck

>> No.55968913

lol I triggered this samefag incel

>> No.55968922

Everytime a post more than one time in a thread, someone accuses me a samefagging.
The reality is, no one would ever think about doing this.
You're making an admission by accusing others that you think about samefagging
aka you're admitting that your a weird ass fucker.

>> No.55968926

Lol no read the white paper there's 2/3rd of the supply reserved for them. And look at what is happening now Sergey is making sure no customer buys it on the open market. You lost, they won

>> No.55968927

I hope they have a nice stand next to the toilets again.

>> No.55968937
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>read the whitepaper

>> No.55968939

Read the OP

>> No.55968947

Is OTC like making a deal under the table, swapping fiat for LINK without it ever touching the exchange? Can we see large sums of LINK swapping wallets if this is happening?

>> No.55968953
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>Sergey is making sure no customer buys it on the open market

>> No.55968964

You telling me to read the white paper is another way of you telling me you read the white paper, you actually understood it, did an analysis, and came to the "high iq conclusion" that its not financially suave to buy chainlink (All a lie).

ie you're an absolute fucking dipshit

>> No.55968969
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>scared fag looking to dump his bags

>> No.55968973

>It's not even about the price going down.
Kek yeah you’re coping

>> No.55968974

yep more impotent incel rage and another incel manifesto
samefag some more

>> No.55968981

>is about to

ok..two more weeks then

>> No.55968989

Because you did not directly address my claim of you actually being an actual weirdo (I'll assume you have no gf, are ugly, weak, fat and/or skinny fat, quiet, unfunny, and no friends)
I will go ahead and assume I hit the nail on the head (and continue to do so)

>> No.55968990

Now read the pic

>> No.55968995

>has the same post count as the OP

Holy projection

>> No.55969008

>sleazy conference about another shitcoin claiming their abhorrent shitcoin will "connect traditional finance with blockchain" with zero tangible chance of happening

>> No.55969019

NO PAYING CUSTOMER. Please feel free to post proof of one (1) institution buying on the open market if you consider this "fud". It's not, it's a cold hard fact. And yes I read the white paper and yes as long as Sergey still makes retail pay but gives free link to clients it doesn't make any sense to buy to pay for the females and minorities they hire as "community advocates"

>> No.55969026

It's a conference of people who are the reason why crypto continues to face regulatory pressures.
Chainlink is the compromise.

>> No.55969053

lol incel samefag still asspained

>> No.55969070

>sleazy conference


>> No.55969084
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Anon, I...

>> No.55969094
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>>sleazy conference
KEK I bet you thought that was Smartcon in the pic.

>> No.55969140

You swarthoids try so hard to make slogans stick and you get BTFO everytime.
There is a literal call transcript from CELO where they discuss and approve to pay 850k in fees to Chainlink (>>55969084) and here you are yapping like the mongoloid you are kek


>> No.55969212


>everything discussed in usd
>Sergey pockets it and gives link from the uncirculating supply to nodes

Linkies really are cucked. And that's if this even is true, linkies using API3 as a reliable source now, the actual state

>> No.55969235

>from the uncirculating supply to nodes
What happens when the uncirculating supply runs out?

>> No.55969262

>brownoid rages upon getting BTFO
>A-API3 is lying
>when the LITERAL call transcript from CELO is there, stating the price they paid for the 7 price feeds
You idiots think you can get the upper hand but it only gets more and more pathetic whenever you try to come up with any rebuttal. Do you even know how to process english words in your brain, you dimwitted retard?

>> No.55969455

i make more money off animal and food coins so no thanks mr. scammer

>> No.55969467

>thread is filled by the same 2-3 ESL fags switching ids begging for (you)s and trying to fud a token which they claim is unimportant but absolutely have to talk about 24/7 even on holidays
yeah just not gonna sell
sorry fuddies

>> No.55969541
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I only have 1400 links since I'm a new fag and a poor fag but honestly it still doesn't feel like I'm going to be wealthy. It just doesn't feel real, I'll keep buying but even after this conference is over I doubt chain link is going to pump

>> No.55969563


Just buy Bitcoin and hope it will hit 1 or 2 million USD in 2040. There is a higher chance for that to happen than with meme coins like LINK, Sony or DogeBat

>> No.55969564
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>finance conference
>not sleazy

>> No.55969623

You can cry all you want Celo did not buy one Chainlink token, only YOU did, Sergey makes YOU buy tokens while he sells his to Celo to give to the nodes, that's pretty fucked up

>> No.55969639

The decentralized oracle problem isn't satisfiable solvable therefore the entirety of crypto failed. Dlt is useless tech that failed at its purpose of being trustless, therefore not needed and just a gimmick

>> No.55969784

Link isn’t a meme coin retard

>> No.55969795


>> No.55969805

You’re kind of proving the other anons point though. 850k is absolute peanuts.

>> No.55970151

So posting once makes someone a "fudder", but if you post multiple times then you are also a "fudder" because you are le suspiciously concerned about an investment you don't hold. Do you retards even listen to yourselves?

>> No.55970153

Fucking gonna die before 2040 scumrag. Can't be waiting that long for a moonbag. Fucking flipping profits with Altcoinistdao alpha picks

>> No.55970182

>no one is selling

The chart

>> No.55970237

it's over, dude rolled trip zeroes with the reason already

>> No.55970236



>> No.55970298

“In the short run, the market is a voting machine, but in the long run, it is a weighing machine” - Warren Buffet

>> No.55970439

>BTC pumps $1k
>shitlink gains 20 cents
absolute shitcoin

>> No.55970524


>> No.55970647
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>why is no one investing in the actual fundamental global usage of blockchain

>> No.55970795

>>Chainlink is about to save crypto AND traditional finance
But why is the Chainlink team still using Allianceblock to bridge TradFi and DeFi?

>> No.55971728

Every online investor group starts quoting buffett when theyre down big married to their bags. One of the big signs its over

>> No.55971766
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fuddies are cartoonishly incorrigible, just complete basket cases.

>> No.55971868
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look out for the hotdog stand at SIBOS this year!

>> No.55971929

XRP paid shills said this. Nobody cares cause paid shills aren't pushing Link. Quite the opposite actually.
The things that are pushes are things that those who pay the shills want to sell.

>> No.55971940

>crashes the hardest
>pumps the least

Sirgay betray

>> No.55972001
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The difference is the context.
When your useless shitcoin with mass VC fake advertising goes to 0 it's unrelated.

But when a real product which will change the world and keeps being suppressed by most participants keeps building in silence then it is.
You are getting paid to fud for this exact reason.

Those who hold this project until the end will not be down big but spectacularly in profit.

The current price does not matter because it is only a price disconnected from the real value.
Warren Buffet also said to only invest in projects which you could hold for a decade if the stock market was closed.

Eric Schmidt must have a similar opinion on Chainlink's value, or he would not have became a willing advisor and went multiple times to their SmartCon event.

>> No.55972025

Don't forget the role stock bashers play in the suppression by creating a negative atmosphere around the project.


>> No.55972338


>> No.55972366

token not neede

>> No.55972382

Looks promising, needs more apps developed using ccip though

Like the chat that you need to verify your wallet contents to participate in, idea

>> No.55972397

Alright guys stop giving fuddies (you)’s now. Just quote their id number without two chevrons and they can keep replying if they are actually arguing in good faith. If they are not, then no money for them anyway.

>> No.55972408

that's what GME bagfags do
i'm not one of them

>> No.55972434

>Eric Schmidt must have a similar opinion on Chainlink's value, or he would not have became a willing advisor and went multiple times to their SmartCon event.

Oh the same guy that saw Novell’s value?

> But Novell's decline and loss of market share accelerated under Schmidt's leadership, with Novell experiencing an across-the-board decline in sales and purchases of NetWare and a drop in share price from US$40.00/share to US$7.00/share

>Novell’s stock went from $40 to $7

hmmm… looks familiar

>> No.55972437

The thing about doge, Shiba, xrp, and cardano is the delusion. The holders are absolutely divorced from reality. Chainlinkers say they're not selling but clearly they are. Doge holders? Never even seen a sell button. Lost their Robinhood password in 2021. It's unkillable.

>> No.55972586
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>another no name convention with literal whos
damn that's crazy man get back to me when they're doing something that actually matters

>> No.55972677

>no name convention
Look up what the first S in SIBOS stands for.

>> No.55972694


>> No.55972822
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>> No.55972834
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>token: not needed

>> No.55972892
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>its da jooz!!
>its da exchanges!!
>its da bulgarians!!
>its da vcs!!
>its da fudding thomas!!
>its da pinkboys!!
>its da stockbashers!!!!!!!
Who will those wacky bagholders blame next?! Stay tuned for next weeks episode of Tales Baggies Max Cope Edition.

>> No.55972917

why do you faggots even take the bait comparing link to GME. anons were seeing their portfolios rise to 6/7 digits off the back of link before GME was even a thing. fucking tourists use that as their entire frame of reference now

GME was a one time pump and dump off a unique phenomenon, chainlink outperformed the entire market for nearly 2 consecutive years.

>> No.55972931

dont u understand anon? normies just want to buy dog tokens and monkey pictures

>> No.55972944

>GME was a one time pump and dump off a unique phenomenon
umm… chainlink too? What’s your point

>> No.55972959

im so glad to the anons who said i only needed 10k to make it

i bought 10k in 2017

and never invested any more money into this scam coin.

i feel horribel to all the anons buying this trash the last few years lmaoooo

>> No.55972991

yes, it pumped for 2 straight years. really hard to time that one. sorry you missed it.

>> No.55973005

>it pumped for 2 straight years
umm.. no?

>> No.55973041

it did 100x from june 2018 to august 2020, the fuck are you talking about
in that same timeframe btc did a 4x.

>> No.55973054

>100x from june 2018 to august 2020
Highly doubt tit sweaty

>> No.55973102

this is the laziest shit I've ever seen, shazaam posting has come to /biz/

>> No.55973127

Nope, try again

>> No.55973165

The irony of your posts is hilarious. Not even sure what youre trying to prove. They both had their exit scam pumps and now all thats left are bagholders. The big difference is GME people arent quite as unhinged. They also have a conspiracy theory but arent so emotionally tied they try to dox people for describing the reality of the situation.

>> No.55973180

This doesnt help you now though. This is what investors refer to as Uncle Rico fallacy. A common rookie mistake

>> No.55973220

That’s just my alt, I get paid to keep Chainlink discussion active (both fud and shills) in this site so the price doesn’t drop further

>> No.55973456

It’s Swift. It’s literally their own convention.
And Sergey is opening it.

>> No.55973483

sure it is

>> No.55973496

Remember when they starting fudding SWIFT after this all got confirmed? Lmao

>> No.55973510

Im just not gonna do it (give you a (you))
I know. I knowwwww Im sorry
I’m just not going to do it is all.


>> No.55973525

give him a You, faggot. now.

>> No.55973537


some people betacuck depending on the outside world to validate their views

>> No.55973575

who are you quoting

>> No.55973577

Yup, kek fuddies

>> No.55973626

that article is the most hilarious fanfic I've ever read

>> No.55973644

>shazam posting has come to /biz/
It definitely has the same feel

>> No.55973757
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You hungry?

>> No.55973964

this is jumping the fudshark anyone even in bagladesh can upon a coingecko graph and see this
no yous for you the village will whip you for not doing the needful

>> No.55974494


>> No.55974535
File: 26 KB, 581x596, fuddieruok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flush (you)rself down the toilet

>> No.55974821

The bossman has let me know that as long as your post number appears quoted in any other post you’ll get paid.


>> No.55974848

The guy behind fucking doge isnt even goddam affiliated with it anymore, and if it were his face there instead of Sergeys that shit would 400% easy.

I hate it here.

>> No.55974852

Whoah it’s almost like it’s being suppressed

>> No.55974985

Okay then I’ll just erase the first number should still be obvious who I’m talking to.

>> No.55975401

you are so blind to see they switch coins for the scam. now its chainlinks turn to scam. open your eyes.

>> No.55975450

When has Chainlink turn to scam? Can BTC, ETH, MATIC, NXRA, ARB etc. ever be seen as scam....? then I give up!