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File: 7 KB, 259x194, download - 2023-08-23T000229.353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55966535 No.55966535 [Reply] [Original]

nobody saw the great depression coming, nobody saw the 2008 crisis coming, but everyone sees the upcoming crisis coming. What changed?

>> No.55966552

We have the internet and immediate access to the kind of information necessary to see these kind of things now. We also have massive autism from all of the aluminum in the water supply to help us see patterns. Something only needs to happen so many times in history to learn when it may be impending.

>> No.55966555

all your buds on the web don't count as the general population. every normie I know is loaded to the hilt in debt, expecting their job security and wage growth to still be there and keep going to cover their unfounded financial retardation

>> No.55966582
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It's not coming.

>> No.55966594

They're going to be under water in 10-12 months. The new vehicles, the camper trailers, the multiple homes. It's all just like 2008.

>> No.55966597

Checked, and correct its still a very small % of people that are ready for it

>> No.55966599

Lots of people saw the 2008 crisis coming since 2005 but governments did fuckall to stop it

>> No.55966608
File: 1.85 MB, 540x960, 1692262777670375.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All your coping, hoping, shidding, and farding doesn't affect reality.
The truth is people are doing well. They can afford their mortgages, their car payments, their student debt.

If you think I'm wrong, show me the mass foreclosures.

>> No.55966609

Plenty of people saw 08 coming. The truth is we live in information overload. From now on everyone will see everything coming. But everyone will also see things coming that will never come. Its noise to signal. Its by design.

>> No.55966617
File: 150 KB, 905x905, 1693160636894870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone saw 2008 coming you fucking retard.

>> No.55966624
File: 46 KB, 700x479, 1693177213798364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop using a VPN. We know it's you faggot.

>> No.55966629

Lots of people saw the pandemic coming with the 2019 market panic. It was all just to delay what's starting to happen again now.

>> No.55966651

>10-12 months
the election is in 14 months ser

>> No.55966666

It will happen before the election. Please understand.

>> No.55966670
File: 29 KB, 640x481, satan_h8pbgv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy check-roli

>> No.55966679

>the upcoming crisis

It's already here.

>> No.55966683

I saw 9/11 coming but chose not to intervene because it was part of God's plan.

>> No.55966696
File: 1.88 MB, 375x212, Barney-Ded.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the end!
No future!!!

>> No.55966709
File: 90 KB, 598x480, 1535294100773 satan angry reaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good shit brother

>> No.55966712
File: 185 KB, 800x1150, 1684524112337714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Permanently high plateau lmao

>> No.55966732

I have women so much it's unreal

>> No.55966757

We've been in the thick of it already for years and everyone knows it. There was never a full recovery from 2008 for the average person. Everyone knows they can't afford to live and there's full employment but you can't find that one good job or second shitty job you need to survive.

>> No.55966798

Nothing. There's always a crisis looming beyond the horizon. Most people predict more doom right after doom has already happened. Tons of people in 2010 were sitting around harping on about how soon the economy is going to implode again and it took ten years for it to happen. For all we know we might not do a Japan and just fucking crab for the next 20 years.

>> No.55966836


>> No.55966904

We voted for it this time because bad orange man

>> No.55966916
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>> No.55967027
File: 80 KB, 470x595, devilish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice get. Will it be enough to overcome the mail-in ballot fraud?

>> No.55967062

Plenty of rich connected people saw the Great Depression coming. They just moved all their assets to cash before the big crash and left all the small fry holding the bags.

>> No.55967210

>dance break
Do normalcunts really?

>> No.55967343


>> No.55967347


>> No.55967390
File: 263 KB, 638x609, 1664560047762979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We shall eat steak

>> No.55967478

Everyone will be broke and assets will continue to inflate. Normies will be priced out of everything forever

>> No.55967483

I fucking hate cunts who can't sit still in a chair. always have to be bouncing their knees, or twitching their foot like this dumbass.

also obligatory I hate useless email job-havers

>> No.55967500

Nothing changed. Normie faggots were clueless then and they are clueless now.

>> No.55967767

Normies still thing we’re in the golden bullrun and the economy is strong. Now is a perfect time to buy a house, etc. They’ve been force fed, and now believe, that line only goes up. These are red flags that pop up EVERY SINGLE TIME. But yeah, it’s totally different this time.