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55961775 No.55961775 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 34 and I've been working full time for 14 years now. Do I really have to work until I'm 70? This is absolute buttcheeks, I'm so sick of working.

>> No.55961799 [DELETED] 

Im 35 and have never worked. Memes aside, is it actually that bad?

I get mixed messages about it. Some people talk about work claiming they only work 1 hour a week and they dont do any work for the rest of the week, and that work is easy mode, but then you have other people who have mental breakdowns about having to work and claim they feel like slaves.

So what is the truth? do some people just luck out into easy mode jobs where they dont actually do anything and get paid a ton where as other people actually have to work?

Seems like its just 1 big meme and why I prefer to just stay NEET, the NEET lifestyle is honest and consistent and humble.

>> No.55961826

its like sitting in computer class for your entire life. you finish the work early so you can look up games/porn but all the porn and games are blocked so you spend 6 hours looking at the nutritional content of vegetables and it starts to feel like youre in prison

>> No.55961831

I am 33 and I have never worked, my parents want me to work, I dont want to be a wageslave. I live in a third world country and theres no gibs here.

>> No.55961835

you'll be working much longer than that lol retirement is a privilege of a few decades ago, 99% of people in developed countries will be working until they're dead.

>> No.55961851

Lol 70? That was a luxury for boomers who had insane stock gains and pensions and social security. You'll work until you can't, just like people did for the thousands of years before boomers.

>> No.55961857

so how do live?

>> No.55961862
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>34 and I've been working full time for 14 years

>> No.55961893

My parents pay for my food and rent. But they want me to work so I can sustain myself. I don't want to work, here you work 48 hours a week 6 days per week and they pay you 1.4$ per hour. Pay is shit and they exploit you. I never asked to come to this world and less this third world cou try.

>> No.55961923

>brown-eyed post-wall foid thinking she's some hot shit

>> No.55961999

>Wah abloo bloo

Good. haha

She still wouldn't fuck you though
That's the funny part

>> No.55962010

70? no more like 86

>> No.55962023

I don't think she's ugly but without the red lipstick she was never really that hot. Men are just retarded for makeup. There's a wikipedia page about mating and color signaling. Blue and red are very popular.

>> No.55962039

I notice a lot of the female politicians use the bright red lipstick and outfits. I think it probably has been shown to increase their votes. For men blue suit and red has been shown to work best if I'm remembering. Women use blue outfit red lipstick I guess.

>> No.55962049

red tie*

>> No.55962063

>I never asked to be born
Listen faggot, what’s done is done. Making your parents work that much harder for your lazy ass makes you a piece of shit. You’re supposed to be making their lives more comfortable, not the other way around. What do you think will happen when they pass away? Your dumbass will have to work anyways in order to survive., you might as well take that burden off your parents.

>> No.55962094

>Do I really have to work until I'm 70?
Of course not, OP.
With the current economic situation, you will probably work until you die.

>> No.55962135

Recently retired at 40 due to medical reasons. The amount of people who ask me if I miss work is insane. I do not miss it at all. I just focus on hobbies. Eating at home and not spending fuel for work after using my severance lump pay to finish getting out of debt has me living fine on about a 1/3 of what I made before.
I didn't realize how little cash you need to live a comfy life until I was retired for about a year. Shits great. I've never felt so relaxed and content as I have since I stopped working. Shame it took getting fucked up to get me here.

>> No.55962235

you dumb niggers, back 200 years ago there were no such guarantees of survival
you shame your ancestors out of how jealous they are of you that you are given a script and a routine and you're guaranteed survival under the basic freedoms that you take for granted

unworthy swats you are if you fall for OP's bullshit

>> No.55962384

> I didn't realize how little cash you need to live a comfy life until I was retired for about a year. Shits great.
I’m close in age and have been thinking of taking a year or two off from working. I’ve been going at it hard for the last 10 years and prior to that, I had a comfy part time job close to my house but the pay was shit obviously. I didn’t need much to survive, yet I still decided to chase the money anyways. Once you put in a certain amount of time into a career path, it gets harder to leave it, but the more I age, the more my outlook on life changes.

>> No.55962660

So why don't you get a job that actually pays you, and buy a semi truck for someone to make money for you?

>> No.55962673
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Just stop caring. Quit your job, drop out of society, and never work for some greedy Jew again. You have the choice. Just walk out into nature and never return. You will die free.

>> No.55962740

Unironically do whatever you do for work but instead of doing it for them do it for you. You do accounting? You're a freelancer now. You code? Congrats, go make some software or a video game. Cut grass? Go get your own mower and truck for charge $5 less than your previous employer.

The only reason anybody should work for somebody else is if they are retarded and can't figure out how to use social media.

>> No.55962814

> Just walk out into nature and never return. You will die free
Sounds cool and all but, in reality, he’ll probably get attacked, raped, and murdered by some hobo. That or a snake will drop down on him from the trees and bite him on the neck where he’ll die a slow and painful death.

>> No.55962855

I might got caught for this when I was 21. When I dreamt big, and all I wanted to better the lives of fucks like you. Now I know, you have to be short squeezed.
Making money by listening to music and watching idiots online is like no work.
I am happy for you, go fuck her. Nobody wants such a bitch in life believe me. She won't want her in her life in 10years or so.

>> No.55962880

>40 yr old virgin becomes hobo when his parents die
You don't want this to be you, do you?

>> No.55962883

>What do you think will happen when they pass away?
He inherites the money that they keep from him from fear that he might be better than them. They don't love him, he loves them. That's his point. The whole point of (((love)))).

>> No.55962899

>people make 1.4$ per hour
Lol What inheritance?

>> No.55962918

>working full time
Why not go part-time? If you're not a consoomer its pretty easy to have a comfy life with low expenses. If you get your yearly pay low enough, you can qualify for obamacare and food stamps. Life is for enjoying, not slaving away: resist the social pressure to be a good goy and take action to reclaim your free time.

>> No.55962934

this picture needs an update

>> No.55963340

there is no rule saying you have to go to work from 9-5 and do nothing else for 50 years and there never was, it just happens to be in everyone's head anyway ((somehow))

>> No.55963905

No worries that's why rape was invented.