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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 113 KB, 293x293, PND.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55960 No.55960 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>54603

>> No.55968

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/
Cryptsy-Thread: https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/77882 <- support needed

Website: http://thepandacoin.co/

Released since: February 15, ~21 GMT

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin

http://bamboohouse.info - amDOGE's official pool
http://pandacoin.scryptominers.com 1% pool fee
https://www.pandapool.info/ 0.5% pool fee

IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)

>> No.56014

Tipped for your trouble sir.

>> No.56022

wow, ty very much, you are very generous.

>> No.56029

DOGE and Panda threads are synchronized.

>> No.56030

noIncPANDA <= #bzS%3)Nk

MYPANDAfGE <= #h%4%(}BP

have some nice panda related trips, from a poor panda.

>> No.56068

Le test

>> No.56085

Because DOGE and PND are brothers

>> No.56098
File: 400 KB, 735x522, Pandacoin 3.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Much thanks

>> No.56102

Yeah, both shitcoins

>> No.56106

Is it normal for confirmations to take upwards of twenty minutes?

>> No.56129


>> No.56149

Okay, thanks

>> No.56150

Sent ;^)

>> No.56143

yes, if you are referring to pools.

>> No.56163

How can i solo mine?

>> No.56190


If we don't start shilling hard on bitcointalk and even on /b/ , it's going nowhere. What the fuck is the point in sitting in biz talking to ourselves?? We either find miners or it dies.

Simple as that.

>> No.56207

Ok I'm going to /b/.
Do they have crypto threads?

>> No.56211

Truth. I've been with PND from the start but we aren't doing enough. Early people who mined just keep mining and hope this thing will be worth something. Noone really puts in any effort to actively fuck with Wolong. What do you guys expect?

>> No.56224
File: 76 KB, 873x547, red panda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gib PND plz. I want some of dat sweet panda 3.0 :^)

>> No.56237

>Do they have crypto threads?

are you fukin new ? if yes dont go there

>> No.56231


Even amDOGE agrees. Let's step up our game niggers.

>> No.56258

I was in /b/ around 2008/2009.

>> No.56252

sent ;^)

>> No.56260


/b/ has always had crypto threads.....BTC, then LTC, then Doge and Fedora.

The key to bumping the threads is to hype the coin in OP "This coin was made by 4chan etc etc"...........then offer tips.

Tell them where to download the wallet in the OP too.

>> No.56269

Thx m8

>> No.56278

No, tell them who wolong is, and that there's lulz to be had. We need a complete but quick-and-easy to read summary of wolong and his shills and why they deserve to get fucked over

>> No.56270

Get a couple of our resident pandillionaires to drop a few thousand on them and they'll mine for days.

>> No.56273


Ok guys.......amDOGE is bailing if we don't shill this on /b/.

Let's get this going.

>> No.56277

Already did.
But it will probably go to page 10.
If anyone wants to help

>> No.56288
File: 34 KB, 287x400, wololong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tell them also that we want to fuck up wolong, and give them the link to their different threads

>> No.56304


Yeah but you can't do it alone.

If we set up a thread, we all need to go together with the exact OP text worked out before hand.

We all need to bump it.

As soon as it drops off restart with identical thread.

Wallet info and mining info needs to be in the OP text.

>> No.56294

Well shit I don't remember how to cross board link lel

>> No.56314

That's what I'm saying.
/b/ has ids so if I begin samefagging I'm going to stand out.

>> No.56324

fuck wallet and mining info, what we need is wolongs IRC, pools, everything. we need to go in offensive mode and not keep sitting back on our asses mining our dumb coin because it does nothing

>> No.56316

Ok.....lets compile an OP text for /b/ now.

Who's got the screenshot where Wolong calls out 4chan?

>> No.56321

and give out tons and tons of tips

>> No.56326


bump this thread

>> No.56332


Look /b/ doesn't have a clue what panda is worth

Give them 100 panda per reply or something.

>> No.56333

Not a pandallionaire yet, but I can contribute a little, I'm just slightly afraid of going to the /b/ thread that some anon made, because I'm posting from work

>> No.56334


>> No.56336

H-here I g-go

>> No.56347


Dude fuck sake we need to AGREE the tect first !

>> No.56354

yeah, I think number of tips over size is paramount, so spread it out

>> No.56357

We can agree to it later.
Just making a test run is good too.

>> No.56378
File: 1019 KB, 500x281, shishi-odoshi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what a panda faucet would look like?

>> No.56388

Guys the text is waaaaaaaay too long


Keep it simple. The key is to start off by saying "I'm giving out free pandacoins for............."

>> No.56408


>> No.56461

someone should show the b thread the wolong music video, I can't remember how to embed that shit, always click the wrong boxes in youtube

>> No.56458

okay you fucking faggots all of you who posted shit like "you can make this coin worth something" etc. you just fucked up our chance of getting /b/ on our side.

WHY the fuck would they care? you just sound like any other coin thread shilling your own coin



jesus christ you guys are dull

>> No.56475

this, someone post it

>> No.56483

People are more easily inspired by personal gain then defaming one man they've never heard of who lives on the other side of the world.

>> No.56482

I think we should try the same on /pol/ after /b/.......then back to /b/.

Those are the 2 main crypto boards outside of /g/.

Lets switch between /b/ and /pol/

Stir up the chinese commie angle on /pol/ lol

>> No.56488

good job

>> No.56489

why would /b/ want to get in on anything that doesnt profit themselves something

it can be both you asshat, stop being so 1 dimensional

>> No.56506


well, let's see if they will ban me

>> No.56508

BECAUSE there is no fucking guarantee our coin will be worth anything, what makes you even think it will? You realize there are 100s of coin threads daily on 4chan shilling their coins, trying to get people from /b/ to mine or invest? Stop being deluded by our own coin nigger and think outside of the box

>> No.56541

I thought they liked drama, but maybe that was in the past.

>> No.56535

Do you really think that saying "HE INSULTED 4CHAN GUYS!" will all of a sudden make /b/ give a shit? The secret club mentality has lost its teeth years ago.

>> No.56536

you're so retarded its not even funny

if it gets on any exchange and people WANT to buy it, it's worth something

end of story

if people get hyped enough about any coin, its worth something

>> No.56546



That's how every other coin was shilled on /b/. Offer them 1000 pandas for post ending in 55 or something and they will be all over that shit. Give them a link to wallet download and pools.

>> No.56547


>> No.56552

It will more so than being just another shilly coin thread on /b/. You just have to post memes and funny Wolong shit, screencaps of butthurt etc. If they see there's lulz to be had then they will hop in. Lulz is always guaranteed, coin profit ISNT

>> No.56560

why dont you make a thread instead of wasting time telling us to do??

>> No.56566

I dont know. Does /b/ even go for stuff like that anymore? I've heard nothing come out of there in the last three or four years aside from saving cats.

>> No.56571

So, why is the difficulty going down? What's happening?

>> No.56584

less miners = more pnd for us until it gets more hype

>> No.56587

some whale with a 60mh/s rig on scryptominers is not active anymore, I'm sure that has changed the difficulty somewhat

>> No.56588

>/b/ ruined it
>its over

>> No.56591

People like you are the reason we haven't gotten anywhere in the last 2 days. You're just a butthurt faggot that missed the BTC/LTC/Dogetrain or whatever and now thinks he can profit from PND. THIS IS NOT WHAT IT'S ABOUT.

Fuck you faggot if you think you're gonna get rich off of this you're gonna have a bad time. Keep sitting on your ass and mine PND, it'll get you nowhere. I have 40 mil PND and I don't give a shit, I see no progress with operation fuck Wolong.

>> No.56595


/pol/ was the biggest crypto board on 4chan leading up to christmas but i'm not sure now.

The advantage of /pol/ threads is, they don't slip off the board anywhere near as fast as the shit-post central that is /b/.

A lot of guys on /po/ are miners already

>> No.56625

/b/ and maybe /pol/ is our last chance...after that its over

>> No.56611

What would be the best way to get into mining? I want to build babby's first rig.

>> No.56634

It's not over mang we need to see what happens when we hit an exchange.

>> No.56636

Guess they stopped after the stableshit debacle

>> No.56631

what about reddit?

>> No.56640

Go to the nearest e-sports tournament and steal GPUs.

>> No.56646

How long does it usually take for a transaction?

>> No.56686

Ok guys the "rolling for post number" is working pretty well at bumping us to the 1st page constantly.

This is a good tactic from now on.

>> No.56699

guys I'm getting no block source available on the PND-qt. wat do?

>> No.56717


>> No.56720

Wow people are taking this way too seriously right now:

Remember the plan guys


ain't nobody being made rich from this.

>> No.56730


>> No.56751

why not?

stop limiting this coin's value and potential by saying this shit

>> No.56770

Wont get rich, but you can still make a little Doge on the side.

>> No.56777

Who is the dumbfuck who told /b// this will be worth 1 satoshi???????

How the fuck is that gonna draw interest in mining????

>> No.56784
File: 145 KB, 1136x852, DCIM_5444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>took me 5 hours to unpack all these cards
>on a potato
>now i'm broke
>upboat, spread it around

>> No.56794

send me some :^)

>> No.56798

Why the fuck it takes so long for amDOGE's pool to confirm shit?

Got 100k uncomfirmed.

Jesus Christ.

>> No.56799

hopefully all the btctalk kikes stop mining and diff drops to 1 to us /biz/fags with laptops can finally mine

seriously this would had been a fun coin just for us, bunch of kikes mining 50m+ and trying to sell it for 10 satoshi wolong style..

not to mention the fuckup by amdoge at launch then screwed us slow solo miners..

>> No.56802

are we on an exchange yet ;_;

>> No.56804

Get the fuck in here and help out


>> No.56814

if the plan is to fuck over wolong, we need to get a lot more people mining/interested than just /biz//g/

why don't people understand that? the plan hasn't changed

>> No.56817

>All those gas cans in the background

O-Okay, are your servers run on petrol?

>> No.56822

I don't know what to believe anymore, I saw both versions of that pick at almost the same time, so i can't tell which one is the real one

>> No.56844

all pools take a while, be patient

>> No.56858


somebody help us pls :-(

>> No.56863


>> No.56865

While that's a good idea, I bet they're coolant or something.

>> No.56880

well, since 2PM? it's 10PM now.

>> No.56877

Thanks amdoge, you're the best.

>> No.56891

Just in case there's any confusion, especially for noobs.

>PAND was created first, while the second one which is PANDA is created soonafter NOT because of copying the first coin, this one is based on a different algo and totally different dev team on it (mind you its the Unobtanium team) and the third, PND is the internet's way of getting back at wolong for being such a big shark.. maybe sevoque could help you on that.

Our Pandacoin is PND. Apparently the people who made Unobtanium is behind Wolong's shit... the same people who commissioned THIS video last year. Does this man look familiar?


>> No.57038

Chinese would never mine scamcoins!

>> No.57093

So PND is never hitting an exchange?

>> No.57106


Anyone mining rubycoin?
Launching today

>> No.57111

seems to be a lot of interested people over at /b/
Hopefully by today

>> No.57120

It will if people upvote this to the moon:

>> No.57140

most voted ever and still nothing,
really starting to think wolong did pay them to not accept PND

>> No.57155

Maybe the owner is just asleep or some shit roight now

>> No.57179

I have just been reminded of this, I don't know.


>> No.57222

amDOGE i just made a PKGBUILD for arch. I want to set it up so that the nodes are added at the end of the install. Any input on how to go about it? https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/pandacoin-qt-git/

>> No.57231

I'm no arch user.

>> No.57243

In case you figure it out, make sure you fetch the current list from http://bamboohouse.info/pandacoin.conf..

>> No.57254

okey dokes

>> No.57285
File: 23 KB, 477x436, meanwhile in wolongs lair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57348
File: 11 KB, 97x233, pandabros.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a gif to watch while you mine your PND

I couldn't find my doge original so I had to make a whole new one from scratch for my panda bros

>> No.57398

thank you for the tips!

>> No.57462

could someone post pandacoin.conf nodes???

>> No.57474


>> No.57470


>> No.57473

Get in here and help out


Over 300 replies so far inside like 90 mins

>> No.57488

much thank based amdofe

>> No.57489

was expecting /b/ to just tell us to leave but I guess everyone likes free internet money :^)
It gives me hope.

>> No.57571

damn /b/ seems all in. now things may get out of control; for the best or for the worst.

>> No.57588

I did ok on doge
why not try this too

>> No.57645

More exposure is good right now

>> No.57648
File: 89 KB, 640x425, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember to give it out in different timezones as well.

>> No.57655

my wallet can't into source blocks, i already added nodes to the conf. plz halp

>> No.57661

Is the conf in the right folder?

>> No.57679
File: 67 KB, 184x184, 1392239487768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I have pandacoin what do I do?

>> No.57672

make sure there is a copy in %APPDATA%\Roaming\PandaCoin

>> No.57676

I am on around 16-04 gmt+2 and will distribute as I can afford.

>> No.57684

sent ;)

>> No.57686

You hold or tip, Miles.

>> No.57689

got it, thx. I'm gonna make these /b/tards rich ;)

>> No.57693

thanks for the help

>> No.57694
File: 115 KB, 1000x752, Doge_begging_party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw you shouldnt givaway too big amounts, otherwise it will make the coin look worthless

>> No.57695

how do I mine this coin? is there a tutorial somewhere?

>> No.57709

Well how can I tip you?

>> No.57712

I'm thinking 1K-5K

>> No.57724


>> No.57719

I don't want you to tip me, Miles.
I want to put my tip in you if you know what I mean.

>> No.57745

Miles, did you get your wallet set up and the 100k I sent you yesterday?

>> No.57748
File: 260 KB, 499x256, FINAL BATTLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tip me miles

>> No.57739

Seriously just hold for now.
We also made a thread on /b/ plenty of people are posting addresses.
Just keep some for yourself too in case this gets somewhere.

>> No.57756

We need more donators on /b/
Remember when doge started and there been giveaway threads up all the time
Pls make the coin go around

Also someone with a server should setup a faucet...

>> No.57757

can anyone help? I can't find any tutorial

>> No.57766

We have a faucet, I posted it on the /b/ thread.


Pass it around if you can

>> No.57767

sent ;)

>> No.57774

threw a few more coins in.
any criticisms? crop them separate?

>> No.57775

Thank you.


How long until we piss off wolong though?

>> No.57787
File: 347 KB, 839x1080, coinferno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh art

>> No.57779

I guess I'll make a simple one right now, sec

just know that you're going to have to do a bit of legwork to get it working right

>> No.57783


There are tutorials on the side.
Both Dogecoin and Pandacoin are scrypt so you just do the same shit fr panda.
God luck bro.

>> No.57792

Well if no exchange accepts us we're pretty done.
If we get on an exchange we see what happens.

>> No.57804

very nice, 50k sent

>> No.57810

we need a brief mining guide anywhere but reddit since they hate reddit

>> No.57843

>/g/ and /biz/ have set up the 2 perfect coins for Cryptos

>P for Panda
>D for Doge

>Together, only time will tell if the anons are clever enough to devise this plan into buying coordinated Panda Pumps and Dumping Doges

>> No.57838
File: 1016 KB, 821x597, Pandacoin Revolution 3.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panda art

>> No.57839
File: 41 KB, 534x286, 1392680620487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is good.

>> No.57859


>> No.57853

Is that Wolong dying in the sea of boiling sulfuric acid?

>> No.57860

thank you, I think it's running properly now. I'll just wait and see if I get anything in the pool.

>> No.57870

>Pump n Dump

Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.57874

So the fee depends on network hashrate?

>> No.57863

It means we have activity in the network.

>> No.57864



>> No.57868

very nice.

Most of us would have no interest in that.
although some might.
that's their choice.

Free markets errywhere

>> No.57876

Neat, thanks.

I'm trying to get cgminer set up atm.
I'm a bit of a novice to it though.
Is it as simple as running the application and inputting my worker info?

>> No.57885

Well I hope so, I've given more than a third of my gains from launch away since this afternoon

>> No.57877

You will probably get lots.
Diff is pretty low right now.

>> No.57878

More on how much gets send or on how small the amount it.

>> No.57888

All the big holders need to start spending time tipping on the /b/ threads or this coin is dead within one week.

The guys on /b/ don't know how much it's worth (nor do they care much)......hand out a couple of thousand at a time and they will be very interested.

The best way to attract attention on /b/ is "rolling for doubles", trivia questions etc with coin rewards.

Remember...........BTC, LTC and Doge were all very heavily promoted on /b/ in the initial stages.

/b/ loves cryptos and /b/ loves getting free shit.

Encourage everyone to mine no matter what kind of potato they are using.

>> No.57889

Newfag here,

I wanna learn how to get PND, I heard about mining, if some of you may explain.

>> No.57890

I was just wondering about that since giving PND on the /b/ thread.

Question for you Miles.
What's your experience with anal sex? How to proceed into it and how to make it not painful.

My gf wants to try but I don't want to hurt her.

>> No.57893

It's not.
Acronym was chosen as a joke.

>> No.57894

ty so much anon.

yes it's his forum avatar, not sure what else to use for him as the whole panda thing is confusing enough lmao

>> No.57895

Am i doin dis rite?

>> No.57896

*is even

It's basically the cause.

>> No.57907

someone help this guy out

>> No.57909


>> No.57912

It's probably because of the giveaway on /b/.

>> No.57904
File: 50 KB, 1024x571, 1392680884294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. I haven't got to experience it quite yet.
Why are you asking such a a lewd question?

>> No.57922

u earn trust :)

>> No.57923

You have stated about your trap ex-gf and your current boyfriend, I was assuming that you had knowledge on both sides of the situation

>> No.57926


>> No.57931

Since /biz/ started everyone wants to fuck Miles for some reason.

>> No.57933

LOL, I've always considered this a kamikaze coin, I hope there isn't some underlying get rich scheme here that I've been missing...

>> No.57939

is he a gril or a furfag?

>> No.57947

if you don't mind reddit

>> No.57940

Can I get help on how to set up a PND acc?

>> No.57958

Take it to the next step anon.

Dump your Doges for Pandas.

Pump your Pandas for Doges

Enjoy the ever giving circle of cryptos.

>> No.57963

Tell me I'm not the mollymachine of Pandacoin 3.0

>> No.57964

OooOOOoO a brand new crypto friend
read this post>>55968
download the wallet

>> No.57965

He is a sexual adventurer

>> No.57953

Could someone please link me to a rundown or explain briefly on how to convert this laptop into a pickaxe? I have cgminer already.

captcha: token

>> No.57978

we should adventure his adventure if you know what I mean

>> No.57984


No. Panda is the military wing of Doge.

>> No.57975

We need to see if you can take out a whale first.

>> No.57987

We should fuck his ass and rub his cock on my tits if you know what I mean.

>> No.57991

There are only 2 whales right now, amDOGE and whoever had that 60 mh/s running at scryptominers since saturday (they stopped mining this afternoon)

>> No.58001

This is my first time mining crypto-currency. I have downloaded all the necessary files and set up a worker but I am having trouble getting my wallet to sync up so I am not able to get any work done.
Can anyone help out a noob?

>> No.58004

meant for

>> No.58016

your mention of tits confuses thee

>> No.58023

Just throw it into the config file and save?

>> No.58019

You might need the newer config file

>> No.58028
File: 2.11 MB, 297x329, pandacoin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some OC for you guys.

>> No.58040


Please add this to the OP if possible, I think it's a pretty coherent instructional guide to Scrypt mining.

Please let me know if anything should be changed.

>> No.58042
File: 181 KB, 864x590, 1392681689069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I find my wallet address?

>> No.58044

It's inside %appdata%pandacoin/
you put it in there and then restart your wallet

>> No.58046

Click Receive.

>> No.58050

Hey amDOGE when we switch to KGW will I have to upgrade my client? I'm about to go to sleep and don't want to get on the wrong fork. Thanks.

>> No.58057

in receive

>> No.58058

Thank you bro.

>> No.58059
File: 28 KB, 864x585, 1392681762421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this one it?

>> No.58051

50k sent.
Don't forget to save these, since I don't bother.

>> No.58054



Even has the correct logo and everything

>> No.58071

bretty good :DDD

>> No.58079


Well I have to admit I don't understand a shit about reddit haha. No seriously One page brings me to another, I don't even know where I am anymore.

>> No.58087
File: 10 KB, 352x163, oh gosh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, and thanks to the others who gave tips. I wasn't even expecting that much.

>> No.58098
File: 103 KB, 505x800, le viking bear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, bro.

>> No.58108

When will my wallet stop being out of sync?

>> No.58102

No problem, we got our own tutorial now it seems.
Props to Santa for making it.

>> No.58125

I don't have much but I sent you 1000.

>> No.58120


Well if you have a little tip to do to a newfag I'd appreciate.

>> No.58121


>> No.58128

sent ;)

>> No.58134

sent ;^)

>> No.58135
File: 241 KB, 1920x1080, 1376454870132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WooP wOOp WooP

>> No.58139

What do with this?

>> No.58158

new /b/ thread

>> No.58144

Put in %appdata%\roaming\pandacoin.

>> No.58151

I call this move: The human centipede
Also this is a blue board

>> No.58161

Ok, I am pretty sure I just fucked things up even more...

I am trying to mine on a CPU. Yeah I know that is dumb but it is all I have so why not? Anyways. I am trying to get CGminer-3.7.2 to work but now that shit isn't even working. Maybe I installed it wrong? Anyone got help for that either?

>> No.58181

Thank you !

Also you may be able to reply this : I see many tutorial for mining for people with Nvidia or AMD graphic cards, I have a SIS, am I fucked ?

>> No.58221

Nothing's coming up for that %appdata% thing?

>> No.58224

i think cgminer is gpu specific,
you need cpuminerd

>> No.58233

Or just %appdata% and look for pandacoin there. Be creative anon.

>> No.58234

not good, you can try renting an azure server for free I guess but it's not that easy.

>> No.58247

Thanks, sorry for bugging you about it.

>> No.58248

guys im crying right now... when im trying to open my monacoin wallet im getting "no block source available", how can i fix this?`I have 2k monacoins and its almost all the money ive got

>> No.58274

Nevermind, it fixed itself. i am happy now :)

>> No.58275

>difficulty keeps decreasing

>> No.58262

Do people actually tip that much? I only have 2k, I thought that was a lot.

>> No.58290

It's dead. I don't know why people get upset when they hear that fact. It was conceived to sow confusion into the Wolongcoin launch, but it wasn't ready. Two days later, it came out to a tepid reception, and only a handful of people have mined it. It will never be on any exchange and none of you will ever make any money from it. There is zero demand.

>> No.58292

I'm into the Panda part of %appdata%, where do I put the addnode things? What folder?

sorry for the nub replies, this is the first time I've even attempted anythign -Coin related

>> No.58288

now you have more ;)

>> No.58305

Then I'll stay here alone on my pile of millions of Panda!

>> No.58302

I have tried using that before but got an error saying
>Failed connection to; No error
am confuse...

>> No.58312

Create a file named pandacoin.conf and paste it in there. Make sure the file doesn't end in txt.

>> No.58314

Go ahead, because they'll always be yours.

>> No.58315


Dude you need to go into options and reveal hidden files and folders to find app data folder.

It'll be under user/appdata/pandacoin I think

>> No.58316

post your config file

>> No.58329

For minerd?
All I have is what it came with. Should I have made my own config file?

>> No.58353


>> No.58361


It's obvious a lot of people with no crypto experience whatsoever are coming into this thread and even i'm confused at some of the answers being given.

We need an HIGHLY BASIC info guide on how to get a wallet and make a conf file to get it to sync. Lots of people on /b/ are very confused about the wallet sync issue.

A highly basic guide on CPU and GPU mining would be good too.

Just a page we can link to somewhere.

>> No.58375

a .bat file is what you need
inside it should look like this
minerd64.exe -o stratum+tcp://bamboohouse.info:3334 -u Weblogin.Worker -p Worker password

this is asume you are mining with bamboohouse

>> No.58376

put a fat dont trust wolong in it or is has an opposite effect

>> No.58378


I agree. It's not good enough to just tell people to go to appdata and make a config file.

Highly confusing for newbies.

>> No.58394

I told Elixir on irc to implement a guide on http://thepandacoin.co/

he said probably but not now I guess. But there is a pastebin link on /b/ OP

>> No.58395

I just want to say thank you to the guy posting on CCJ.

May Rainy give you many blowjob.

>> No.58405

>Lots of people on /b/ are very confused about the wallet sync issue

This is what happens when we have incompetent devs

How the fuck can you expect somebody to browse to a specific location, let alone know what a file extensions is and change it. (which needs show extention to be enabled)

fucking amdoge this shouldn't even be an issue. fix the problem first before adding useless features. you expect people to download a broken wallet and fix it themselves on the first launch? What kind of image will that give?

Oh wait fuck me because you have an excuse that this is a joke coin

>> No.58402

I will look at the windows installer the guys from dogecoin backed together. This will make it easier to put everything together.

>> No.58412

why don't you go around and share the LOVE instead?

>> No.58423

Would you be interested in helping us make a new coin that we actually have thought through?

>> No.58416

Dogecoin was exactly the same thing.

>> No.58417

So in my case it would look something like

minerd64.exe -o stratum+tcp://bamboohouse.info:3334 -u GiftofGab.GiftofGab -p [my password]


>> No.58420
File: 29 KB, 285x297, confused-panda-md.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I'm pulling together a pull request to send to amDOGE, just be patient.

>> No.58422


With a SIS Mirage 3 graphic card I can't mine ?

I'm a little bit disappointed.

>> No.58436

That has literally nothing to do with development. This is 100% a volume issue. You can't expect peers to magically start appearing out of thin air, you humongous faggot. If more people used the coin, having preset nodes wouldn't be necessary but that's not the case because technologically illiterate faggots like you ruin it every single time.

>> No.58437

I mean Pixels. My thoughts and vision are getting blurry from exhaustion :/

>> No.58439

yes, minerd64.exe can be whatever .exe you have in your folder
or whatever variation you have
adjust accordingly

>> No.58430

yeah amdoge is just a pillowfucker
he even said he would bail after 2 days
fuck amdoge
fucking faggot

>> No.58432

goes to >>58405

Not right now.

>> No.58440

I like this one, we can still pull it together and we have most of the community.
jacob pls go

>> No.58453

New /b/ thread

Get in a help with tips and advice


>> No.58454


>> No.58461

It has everything to do with development. Every single pump and dump coin launch I've been through that earned me 20k usd in the past two months 9/10 times has had a working wallet.

>> No.58466

Ok, I made the file and I tried running it but nothing seemed to happen. Does it run in the backround or am I doing something wrong?

>> No.58472

And PND's wallet also works. Wow, what a -coin-cidence.

>> No.58475

did you create a worker on the website?

>> No.58491

did it at least open a black box

>> No.58483

Yeah, I have updated it too and it doesn't seem to be getting any work done...

>> No.58485

>pump and dump

nigga it's a joke

don't take shit seriously

amdoge just fucks with this shit in her offtime

420 blaze it mofo

>> No.58487

It runs in the console.

>> No.58505

Except it doesn't.

This launch was a fucking joke. Even the feadora faggots outdid you guys.

>meanwhile wolong is not even concerned about you guys

>> No.58496

The console just pops up then closes.

>> No.58512

That's because you need to run it from cmd.exe to get any useful output.

>> No.58507

it opened briefly then promptly closed
see >>58496

>> No.58516

can you take a screen shot of your minerd folder and all the files in it

>> No.58519

Wolong, please go. Nobody is actually this ignorant about technology. You have to remember to shill more subtly.

>> No.58531
File: 72 KB, 882x562, ss (2014-02-17 at 03.22.21).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58536

I'm still having sync issues even after making the pandacoin.conf file and adding nodes to it. What do?

>> No.58526

if wolong is reading
he needs to know that I don't like what 4chan is doing to him
I was on board with the plan at the start but it took a nasty turn.
I don't understand all the market stuff but apparently if I hold I make money
I just do what I'm told
but I think what 4chan plans is evil
it scares me

>> No.58529
File: 9 KB, 616x152, ss (2014-02-17 at 07.48.00).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58553

holy shit what a retard HAHAHAHAHA are you serious

>> No.58543

friendly reminder NOT TO update your dogecoin wallet so you get stuck in a fork in 1-2 months

>> No.58547

We need tech support in here


Newbies asking questions.

>> No.58558

change the text to
minerd.exe in the bat file

>> No.58560


>> No.58573

Shit fuck... I even checked before to make sure I had done that. Hahaha thanks m8.

>> No.58574


>> No.58585

How long until 35,000 PND comes worth anything?
Also if you can donate, I'd much appreciate it:

>> No.58586
File: 25 KB, 255x355, 1370805049219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon pls no bully wolong

>> No.58580

>l-lets call him wolong since I don't have anything to say!

let me guess, you missed all the boats including this one, and is clinging onto these shitcoins which you mined at 4 difficulty hoping to be rich one day.

>> No.58591

>trying to shill this hard
Wolong, pls.

>> No.58601

>difficulty is 3 now.
is this dead?

>> No.58610


>> No.58611

i'll buy them for doge if you want

300 doge?

>> No.58612
File: 982 KB, 500x249, 1392603479653.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dogecoin launch: 20 satoshi
wolongcoin launch: 71 satoshi
pandacoin 3.0 launch: -1 satoshi

>tfw wolong is winning
>mein sides

>> No.58614

Taking a brief nap

>> No.58619

Get it on an exchange and life will course through its veins, all the way to the moon.

>> No.58623


No, the 2nd biggest rig (mining on scryptominers) stopped. We're bringing in new miners tonight so it's fine.....we need to stick at this for a full week on /b/.

>> No.58626

Was afraid at first, but it turned out to be nothing.

4 difficulty, 3 next. Less than a handful of pools.

It would have done more had you guys hyped the shit out of it for a month straight and not release it at all.

>> No.58630

2 days old
difficulty of 3

yup bail out
mine something more stable

>> No.58636

He's making fake transactions left and right because he received like 500k in IPO.

>> No.58638
File: 15 KB, 561x228, ss (2014-02-17 at 07.55.25).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the miner to start mining, now I am wondering if it is just taking a while for the webhost to display my info or if something else has gone wrong.
>pic related

>> No.58646


What is a liteoshi?

>> No.58652

>dogecoin launch: 20 satoshi

you wot mate

>> No.58657

It takes a few minutes.

>> No.58659

yep, will take a while,
look at your dashboard to see more up to date hash rates
sent you 13337, welcome to the crypto world

>> No.58666

1kh/s is rubbish. Are you CPUmining?
Also, you need to have an accepted share for your stats to display. This can take a while. You won't get paid without shares.

>> No.58688

You are a saint. Thanks man.

Yeah, sadly I am. My good comp recently shit the bed and I poured a lot of money into it. When that comp died I lost a lot of Doge and ~1BTC. Now I am stuck with my ~3 year old craptop.

>> No.58700

well the backup lesson is sure an expensive one but worth it

>> No.58702

I take it the HDD was unrecoverable?

>> No.58729

Also, how do I enable autopayout on bamboohouse? I can't seem to find where it is.

A very expensive one...

Mover somehow managed to drop the comp or something and broke a lot of the hardware. I have no clue how the HDD fried though.

>> No.58739

I made a quick pastebin about adding nodes to your wallet if you're having issues syncing


>> No.58748
