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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 87 KB, 1334x847, kiltchart270823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55959832 No.55959832 [Reply] [Original]

A blockchain identity protocol for issuing self-sovereign, verifiable credentials and decentralized identifiers. KILT is going to be one of the best plays of this entire market cycle; if you hadn’t heard about DIDs yet then you certainly will soon. The key fact to bear in mind when reading this is that for each DID created, two tokens are taken from the open market and locked. You are currently trying to think of a better tokenomic model than this, but you can’t - because there isn’t one.

> 30mil mcap, supply ~115mil
> 1.8 % inflation still to go (October), then no more emissions
> has all decent exchange pairs still to come
> epic year-long accumulation range on the chart
> tokenomics: 2 tokens permanently locked per DID created
> will create insane deflationary pressure given that the EXISTING clients already have a reach/base of hundreds of millions, maybe billions of people.

Deloitte loves KILT (May 2023)
> World’s largest professional services firm
> Built a KYC/B platform on KILT
> 415,000 employees, 60bn revenue, global reach
> its clients include 90% of the S&P 500
> ambition to supplant “log in with google” etc, huge project

Axel Springer loves KILT (April 2023)
> Europe's largest publishing house
> 15,000 employees, $3bn revenue, 40 countries
> reach of 300 million unique users
> has integrated KILT for their login tech

DENA (German federal energy agency) loves KILT (July 2023)
> Follows successful pilot project running full KILT nodes on smart meters
> KILT is now “essential infrastructure” in new project
> 50.7 million metering points in Germany
> https://medium.com/kilt-protocol/dive-digital-identities-as-trust-anchors-in-the-energy-system-3c5011b5ed92

>> No.55959836
File: 323 KB, 537x576, deloitte3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin Suisse loves KILT (April 2023)
> Integrated into bank-grade custodial “Vault”, in preparation for upcoming institutional applications
> https://www.bitcoinsuisse.com/news/bitcoin-suisse-integrates-kilt-vault

MeWe loves KILT (April 2023)
> Social media platform with 20m users
> All being migrated to web3 via Frequency blockchain
> Which has integrated KILT for the login tech

Polkadot ecosystem loves KILT (June 2023)
> KILT requested funds to develop Decentralised Identity Provider (DIP)
> allows for open cross-chain identity services
> essentially sets KILT up for DID provision to *all* parachains, and beyond
> Governance passed the proposal

New integrations being announced regularly now, with a pipeline of big clients. The endorsement by Deloitte will pull in a tonne of new client interest, as well.

Digital IDs (DIDs) will be one of the major developments of the next couple of years, and they will allow us to reconcile regulatory demands with DeFi autonomy. Markets move on narratives and DIDs are a fresh and genuine usecase for blockchain, and unironically one of the most crucial components of the bridge between crypto/blockchain and “the real world”. Think of them like oracles but for identity - anarchyfags can seethe but blockchain takeover will never happen without some kind of KYC/AML, and the applications are endless. For just one example, consider the possibility of undercollateralised loans, e.g. mortgages, through crypto - that will never happen without some knowledge of the borrower’s credit worthiness, i.e. an aspect of their credentials. This year KILT is starting to reveal some of its truly epic client list (see OP)

>> No.55959935

Inverse H&S on weekly still in play? or rekt

>> No.55959954

>Inverse H&S on weekly still in play? or rekt

It's harder to call it an iH&S any more, but overall the chart is a clear Buy at this point. Sitting above ATL resistance, oscillators absolutely bottomed (ATL on stoch RSI), and if you combine that with the fact that presale unlocks are finished in two months (98.2% complete already) and that we're already 20 months past BTC's last top, it's hard to be bearish here.

All the good stuff is yet to come.

>> No.55960094
File: 323 KB, 590x589, cantpump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eternal cuckholding the price with seed salers dumping that ends in 1 month

>> No.55960133

>dumping that ends in 1 month

Do we know the exact date all vesting will be complete?

>> No.55960188

no exact date sometime in Nov or Dec

>> No.55960603


>> No.55960614


kys harder

>> No.55961703
File: 844 KB, 917x919, 28xx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this coin pumping

>> No.55961845

Someone saw this thread and bought 10k worth which is enough volume to send this shitcoin to the moon

>> No.55961920

It's me, gobbling and gobbling more. I must be real stupid

>> No.55961962

why is it that cheq and kilt both have such shit price action? why do VCs dump their own coins?

>> No.55961979

both had strippers to invest check the memes from launch period

peak retardation and lack of choosing quality VCs

cheqd's previous company had been sued by SEC and those shareholders got cheqd as compensation they own 60% of the supply

>> No.55962107
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>> No.55962351
File: 174 KB, 1280x829, photo_2023-05-12_13-47-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you fucking imajin the smell when this shitcoin lists on deutche boerse and you couldve bought it for less than $1 for so long

omg the seethe will be real

>> No.55962417

will smell like roses dipped in a bathtub full of milk, honey & dollar bills

>> No.55962851

>can you fucking imajin the smell when this shitcoin lists on deutche boerse and you couldve bought it for less than $1 for so long

delete this, seriously

>> No.55964500
File: 104 KB, 1280x775, kilt-2022-2025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this coin