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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5595631 No.5595631 [Reply] [Original]


It is HILARIOUS watching you fucking retards cry like little bitches. You're missing out on gains because you're fucking RETARDED!!!!!
>muh central banks
>muh centrulizayyyshun
>muh joos
>duh ripple will destroy crypto :(
None of that's even true, and you would know if you fucking googled it. But no, none of you worthless faggots know how to DYOR, you just parrot one another like little retards.

I'm glad you're miserable. I'm glad you're missing out. This feels so good. I hope you all die poor. Retarded people don't deserve to make it. To those of you who were smart enough to get in early, bless you. I love making money off of the retards on this board as they lose money on their shitcoin gambles.

>> No.5595811

>posts anime pics
>tries to trash talk

kid back the FUCK off before I smash u and ur anime pillow

>> No.5595848
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You are on an anime board newfag. Fuck off

>> No.5596101
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do it bitch

>> No.5596395
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Stay poor

>> No.5596442

Literally sold out crypto for 5x gains.

The jews that bought your Eth are never going to give it back lmao.

You're going to be stuck with cripple ripple hovering between $1 and $2.

Eth is going to be 5k

BTC is going to 30k.

And the jews are going to smile at you and say "See goyim, we're god's chosen people, no matter what we start with, we always end up with all the wealth.. even if we started with NO BTC and NO Eth, here we are holding it all ;)".

>> No.5596497

I got in on Ripple at the beginning of the year faggot, and it outperformed every single coin this year including bubblecoin, did you know that? Bet you didn't! HAHAHAHAHAHA stay mad, and die poor
>muh joos

>> No.5596503

muuhhh riiibbblee increaaashed by 50 peerceent iiin twwooooo weeeeeks

>> No.5596524

muh ripple outperformed every single one of your faggot coins this year while you lost money FOMO buying and panic selling :^)

>> No.5596558

So what are you going to do now? Sell it?

Or are you going down with the ship?

>> No.5596587


Lmao my bullshit drunk cartoon bounty hunter pick outperformed Ripple's whole spike since december 5 fold.

>> No.5596693

Nice larp, but nothing outperformed XRP this year in terms of total percentage gain. It gained more than 30000% and still growing. Unless you can find one that did better, and in that case nice job, but if not, then you're just a salty liar.

>> No.5596726


Do you know where the fuck you are brainlet?

>> No.5596752

probably just gonna sell when the trend reverses, if it ever does hahahahaha

>> No.5596827

I've got to ask my normie co-workers that hold ripple and see what they're doing. Follow the normie herd money. If it's scared, we need to jump out and rebuy the dip. If they're cool as a cumcumber, then let it ride to $5.

>> No.5596885

bad advice. the herd is poor. do the opposite of the herd. now is unironically a good time to sell if you got in early. similarly, buy when they start panic selling