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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55955983 No.55955983 [Reply] [Original]

I am currently in a bad financial situation as I have lost my job. I am not here to ask for sympathy or money but I figured this board would be the right place to go for advice on what to do next. what are some good financial moves I can make within a months time to keep me going? I have been applying to pretty much every job in my area. I am not financially savy outside of the realm of saving a few dollars at the grocery store, any advice you guys can give would help me a lot. sorry in advance if I annoyed the posters here,

>> No.55955992


>> No.55955997


>> No.55956006

damn lol

>> No.55956010


>> No.55956025

>I figured this board would be the right place to go for advice on what to do next
Sorry about your situation OP but this did give me a kek. This is probably the worst place on the internet for you right now.

>> No.55956027

Become a gigger at fiverr or smth.

>> No.55956028

Fuck you, pay me.

>> No.55956032

Become a leech on the government. Niggers do it, so why wouldn't someone like you who actually needs it do it

>> No.55956038

because im white and they probably wont

>> No.55956041
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>> No.55956056

no worries, Ive never posted here before, I tried browsing but a lot of this is over my head, im just trying to find a means of income that will keep me afloat comfortably for the next few years atleast, ive kinda given up on the idea of retireing at this point, I just dont want to be homeless. Are there any specific sources of info I could be studying that would help? I honestly dont even know where to begin.

>> No.55956059

>they probably wont
Don't be apathetic and actually try for it.
The system will continue the way it is until enough leeches make it collapse.

>> No.55956068

Move into a tent so you can save money on rent.

>> No.55956115

I have applied for employment insurance, I dont know if I will qualify though. do they tend to be leanient with that kind of stuff? I have never had to do this before. again sorry if these are retared questions, I didnt really have parents growing up so im just now learning the facts of life from this website of all places kek. its proven to be a pretty solid place for advice despite the brutal ribbings.

>> No.55956136

>bad financial situation as I have lost my job. I am not here to ask for sympathy or money but I figured this board would be the right place to go for advice on what to do next. what are some good financial moves I can make within a months tim

Come work for me in my food business in NYC.

How old are you?

>> No.55956146

Hello, Anon. I hope you are doing well. Since you lost your job, apply for unemployment. As a temp job while you are looking for a permanent job, you could possibly do Uber, Uber eats, or a warehouse job. A warehouse job would probably be better since the Uber job would eat at your gas and other car finances. Good luck, and I wish you well.

>> No.55956160

I would but I do not live in the usa, the move alone would run my pockets dry, I have about 1800$ in my account rn and rent is due in a few days

>> No.55956170

I currently do not have my license, I am going for my g1 on monday as well as my can-sell to hopefully land a job at a dispensary near by, that is my current goal but I am unsure if it will work out.

>> No.55956214


Where are you from?

You can get a plane ticket for not a whole lot. I've got a fully furnished room walking distance to our business. Won't charge you rent till you get on your feet.

How old are you? Food truck in NYC. Pretty hard working gig, but it could be really awesome. Where are you from?

>> No.55956288

I am from canada I would have to get a work visa before I go to the states wouldnt i? The offer is tempting but ngl would be kinda scary to move out to the states for a job on a whim, If I do not find a job in a few weeks and things start looking bad I may consider it.thank you for the offer though that is extremely kind of you.

>> No.55956299

Ah, I understand. You are applying for unemployment, right? Is transit in your city good? Why do you think you might not land the job at the dispensary?

>> No.55956313


Bro just drive across the border and fuckin come check it out for a little bit.

I thought maybe you were from Europe or something, but this might be even better than I thought for you. How old are you?

Where in Canada you at?

>> No.55956324

yes I am, and transit isnt the greatest, I have been biking 10km to and from my last job because its unreliable and I didnt want to be late. and It's not that I dont think I wont land the job. I am just unsure if there looking for employees currently' I am just trying to add qualifications to my resume to broaden my application abilities. bigger nets catch more fish and all.

>> No.55956349

What was your previous work experience?

>> No.55956365


Dude come work for my food truck. I had guys making $1500 each last week. Cash. This shit is simple too.

Canada is fucked up right now anyway. Come make a bunch of US Dollar. Let that Trudeau faggot fuck up Canada some more, and then you can go back with a fat sack of US dollars you make working for me and then do whatever you want to do there. Or you could end up liking working for me and end up being one of my generals when we start expanding like a mother fucker.

>> No.55956371
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Based and me pilled

>> No.55956385

mostly customer service and retail but I have a bit of a trades backround as well. just not on paper. I can welt steel that is 1/4 in thick or lower, I can also torch weld but since plumbing changed to pvc there isnt a whole lot of need for that kind of work.

>> No.55956402

That sounds like a great offer, almost too good to be true. I worked fast food as well and never made anywhere close to that in a week, could you tell me more about it? are they making most of that in tips?

>> No.55956412

i've considered this, but I would miss the internet too much, im too weak, I will never be that based

>> No.55956417


I'm not desperate for guys to work for me. But I figure if you give a shit and feel like your life is hopeless but you want to do something about enough to post on 4chan, you're probably an alright guy enough to want to do something about it.

I am not really joking about this. I know shit is fucked up in Canada right now.

I've got a great business. Talking with 3 people about different partnerships in related aspects of the business.

That week we had big events on the weekends. Mostly hourly with about a 1/4 of that in tips. I can assure you it's not too good to be true.

I'm really looking for the right people to really keep this business moving in the right direction. I'll tell you details over a zoom call if you'd like.

Create a bs email on gmail, and i'll contact you there and we can set up a zoom call.

How old are you?

>> No.55956424

Go do the food truck thing. You have nothing to lose and a lot of valuable experience to gain.
You'll be wasting even more time at the dispensary

>> No.55956433
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>miss the internet
Get a gas station job and trade jeetcoins while preaching the word of Big H Man

>> No.55956485
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>27k in bank and a car

I am going insane, crypto is my only way out here in southern europe. I am so tired that a nuclear warfare probably wouldn't trigger my survival instincts

>> No.55956486


I've got stuff to do. I made the email:


Hit me up if you'd like to seriously discuss making it happen. Not gonna lie--it could be the best decision you've ever made. I don't know if you're competent. I don't really need brain surgeons, I just need people that have work ethic and a little bit of vision to see what this is about to be.

Some big things are coming about. I'll tell you the details if you hit me up.

Don't give up~

>> No.55956527

Don't gamble your savings in crypto if you're desperate. Don't fuck up.

>> No.55956589

Another piece of advice. Some of my best life altering decisions were made on a whim. There's no need to think about every single possibility.
If I didn't have a good job in CA I would take up NY anon on his offer in a heart beat. I would buy a ticket and leave with a backpack full of clothes and buy toiletries when I got there. Things usually have a way of working itself out

>> No.55956599

rope or leverage

>> No.55956630


I know it probably comes off as extremely creepy or weirdoish---but there's a certain free spirited energy involved in being a food trucker. If OP is relatively young and looking for a fresh start, this could be the random ass chance of a lifetime. I had a crew of dudes living upstairs who worked for me. CoVID made the guys move out with their girlfriends. I had a guy just move here from Colorado I met at a bar. Not sure if he's going to work out, but he's trying.

This might sound extremely random...but it's 100% legit. I have a food truck business. Multiple trucks. Had a restaurant in midtown Manhattan. I'm bout to open a "permanent" location in Brooklyn. And I've got a couple of other things coming up that are pretty interesting.

Don't hit me up if you're into drugs. Leftist politics. Or if you're lazy.

>> No.55956645

May be onto something, Anon.

But the "What Ifs" are a helluva drug. Sadly .

>> No.55956670


What If's are a limiting factor for people to not ever take chance. The people that damn the what if's are the ones that make it.

Or they end up on kneepads in the back parking lot of a Wendy's.

My favorite song is Frank Sinatra's My Way tho. That song says it all.

>> No.55956674

So Food Trucker is lowkey carny tier?

Mexican roachcoaches at the construction site are pretty dam tasty with no carny vibes, unironically.

>> No.55956682

YGMI, Anon

>> No.55956704


I wouldn't say lowkey carny tier. It kinda is. I grind hard tho. I wake up at 4 am. Get parking. Go to the gym. Come back work lunch. And all the while I'm booking events and catering gigs on the side.

It's def a hustler's paradise kinda job. Doing it in NYC is even more hardcore. I kinda love it.

The amount of money you can make off the truck is pretty impressive.

>> No.55956707
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>I know it probably comes off as extremely creepy or weirdoish---but

>If OP is relatively young and looking for a fresh start

Im glad you see why im hesitant about this lol,
I apreciate the offer, just idk it feels like a bad idea. ill prob regret it but im gonna trust my gut on this one. sorry for wasting your time.

>> No.55956733


You'll probably one day figure out who I am when this gets to the level I think it will. At that point you probably will genuinely regret not taking this seriously.

My backstory is pretty incredible. The specific food I'm doing is absolutely exploding everywhere.

I don't even know what you're trusting your gut on--you didn't even talk to me in person. Your gut steered you wrong here my guy, but you're free to do what you want. I was planning on giving you a zoom tour of what I do with the trucks and everything so you know I'm not full of shit. But your call.

I can't say I'll check that email or this thread much after today, but you've got a window open. Canada is fucked dude. I don't mean that as a disrespect. It's just in way worse shape than the US, and that's hard to believe.

I ask about your age--because we grind hard here. I wake up early, it's hot in the trucks in the summer and cold in the winter. But it's doable. If you're like 50 years old, it's def not for you. I'm 38 about to be 39. The dude who just moved here from Colorado is my age, and he's doing it.

That's why I inquired about age. I just wouldn't recommend this if you're like a 50 year old guy.

>> No.55956739

what kind of food do you sell?
How big is the truck?

>> No.55956761


I have 3 trucks. Im about to open a stationary location out of a shipping container in one of the coolest neighborhoods in NYC.

The trucks vary in size. 23' - 30'.

I've got a black eye right now from getting punched in the face by another food truck owner who came to my spot we've parked at for 10 years.

My food is basically the same as Raising Cane's or Zaxby's. No one in the Northeast has really heard of either.

>> No.55956765

Your ambition is leaking through my screen.
Thanks. Tomorrow's Monday, maybe I'll put
some of this leaked energy into something.
>>55956670 You too, Anon. /biz/ warriors.

>> No.55956783

understandable, I feel bad for declining because you're probably a genuine person. just the circumstances of the job offer have me a little worried. sorry for pussing out, i mean no disrespect, i just dont think i have it in me to make that kind of move.

>> No.55956795

Im european so none of those brands mean anything to me but I see it has to do with chicken.

>> No.55956805

Gangs of New York fighting for the fires ?

>> No.55956820

Tell me about 4am at the Spaniard vs 4am at 230 fifth.

>> No.55956829

they both made $2 billion last year in gross revenue. Each.

One was founded in 1990. One in 1996.

That mean anything to you?

>> No.55956838


just encapsulating the hustle that this is all about. It's not common. But it happens. Generally theres a respect between vendors. These guys were new.

>> No.55956873

Dude you literally have a job handed to you on a silver platter and with the right work ethic he said he’s willing to let you expand with him

It truly seems like you are not at your rock bottom financially yet, because you’d be a fool not to take up on his offer, at least talk to him over zoom or something

>> No.55956886

This food trucker is literally scrapping his off
for his business.

>> No.55956892 [DELETED] 

I can picture the 0s.
We live in a very consumer oriented time.
I'm confident your business will thrive.

>> No.55956896

So based. You're a good man offering him a great opportunity. If anon can't realize how good of an offer this is, it makes me wonder if you'd even want him as an employee.

>> No.55956938


Kinda what I was thinking too. I even went thru the effort to make a random email to communicate.

I seriously hit rock bottom myself. Was on food stamps and I won the money to start my food truck on Who Wants to be a Millionaire.

That's why I have no problem giving a shot to other people. My goal was to eventually buy up some housing and put homeless veterans back on their feet by givnig them a super cheap place to live and a business that kinda celebrates American culture as a way of bringing them back.

That's all talk till I do it....but I will someday.

Covid kicked me in the nuts. Royally. But I'm bouncing back harder than ever. Some pretty dynamic things are goign on behind the scenes that are going to facilitate how much money I can make. And we're working on expansion.

This literally would be the perfect opportunity for someone with limited skill set, a desire to create something, and vision to take a proven model that other men turned into a billion dollar idea, into our own billion dollar idea.

Don't know if you've seen The Edge with Anthony Hopkins, but one of my favorite movies. "What one man can do, another can do."

>> No.55956995


Lol. I get it---4chan is an interesting place. I like the intel on crypto and GME, which I feel like is one of the few places you can get unique perspective and recon.

I like making money. I don't plan on being just average. I plan on being super rich. And I'm going to make a lot of people rich with me.

>> No.55957025
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Posting in the biggest effort post of 2023, handshakes all around

>> No.55957103

I've never seen the movie but I like what you're saying.
Are you a vet yourself?
Life was sorta hard when I first got out and was trying to figure things out and my parents didn't have room for me. That's when I hit rock bottom.
I have a decent job now but I know I'll end up hitting the ceiling within a few years.
Do you ever plan on expanding out to the west coast or staying on the east coast?

>> No.55957118
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Go drive a forklift in a warehouse. Usually the labor ready places will just let you walk in and sign you up. If that doesn’t make you kill yourself, nothing will.

>> No.55957138


I never served. But my Dad was a Navy Corpsman during Vietnam and my ancestors go back to the Revolutionary War and before serving. So I've always had a deep seeded patriotism and appreciation for our veterans. They truly don't get enough support. Many of them are left hanging, I'd like to do my little part to do what I can to help that. But like I said, talk is cheap. I'll start beating my chest after I actually do it.

Yeah, I plan on expanding. I have a plan right now for expansion, I'm going to be executing it soon.

>> No.55957173


You'll know who I am if it starts really moving. I think I'll really be able to offer some valuable franchise type stuff when this really gets moving. Keep on doing what you're doing, althought if what I've been saying is resonating with you--you've got an email there to hit me up further up the thread. I'll give you a legit zoom interview/introduction if you want to check it out. I've got a spot upstairs at my house fully furnished. Looking for one more solid dude to fill it. Or I'll have another kid and move the kid up there.

Good luck regardless.

>> No.55957286

Buy $llap

>> No.55957291

I'll shoot you an email so I can at least get the name of your business and follow it for a bit. I've been thinking about the food truck industry in my town since they legalized it a few years back and now you have nothing but taco trucks on every other corner. I wanted to do a smoked meats truck, but I'm sure a chicken truck would do great too.

>> No.55957329

Get a job, any job, forget about an alternative until you have a job. Go walk around your town/city , look for help wanted signs, and talk to managers and hand them your cv in person.

>> No.55957365


Copy. I've got a ton of knowledge on how to really kick ass with this business. I've got it pretty much streamlined and figured out if you would like to discuss the details, I'm here.

It's a great business. But it's hard.

>> No.55957689

go to Germany and become forklift driver or productin worker.
the money you spend on Stocks and stuff like gold, silver or oil

>> No.55957852

>I figured this board would be the right place to go for advice

>> No.55958872

I shot you an email. It's from protonmail so gmail might mark it into your spam folder

>> No.55958973

Take the worst job you can find and put in 10% more effort than the person next to you. By this time next year you'll be in a better situation.

>> No.55958998
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Based anons networking.

>> No.55959016
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Invest in tesla anon. Peaq is stepping up as the rock-solid layer-1 backbone for a live demo featuring both Tesla and Jaguar rides. They're not just flexing tech, but also spreading the revenue