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File: 617 KB, 1099x1012, 1618084792492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55953421 No.55953421 [Reply] [Original]

I just found out LINKies are getting airdrops for staking their LINK.

>> No.55953426
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That's dilution. It increases supply therefore lowering the price

>> No.55953459
File: 126 KB, 750x964, lamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being a part owner of TCP/IP and it entitling you to shares in every single company that launches on the internet.
A diversified index fund of every single startup that uses the industry standard tooling. Absolutely free.
You can see why we're so smug and why they hate us so much.

>> No.55953466

They're not though. Only thing they're getting is yet another paper promise.

>> No.55953473

How many coins do you have? I want to calculate the enormous loss. That should help cure the smugness

>> No.55953483
File: 2.01 MB, 1048x1264, chads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid you being obsessed with me doesn't make me feel any less important

>> No.55953486


>> No.55953533

Never going to happen because HOWIE TEST, the team hasn't even insinuated it's going to happen, and a 4chan post speculating that it could happen maybe someday and being parroted as a breadcrumb is financially retarded.

>> No.55953551

>just found out
sure, cl avocado, whatever you say, it's not like this has been spammed ad nauseam for the past 12 months here

>> No.55953557

Except we are getting airdrops of 50+ non-LINK tokens so it actually doesn’t dilute at all. It will be a never ending faucet of free money. You DID stake stop least 7k LINK, right anon?

>> No.55953561

>we are getting airdrops of 50+ non-LINK tokens
Not going to happen. And cll never even hinted it will.

>> No.55953642

They have got nothing and are happy. They haven't even got their apy rewards yet. It's all to be done at a later date that is not yet determined. Also they don't have to give them shit if they don't want to. It's in the ToS

>> No.55955400

Link yearly Inflation: 14%
Staking revenue: 5%
Yeah... Somehow I dont think 50 volt inu and gravelcoin tier shitcoins are gonna make up for this loss

>> No.55955745

First with airdrops it’ll be roughly 30%+ APY. Easy to do the math. Second, plenty of shitcoins are less useful and have higher inflation than LINK and their price goes up so just looking at data instead of your low IQ opinions is very bullish. Looking at your low IQ opinions is of course bearish, but being you or mentally disabled like you is bearish to begin with.

>> No.55955796

That makes it a security according to Gensler

>> No.55957814
File: 201 KB, 1074x1147, 1693186036342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First with airdrops it’ll be roughly 30%+ APY.
Lmao no it wont, you pulled that straight out of your ass
>easy to do the math
Kek like the easy math anons did in 2018 showing how chainlink will be worth 42 gorillion dollars eoy

Also pic related, was never rebutted by any baggie, I guess the advocates were told to stay far away from this topic.