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55955701 No.55955701 [Reply] [Original]

Lovely day today isnt it?

- CCIP enterprise launch partners got a special deal where most of their CCIP fees will be subsidized for a declining percentage over their first year of use
- Per node reputation/staking will be used to determine default CCIP (node native chains) job flow
- v0.2 staking will have current 4.75% returns as floor
- More staking rev can be had from more CCIP jobs (which is then autobalancing via proportional allocation) and optionally build asset revenues
- Build assets can be taken in raw form by stakers who satisfy KYC/AML requirements or can be taken with a set vesting/return rate as withdrawable Link (with the backend being bespoke AMMs that sell build assets and buys Link for distribution)
- Of course build members want this done slowly so the token unlocks will be slow and there will be a sub 3% overhead for those taking returns in Link
- If this avenue is taken no KYC is needed and it is the users responsibility for reporting tax burden
- 80 build projects are slated for the 12 months following Smartcon
- Build projects will retroactively get access to a "backup" BBCA based consensus layer; future Build projects will have this at integration
- This builds a "walled garden" of projects using chainlink
- Practically no real world enterprise will interact outside of this
- Participation in build/scale will be a requirement first proactively then retroactively for these job flows

Any questions?

>> No.55955742

What type of daily revenue is expected within the first year or two?

Do you recall the LARP from last year regarding $1-$7 per link per month? Was that just straight bullshit?

>> No.55955743

>- CCIP enterprise launch partners got a special deal where most of their CCIP fees will be subsidized for a declining percentage over their first year of use
actual enterprise or more defi crap?
>- Per node reputation/staking will be used to determine default CCIP (node native chains) job flow
there isn't a clear reputation system in place rn (afaik)
>- v0.2 staking will have current 4.75% returns as floor
>- More staking rev can be had from more CCIP jobs (which is then autobalancing via proportional allocation) and optionally build asset revenues
public news>>55955701
>- 80 build projects are slated for the 12 months following Smartcon
for v.02 stakers?
wdym backup?

>> No.55955764

ok this is interesting larp

>> No.55955768

Thanks for the comfy LARP, anon. Please continue.

>4.75% floor
How high will it go and for what lockup period?

>no real world enterprise will interact outside

You mean real world enterprise will all be on the BBCA? Or something else? If the former, are there impressive partners slated already and what will the announcement/launch date be roughly?

>> No.55955785
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Also OP, when you larp, please use a new JPEG name so that you can't be easily searched in the archive. This makes the larp more believable. but by all means continue.

>> No.55955806

One question.
Chainlink as a collateral will only go up once enterprises start to buy it, giving them access to the new Internet of Contracts.

One question.
I'm getting old.

>> No.55955824

This depends on token price for the 4.75% and build asset valuation/ccip revenue for the non-diluting portion

Note that build assets have all been left to "mature" for 1 year before allocation to comply with most cap gains laws
Standard will be 3 year liquidation if taking it in link
So something like 50 build assets * 1/3 token liquidation * percentage community pool of total staking allocation
Plus 4.75%
Plus CCIP revenue

At current link prices $1-7 per link per month is ambitious, but at $50 link might be reasonable

CCIP is just a primitive, it can do everything from
Bank USD -> defi stablecoin AMM swap to AUD -> Aussie bank
Wealth manager backend to treasury backend

There are obvious use cases for both ends and everything in between

Node rep is just time staked/slashing events+1 and probably wont evolve much from that for a while

All staking rev goes through v0.2 after launch
Stay in v0.1 and you get nothing

"Backup" is the trojan horse to take the whole stack
First there needs to be a parallel execution/consensus mechanism for lots of CCIP applications
CCIP DON runs x function
AFN DON simulates it on internal consensus mechanism and if the two outputs arent within 1% or whatever cutoff the AFN prevents execution

But then people start realizing that the AFN consensus mech has
Extremely low cost
Near instant finality
And is run on established, reliable chainlink nodes that everyone trusts already

And then they start thinking why the fuck am i paying for a worse L1 in the first place...

>> No.55955850

this was the larp telling us that link was a bear market coin 18 months ago

>> No.55955861

No fud or demoralization

is 1000 enough to make it?

>> No.55955862

Did some math below, but generally build assets will get matured for 1 year and then if taken in link will be stepwise liquidated over 3 years, so 4 in total
There will be exceptions/bespoke deals for really high quality projects like spaceandtime/truflation

Re BBCA nothing at first, it will just be a backup
But then people will realize its better and effectively free for groups that join build

Its one of the top image results, none of those are me

Depends on if there is any speculative premium
At current chainlink trades at worse multiples of revenue than any other project in crypto
Likely because of all the early fud

If no speculation it depends on actual adoption from enterprise/banks
Which differs from enterprise to enterprise and bank to bank

>> No.55955870

I would care about this thread in 2018. I just want my money. Don't bother replying.

>> No.55955900
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Very good larp.
Seething fuddies in 3, 2...

>> No.55955945

When is the soonest I can hope to stake more than 7000 from one wallet? I'm not sure how comfortable I feel needing to make 10+ more wallets

>> No.55955963

fucking this. The larps are tiresome. When the fuck moon OP?

>> No.55955985

Ok so the obvious followup to this: $50/LINK again - when? Will there be any major catalysts coming or do we need some speculative bullshit crypto run to see that again any time soon?

>> No.55956021

Eventually yes
You can stake 7000 plus current 240 or so of rewards
See above
Could be after a high volume CCIP user comes online
Could be after build rewards start showing real yield
Could be tomorrow if a really quality shill takes place in normieville
I don't control any of those things

>> No.55956104


>> No.55956138

When do you predict the token may start to appreciate in price? I don’t just mean speculation, I mean real value being captured such that the price increases.

>> No.55956158

No word on if/when wallets will be able to stake more than 7k plus rewards? I'm starting to think I fucked up not making more than one wallet.

>> No.55956161


>> No.55956164

When will staking v1 come out

>> No.55956167

At what price level exactly?

>> No.55956204

In due time, my child. Sergey is working tirelessly for you, be not impatient and ye shall be rewarded.

>> No.55956220

Where did you get this information? Is this really verified information?
I expected the BBCA chain to be used differently as a blockchain to save the oracle execution data, but for it to be open to the public.

What's your suggestion for the build assets?
It seems more profitable to own these project tokens with scarcity in the case of a bull run, but it's impossible to manage 80+ of them.

Would it be possible to have a hybrid solution where you chose which project to receive or convert to LINK, or to defer the decision until a possible bull run?

What happens to the community poll when staking v1.0 comes out?
Will nodes continue to receive LINK collateral to stake from it, or will a node differentiation start where each node will have to get its own collateral in a competitive way through the free market?

>> No.55956275

>Where did you get this information? Is this really verified information?

As we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

-Corinthians 4:18

Have faith, no need to trouble yourself with these questions

>> No.55956295


Functions of v1 are needed for non kycd nodes
Those are only necessary when all of the default node functions
are cash cows
and the ability to user generate a don is driving so much base node work that even chainlinks enterprise ready code running on enterprise grade nodes are getting overwhelmed

Best guess is 2025 but i wouldn't hold my breath

>> No.55956315

kek, another larper bites the dust.

>> No.55956387


My future prediction abilities don't need that.
Chainlink barely avoided a bankruptcy by announcing CCIP and now it's getting back to its previous state through BTC dumps.

And then look how fat Sergey became.
He had to buy a new bigger size shirt to try to hide it.
He is losing control over his project, attempting to control it more which causes this increase in weight.

This is the sign the situation is bad and stressful.

If the goal of the banking cartel is to bankrupt Chainlink we are still not saved and we are now in the most critical moment for the company before a big player starts using CCIP.

>> No.55956463

Nigger I said have faith and shut up, link tokens are not shares, Sergey doesn’t owe you shit just be patient he’ll get there eventually

>> No.55956493

Fuck you faggot. I had fait in sergey when he lied about ccip and full staking in 22. Kys we are past this mystic bs posters

>> No.55956520

Sergey is a liar and only started producing when chainlinks company image started to turn

>> No.55956546
File: 401 KB, 1125x1314, 91F5AE2A-25E4-496E-841B-145417987DD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the culties here - what does it feel for another man to literally LIVE inside your head, you pathetic weakling?

>> No.55956582


>> No.55956612

>And then look how fat Sergey became.
He had to buy a new bigger size shirt to try to hide it.
I don't see what this has to do with the token asshole. He's under a lot of stress and clearly takes this project very seriously. Of course it takes a toll on his health. And then assholes like you pile on. Let him work in peace.

Not selling by the way.

>> No.55956641

Twitterfag Thomas, is that you?

>> No.55956690

>quoting the bible in reference to having faith in a shitcoin

very cringe anon

>> No.55956718

A rich man can fit through the gates of heaven as easily as a camel can fit through the eye of a needle - Jesus Christ

>> No.55956729


Latest Alpha from Twitter just dropped frens Based King Bob4Punk hath brought us the singularity

>> No.55956744

I don’t give a fuck anymore. Been holding LINK for a few years, I held it to the top and didn’t sell any. I’m moving country in January and will be selling my stack at that point no matter what the price is.

I am not going to bitch about losing my money because I’m still well up on the initial investment. I always thought of crypto as something with a low probability of working out but a high upside so I made an educated (in my opinion) guess as a 20 year old. So I wouldn’t have been seething if I lost everything but I am a little mad that Chainlink isn’t in the top 3 by now. From the outside looking in it seems like it should be but i guess I’m missing it. That’s the problem I have with LARPs like these as well, if LINK really is the third Industrial Revolution how has it not been frontrun. It’s been painting a chart like any other shitcoin since DeFi summer, every ducking time I look at the rank it’s 17-23. There’s no conspiracy I just bet on the wrong horse

t. Not a shill or fudder just had a few glasses of wine

>> No.55956753

That guy will post anything.

>> No.55956787
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Bob ltr you nigger. 25 is for staking v1, but only if you hold your breath. You better be holding your breath.

>> No.55956882

Id bet a new lambo that bob probably has 1000 Link tokens or so and he post bullish link biz post because he actually needs Link at $1k EOY to actually make it.

>> No.55956930

Assuming this is true, what is everyone planning to do with their BUILD rewards? I would prefer to hold some and sell others, but a 3 year unlocking period might be slow enough that some would have already gone bankrupt by then.
So I'm thinking I'll go through the KYC process to sell them.

>> No.55956942

of course it is
dude's a retarded stacklet desperate to try and be relevant to someone, anyone
he's like CLG in that he's a massive retard and a faggot, runs scams on the side and begs for attention from crypto twitter and biz
he'll probably also get killed by some mentally ill retard from here as well for all his efforts since his name and face are known

>> No.55957016

Consolidate the obvious bullshit into the better projects. Essentially keep all the money in BUILD but assign it to the best things in there.

>> No.55957159

I don't think I'd be comfortable selling one BUILD project to buy another. If I sell, it will probably be into LINK or maybe partially into fiat.

>> No.55957747
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>Any questions?
Yeah, hows this make you feel?

>August 12, 2020:
>LINK: $17.25
>ETH: $390
>BTC: $11,800
>BNB: $21.77
>DOGE: $0.003
>ADA: $0.14
>SOL: $3.77
>MATIC: $0.02
>TRX: $0.02

>August 12, 2023:
>LINK: $7.44
>ETH: $1,848
>BTC: $29,415
>BNB: $240.15
>DOGE: $0.07
>ADA: $0.29
>SOL: $24.86
>MATIC: $0.68
>TRX: $0.07

>> No.55957758

I'll definitely be stacking Space and Time and Galaxis, I just figure it's better to build those stacks with other BUILD projects that I don't really care for.

>> No.55957797

What is this BBCA backup chain for, do people understand how OCR works? Who is paying for it? Emissions or you now need to take yield from DON's to pay for this new chain.

Doesn't seem likely to me anytime soon.

>> No.55957825

good thread OP
the usual group of low iq fud spammers seem to hate it and came in force to beg for (you)s
dont give them any
drives them NUTS lmao

>> No.55958039


jesus christ somebody get this guy to sell. holy shit i'm sick of hearing about screencaps on muh crypto twitter x moonboi akkounts

>> No.55958108
File: 73 KB, 611x560, gaykp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek and then there are posts like this

>h-have faith sergey is going to overeat himself into the grave but please sir don't worry

I am very very worried. Chainlink is worth less than dogshit forked dogshit coins. There is no power from the Chainlink realm, they get bitched around by anyone with liquidity. A single whale moved the thing 20%, and then a few whales dumped it 25%. In no way should anyone have confidence in what they're building, we are approaching the end of 2023 and the team is blowing hundreds of millions per year for "conferences and payroll" expenses, while producing tens of thousands in revenue. This is amateur shit run by a man who is starting to resemble a family member who just ate himself to death

>captcha: gaykp

>> No.55958568

>incel manifesto
not reading sorry!

>> No.55959044

Good thread. Usually ends up being true.

>> No.55959111

basically, link is great, but 10-15 years for gains

>> No.55959124

I swear to fucking god if we have to kyc for build rewards I’m going to piss in Sergey’s fat burger stuffing mouth.

I have never and will never KYC, since my first crypto purchase 7 years ago. The kikes will never know my stack and I will continue to cash it out in 3rd world countries, making a % premium on the USD amount instead of losing a huge % to fees and taxes. Fuck the kikes.

>> No.55959209

>he read it
>and he’s afraid

Good. Francisco will see you soon

>> No.55959496

Kys faggot, I’ve been waiting for 7 years. Fucking nigga calling me impatient

>> No.55960828
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>> No.55961338

not very long in the grand scheme of things

>> No.55961408


>> No.55961746

the entire crypto industry was 7 years old when LINK launched
let that sink in

>> No.55962250

>their CCIP fees will be subsidized for a declining percentage over their first year of use
so more betrayals of us for future growth
i get it from a business perspective but i am getting old and tired of this shit
the real question that is most important to us is when will the dumping of the team stop

or maybe some other insider knows who is keeping link in this channel, the btc dumps to control the upside is easy to spot but who has the continued usds and patience to support it everytime it hits the bottom of the channel

>> No.55962268

>OP hasn’t posted since yesterday and only posted 5 times. Thread is still up.

>> No.55962462

>so more betrayals of us for future growth
They have clearly outlined all their planned future "betrayals". 7% (of max supply) per year for the next few years.

>> No.55962569

so stakers have to track 80 shitcoins for tax purposes? lol

>> No.55962627

unless they have to increase it due to market forces
remember how the staking allotments were decreased from announcement to final product
i have no idea why the team would display this behavior if not to demoralize their own holders

>> No.55964085
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