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55955371 No.55955371 [Reply] [Original]

I can't believe I fell for the most vicious scam of all time. Of course, I already know I'll get snarky replies to this post by going "lol I made $400k from home with my comfy programming job". Here's the thing though - those jobs only come around once in a blue moon and require a significant amount of skill and seniority. My issue is that I majored in CS with delusional fantasies of becoming a game designer, only to find out that coding is a fucking nightmare. I stuck with the major like an utter fool because I fell for the "it's the most in demand degree for the job market bro!" meme. Upon graduating, I got a job, but a severely underpaying one back in 2016. Fast forward to today, I'm now unemployed and unable to find a job, all thanks to the reality of CS degrees:
> The tech industry is by far and away the most recession prone. It's fucking ruthless in this regard.
> It's hypercompetitive now with 3rd worlders and tiktoker bootcampers flooding the job applicant field.
> The CS degree, thanks to oversaturation, is now worth as much as an Anthropology degree. The competition is just too severe.

I've been driving myself crazy trying to figure out how to pivot out of tech. I hate coding anyways (forgot to mention that earlier in the post) and now I feel eternally stuck. I have zero skills essentially. Learning a new skill will take years and I'm already in my 30's. I'm fucking doomed, aren't I? I can't stop sobbing and slobbering all over my pillow.

>> No.55955389

What the fuck do you nigger have against an Anthropology degree?

>> No.55955395

go be a data analyst then

>> No.55955402

Imagine not going to do technology sales.

>> No.55955410

I thought about that but it's hypercompetitive now thanks to the massive layoffs of tech salesman and it still falls under the stupid ass tech sphere.

>> No.55955423

it looks like your problem is just that you dont like coding.
If you had started back in 2016 you would be set now because if there's one thing that is valued in the software dev industry, its seniority, so you would be leagues above all the pajeets and code bootcamp applicants fighting for associate/junior positions.
also yes pay in software dev jobs is very high compared to the amount of non-paid studying and debt you have to invest. but the best part is there's a ton of wfh jobs, especially after covid.
I went down from 185k salary to 150k salary because it was a job that I actually enjoyed and its completely wfh. I put in about 20 hours a week max

>> No.55955428

yeah you're going to have a hard time.
i was in your spot a few years ago and managed to get a job doing IT consulting bitch work with an owner/operator. got up to 6 figs after a couple years and now i have rudimentary tech skills to sell to anyone with tech heavy equipment, can now shoehorn myself into most industries as a result. my advice to you is to find odd jobs at very small tech dependent businesses (or an un-unionized tradesman if you're really not into googling solutions to easy tech problems).
a good place to find opportunities like this is a medium sized church community, they are usually flush with smb owners who will network for you and like to give new people a shot. helps if you're a believer yourself and pray to christ for discernment and direction.

>> No.55955436

I'm a boot camper making six figures lmao, 0 debt. Pretty funny. House paid off within the next 4 years. I'm 30

>> No.55955438

>be me
>cruise through my CS degree
>land a comfy 6 figure job after working an entry level position (80k/yr) for two years
I think you just need to get good

>> No.55955459

>Mom look I posted it again

>> No.55955628

>I have zero skills essentially.
You've got experience as a dev, now manage them.
I work with a guy with mmm, poor coding skills, who became a team lead and now make more than me after just a year or two.

>> No.55955720

lol im 21 a senior in college and just secured my 150k a year amazon job after getting paid 10k a month during the summers at their internship

>> No.55955859

lol poorfag. I'm 18 and just graduated high school. I was headhunted by FAANG and given a $300k a year job.

>> No.55955907

I'll tell you a real story. I am 27, graduated with CompE in 2018 and after a year of searching got a junior coding job, starting at 60k. I now make 120k at a smallish company and work from home.

>> No.55955925

>waaa I went to college
>waa I got a degree in my field
>waa I got a job in my field
what are you complaining about dumbfuck? isn't this what you wanted?

>> No.55955936

Did you even read the rest of the post? I'm unemployed and this job market is fucking me sideways.

>> No.55956050

Thank you for calling out the LARPer

>> No.55956074
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time to make a youtube channel talking about how shitty the tech industry is or teaching how to do some of the shit you already know

>> No.55956099

Just get a 2 year healthcare degree

>> No.55956131

kek baggie

>> No.55956231

Kek, in the college degree thread, CS is ranked as God tier. It could be because you stated you don't even like to do it. Also, you state that you're not even good at coding. Why would you keep at something you are shit at? Seems like you did it to yourself. I think another thing to take into consideration is that you have to do networking and internships to be successful as a new grad. Comanpines don't want to train people and want to see something done during the summer. I wish you the best, anon. We are all suffering one way or another in this world. Just know that you are not alone.

>> No.55956260

that thread was probably made by some terminally online /biz/ retard who believes everyone here is a CS senior dev who makes 500k wfh

>> No.55956285

True, there are many larpers here. However, you can't deny that doing well in undergrad, networking, and doing an internship should net you a 6 figure job out of college.

>> No.55956335

lmao you're a fucking loser. I graduated last year with a CS degree and it took me a month to find a comfy WFH position making 150K a year. I actually only put in about 10hrs a week doing actual work.

>> No.55956348

i inherited my dad's wealth management firm and am worth $37 million

>> No.55956381
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Fell for the:

So many posts like this, starting to think a gender studies degree might actually be undervalued in the market by comparison.

>> No.55956407

>learned to code because learn to code meme
>also learned IT
>have certs
>locked out of anything except entry level jobs that pay 50-80k
>anything better and they want bachelor's degrees or masters degrees in shit that's not even computers, shit like engineering that has fuck all to do with coding and I'm not talking about software engineering either

I'm getting a better job than I otherwise would have out of the deal, but the industry is fucking hilarious with its degree inflation bullshit memery.

>> No.55956435

>starting to think a gender studies degree might actually be undervalued
Studying the fuck out of gender would also be fun. Deep dive.

>> No.55956441

anthro degree probably worth more than a CS degree at this point.
the age of STEM is coming to an end.

>> No.55956456

> starting to think a gender studies degree
It's quite ironic, how the economy is today, isn't it? Never thought I'd ever come to say this, but I agree with you on this point. I can't even begin to emphasize how important it is to study market saturation in every college major (also what you can do with each degree) before you decide on something. So many college grads are getting screwed these days. My story is just a reminder to those who fell for memes and the desire for money. It'll only backfire on you in the end.

>> No.55956459


Just go into the medical industry. Its time to balloon that side of the industry until it pops.

>> No.55956511

Do you know anything about medical device sales? I'm well aware that it has bad work life balance generally speaking, but it is a field I'm considering pivoting to considering it's quite lucrative (eventually if I can figure out how to - my previous job was in health insurance so that maybe a leeway in, no?)

>> No.55956597

Dude this post is mindblowing. Lol. I'm also having a hard time getting a job right now, but I literally became a configuration analyst, a consultant, and finally a project manager for IT companies with my degree. Up until I read this post I had only dreamed of getting a CS degree so I could've trimmed the learning fat at an earlier age (I'm also in my 30's). My degree was a BS in Human Biology (yeah, the bastard child of biology and anthropology). Your complaint is that you don't want competition and you hate a SINGLE aspect of your degree. But if I can leverage a paperweight degree then you can do something useful with a degree that is needed in some degree across all facets of the modern world. Good luck.

>> No.55956712

Can’t speak for US as I’m a europoor but I fell for the mechanical engineering meme in the early 2000s when it was propagated in my country to study electrical or mechanical engineering. When I graduated job market was opened to globalization and everyone who was smart enough had studied engineering too so saturation happened. On top of it I factually hate the office world. I ended up in „cost optimization“ moving jobs out of Europe to 3rd world, hated by every other department. I hated it too. Got laid off 3x in 10 years too. Then finally found a high prestige job as a six fig consultant and… got laid off a year in. Spent another 5 years burnt out and fucking around with other stuff to end up in project management. It’s better now but I still hate every day. Anon you are still young, keep looking for a chance to switch tracks and understand what you really want. That’s the most important part. Pursue something that doesn’t eat your soul. I keep going bc I know at last what I want. Keeps me going through the day

>> No.55956915

Anthropology should be a science but das raycis

>> No.55956966


Unfortunately anon, good developers are the ones that like coding.

They were there before the cs gold rush and they'll be there afterwards.

I remember speaking with someone when I was doing my cs degree. He told me that he though cs would make marginally more than petroleum engineering so he took it. He didn't find computers fascinating. He disgusted me.

I can tell, you know - I can tell when we're in a meeting together and you chose the cs life for the cash and not the love. I can tell.

>> No.55957121

based anti-demoralizationposter.

>> No.55957854

You're not even a man

>> No.55957931
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>Be me
>Business management major
>Manage my family business
Does it get anymore comfy bros?

>> No.55957974

kek I almost fell for this meme, did two years of study then fell back to my old job that was super comfy. Dont fear though, I have the solution for you. Pivot to front-end dev/designer in a marketing team.
Stacey and Shaniqua will be amazed that the new feature you spent 3 weeks working on from home that applies a hover effect to a link will be ready for production in another month!

>> No.55958009

I did the same, went into CS, 3 years in and still working the same place earning $80k or something mid. I hate it, but my actual passions (drawing, painting) don't make any serious amount of money and from a return on time investment consideration they are garbage tier below min wage. I want to kill myself.

>> No.55958022

I'm getting paid half a million dollars to sit at home and do 1 hour of work a week. You just have to find the right job.

>> No.55958037

Furry artists regularly make large amounts of money from commission, what are you talking about

>> No.55958077

>Same thing as senior software engs make 150k a year what are you talking about?
I don't have any passion for it, actually I hate it, and in art passion is even more important than STEM because your clients can tell if you're just churning out shit for money because they can feel the passion or SOVL (or lack of) from the picture.

>> No.55958091

Are you Gensler's son who gets a cushy coding job at Goldman Sachs and is invincible from getting fired or something? gtfo larping piece of dogshit.

>> No.55958183
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Honestly, I have to chuckle when you codemonkeys describe yourselves as engineers.
But please stop, it's an embarrassment to my profession. I can design modern wonders, while you guys make UI for some pajeet scam app. Sad!

>> No.55958234

>I can design modern wonders
>software isn't a modern wonder
>implying that you aren't a small part of a team that sets up math problems to be solved by software who then reports the results to some incompetent roastie who got fast tracked to management because she's a woman

>> No.55958235

>Same thing as senior software engs make 150k
Yes, unironically
You clearly don't understand the market of your "passion"

>> No.55958260

Software and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
All software has done is lower the bar, allowing women and pajeets to flood formerly technical professions.

>> No.55958329

sir, you sound like management material.

>> No.55958477

So basically sell your soul if you want to make money, this reality is already hell.

>> No.55958488

This modernity is coming to an end. Tradition will endure forever

>> No.55958493
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Should get degree at crypto
Rn there are
Crypto Newbie
Crypto Apprentice
Crypto Master
Crypto Grandmaster
Crypto Robot

>> No.55958525

>Here's the thing though - those jobs only come around once in a blue moon and require a significant amount of skill and seniority.
then start your own business? freelance for a bit and build clients? why are you such useless retard? people and companies still need specialized software, and here you are, crying like a bitch

>> No.55958543

That’s what you get for not applying to defense contractors when it was easy to get in

Pacifism doesn’t pay sweaty

>> No.55958561

i doubt it nowadays lmao

>> No.55958569

you have 7 yoe and still can't get hired? if true then you deserve to starve you fucking cretin

>> No.55958607

Labor-based businesses.

Find your niche. I make $80-$120 per hour. Nobody is doing it. its so fuckign easy too. My next mission is a pest control business. you can make $1800/day with less than 15k in equipment. The margins are DISGUSTING

>> No.55958640


>> No.55958726
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So did you get your degree from one of these REAL schools or did you attend Purdue Global so you could cheat on all of your math exams?

>> No.55958731
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>> No.55958764

I got my four year compsci degree last year and immediately got a $120k software engineer job right out of college.
Sounds like you just suck at getting a job OP.

>> No.55958810

thanks for the free fud bro

>> No.55959040

Learn how to make game assets and either use them yourself or sell them