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File: 1.02 MB, 1170x1611, 1343C755-BA09-41B7-B31D-9E475666B0FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55947670 No.55947670 [Reply] [Original]

Was this crash planned? Apparently there’s 2 billion vacant new housing units and I’m starting to think it was 4D Chess by Xi to make sure zoomers and millennials can all have their own homes and start pumping out babies.

>> No.55947679

Probably not as much planned as much as it has been weaponized.

>> No.55947734

*birth rate crashes further*

>> No.55947754

>buy my bag gweilo
>Please housing sooooooo cheap
>Never coming down
>Now buy!
>China needs dollla

>> No.55947815

i think we have enough chinks in the world.

>> No.55947836

The longer a house goes unused and so a liability, the more the bagholder will jack up the price to make up for loss of potential profit.

>> No.55947989
File: 8 KB, 211x193, Lego knight really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m starting to think it was 4D Chess by Xi to make sure zoomers and millennials can all have their own homes and start pumping out babies.
If that's 4D chess then Xi basically just checkmated himself, since the vast majority of Chinese wealth is tied up in housing prices and a collapse in the housing market is driving the country into massive financial stress which is contributing to lower birthrates. Seriously China's birthrate is already below the UN's low-estimate for what their TFR was supposed to be for the next century, they expected birth rates to be no lower than 1.2 and last year it fell below 1.1, and they're expecting it to very likely fall blow 1 this year. Th 1.2 projection was expecting China's population to lose nearly a billion people by 2100, at current fertility rates the US could have a larger population by then.

>> No.55948003
File: 273 KB, 840x860, China population projection 2100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, that low estimate was assuming a TFR of 1.2 and the median was 1.7

>> No.55948016

>there's no demand for my product
>better increase the price

>> No.55948310

that's the asian business mindset yes
look at empty condos in thailand

>> No.55948364

All the cement is stuffed with corn cobs. They built all these buildings so the could utilize them as leverage in western markets to purchase actual real estate. Those towers are fulfilling their purpose while intended to remain empty. The wheels keep Turing and the fiat game keeps burning. BTC is the only way forward.

>> No.55948381

these buildings are not empty

>> No.55948411

You gotta do the dance now. Skirt is optional.

>> No.55948432

you're retarded. they are empty because nobody wants to live in them. your brain is made of dickcheese, you fucking retard
>any government, especially a communist one
>4d chess

>> No.55948506

The oldest millennials are 40 now you retard, Xi is the reason why they can't afford shit in the first place. If you wanted to fix this problem you needed to do it a decade ago, things are simply too late now.

>> No.55948528

Housing is the biggest money drain in the entire world economy. The amounts of wealth that would be generated if there was a massive housing program in the west cannot even be fanthom. Instead we have a real economy that is dwinling because all wealth goes to some parasitic contruction companies and landowners

>> No.55948670

What would people invent literally the west is in economic stagnation because there is nothing else to do than watch netflix maybe some porn i suppose college sluts but in the end thats all

>> No.55948686

If someone could figure out how to end run around the establishment, that would be it. You think it couldn't be done, Paypal did it with banks, and that's just as regulated.
I feel like the biggest barrier is that you need someone with money and integrity (or the incentive to act like they have some) to start it off.

>> No.55948722
File: 141 KB, 404x408, 1687763877121198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit, we'd have life extension, interplanetary travel and human-level AI if it wasn't for parasitic elites.

>> No.55949498

I'd rather have parasitic elites than weeaboos posting shitty pictures like you.

>> No.55949880

>i'd rather face a constant and overbearing existential threat than be slightly annoyed

>> No.55949899

It's the rallying cry of der bümer

>> No.55949998
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Cope. Glorious Nippon will rise once more against your corrupt empire!

>> No.55950055

>living in goytowers

Yeah nah.

>> No.55950077

>Chinks operate just like zerg putting raw numbers over everything else
Truly bugmen.

>> No.55950094

Why would I want a longer life if it meant more years of illness while unemployed?

>> No.55950108

you really can't make projections that far out. By the year 2080 they could just institute some mandatory childmaking law and then have over a billion adults by 2100.

>> No.55950119

>they could just institute some mandatory childmaking law and then have over a billion adults by 2100.
Gib bug gf

>> No.55950167

>they could just institute some mandatory childmaking law
Basically impossible without instituting state-wide rape, which would cause global condemnation and they'd economically shoot themselves in the foot. Forcing people to have babies is an impossibility just from the outset and punishing them to any capacity for not having babies just puts them in situations where they're even less likely to have babies. There's not any government capacity to institute or enforce such a law unless it'd be forcing couples to have unprotected sex or forcing women to have test tube babies at gunpoint. I really can't even begin to stress how much the rest of the world would recoil at a state doing either of these things and how easily it could lead to the population getting completely out of control.

>> No.55950214

the future is artifical womb, government grown, and taught, GMO babies. No women required and easy to indoctrinate

>> No.55950219

>All the cement is stuffed with corn cobs
fake news>>55948364

>> No.55950225

And who's raising the masses of GMO babies for 18 years before they can join the workforce? Robots I guess? The general populace sure as shit wouldn't agree to just have 2 - 3 kids at minimum shoved on them to sustain the population or grow it.

>> No.55950234

Don't speak for homosexuals, pedophiles and jewish people.

>> No.55950239

they can't afford it. the potential families AND the CCP. even state-sponsored, they'd go broke. they recently released revised population data. their 25-44 yo age bracket was off by 100 million. it's so bad that they're now just not going to report it. china will never be the next superpower. it's already done. the only card they have left is to invade neighbors and let their 100 million man army rape the women because their 1 child policy is so bad, those men will NEVER marry a chinese woman. there literally aren't enough. china is done.

>> No.55950244

China definitely has the capacity to instill financial incentives.
>99% income tax rate on childless women over 25
>99% tax rate on unmarried childless men over 35
>75% tax rate on couples with 1 kid
>50% tax rate on couples with 2 kids
>25% tax rate on couples with 3 kids
>no income tax on couples with 4+ kids

Seems simple and China has the power to easily enforce something like this

>> No.55950270

while your tax plan is compelling from a totalitarian standpoint, it's already too late. they have so many unhealthy retirees who are overweight, smoke cigs, eat fried food, and their air quality is so atrocious, their system is going to collapse under the weight of all their dying boomers. it's too late.

>> No.55950273

forgot to mention their youth unemployment rate is a whopping 21%. their zoomers are even worse than hours lol

>> No.55950277

>>75% tax rate on couples with 1 kid
oh the irony

>> No.55950282
File: 50 KB, 600x512, china will collapse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most populous country in the world
Boomernomics of infinite growth is literal mental illness

Imagine having 1.7 billion people and it's still not enough

>> No.55950322
File: 28 KB, 624x351, _95482872_millennials_home_ownership_624_s-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine living in a country where housing wasn't treated as a commodity, and supply kept limited just to keep prices up. Why plan for the future? houses should only be built when you can sell them before you finish building.
the horror

>> No.55950334

The Chinese took 3 year long zero covid lockdowns with little complaint, you think they can't take mandatory babies?

>> No.55950344

lol you are funny

>> No.55950382

you can't raise 4 babies in a 400sqft bug tower.

>> No.55950405

>I’m starting to think it was 4D Chess by Xi to make sure zoomers and millennials can all have their own homes and start pumping out babies.
Then you are retarded.

>> No.55950547

That's a gross oversimplification of the problem, the population is also rapidly aging and at current trends by 2050 over half of the population will be dependents. That's fucking insane anon, and that's being coupled with a population that seems to be entering terminal decline and all of that happening before the country can really get rich. China's only real competitive advantage was its huge workforce and now they're losing that before they can develop any other kind of advantage, and facing economic stagnation at a time that they really need to be developing their economy into a high-skills knowledge based one.
>Muh 2 weeks China collapse youtube clickbait
I also think those videos are retarded, swing and miss.

>> No.55950593

>Failing to understand the issues of a population aging faster than fucking Japan's and facing potentially a billion population loss or more in a country that's trying to become the largest economy in the world through rapid growth and wants to attain Western standards of living
Ok retard

>> No.55950794

Most of the major cities in China are literally underwater from the catastrophic floods. Their economy is beyond repair especially coming out of the pandemic when people were starved to death in their homes there.


>> No.55950800

good thing China can just deploy wuflu 2.0 and annihilate their elderly population again

>> No.55950962

Future political potential in the communist regime here.

>> No.55950974

That’s not even communist it’s common sense. If the US killed off all boomers the economy would be rejuvenated overnight into a massive boom plus housing would become affordable with all the homes hitting the market

>> No.55951094

What do you think they invented Covid-19 for? A couple generations of pain vs complete collapse of your nation due to unsustainable population growth.

>> No.55951100

yeh, it would be fucking great if people died the instant they stopped working. how good would it be.

>> No.55951108

Is that skyline in the background even real?

>> No.55951146

Yes. Chink cages are real and are EVERYWHERE across the 国. Typically in 900 square-foot, 2bed/1bath configurations. Which is reasonable considering your average Chinese grandma ate tree bark and lived in a mud hut.

>> No.55951282


>> No.55951354

Just boomers.

>> No.55951430

Rent accounts for 60% of a wagie's expenses. If you reduced that there would be a lot of available money to spend on new things (consoooom and investing) Moore's law still applies so there are some techonological innovations to come. And other key technologies like spintronics, condensed matter research and quantum computing could create net wealth to society with more available capital

>> No.55951435
File: 260 KB, 472x234, bill-wiener[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You state lets you have TWO bedrooms??

>> No.55952446

>global condemnation
Yeah that stopped China in the past.

Not with attitude

>> No.55952547

>le global condemnation
>le rest of the world
literally who cares

>> No.55952579

Lol. So they really did succeed in Westernising their economy

>> No.55952696
File: 1.80 MB, 460x498, 20230608-172645-d2002945-e5b4-47df-a2f3-02a69de7c70e.0.pic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's the official number. Just before they broke the thermometer and decided to not publish this number anymore.
In reality, you just know it's much much higher. They broke the thermometer because they don't have any choice anymore. You can publish whatever number you want when you're say, at a real 15% unemployment or whatever. You can cook it to publish 11%. Who's gonna notice it? You're a young man, you have 15 friends, out of those 13 have a job and 2 are unemployed, those number seems realistic.
Now let's say half your group of friends is unemployed. And your friend has another group of friends where it's the same. No published 15% or 20% number will come out as the truth.
This is why they broke the thermometer. Because actual people will start to notice the complete bullshit.
And this leads to revolutions.

>> No.55952751

>That pic
What an actual dystopian hellscape.

>> No.55952807
File: 3.60 MB, 2214x1204, 243675423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine actually sharing a YouTube channel like this and thinking you're smart.

Back to /pol/ with your nonsense. I bet you were posting about the Three Gorge Dam collapse happening in 2 more weeks

>> No.55952963
File: 136 KB, 1080x918, IMG_20230807_100353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to china, oh wait, if you go back you don't get out anymore. Not even you are stupid enough to go back to a communist shithole that locks in its slaves

>> No.55952972

they don't they just take all the jobs from the old and give them to the youth

>> No.55952988

Yes, it'd just be regular condemnation and not anything more serious if China decided to force its population to have children. There wouldn't be any kind of economic consequences for this at all, I'm sure China would get by just fine and nothing would happen.

Are you people genuinely actually unironically fucking retarded

>> No.55953003

Oh no, the horrible economic consequences of you not buying chinese shit. I'm sure you'd manage to exist without 90% of your daily items which are produced in china and the sanctions would be flawlessly executed until the government bowed down and let the sexless virgins be. The west cannot do anything to china because china produces everything.

>> No.55953022

>Thonkong it would only be the West in that scenario
>Not knowing that manufacturing is already massively moving out of China because of concerns over its leadership and other countries being more profitable to manufacture in now
>Thinking that the world is more reliant on China than China is reliant on the world for its growth
Totally retarded then, like actually sub-60 IQ. Got it.

>> No.55953034

Manufacturing isn't moving out of China because it can't. It's logistics network is far above other low-cost countries.

>> No.55953044

hopefully they plan to fill all housing units with everyone of african descent on earth

>> No.55953050

Retard detected, or more likely some ccp drone, which is the same

>> No.55953054

Manufacturing is declining in China right now and being relocated to Vietnam, India, Indonesia, and Mexico among others because it's more profitable to manufacture there even with the issues of setting up new logistics. Mexico just overtook China to be the US's number one trading partner for the first time in decades.anufacturers are also openly saying they're not comfortable working in China anymore because of its recent political practices like the Covid shutdowns and clamping down on bigger businesses. Your talking points a 4 years out of date.

>> No.55953055
File: 519 KB, 1074x1580, IMG_20230827_134123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China is dead, go back Chang

>> No.55953061

how am I the retard, you're the phoneposter
also you didn't even check my dubs, dumb retard

>> No.55953064

Don't you want to say something about weeks ccp drone

>> No.55953083

China needs to ban anime. That would solve many of their problems. This whole lying flat movement was no doubt inspired by the japanese hikki-neet phenomenon which is glorified in anime.

>> No.55953092

This. Fuck adult cartoon phaggots, piss off with your autism.

>> No.55953254

You know their zero-COVID policy ended because they rioted, right?

>> No.55953273

China has a few highly advanced cities and the rest (90% of the population) are still rural retards. They have entire families pooling together money to buy cardboard skyscrapers just so they can make their eldest sons look more elegible for marriage on paper. These buildings are not meant to be lived in, or even generate profit.

>muh global condemntation
You sweet soul.
What is "global condemnation"? The West making a few angry tweets? The rest of the world doesn't care, and the West allows nations that go against all human rights to sit on their human rights panels. Look at Ukraine, the West is directly funding literal nazis committing war crimes and torturing civilians because it's convenient. Nothing matters, as usual.

>> No.55953287

if you can't assign a btc value to a house, you won't be able to buy one using btc. btc solves nothing here

>> No.55953865

They'll have all the homeless kids in the US move there to solve their worker shortage and housing surplus.

>> No.55954443

the chinese make 99% of all american products. thats all you need to know reatrds

>> No.55954974

Yes but would you agree that 80% of what Amerikuns buy, by money value, is discretionary luxury spending that they could and would do without easily if pressured?