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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55948046 No.55948046 [Reply] [Original]


He was made fun of on this board when he said interest rates going up wouldn’t cause home prices to drop because there was no inventory and he was right, the situation is worse than ever in terms of affordability.

>> No.55948085
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he said that a few months or a year ago and didn't factor in boomers dying in droves due to old age and increased regulations on STRs, home prices didn't bottom out until at least 3 years after the last market low, low effort thread herbed faggot

>> No.55948151
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rice and beans lips

>> No.55949155

Hes wrong though builders are already lowering their price they're the same as old homes now. Its only a matter of time before the plebs wake up and realize no ones gonna buy their house at these prices and they can't compete with new homes either.

>> No.55949183

This guys is a mega Jew who teaches people not to use credit cards when he himself built his real estate portfolio with lines of credit.

>> No.55949595

>he himself built his real estate portfolio with lines of credit.
He got fully liquidated and lost everything which is why he's so against debt. Every he has now is from Ramsey Solutions.

>> No.55950275

you don't understand, i've been charting crypto for 2 years now so I understand real estate better than he does, and this looks EXACTLY like 2008 we are definitely about to crash soon
this is financial advice i am a financial advisor

>> No.55950363

I don’t give a shit either way. Imagine scraping together everything you have just to get a place and then having your balls on the line for a 30 year half million dollar+ debt obligation. I’m all set and I’d rather rent and swing crypto

>> No.55950919

>25% of your NET income
>on a 15 year loan

following this guy's advice would keep you homeless for decades

>> No.55950951

Rice and beans?

>> No.55951171

No he's made fun of around here because he said to not buy buttcoin at exactly the time you should have bought it

>> No.55951830
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Meanwhile in Japan, I can buy a house with a little garden and parking spot for $250,000. Even cheaper out in the countryside with a bigger yard included.
Enjoy the JewSA, white man! hahahaha

>> No.55951909

The problem with Dave Ramsey is that he used to give honest and real commentary about the state of the country.Now that he's worth 9 figures, he has become one of "them", so now he's literally just become another arm of the propaganda machine. This motherfucker goes on about how he supports labor unions, and then does a full 180 and calls the 7 million unemployed men in this country "wusses". Total hypocrite.

>> No.55951916

>tiny "house" with little garden and one (1) single parking spot
>for $250,000
was this supposed to be a brag? holy shit lol

>> No.55952057

The way people use debt with real estate is insane. Even here with options and margin we make fun of how exposed we are to the stock market with leverage and don't even disagree with the people who mock us.

Real Estate people are all saying "Yeah it's totally normal to leverage your entire life's savings on one single asset with ~10x exposure to the local real estate market. You're weird if you don't do this." It's fucking insane when you think about it at all really.

>> No.55952067

He has some real out of touch boomer fuck takes, I can't listen to him because of that. The warnings about over using debt are always good though.

>> No.55952214
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>Housing prices just are, they are not high, they are high compared to yesterday, they're low compared to tomorrow. They are not coming back down. If you say they are high, its almost as if you say are coming back down, they are not coming back down.
literal biggest top signal of all time

>> No.55952856

all my gut feelings say, thats wrong

>> No.55952867

Its insane how affordable japan is actually. One of the few developed countries you could just airbnb a new place every day.

>> No.55952954

Because Japans population is literally imploding They lose 700k people per year and rising

>> No.55953409


>> No.55953422

is this guy actually retarded?

>> No.55954823

I suppose under hyperinflation they won't be that high anymore.

>> No.55954986

>real estate owner tells people to pump his bags
Idk seems smart to me.

>> No.55955192


Bitch our cars have their own room here

>> No.55955803

this boomer is going to get someone killed " just buy houses interest rates arent high! "

>> No.55955832

I think he means 250,000 yen, which is 2,500 dollars.

>> No.55956185


What he didn't factor in is the political rammifcations of the American dream being made a % return on some Jew bag's spreadsheet.

People are going to grow extremely tired of this shit when greedy Jews and "their real estate saavy" causes the entire economy to go tits up.

Seriously, real estate as an investment is fucked. Not because I don't own property--I do. But why the fuck can someone leech off someone else and re-establish a feudal system?

Government has the power to completely fix the system. They need to remove the incentive to acquire property and own it as rentals.

Make rental property income taxed extremely high. Fuck you. Sell your shit to someone that's actually going to create something.

Want to leave your property vacant and fish for a sucker. You have 1 year of having your property on the market. If it's not being used as a business or occupied by someone actually producing--you pay the equivalent tax on the property of what you would make in rent. Fuck you. Sell your property and let the economy function.

Rent is the biggest crock of shit threatening the entire economy. It's why people need <<insert random arbitrary minimum wage>> because they need to be able to afford $1500 for a shit box apartment. That isn't right.

Remove the lazy fuck's from disrupting the economy--everything else stabilizes. You don't need to pay your workers $80,000 a year if they can afford an apartment at $700/month.

Get fucked lazy real estate Jews.

It's what will happen. And soon. Look at Canada. Place is ready to revolt on the cuckoffspring pussy that is Trudeau because of the inflation/rent.

>> No.55956240

Yup, /biz/ do whatever you can now to buy a house or as many as you can. Liquidate everything to buy. This is the cheapest houses will EVER be. No more are being build and white countries are intent on replacing the native population with hundreds of millions of browns that will get free vouchers. Buy land and houses now, it's your only hope. If not, you will be forced to live and breed with the hordes of browns, genetic line: ended.

>> No.55956478
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>> No.55956492

they've been declining for the past 18 months, not sure what you guys are talking about
of course you're not going to get prices your parents bought them for, that's true for literally everything though