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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.20 MB, 1115x1859, IMG_2956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55946498 No.55946498 [Reply] [Original]

> 26 yr old
> worked all the time since 18, didn’t go to parties
> 525k net worth
> single virgin
> cannot land a single tinder date

Am I doomed to marry seconds (pic related). Should I get a surrogacy? I’ve grown accustomed to being alone desu. Just want to pass my assets to a good son

>> No.55946510



>> No.55946513

imagine throwing your youth away for 500k

>> No.55946524

She is an clear 7/10

maybe 8/10 with a few beers in me

>> No.55946531


>> No.55946532
File: 146 KB, 439x211, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55946549

she looks like my moms english bulldog

>> No.55946550

7/10 if it weren't for the nose ring, tattoo, and neckless. 6/10 with them.

>> No.55946557

At least that means she's fun to be around with and probably has good sex

>> No.55946565

All women have this

>> No.55946587

im in same boat, well off but ugly face :(

wtf can i do its all an unfair scam

>> No.55946610

Women like to be entertained and you sound lame as fuck. Women don't care about your personal development.

>> No.55946614

>most of the popular ones are really fucking pretty people
fuck off

>> No.55946619

Shit taste. Imagine fucking a woman with jowls.

>> No.55946620

Yea, when they're 50 and their skin has saggy. Not at 27 unless obese

>> No.55946625

This is shaping up to be my future too, but my net worth won't even be close to 525k
You're lucky.

>> No.55946637

how much gme do you own

>> No.55946655
File: 38 KB, 542x543, 1599156932479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does owning a house count as part of my net worth? If so my "net worth" is 370k, but I barely have any money in my bank account.

>> No.55946662

>i don't wear any makeup
That's a lie, shes wearing it in the photo
>i don't style my hair
Also a lie, you can practically smell the product coming off it

>> No.55946663

> 26 yr old
> 525k net worth

Sigh, when will these larping demoralization threads ever stop on biz? Even if you aren't larping, then please leave. I'm sick of fighting off spoiled twats all the time.

>> No.55946678

>35yo KHHV
>high ranked on the norwood scale
>12.5 million dollar net worth

>> No.55946682

your problem is the greentext retard. you did nothing your entire youth, you are probably socially retarded and a "jew" when it comes to money. you are obssed by money , hell if you could you would walk around with a the net worth written on your head. You are afraid of spending a single cent of your net worth in activities. i m not saying go spend it all like an idiot , but holy shit , go do something with your life, you might fucking die tomorrow with your 525k net worth .

>> No.55946689

you stop caring after 30

>> No.55946690

Dude. You don't have to marry someone your age. Marry younger and even foreign. You don't have to saddle to women who are approaching being barren who are terrible political ideologues who you wouldn't even want raising your kid. There is no wall for men. Be smarter and worry less about time and stay the fuck off tinder. Be the counterpart of the companion you seek. Don't roll in the tar pit looking for a unicorn. 1/100000000 chances you find it there and you aren't even looking in the right way using the right parameters to search. I never understand how people do this and then are like disappointed they don't find the core dream mate. Women fuck 50 guys on tinder (has literally become "prudish" and conventionally considered reserved to wait to the THIRD FUCKING DATE) and are surprised they don't find prince charming there to sweep them up on the backend. This is unbelievably degenerate low standards. Look better.

>> No.55946692

>Fishing tackle metal junk pierced through her flesh everywhere
into the trash heap it goes

>> No.55946720

Those jowls are her only major flaw
I covered it with my finger and her face immediately went up 2 points

>> No.55946730

>and even foreign

no this is a scam and will only make you unhappy. if you cant get along with girls from your home country, youre not going to relate any better to people from other countries. theyll just be more willing to marry for money but it will suck

>> No.55946806

she's not bad, if she could somehow lose weight in her face then she'd be better, the "Droopy Dog" face is already coming in strong.

>> No.55946813

is that supposed to be old?

>> No.55946882


The wall conquers all, especially women who drink heavily and eat like a 10 year old at a birthday party. All those starbucks milkshakes every morning add up.

>> No.55946887

Why does this 27 year old look like my mom
The piercings also ruin it

>> No.55946888

I don't think it's supposed to be anything, just setting up the background for the larp.

>> No.55946919

We all get old anon, some parts age faster than others. This is the male equivalent of going bald at 25.

>> No.55947058

bro live a little just a little, find the balance. Go out, let your hair down and be in control of yourself. What I mean is rnjoy it a little, enjoy for you. When you are enjoying, when you become a bit more selfish, others will too.

That or your fuck ugly and put all uour skill points into one thing. Live through that and ignore all else. Simple.

>> No.55947066

others will flock to you. Is what I mean when you become more self-involved. no one can enjoy you, if you cant enipy yourself first. i drunk peace out.

>> No.55947101

aye its not all about girls and bullshit. Its about getting the most for you.

>> No.55947104

it's called uber eats every day

>> No.55947115

you think thats a lot?
you could just inherit a shitty house or an apartment from your granny and be ~1mil networth
not that anyone young is saving money in a bank even if you are smart and savvy you know inflation kills it all

>> No.55947131

Jowels from being flabby and old + underdeveloped chin from eating nothing but soft, processed food

>> No.55947142

Don't ever insult bulldogs like that again

>> No.55947605
File: 94 KB, 960x720, The+image+on+the+left+is+her+actual+face.+It+has+bilateral+symmetry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am I ugly?
>Post picture of one profile.
Somebody should create a dating app to pair these women up with convicts.

>> No.55947644
File: 50 KB, 775x493, d59d5a3bc6514778483469111e36ef5a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55947651


>mother of chuds

>> No.55947671

My chin looks like that from the side and I’m a 28 year old virgin lmfao

>> No.55947672

She posted 8 pictures actually, OP picked the worst one.

I like her style, she's at least a 7/10 to me.

>> No.55947733

Then post a portrait photo, please.

>> No.55947823

I don't know if we're allowed to post Reddit links here, especially not related to crypto or finances. Just google 'reddit amiugly'

>> No.55947853


>> No.55947875

she is a 10 in UK

>> No.55947913

legit 3/10

>> No.55947949

it's such a cruel feat of nature symmetry matters so much in attractiveness

>> No.55947967
File: 1.92 MB, 1921x1215, 1693070194020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Nixon if he took the tranny pill

>> No.55948026

> 18-26
> throwing away youth

your so wrong he has his whole life ahead of him. it would be better if he smoked weed and goofed off at bars and got laid once a month?

I bet you post on Reddit about how the government needs to start buying a house for you

you just need to start spending time in places with women. go to classes at the gym. go to rock climbing. whatever, and don't be too eager to fuck, just get comfortable talking to girls

>> No.55948036

4 in EU 8 in US

>> No.55948054

this, the people who said 7/10 are trolling or they are actual goblins with low standards

>> No.55948057

She doesn't smile enough

>> No.55948170

stop caring about what? my looks? or fact no women will date me :(

>> No.55948206

She's so ugly I didn't even notice she has big tits.

>> No.55948221

>27 is old
I'm 33 and don't have any sagging like this

>> No.55948238

anon you literally have till 45yrs of age to get prime pussy as long as you dont fuck up your looks or health.

>> No.55948252

Just the post the ID, please. Scrolled throught dozens (hundreds?) of post in just the past three days and didn't see her.

Seem the posters fall into two categories: those who are legitimately unattractive, and those who clearly know they are beautiful and want attention. Social media in a nutshell.

>> No.55948338

Gay or low t, check your tap water

>> No.55948351

Or youre just a faggot with low t

>> No.55948388

You've got to be kidding me.


>> No.55948407
File: 10 KB, 127x127, 1667025083712297.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Somebody should create a dating app to pair these women up with convicts.

>> No.55948557
File: 616 KB, 612x816, imblying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Be >>55946498
>Post least flattering shot
She's out of your league, isn't she.

>> No.55948570

tattoos and nose ring still gross i bet she collects crystals too

>> No.55948610

>tattoos and nose ring
Gross, but an improvement over the ear gauges of a few years ago.

>> No.55948645

She looks like she has way too much debt to touch
She’s going to have to trick a simp to pay up and it’s going to make her miserable. Waited too long

>> No.55948659

All US women

>> No.55948658

Those eyes
Part of me if wondering if she's actually 35+

>> No.55948666

i don t know ask the gov.

What Qualifies as an Accredited Investor?
In the U.S., an accredited investor is anyone who meets one of the below criteria:

Individuals who have an income greater than $200,000 in each of the past two years or whose joint income with a spouse is greater than $300,000 for those years, and a reasonable expectation of the same income level in the current year
Individuals who have an individual net worth, or joint net worth with the person’s spouse, that exceeds $1 million at the time of the investment (The net worth amount cannot include the value of the person's primary residence.)

>> No.55948672

I know 40Y old EU women more attractive. US women are trash after 30

>> No.55948680
File: 648 KB, 1080x1646, 1690348882945420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's out of your league, isn't she.
yes my league don t post attention seeking post on reddit

>> No.55948687

How disgusting are you guys to think this girl is even remotely attractive? I might play sports with her but I would not put my dick anywhere close to her.

>> No.55948696

>5k networth
>9 inch dick
>gym everyday, 6 pack abs
>have a date planned with asian girl & another man's wife sexting me

LOL OP has 100x my net worth & can't pull, fucking pathetic

>> No.55948701

>This is the male equivalent of going bald at 25.
Going bald at 20.

>> No.55948789

>Moving to America is essentially making a decision to become fat.
>People are forced to overeat in America.
t. Twitter

>> No.55948798

>armpit stubble
Imagine how disgusting she’d look on a day she isn’t dolled up for r*ddit. Also is there a picture of her ass and hips? No idea how the desperate fags on this board could give her a rating without seeing the whole body

>> No.55948803

Kek I wonder how those roasties with blown out, droopy ear lobes are doing now

>> No.55948834

There’s more of those poor bastards than you think. I see balding university freshman and sophomores in my lecture, coming out of dorms, etc all the time. couldn’t imagine losing hair at 19 but it’s common.

>> No.55948847

Mind, body, and soul anon. If you haven't focused on your body your mind may seem strong but it is out of balance. If you haven't focused on your soul you can never be happy. Focus on one's body and soul leads to profitable endeavors. This includes friendship, or more importantly, fellowship.

And through fellowship comes community. Through community comes brotherhood. Through brotherhood comes fidelity and it is fidelity, and only fidelity, that brings you a Proverbs 31 woman.

How do you find a Proverbs 31 woman? You become a man.

>> No.55948917

I wouldn't mind if she sucked those jouls around my shaft if you know what l mean.

>> No.55948945

no i don't know what you mean, anon, could you explain further?

>> No.55948968


>> No.55948989
File: 116 KB, 500x502, 1632496393057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"At least that means she's fun to be around"

>> No.55949005


>> No.55949007

Who inherits stuff from grandma or parents in their twenties, maybe burgers dont have that long of a live expectency but im in my 30s and wont inherit shit until another 30 years

>> No.55949010

Vax droop. Her cells are disintegrating. They all have it to some degree.

>> No.55949061

your environment shapes you more than any personal incentive

>> No.55949073


>> No.55949116
File: 65 KB, 500x500, artworks-cYInJFs7iFhj2ost-azODGQ-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is what a 5/10 looks like, but since we live in a world of pathetic simps she will still live on easy mode

>> No.55949161

where do you live? Bongland?

>> No.55949168

lmao chudette

>> No.55949172


>> No.55949188

Redditors need wives too

>> No.55949200

Can't unsee it, never contemplated chud had jowls before

>> No.55949212

yeah that's a man

>> No.55949249

Trannies really ruined it for ugly women

>> No.55949252

>26 yr old
>> worked all the time since 18, didn’t go to parties
>> 525k net worth
>> single virgin
>> cannot land a single tinder date
At least you went to school so you can make more Jewish paper squares.
Good for you.

>> No.55949253


>> No.55949257

>She is an clear 7/10
Try like four, you fucking loser.

>> No.55949266
File: 289 KB, 480x360, pasted image 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like clock work and it fits.

>> No.55949270

oh my gosh poor thing, you're only halfway to retirement at 26? you only managed to save $90k a year since 18? just lol. just lmao even

>> No.55949271

Absolute beta take. Get laid chud

>> No.55949274

I went to get fruit juice and the little fucker has 55 GRAMS of sugar in it.
The fuck?

>> No.55949279

I've always wanted to get into collecting crystals. Since like 2013. Is that bad? I'm esl, is that a codeword for something nasty?

>> No.55949286
File: 7 KB, 300x168, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls from my town are all sluts.

>> No.55949292

>no one can enjoy you, if you cant enipy yourself first.
Please shut the fuck up.
Being around people is bothersome, especially when you give irrelevant advice like this.

>> No.55949297

Ahahahah you're down bad

>> No.55949307
File: 42 KB, 640x956, l0lgdcg991cz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk why this turns me on.

>> No.55949416

but he get no pussy, so sad

>> No.55949580

you're not fooling anybody here. go larp somewhere else.

>> No.55949718

In Burgerstan us mutts are desperate for non-obese women.

>> No.55950242

they're probably on the "7 is average" scale, thanks US school grading

>> No.55950313

some people have nasolabial folds pretty much right after puberty, I knew some 18 yo girls with them and they were pretty slim complexion too

>> No.55950330

>an clear
hello mumbai

>> No.55950355

She looks like an oblivion character

>> No.55950372
File: 100 KB, 750x1000, IMG_4495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally my 26 year old gf

>> No.55950408

The woman’s male equivalent is 100% an incel and would get 3 upvotes and 2 comments. Crazy how being born is a huge dice roll for easy or hard mode these days.

>> No.55950439

American food is literal poison
The fruit here can give you diabetes

>> No.55950491
File: 49 KB, 700x518, disturbing-behavior-140714-700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a symptom of MK Ultra abuse. A mind split created from feeding the left and right brain simultaneously different information. The left side shows the pain and the right hides it.

>> No.55950556

The question is answered in the pic.
>I don't wear makeup
>I don't style my hair
"How oh how can I improve my appearance as a woman?" You don't put effort in, you get nothing out. If you save like a squirrel for 8 years, outpacing probably 75% of people under aged 60, you put in more effort than all of them. But when it comes to attracting a man, you put 0% effort in, yet expect a man to waltz into your life? What? Put in the effort!

>> No.55950820

This is so sad she was a rocket in left

>> No.55950827

Exquisite bait, 10/10 made me laugh.

>> No.55950835

Holy fucking kek.
/biz/ is on fire tonight.

>> No.55950850

you can't undo israeli inbreeding.

>> No.55950879

women peak at 18. if you didn't start dating her at 18 then you missed out

>> No.55951046

>wtf fruit has sugar in it?

>> No.55951053

no code word i know of they're just retarded and think crystals have magic healing powers (but they won't believe in Christ the lord)

>> No.55951104

How do people inherit shit from their grandparents? My grandma just died last year and everything just went to her four children(my mom, two aunts, uncle)

Even if her assets weren't given to her children, she has 13 grandchildren. Do you people just have small ass families? Do you manipulate them into putting your name in the will when they are senile? I don't get it. I've literally never heard of anyone getting anything from their grandparents besides a piece of jewelry or something, yet biztards always claim they inherited a house from their grandma.

>> No.55951117

for the love of god lose the nose ring and dont get any more tats. Dye your hair a color of red that is natural looking. Start strength training immideitely

>> No.55951365

I think crystals have magic healing powers

>> No.55951388

Can someone pls show her this thread? I wanna see her posting replies in here defending herself

>> No.55951422
File: 538 KB, 1792x1344, IMG_1296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch is a 5, 6 at most.
Pic related is an easy 8/10, for reference.

>> No.55951436

Thank fuck niggas can just hide jowls with facial hair. Bitches are fucked!!

>> No.55951450

She’s prolly risk being a bog if she got plastic surgery on her face.

>> No.55951461
File: 188 KB, 686x1096, IMG_0717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope you fucking eurotrash. Pic related is an EASY 10/10 in bongland.

>> No.55951512


No memes the EU women have better diets. The huge amounts of corn syrup ages people prematurely.

>> No.55951519

If you need money to get laid you are doing it wrong.

>> No.55951528

sneed oils

>> No.55951533

Would drop a hot load in nightly for fiddy years/10

>> No.55951547
File: 16 KB, 250x208, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55951630

bruh, get some standards

>> No.55951666

>I wouldn't even play sports with her!

>> No.55951958

A faggot like you don't even deserve used pussy. Donate your money.

>> No.55951960
File: 79 KB, 750x386, asiansss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but now you subtract 3 points automaticly

>> No.55951980

Retards responding. Everything in America is poisoned. The water, the food, the air. Fluoride and chlorine in the water. Poisoned water goes into all the food + pesticides on all crops + extra poison included like brominated flour, citric acid fungus residue, aluminum flow agent for salt, vegetable gums, vitamin (poison) A added to milk among other things, iron filings added to everything, folate (neurotoxin) likewise. New York presumably has air pollution from the density of cars, not to mention the stress of all the "people" around you. Much less sun than Hong Kong. Everything needs sunlight to survive including humans. And whatever you do, don't ask the doctor for any "medicine" to "help" you.

It's not sugar and "overeating" that's wreaking havoc on your physiology, you fucking idiots.

>> No.55951991

that's a man

>> No.55951993
File: 519 KB, 661x532, koranos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I actively read the labels on almost everything I buy. In the U.S. almost everything already has some level of sugar in it, so the very least I can do is minimize sugar intake by buying as much stuff without sugar as possible.

The only "good sugar" is from eating actual fruit anyway, not fruit juice, not canned fruit, the actual fruit sitting on the shelf that you can wash off and eat.

Also I avoid:
>high fructose corn syrup
>seed oils

Those three things are shoved into so much food it's unreal.

>> No.55951996

Stupid word filter replace s 0 y with onions

>> No.55952005

So you think she had a jaw when she was younger, retard?

>> No.55952010
File: 251 KB, 1024x432, 1693119581350786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55952029

Nah, the bananas at 19-24 are the ones that taste better, which isn't the case for women

>> No.55952038
File: 12 KB, 256x256, evil fluoride creature poisoning the water supply3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sugar bad
>good sugar
Sugar is sugar you fucking idiot, I just explained the problem above. Muh "sugar is added to everything". No, idiot, sugar is added to processed foods that are filled with actual poisons. Sugar is the safest part of those foods. Also yes, unsaturated oils are another poison I missed.

>> No.55952053

This. And how the fuck do you inherit a whole ass house from your granny, doesn't she have like 20 other grandkids

>> No.55952056

NYC has more sun than Hong Kong by a lot, oddly. There's no monsoon season, the winters are just colder. The food is absolutely pozzed though, it's a pain in the ass to eat right here.

>> No.55952387

Everything comes at a price anon

>> No.55952476

she doesn't have proper engagement of her cheek muscles
my face was starting to sag like that but when i stopped holding tension in my lower face and started engaging my upper face the sagging went away

>> No.55952589
File: 170 KB, 612x212, 20230827_071836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those damn eyebrows; eyebros.

>> No.55952601
File: 66 KB, 646x767, wellarewe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd workout her cheeks for her.

>> No.55952665

can he say this?

>> No.55952842

Literally my ideal woman

>> No.55952853

and it's disgusting. one of my ex had that shit too and abandoned her after a while

>> No.55952872

8/10 in bongland. Europe is more than just UK, retarded burger. Also would impregnate and take care

>> No.55952902

>lip gloss
>daisy dukes

>> No.55952993

Kek. Uncanny.

>> No.55953923


>> No.55953960

that recessed chin is just shit honkaloid genetics

>> No.55953988

Shes literally average, but kinda old

>> No.55954495
File: 36 KB, 462x640, arnoisdisgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foul beast.

>> No.55954852

Those are the best years of your life. I genuinely wouldn't swap them for all the money in the world, my only regret is the amount of pussy I could've had but was too retarded to realise I could have had it.
Alternatively, he could have three kids by now and raising them to be based free-thinking geniuses.
Instead he's spent all of his time waging for the Jew with nothing to show for it.

>> No.55954949

for being generated by AI?

>> No.55954985

She just needs to put a bit of effort in. Bit of make-up, lose the nose ring and have her eyebrows done and she's comfy as fuck.

>> No.55955041


>> No.55955094

she's not jewish, so thats a plus.

You can always spend your money on me, I will be your surrogate son.

>> No.55955213


if you want to be a living meme then fuck off to the phillipines like an alpha


theyre not. you have a better chance getting into social circles with quality girls in your home country. only sluts will meet random foreign strangers in another country

>> No.55955227
File: 621 KB, 598x536, super negro lips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you want to motorboat her neck fat

>> No.55957174

>I don’t wear makeup
I can literally see her drawn on eyebrows

>> No.55958943

Billions must settle (for me)

>> No.55958953

lose 60 lbs

>> No.55958958

Go to public events where you live, there should be a shit ton considering how fall is here.
Farmers markets, go download nextdoor and find local clubs to join, church, whatever you like and maybe things you think you don't
Talk to cashiers, get invited to parties
if you lived near me I'd fix your love life for 10k (plus expenses)
My freebie to you is just go out more and not just to parties

>> No.55958981

Both. And you will either start collecting boat models or high quality vintage alcohol.

>> No.55959119
File: 3.03 MB, 357x512, 1691618707034404.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the new
>I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy

>> No.55959204

I need a farmers market gf very badly but I still don’t have one yet
Chat up cashiers is a good tip

>> No.55960694

>just go out more bro

>> No.55960725

S-Someone needs to bail her out tho chud.