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55945812 No.55945812 [Reply] [Original]

See this all the time with sayings like "I was brought up with no support from my parents and worked through college, it's good for you"

That's such a crabs in bucket mentality, compare that to big land owning business families in UK or France who had the same estates since 1700s

>> No.55945816

Theyre capitalist and anti-capitalist at the same time, amerimutt the schrodinger capitalist.

>> No.55945875

It's dumb and this is exactly how my parents are. It just gives them an excuse to blow all their money on dumb stuff and not feel guilty.

It makes me want to have kids though and support the correct way to continue family line.

My mom will still compare her salary to mine like it's a competition. Then you try to explain the cost of everything and they talk about how they had nothing.

LOL if my mom ever calls me to move in.

>> No.55945887

Unironically they consumed too much propaganda. Fun fact did you know that boomers were the first generation to have leaving your parents house at 18 become a social norm? Before then most people didn't go to college either they just went to work.

>> No.55945890

Better question: Why is your generation so materialistic? You just want everything handed to you without working for it and you think this is healthy for you? You think you learn from this if you buy bitcoins and get rich because someone else buys them later for a higher price? You will learn nothing from life and will not be able to teach anyone in your life because you don't know about life. You are just lazy, entitled, want to get rich quick and then do nothing but play video games.

>> No.55945898

boomers know the value of hard work, and they want you earn your place in the world and not be given it on a silver platter.

>> No.55945899

This. Millennials and zoomers are so fucking stupid, America is so fucked. Its going to go to complete shit once we've died out.

>> No.55945921

I blame the internet. These influencers all advertise their bitcoins and the narrative of "Just buy this and you will be rich" and everyone falls for it hoping they can also get rich for doing nothing. Unfortunately the world doesn't work like that. I feel sad that they will never experience the pleasure of actually working for something and getting it through shear dedication. Back in my day I worked my ass off for over 10 years so I could finally afford my first home. Working like this has molded me into the man I am today. I can imagine if I just gotten the house for free because of some bitcoin lottery tickets I wouldn't have learned what I know today. I wouldn't have gotten as strong as I still am today. I fear for the current generation.

>> No.55945947


>> No.55945961

because the age of generational wealth passed boomers by. the industrialists were before them, and the technologists after.
they did very well financially but their place was strongly the middle class, no higher.

>> No.55945968

Materialistic doesn't mean greedy or entitled it means wanting material wealth of which every subsequent generation has wanted less of. Thats why boomers have garages so full of shit they can't even park their cars and young kids are spending all their money on experiences.

>> No.55945976

>seething this much because you slaved away your prime years meanwhile us zased zoomers won't do the same mistake

>> No.55946004

you are a soft bitch and will never be a man

>> No.55946020

You could work as a tire tech and buy a small house back then. Not that it was all easy, but it was very doable with a little effort.

>> No.55946039
File: 6 KB, 250x243, aerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im just not gonna be slaving away most of the life like you

>> No.55946058

I know the value of hard work, it's hard work tha doesn't value me.
i work a real job unlike most office ladies in here, and i will never own a house, i'll never be able to buy a car without crippling my savings, i'll never be able to maintain my gilrfriend without her working too.

Boomers know what real work is, but they also know what real compensation for it is like.
Us millenials and soon zoomers too know only work, slavery, no compensation.

I get paid 1200€ a month excluding any overtime, while i likely net 48€ an hour to my employer from my work, with this in mind, how can you speak of earning my place when even the places i can earn are too small to thrive and hell even just survive?

>> No.55946060

Because boomers didn’t need generational wealth or handouts - they had it easy, they were growing up when the western world and particularly America was thriving and dominating, when you could raise a family have a house 2 cars and holidays every year with just the father working full time at a min wage job.

>> No.55946152

Psyoped by Jews.

>> No.55946224

I don't even mean you need to pay everything for your kids until they are like 25 like some

But more set your kid up for success, by maybe buying a small apartment when they study with an interest free loan and the pay what they can. Later when they move out either rent it out and split 50/50 or sell it and the parents get 30% of the increase value back so the money stays in the family

then use said money to buy a farm or a house, and set ut some loan vehicle for farmland or something so your parents can make deductions and lower their taax

and so on

>> No.55946231

Literally not what I said at all. I said build things for your self, for your kids and their grandkids. teach them to do the same

So to take your example. maybe the old boomer dad runs his farm or traditional business, but his tech zoomer son programmer knows about BTC and AI stocks and use some funds for that company to invest

Then you both use a bit of "old money" and new knowledge and grow your assets together

>> No.55946254

im not talking about "houses were cheaper then"

I talk about the mentality especially americans have to let their kids out on their own instead of growing a strong family

>> No.55946634

>consumed too much propaganda.
Bingo. Climb the career ladder, consume to live life to the fullest, "invest" in financial instruments you don't understand or control for your retirement, life is a competition and you have what you have, occasionally donate to some shady NGO to feel good, that's what most were exposed to.

>> No.55946656

They reaped the rewards of the 90 year bull run and don't realize how close we are to the end of a cycle. They're dooming their family to literal starvation.

>> No.55946677

Generational wealth is dumb but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be passing things on to the next generation. Boomer see an excuse to be irresponsible and soend everything before they die, but you're supposed to build community resources.

>> No.55946680

If you’re against building and protecting generational wealth for your family just know those that do well always beat you in the long term.

>> No.55946687

You're financially retarded if you don't see how the central banking Jew cabal combined with the irresponsible boomers in congress have doomed these generations. It's not possible to work a normal job after going to college and buy a house and have a family. You have to be an exceptional individual to be afforded those luxuries that were well within grasp for an average boomer or Xer. Jew banking, Jew mass migration, Jew destruction of culture and community.

>> No.55946698

>Why is your generation so materialistic?
I spent my 20s driving a shitbox 2 years younger than me. The only vacations I went on were to visit family and my biggest purchases were tools to support my creative hobbies and video games. Most of my friends were like this. Boomers are just projecting their own materialism onto us.

>> No.55946758

>creating value for your family and their grandkids is dumb

literally wut

>> No.55946764

Mainly because many boomers legitimately don't understand(or WANT to acknowledge) that circumstances have changed. Things are for more unaffordable, wages have been relatively stagnant in comparison to the cost of living for the past 30 years, etc.

A good example right now is the interest rate hikes and the housing market. All over the internet you will inevitably get a boomer saying "I bought my home in the early 90s and it had a 12.5% interest rate!" Then you find out that their house was 85k and they were making 40k as a restaurant manager. You try to explain the high interest rates of today combined with the high prices are the problem, and they just stick their fingers in their ears and refuse to accept it. Or will say "My son is 37 and bought his home when he was 30!" Completely ignoring the fact that her son bought his home before the pandemic real estate craze.

>> No.55946779

yes because i don t want to be a slave of jews . sorry boomer

>> No.55946819

That's not even the biggest problem. Most people throughout history were poor and had no social mobility. The problem now is that society has made it impossible to be poor. All of the places where poor people used to live have been reduced to ghettos or bought up by developers. All of the jobs that poor people used to do have been outsourced to the third world. The support networks that poor people used to rely on have been destroyed by individualism. Everywhere you look, poor people have been deliberately shut out from society and treated like they don't even exist.

>> No.55946842

would you really trust zoomers with your inheritance? I wouldn't and I'm not even a boomer

>> No.55946856

My white American born mom has that mentality. My south American born dad (raised in poverty, had to sell apples to buy school supplies) fought her tooth and nail to invest and save money to leave to us. Because of his sacrifice, his grandkids are going to college debt free and I was able to get a nice down payment in a house. My mother angrily told me that should have been her money for her Florida home and now she has to "waste away" here instead.

>> No.55946860

They were brainwashed.

>> No.55946861

Lol my mom found out I made $100k a year and chewed me out for not being able to "take care" of me and my wife and having to "rely" on my dad. Meanwhile, she got an associates degree in typing or some shit and has a pension from a secretary job lmao

>> No.55946874

If you want the answer OP, here it is
From two factors:

1. They did literally grow up in the most materially prosperous time since time immemorial, while America was ascendant, and were overprotected by their greatest gen parents who had seen the horrors of war and depression
In a very real way are like babies who have never gone through the process of actualization through hardship, thus their locus of control is rooted firmly in the world out there as opposed to within themselves

2. They were propagandized by the CIA the whole time it was fighting the cold war to believe in muh individualism, muh freedom, muh capitalism.
Remember, Reagan was receiving checks from the CIA as early as the late 50s, the neoconservative movement and National Review (ala William F Buckley) were founded by the CIA, so were the modern non-communist left, modern art (like Andy Warhol) was promoted and encouraged internationally by the CIA, even during McCarthyism a majority (lmao) of the communists he named were actually Feds.
All in their explicitly stated effort to create an American aesthetic to fight the commies (but also the fascists) that was deliberately devoid of a political message or spiritual valence ("art for art's sake")

>> No.55946894

Boomers were brainwashed so hard by consumerist Jews they have no idea. Reverse mortgages? Come on.

>> No.55946917

Protestant mindset.

>> No.55946962

El boomer americano, ladies and gentlemen
Imagine not even giving your own kids a house for them to leave their offspring, and then having the audacity of calling them materialistic LMAO

>> No.55947011

B-B-UT he's helping his kids build character :)

>> No.55947050

Hard work benefited them. They were able to afford homes and to raise families. Hard work even got them promoted. But hard work doesn't mean anything for younger generations. You still will never afford homes or taking care of yourself let alone a family. Hard work ensures that you remain trapped in your current position and rewarded with even more hard work.

>> No.55947082

Americans think that coming from a poor background and “making it” proves your worth, as opposed to it proving that you’re just the idiot son of some poor people who happened to be helped out by a powerful economy.

I once took a class in college taught by a prominent politician, who boasted that his mother was a cleaning lady. I think he meant to suggest it was phenomenal that he accomplished so much despite his familial background, but all I could think was that our government was being run by the son of some moronic wagie.

>> No.55947108

it does prove your worth. if you're not wildly more successful than your parents you've simply failed.

>> No.55947116

All the men in the world are the sons and daughters of moronic wagies now. You don’t really suppose a guy is more qualified to lead an army just because his dad was a lawyer and a not a mechanic do you?

>> No.55947135

kill yourself divide and conquer tranny

>> No.55947162

They were the last generation of Americans where a large percentage of them could make it from nothing if they weren't retarded and had a good work ethic. When you live in a society with fairly low wealth inequality, strong unions, high trust, etc etc all that good stuff then you can do those things. It was called an idiot proof economy for a reason. Also, every generation of Americans before them going back to fucking Columbus had the same experience, so why would any of them think that the party was going to end with them? Nobody ever wants to think that the music stops with them.

>> No.55947219

I know 2 retired boomers that worked regular jobs during the week, but would work part time at a grocery store on the weekends. They did this one or two days a week and got a motherfucking pension from it. I shit you not. I thought they were joking when they told me this.

>> No.55947225

exactly, UK has many faults but their system of upper class education and having people with real knowledge in powerful positions works well

>> No.55947230

ever heard f the lost generation? or silent generation?

>> No.55947235

My parents make a combined $200k and admitted to me they have less than $1m in savings and investments. I’m making $60k and struggling to save much at all.

Not only are they greedy but they are incredibly stupid with the wealth they acquired

>> No.55947236

They had all of that stuff too. Fuck off bot.

>> No.55947243
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Good joke anon, I laffed

>> No.55947261

alot of boomers are pretty self absorbed and shallow. They believe they had it all figured out when they just grew up and built everything in a prosperous economic bullrun that had no downsides. not to mention everything they had to gain was pretty much handed to them.
Imagine growing up in a society to where you can’t fail no matter what path you take. That’s exactly what being a baby boomer was like. They dont feel as if we deserve to receive the “wealth” they “earned” so they feel as if we should earn it the same way. Little do they realize the market is oversaturated nearly everywhere and we dont live in an economy where everything you touch turns into gold

>> No.55947300


Consumer drones with a TV in their homes since birth indoctrinating them to be the ultimate goy. They subconsciously learned that material wealth and status=happiness from the decades of psyop advertisements they willingly exposed themselves to.

This created the most selfish, petty, and narcissistic population of humans to ever exist. They only saw children as a money waste that got in the way of their consooming and kicked them out at 18. They fell for HELOCs, credit cards, reverse mortgage scams, and all sorts of fast loaned money so they could CONSOOOM.

They are against generational wealth because they are mentally destroyed automatons programmed from birth.

>> No.55947301

>you proved me wrong so you must be a BOT

>> No.55947340

>The only way to mature and learn something in life is by griding hard for Mr. Sheckelberg's third Yacht
Post nose

>> No.55947361

6/10 bait but if it works it works

>> No.55947369

Exactly. They could work a normal job and have a great life where they could afford a home, family, vacations. Many times only on a single income! Now both the husband and wife have to work high income jobs.

>> No.55947389

He's right though. They lost generation was able to buy houses for literally nothing during the Depression in the 30's, while the silent Generation didn't have to fight in a war and still enjoyed the postwar economy. Your statement that they didn't have what the Boomers had is uneducated. In a way, the Silent generation had it better than the Boomers when you adjust for inflation.

>> No.55947404

>Better question: Why is your generation so materialistic? You just want everything handed to you without working for it and you think this is healthy for you?

>be 30 year old 6ft white male
>top 1% IQ
>not balding
>get two degrees
>be engineer at top company
>pay off debt
>invest heavily
>stay healthy
>can barely afford a middle class house
>dating options are:
>dumb rich girls
>asian sheboons
>wrinkly hoes with 50+ body counts
>most women don't even want to "settle down"

this is why the country is going to shit and no one can convince me otherwise. My dad was 9 years older than my mom and no one gave a shit. Now my kids are doomed to come out autistic cause mom wants to wait till 35 to start trying

>> No.55947408

I meant that they didn' have it AS good as boomers

I don't intend to troll maybe I just misread the comment

>> No.55947417

>kids are doomed to come out autistic cause mom wants to wait till 35

I think you spend too much time on /pol/ and are deranged from reality

>> No.55947427

This. It’s absolutely ridiculous and insane that we do not have a revolution against the evil responsible

>> No.55947430

Effort post.

>> No.55947439

The poor back then would be considered rich by todays standards.
Peasants for example could easily have a family, owned a home and had huge acreages for their farming and even had unlimited access to the wood lands for whatever they wanted plus they had significantly more days off while we wage 40 hr work weeks every week

>> No.55947466

This is objective reality, women are not dating and todays generation of woman are slated to be the largest majority of women single by age 40 with a staggering 50% of them being single.

The childless roastie hysteria that is to come will be a serious problem, 10x worse then anything caused by incels

>> No.55947476

An actual high IQ post

Also I’ll add that availability of credit has ruined society as well. Money outside of purchasing very basic things like shelter (not specifically a house just rent for some place that has a roof so you don’t freeze to death), and food is fake. Credit cards have exacerbated this to the point where status between poors and middle class is undistinguishable. And poors are so low IQ that they’ll go into 100k of debt to look rich because to them money is fake, status is real. Everyone is poorer because companies will jack up prices due to credit availability. Everyone is poorer due to inflation and day to day the only ones affected are not rich non-retards.

>> No.55947494

Its so good at building character that I think they have an attitude problem. No worries, working well into their 90's will sort that out. They won't complain. We know how they never complain.

>> No.55947529

Every single saint's day...
I hate the atheist state!
I hate the atheist state!
I hate the atheist state!

>> No.55947542

I know that this is really fucking difficult for a lot of you to understand, and I'm not so good at explaining, but kinda, yeah. For the average person, the net value that you leave to your kids is negative because you're providing cover for whales to provide THEIR kids with WAY more wealth - and your kid is competing with their kid. The more the wealth a given generation leaves is collectivized and divvied out according to social need and merit, and not just because of your name, the better any given kid's chances are. The wealthy lose out but everyone else gains. GI/Silent/Boomers benefited hugely from their forebears getting this right; it's the only reason why we have (had) accessible libraries and universities and all kinds of other public institutions, even in Podunk, NW State.

>> No.55947559

Of course, one of them's President.

>> No.55947560

my boomer parents are like this. I love them, but I just don't think it's possible for them to comprehend that we don't live in the same country they grew up in/spent their adult lives in

>> No.55947571

Because they had it so easy that they unironically believe that a job at McDonald's could pay the bills

>> No.55947595

This type of mentality made white people fall off. You guys used to rub shit now you're a bunch of cucks

>> No.55947604

Boomers are the most selfish and arrogant cunts to have ever existed. They destroyed our society, our economy, and our environment. They hate their children. The generations after them only exist to serve them and feed their egos. They have no love in them. They are, for all intents and purposes, absolute monsters.

>> No.55947648

Because generational wealth and things like even passing things on to your children in an economic and society sustain the status quo; hoarding power for much longer because it uneven the playing field of those that have and those that have nothing.

It's not crab bucket mentality. That's not even what it means. I am just explaining this, I don't know if I agree with it but if you look at the revolutionaries especially of the Russian variety and how those radicals* saw the system would argue that it's just more fair for everyone.

>big land owning business families in UK or France who had the same estates since 1700s


>Verification not required.

>> No.55947654

where are you from,,
i make more than you in a call center in eastern europe

>> No.55947663

>You just want everything handed to you without working for it and you think this is healthy for you?
Exactly, this is how civilizations move forward. One generation builds everything up from scratch and then they burn it down in the end so that subsequent generations can be spiritually and morally healthy. It's each generation's duty to destroy everything they've built to protect their progeny. This is how the species advances.

>> No.55947680

generational wealth is a cancer that killed every civilization worth anything, societies depend on rapid turnover
deal with it, goyim

>> No.55947772

> and divvied out according to social need and merit, and not just because of your name, the better any given kid's chances are

Sounds maybe good on paper, but now that's not the reality. As I said, look at rich families or successful countries and see what they do

the best you can do is to try to do the same, UNLESS they also is open to divide their wealth with the random guy in your example

that is my point, boomers has a warped view on reality not understanding what the real world is

>> No.55947782

but what i don't get is, if they have it so easy why not take this opportunity and build better for their kids and grandkids? instead of having the mentality of YOU also need to suffer because i did

say what you want about immigrants to US but they never have this mentality, they work hard so their kids can get it better

>> No.55947785
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we don't actually have as much money as we pretend.

so yeah. We'll tell you we're millionaires but we know it's all going to be spent on our retirement and eventual hospital bills. You get nothing but we don't want to admit we're broke.

>> No.55947796

But it's not fair to everyone because boomer block all housing, 20x college costs while importing millions of mexicans to do cheap work

This is what other countries realized, they can not know what the politics will be 10-20-30 years from now but what they CAN know is if they help their kids and greater family, things will probably be better than not

This is the mentality american boomers do not have

>> No.55947806

>check early life of many rich families in US and Europe

>vs the ones not

hmmm makes u dink

>> No.55948088

>Sounds maybe good on paper, but now that's not the reality.
Are you my boomer aunt? She's given me this line almost word for word. I reject the boomer delusion of reality, I'm looking at what actually works.
>Successful countries
collectivize early life support, with lots of support for pregnant women and young mothers, strong (and liberally-funded) cultures of education through young adulthood - with the attendant social safety net - and a ton of public institutions focused on care and education. Japan, Singapore, Scandinavia, France, Germany. Hell, even look at Cuba; the way it's treated by the US, it should be a blasted-out hellhole, but instead, it's a functional developing nation - because it emphasizes education and healthcare.
It's arguable whether America was at its best in the 50s and early 60s, but it certainly saw the most widespread prosperity, amidst a 9x% income tax that forced rich people to funnel their extravagance through their companies (and therefore be accountable to any partners and the real market). The feds funded a ridiculous number of public projects (in some cases, like the with interstate system, foolhardily in the long run, but paying dividends at the outset) which greatly increased general well-being.
I'm sorry for going off, but I'm tired of this crap about following the lead of the wealthy. It doesn't work; you mostly end up with nice things for the elite that cost too much to attain.

>> No.55948094

is wanting a reasonably priced shelter really a crime??

>> No.55948154

I think it's only Americans that have this mentality and it really shows the pure insanity and entitlement boomers have

>> No.55948292

The value of hard work no longer exists. They let society get Jewed to shit, and now the only thing that has value is exhibiting sociopathic behavior to get ahead of the others which they have labeled “business acumen” so that they dont seem quite so evil. You think rich people work hard to get where they are at? No. They are handed a good start by their parents and use it to crush and stomp on anyone who gets in their way.

>> No.55948301

That’s why they’re boomers. And that’s why generational wealth stays generational.

>> No.55948348

Maybe greatest generation is to blame. I don't hate on boomers, but my parents are supportive and are willing to let me back in if needed. I'll likely inherent their house. Their parents were also supportive and made the downpayment on their house. Did most people's grand parents not financially back their children? I guess it would be harder for them when birthrates were higher.

>> No.55948380
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No, worse, poors have been turned into government dependents used to justify further debasement that pumps assets, eroding the middle class in the process

>> No.55948385

>boomers know the value of hard work
is that why they spend 4 hours to type up shit on excel, refuse to learn macro and REEEEEEEEs at any attempt to get rid of the fax machine? Boomers are the most useless fucking eaters at any white collar jobs I've been to because of their inability to adapt to old (new) technology. tradie boomers are alright though

>> No.55948451

They are, but because it's their own parents' fault. GI gen was traumatized by the war. Dudes came back in psychological tatters because duh, and chicks put off their fun twenties working in plants waiting for their husbands to come home so they could have some fun, only to welcome a mil-zogged shell of a man who only wanted to drink and fiddle with the civvy version of whatever he was assigned to while enlisted. The only thing they had in common was that they both wanted to FUCK and HARD which is why we had the boom.

>> No.55948458


>> No.55948473

Oh, I forgot to explain why it's their fault. They coddled the shit out of the boomers but also fucked them up psychologically with a home life reeking of alcohol, PTSD, and unfulfilled dreams, and stifled by a return to normalcy at gunpoint. Also leaded gas (that was a GI exec/politician decision).

>> No.55948494

There is a theory that boomers suffer from lead poisoning. They simply don’t have the critical thinking skills

>> No.55948514

Your point of view is very appealing to me, I assume that you're not from the United States, correct? I would love to have a small business that I could leave to my children, I work for a man who is trying to do that but his children don't care about it. If I was in a financial position to make an offer on his business, I would do it. The man is a mentor to me and gave me an opportunity to work when others would not. It bothers me that his children cannot be bothered to take even a passing interest in their father's life. The store is a goldmine of inventory for online sales but his adult children make no efforts to sell it.

I probably should not be speaking because my father tried to get me into financial management but I hated it. I had my Life and Health, 6, 6.5, and was scheduling my 7 when I closed out the browser window and went downstairs to tell my wife that I wasn't going to do it. Those country clubs made my skin crawl, the people, the cars, it felt wrong. I wasn't worried about "selling out" it just made me sick. The whole time I spent in and out of these places in North Jersey there was something telling me to get the fuck out. I hate being poor but that feeling was visceral, like the hair on the back of your neck.

>> No.55948529

basically boomers have enjoyed one of the easiest times to be alive and accumulate wealth, let their (((masters))) hoard even more wealth, and think that their struggle back then is at all comparable to the struggle today. I don't fault anybody for wanting to use the money they earn for their lifestyle, but I also don't think it's unreasonable to help your offspring prepare for the future (especially since so many of them need to support their parents as well). That's why so many were violently opposed to student loan relief. Suddenly passive conservative boomers who were bitching about "oh man the government spends so much money" were screeching and losing their mind over student loan forgiveness when it was effectively a piss in the bucket as far as government spending goes.

>> No.55948533

They're jealous of the upbringing they gave us. They don't actually want us to be happy, they want us to be as miserable as them. It's a woman's mentality ultimately, boomers have collectively turned into a giant cunt. Probably because it was the first generation comprised of mainly weak men. Now we're in the bad times. Zoomers or whatever the fuck comes next already has the responsibility of being the strong men or society will collapse, and based on how that's going I'd say we're headed for societal collapse.

>> No.55948539

I love this copypasta

>> No.55948715

If you're just going to deflect and give half answers because you know you're cornered and wrong then your opinion isn't needed on here. This is why everyone will cheer at your death. Try to say a single thing that actually makes sense. It might be the only time you ever have in your entire life at this point I'd guess.

>> No.55948749

>They're jealous of the upbringing they gave us.
No they aren't what the fuck are you talking about? If anything, they're mad because their being called out on their bullshit after 50 years. The fact that they just got lucky is thrown is their face every time they see their kids unable to buy homes and start families even though in most cases the kids had more higher education and advantages than they had. They aren't going to do better than they're parents and the parents know it.

>> No.55948826

Giving them the benefit of the doubt I would call it misguided rugged individualism. The greatest achievement is to be self-made and they wouldn't want to deprive you of that. It's stupid as hell though and the cost of this culture is immeasurable. Steady diversified investment grows exponentially given enough time and boomers were happy to use this mathematical reality to save for retirement but refuse to apply the concept across entire generations because god forbid your great grandchildren might be privileged from birth.

>> No.55949380
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>> No.55949391

You'll blow it all on wasteful shit.
Boomer wants his money for himself.
Bootstraps, pull em up little nigger.

>> No.55949399

>You just want everything handed to you without working for it

Danielle Bregoli Net Worth
$25 Million

Catch me outside how bout that little boomie.

>> No.55949401
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>You think you learn from this if you buy bitcoins and get rich because someone else buys them later for a higher price?
Giving the USD is useless and constantly losing purchasing power AND EVERY OTHER FIAT IS TIED TO USD, AND IVE SOLD BTC FOR PROFITS.
Yes boomer, yes indeed.

>> No.55949404

Boomers are greedy, selfish, and the true all about me me me special snowflake generation. They have extremely thin skin and cannot handle even a fraction of the criticism they love to dish out.

>> No.55949407
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>You will learn nothing from life and will not be able to teach anyone in your life because you don't know about life.
Spoken like a true nigger faggot.
This is one year working a low paying job and doing DCA.

>> No.55949418
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>The poor back then would be considered rich by todays standards.
You're a fucking idiot.
Google the great depression and read a history book.
Fucking American.

>> No.55949428

>say what you want about immigrants to US but they never have this mentality, they work hard so their kids can get it better
Because boomer never suffered, it's a lark to make himself look like the big man.
He's just a big boy.
Immigrants have it difficult and they will try desperately to climb the ladder and give their kids better.
Why? Same reason why Jews own your banks.
Nepotism and tribalism.

>> No.55949436
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>No, worse, poors have been turned into government dependents
Good, fuck you gonna make money to invest into crypto and vote UBI.
>Work side hustles.
>Get UBI.
>Dump everything you can into BTC.
>Sell when it pumps, pay taxes and leave the US.

>> No.55949443

Good, fuck retard who blow up other people's countries.
Like niggers.

>> No.55949447
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>> No.55949449

I once offered my parents to buy an old barn on their property for 5k above what they paid for it, with the idea that I could fix it up, do all the necessary improvements to it, live in it during covid, and then someday buy a cheap parcle of land and move it on there as a starter house, or when I moved out they could use it as a rental home. They gave me a big lecture about "if you just live at home and leech off us how will you learn the value of money?" They also threw me out of the house without notice because covid, and I ended up being homeless and living in a tent because of it.

Recently offered to pay my parents 30% above what they're currently making on a rental home, in a house that's filled with junkies who are consistently late on rent, because I told them I could easily move two roommates in there to cover expenses and take better care of the property. They told me "that wouldn't be fair" to the subhuman drug dealers they have no relation to whatsoever. I am also facing homelessness here (would not ask for help unless it was dire) and despite having a decent job in a highly skilled and specialized industry they don't give a shit about whether I can afford to live or not.

Sometimes your family just hates you. I want to give my parents the benefit of the doubt but I really can't come to any other conclusions. It's a weird feeling when random strangers on the street are kinder, more generous, and care more about you than your own family.

>> No.55949450
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>Zoomers or whatever the fuck comes next already has the responsibility of being the strong men or society will collapse,
Gonna move to Africa instead.

>> No.55949476

99% of human history was at best work on a farm for a king or tyrant.
Middle best, be a foot soldier and MAYBE win a war to get some tiny land and a wife, which means you're a farmer now but for the king.
At worse you're a mercenary fighting random wars for random kings for a bag of silver at best or tin and copper shilling at worst.
At even worst case you'd end up a bandit and get a hang man's noose when the local guards catch you.
Life for 99% of history was fucking gash and boomer only got what they got because WE HAD TWO WORLD WAS AND A GREAT DEPRESSION, killing hundreds of millions of people WORLD WIDE fron 1900 to 1950.
Pure fucking anomaly and Americans act like National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation was the fucking norm world wide for ever and always.

>> No.55949504


>> No.55949574

I saw two threads on other boards today moaning about their parents, one was about screaming to his mother that he should have been aborted, another was taunting his father by coming out as gay. And I just think, with children like these is it really any surprise that boomers are going "fuck it" and washing their hands off the future generations?

>> No.55949647

tell me, how raised them to begin with. Ah yes, the most narcissistic generation to date, they're getting at death's door anyway

>> No.55949694

If your employment is not based on mutual gain, then get another job. You willingly took a job working for your boss so what sense does it make complaining about his gains if you are also benefitting? If you couldn't get this one thing right then you're an unironic wageslave and ngmi.

>> No.55949740

>who hadbestates
Generational wealth is dead, states do everything they can against it

>> No.55949754

Fuck off leftcuck. I bet you live in Seattle too and supported the CHAZ. The problem with poor people is that either
>they are lazy
>they are stupid
>they do not for whatever reason have the opportunity to succeed
That last one is the only thing that society can do anything about and is the core of meritocracy. The west was ascendant when we allowed those with competence to rise tobthe occasion regardless of their class background. This is not the same as taking from the rich and giving tobthe poor, which just rewards laziness and stupidity, and is frankly one reason why the markets are distorted as is. Welfare is a mistake and lazy and stupid people deserve to be punished for it.

>> No.55949828

>pic rel
Commie jews are dying out because they racemix with goyim at some absurd rate like >50%, which is good enough for me. The hyperintelligent Ashkenazi of yesteryear like George Soros is basically gone and replaced by normie tier retards like his gayjew son Alex. If it weren't for those Orthodox kikes fucking like rabbits, jews WOULD be finished. Allah willing, Hitler will have his revenge on them too.

>> No.55950568

That's really frustrating anon.

>> No.55951449

>accuses others of not knowing the value of hard work
>doesn't actually know the value of hard work himself
Hard work has no inherent value. If it did you'd dig a ditch and then fill it up so you can get the value of having to dig the ditch again.

Life isn't a video game where you "earn your place" by getting hard work points. Other countries understand this. They're often lazier than us but they get more shit done because they work together, and their children are richer than our children. The inability for Americans to work together will be our downfall, not our inability to work hard for personal validation.

>> No.55951478

Net wealth in a bunch of euro countries with shit salaries is higher than net average wealth in America because of this - every euro I know inherited their housing

>> No.55951559


>> No.55951658

Not a verte good bait but you got jewblasted and enranged millenials to respond...
7/10, minus 3 points for very easy subject matter

>> No.55951667

You really want to know? Okay. Answer me a simple question.

Where were you in Vietnam?

>> No.55951717

No girl should ve giving birth after 33 Jesús fucking christ

>> No.55951739
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Well for my mom and her siblings specifically it's because while my grandparents left each of them 250,000 dollars after their passing, my mom likely has a networth of about 4-6 million dollars due to taking every benefit she could get and getting some lucky rolls in life. Her big plan was apparently that somehow, I'll give her all my money when she's 90 and broke and then I can eat shit and die and work until I'm 100 while she croaks leaving me with nothing.

Basically, my experience is that boomers are just fundamentally awful and selfish people who think everything and everyone else in their family- grandparents, parents and kids- exist to make their lives easier even if their own lives are sacrificed in the process.

Why would they care what happens in 60 years anyway? They'll be dead lol. And that is their mentality.

>> No.55951809

That dude is baiting but houses are to boomers what bitcoin is to millennials. A 30yo millennial in 2012 could have dumped his meagre mcdonald's manager paycheck at the mcdicks job he got after the after effects of the 2008 recession finally subsided into bitcoin at 10 dollars and then by 2014 would have massively increased his cash from 1000 in savings to 100,000 at the top of the 2014 bullrun (give or take). If he was smart and sold he'd be sitting on more than he could make in 5 years merely working. Holding that bitcoin to 2017 he'd have 2 million dollars. That's a few years of autism and pain to go from working the night manager shift at mcdicks to being a millionaire by 35. Obviously gen xers span somewhere between "get rich off house speculation" and "get rich off crypto", since old gen xers would be closer to the boomer house moguls and young gen xers would be just a little older than the oldest millennials.

With younger millennials you see things like chainlink, or becoming a twitch streamer. Zoomers are also flipping shitcoins and becoming twitch streamers, but these aren't necessarily as stable.

Basically a house was an investment, so you're asking boomers to give you their bitcoin makeit stack for 50% off, most people would obviously say no. The reason it's bad is because it's destroyed the birthrate and family formation.

>> No.55951812

The bright side is that you have 14 extra years to make money before your 35yo zoomer girlfriend pops out your autistic kids.

>> No.55951817

Just think- the average 30yo chick now who doesn't want to settle down because she still thinks she can just change her age to 25 on tinder and continue chasing chad will be 40 and banging down the door to your bachelorpad in 10 years screeching "I NEED TO HAVE A REALLY AUTISTIC BABY, YOU FUCKIN OWE ME".

There's actually nothing wrong with it but I would say people should keep in mind that birth defects increase from 1 in a million at 20 to 1 in 100k by the early 30s, after the mid 30s this is 1 in 10k (geriatric pregnancy). If people are fine with little timmy having ADHD then that's okay. Most people grow out of it anyway.

>> No.55951824

The oldest zoomers are already 25. The real redpill is if you went to college or trade school you already slaved away your (adult) prime years and highschool made you waste your youth. After that point you're just trying to get your foot in the door, become an engineer and then when you're 30 you post on /biz/ about how you're a data scientist and everyone on /biz/ should suck your nuts.

>> No.55951831

I'm going to try being a financial manager

>> No.55951835

>They also threw me out of the house without notice because covid, and I ended up being homeless and living in a tent because of it.
You should have sued them, that wasn't legal unless it was after the eviction moratorium was over.

>> No.55951850

The reason for that is not anything noble, it's just that it costs a few hundred bucks to see concerts that boomers would have walked into for free. Kids want to live like their parents and grandparents did, I have old pictures from the 1930s of my great-grandparents hanging out at an underground club (great-grandpa was a moonshiner, he had the good stuff!). Nowadays clubs, everything like that, all the social stuff is either falling apart or gatekept or too expensive. People are literally forced to spend their limited cash just trying to have a social life.

He's correct though, one of the big problems in the depression was that poor people were being evicted from their land by the banks.

This is actually a funny post because jews like tim wise who are 75% goy will be eaten by the africans they love so much.

>> No.55951852

>the only ones affected are not rich non-retards.
This explains everything.

>> No.55951899

>limit supply
>easy money
>encourage everyone else to work harder
Boomer economics 101

>> No.55951917

USA is the synagogue of satan and has successfully destroyed the concept of "family" in its country, that's why. Move to a non-zogbot country, just don't bring your nu-merican ideals with you.

>> No.55951955

It's funny that zoning fucks up goods and services, trapping people and ending up using more welfare programs. Boomers are shooting their own foot big time.

>> No.55952008

>This is actually a funny post because jews like tim wise who are 75% goy will be eaten by the africans they love so much.
Yup. The jews were indeed assimilated in the end and now they're retards like the rest of us kek. Which is also why chinks and poos are encroaching so heavily on their power. They might as well drop their hate for yt already since it's counterproductive, but of course they're too stupid to see it.

>> No.55952044

>everyone just avoids wagie work and become gig workers living 5 30yos to a townhouse or with their parents, or get internet meme jobs like 'influencer' and 'onlyfans whore'
>boomers then convert their property to airbnbs only to find no one is renting

>> No.55952049

When you think about it, american jews are the same kind of wewuzz/my heritage retards as american whites in general (or blacks, also) are. People who are 1/4 jewish, but visited israel once, so they're dead serious about fighting 'the fascists' not realizing they're already just a fucking MUTT anyway.

>> No.55952054
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>> No.55952061

>grow up lower middle class
>finish surgery residency 6 months before the scamdemic kicks off
>finally go from making under minimum wage (look up how much a resident makes each year to how many hours we work) to making several hundred k.. finally made it
>both boomer parents decide to retire at the same time and now expect me to pay their mortgage and all expenses and vacations
>they saved absolutely fucking nothing despite working their entire lives, somehow didn't pay off a 300k house after 30 years despite having a 30 year mortage because they constantly refinance or something

i feel so fucking betrayed lads. i don't know what to do. i can't afford a fucking house where my job is and have been renting. there is no way i can ever start a family or anything. thinking about just moving to dubai or singapore to work and never talking to my family again.

>> No.55952077


also the reason i say betrayed is like, it's like my parents were secretly waiting for me to become an attending to then surprise retire and expect me to pay for everything. this is not something they ever fucking mentioned at all. like instead of being able to finally enjoy my life as an adult after spending my ENTIRE twenties suffering through medical education and training they fucking hamstring me with this shit.

>> No.55952177
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there will be technology to create human egg cells from standard DNA in 20 years, maybe 15, with all genetic defects pre-screened-for and edited out (correcting defects is far more palatable than engineering “superhumans”, is the morally correct thing to do, and will eventually have broad support amongst the general public). with this plus artificial wombs, “eggless roasties” will cease to be a thing

>> No.55952198

That's some peak boomer behavior. They live through the most prosperous times in the history of mankind, blow their money on complete bullshit, and then expect their kid who has to face way harsher circumstances to pay for everything. What. The. Fuck. I would consider going no contact, what kind of people would do this? Did they pay for any of your medical education at least?

>> No.55952231

>Did they pay for any of your medical education at least?

Lol nope. No way could they afford that. I only just paid off my loans from university (in state, public) first year as an attending. Since my med school loans have been frozen for the last few years they're just sitting there. 320k. Low these days.

>> No.55952299

I know its your parents, but if you put your emotions aside, you know this is complete bullshit and you should politely tell them to fuck off

>> No.55952301

say you can't afford it. mention your loans. then don't pay. they'll figure it out.
it also depends on how much is left on their mortgage but if its very little they could transfer the property to you and then you can finish paying it off if its a small amount. then kick them out and rent it when its paid off. offer to pay some measly rent in the ghetto for them.

>> No.55952308

to win against the boomer you must become the boomer

>> No.55952667

Student loan forgiveness is a moral hazard, it just encourages people to rack up debt in the hopes the government pays for it.
Not to mention it's retarded to pass taxpayers a 6 figure debt per person for useless or activist art/english/philosophy/gender studies degrees.
If that made any sense then it's retarded to be in any other business, might as well let me just create my own school that pays me a few million a year, that hands out degrees in racial consciousness. Who cares if it's just training activists, people took out loans, I gave them their piece of paper, and every citizen's taxes have to pay for it now. kek that's so insane and you have to be blind or up to your ass in student loan debt to think otherwise.

And yeah there's a lot of government spending waste but that doesn't mean more should be added.
The real solution is to cap interest rates on loans, and allow them to be discarded if they declare bankruptcy. That way loans will only be given to degrees that can realistically pay them off. Not everyone should go to higher education, and gatekeeping loans to people that can pay them off is a good thing.

>> No.55952752

This cope that things were only good "temporarily" in america because the rest of the world fell apart because of wars and depression is propagated everywhere and it's retarded. It wasn't some anomaly that we stopped producing and lost all our economic edge. Our elites outsourced all our industry, america could have easily continued being the world's top superpower by a long shot, becoming a completely self-sufficient powerhouse, produce everything for the world and ruled it, but instead we literally gave it to china, and all for what? So we could build this gay globalized world where everything is a race to the bottom and our main export is hollywood? where we pay china to make things for us instead of making it all ourselves with actually well paying jobs that you don't even need a degree for? by growing their economy so much that they became a superpower and a real competitor?
That is so dumb.

>> No.55952797

>Nowadays clubs, everything like that, all the social stuff is either falling apart or gatekept or too expensive. People are literally forced to spend their limited cash just trying to have a social life.
A big part of that is administrative/insurance/security bloat. Back in the good ole days you could throw together a wooden shack and host events and you'd only have to pay some materials and labor, and you'd make an easy profit selling drinks/snacks.
Nowadays you have to get permits to build, permits to sell food/alcohol, floodplain analysis, watertable analysis, architect/engineer review, inspection, building insurance, title insurance, then pay for materials and labor, then you have employee insurance, commercial insurance, pay for security, etc. And all of that just gets passed to the people that just want to go out for a night, so now we pay hundreds of dollars for every single little thing instead of just walking in.
I guess we don't have buildings collapsing or people getting screwed in accidents and suing, but fuck maybe the risk is worth it when this is the alternative.

>> No.55952820
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>you will learn nothing
Fuck off grandpa.
WW3 needed a bogeyman.
The New World Order needed WW3 to eliminate opposition. 3D printers, cryptography and steady growth of decentralization (i.e. freedom) meant that eventually the intelligentsia would be located and neutered. It's a global soap to mask a self-defensive move. It has nothing to do with muhjew and muhcuntry narratives.

>> No.55952979

spotted the jew. shalom fuckhead

>> No.55953091

everyone from the middle classes down has this retarded mentality where they believe they should spend all of the wealth they have accrued before they die rather than leaving a penny to their children.
People like Bill Gates have promoted this while themselves building "charity" funds that mean their familial wealth will continue far, far into the future.

>> No.55953118

its not boomers you fkn idiot, its this new woke mentally, boomers respect wealth

>> No.55953145

>Place in the world
You mean paying taxes to pedophile Jews, that push the idea that having a white country is a big nono. Yeah, fuck off.

>> No.55953182

>this is stale copypasta
>don't reply, every generation needs to write their own posts and shouldn't reuse perfectly good posts from the past

>> No.55953272
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>You think you learn from this if you buy bitcoins and get rich because someone else buys them later for a higher price?

No I think I'll make money.
You can still do stuff in life that isn't working 40 hours a week in a factory and learn life lessons. That time could be spent writing, volunteering, whatever you want.

The idea that the only way to participate in the world and get real world experience is by making someone else money is stupid.

Truly fucked how people on this site will defend working as this innate human need to the point where they act like they would still go to work tomorrow if they had 10 million in their bank account.

>> No.55953417

The world today; Go to college, get tossed out deep in debt. The shit you payed all that money to learn a big part of it you'll never actually use in the "real world". Get a house/apt/condo. The debt hole grows deeper. Get a car: your fucked on that to, either pay out the ass now for a decent one or pay out the ass later due to high mileage and maybe hidden issues waiting to come to light after you buy it. Can't save for retirement cause meh debt payments and other bills suck all your money. So you end up fucking yourself in the future just so you can survive in the present. Add to this; most young people are fucking retarded anymore who can't do nothing unless the "phone" tells them how.

>> No.55953451

Investing is a multigenerational endeavor, i reckon most of you would live better lives paycheck to paycheck financing all your toys. Also a majority of wealth is squandered after 3 generations anyways. Very few get to the point where they have enough money abd power to last 10 generations

>> No.55953462

It's simply because boomers are stingy, entitled and greedy. Next question.

>> No.55953559

Very much this. The t.v. indoctrinated them in the 50s and 60s. Then the 70s came and they saw inflation spikes for the first time while being told they are the "me generation". All about them, me me me!!! Then the 80s came and they witnessed another round of record inflation. This time the message to boomers was "greed is good" and you should be somewhat greedy. All of this social conditioning is showing its ugly head in today's time. My boomer parents can't figure out why I don't give a shit about a nice new debt car or debt house or any of the "keeping up with the Jonses" shit they spent their entire lives chasing. It's perplexing to them. Their social conditioning tells them there is something wrong with me for not wanting what they wanted.

>> No.55953560


>> No.55953687

Lol most immigrants are welfare sponges anon. We need to send them back to where they belong

>> No.55953880

So let me get this straight, you want to live frugally and save up to 1 million dollars by the time your 50-60 then what? At that age u dont got the energy to enjoy your lifes work. Perhaps
Your kids will thank you if you have any. Need i remind you your not taking any of that to the afterlife.

>> No.55954050

What the actual fick lol

>> No.55954302

not korean or vietnamese ones for example

>> No.55954469

what are you even trying to say
are you going to tell me everyone is better off having borgias, fuggers, rothschilds, medicis, komemnoi, etc?

nah I'm fine with wealth dissipating by the third generation, thanks

>> No.55954476

I am saying that if you look in Europe VS US from a generational wealth perspective, in Europe they are way better at it and that should be learnt from

>> No.55954492

Are most immigrant korean or vietnamese? no, they are mexicans and niggers. they don't work.

>> No.55954533
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People think there's virtue in suffering. You're suffering actually means nothing.

>> No.55954843

And yet you still somehow have the need to bash us office Chads. I make anywhere from 2500-3000€ net a month in eastern Europe while I don't even get up from bed on home office days. I don't feel any obligation to perform for my employer, I do my work right but I do the bare minimum.

>> No.55954973

Student loans will never be forgiven as they are an investment opportunity for the nosen and the government gets to double or triple dip via SLABS. Only taxpayer funded student loans should be forgiven as they were already paid via taxes, and those should both be significantly harder to obtain and guarantee career placement within the field of study.

>> No.55954980

they are against anything that doesn't directly benefit them.
they are nihilists.
for them life is just them alive, everyone else is a picture of someone, even their own children

>> No.55954992


>> No.55955186

Yeah and all that shit is because of boomers like I said. Boomers had their parties, then realized they could fleece you for fees when they got into their 40s and were no longer interested in hanging out with gen x kids (except for whatever the fuck happened at Woodstock 1999).

>> No.55955208

They won't figure it out, boomers are just entitled faggots like that.