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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 709 KB, 680x549, F4XRf97XMAAF3q9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55945461 No.55945461 [Reply] [Original]

Why is shrinkflation allowed? You're getting less for a bigger price yet the addictive nature of the products these businesses sell made it so the preprogrammed merchant lover lowest common denominators just keep buying them without having absolutely no issues of being literally robbed

>> No.55945473


have you tried not being a fat fuck?

>> No.55945503
File: 426 KB, 1542x2048, F4Q_mbjbcAEaLsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's present in a wide variety of products, you shit smelling tanned fuck

>> No.55945544

Its allowed because its the logical conclusion of capitalism. Exploiting your consumers for profit and turning them as cultists

>> No.55945593



>> No.55945597
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They did it with cat food too, the pouches are now 85g instead of 100g and still cost more

>> No.55945679

>yet the addictive nature of the products
You're such a faggot.

>> No.55945682

>you shit smelling tanned fuck
White boys are the most annoying people.
Just constantly throwing a hissy fit.
Tanned skin is the best.

>> No.55945684

>Having a fur ball.
>Having a fur ball that costs you money.
You deserve it.

>> No.55945693

poo skin master race

>> No.55945704

Imagine waking up each day looking like a big pile of shit but you can't wash it off your skin. That is your life. You probably smell like shit as well which is typical of your trash people.

>> No.55945712

Where's the shrinking part?
Are the cars smaller so they won't fit into the tracks anymore?

>> No.55945721

Bros I'm so hungry stop posting this >>55945461

>> No.55945780
File: 316 KB, 1080x795, You're Bretty Gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of all the candy bars available snickers is actually pretty based. If you enter the woods and find snickers wrappers stuffed inside an empty cigarette pack you are already dead

>> No.55945907
File: 293 KB, 1500x1214, 81eGy28QhQL-255388542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never smell good.
It used to be 9 pack

>> No.55945916
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Your grandkids will probably be brown lmao

>> No.55946131

>hot wheels 8pk used to have 10 cars
Only 90's kids will remember.

>> No.55946269

>work wage job in bar
>last year, soft drinks went from 220ml to 200ml
>price went from €3.40 to, just recently, €3.60
>a small Red Bull costs €5.40
>standard pint of beer was €5.60, then €5.90, now €6.20
>pint of premium beer costs about €7.50
>people still come and get absolutely shitfaced every night, with seemingly no end to their funds
How do normalfags do it?

>> No.55946321


>> No.55946331
File: 2.94 MB, 960x518, ChocolateRation.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55946337

>without having no issues
>double negation
Henlo ESL subhuman

>> No.55946347

>Why is shrinkflation allowed?

>> No.55946359

This. It's the only logical answer. Capitalism exists to extract maximum profit at any costs. If they could legally get away with it, tthey'd feed you saw dust covered in a thin trickle of some cancer causing chocolate tasting synthetic solution and charge you $100 per bite.

>> No.55946362

Who gives a shit, if you're buying products like this you deserve to get scalped.
Learn to dumpsterdive

>> No.55946369

Wage job opposed to what other job?

>> No.55946454

Meant to type wagie, indicating just how completely shit-tier it is.

>> No.55946468

Name another way to create wealth than using capital.
You sound like a retard.
Bad people is what you have a problem with.
Saying "capitalist" lumps in literal waitresses with large tiddies with Bill Gates.

>> No.55946474

Name another way to produce wealth without using capital.
I'll wait.
Blithering retards.

>> No.55946540

It's the logical conclusion of fiat money.

>> No.55946576

worse than shrinking sizes is the increased nonsense fill
you end up eating less and less actual food because it's cheaper for them to give you plastic and sawdust than real food

>> No.55946590

The fact that you use this as an insult speaks volumes

>> No.55946595

They should make sharing bags of chocolate illegal and shrink chocolate bars even more so that it never exceeds 200 calories

People buy sharing bags to eat themselves and rarely actually share

>> No.55946700

He is lord resident mouse killer and has been employed almost a decade. Living next to a railway it's almost a necessity

>> No.55947719

What country, city? Fuck me i wouldnt pay 6€ for a beer, let alone 8

>> No.55947723

dance and drink and screw, coz there's nothing else to do

>> No.55948188
File: 81 KB, 851x652, 1676217767992191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the official inflation numbers take shrinkflation into account? Like the Snickers bar weighing less? Or canned goods with changes to their nutritional composition?
>$1.00 to $1.25, 25% inflation
>$1.00 for 50g, $20/kg
>$1.25 for 44g, $28.41/kg
>42% inflation

>> No.55948235

Your insult is that his grandchildren will have the same skin color as yours? Have you thought that through?

>> No.55948237

This, imagine still buying candies after 10 years old

>> No.55948307

It's not that capital is bad, It's the way capital is controlled and distributed.
Marx believed that Revolution was both fundamentally essential and inevitable to the progress of human society. He anticipated that eventually the workers of the world would realize they ‘have nothing to lose but their chains’ and revolt against the industrialists and capitalists who covertly controlled their lives. Capitalism creates the conditions for revolution, conditions which include (among other things) exploitation of the proletariat.

>> No.55948336

It's a good question I want to know also

>> No.55948422

'When Marx affirms that humanity only sets itself problems that it can solve, he is simultaneously demonstrating that the germ of the solution of the revolutionary problem is to be found, in principle, in the capitalist system itself.
THEREFORE he recommends tolerating the bourgeios State, and even helping to build it, rather than returning to a less industrialised form of production'.
- L'Homme révolté

>> No.55948465

'It is not in the nature of economics, according to Marx, to make leaps in the dark and it MUST NOT be encouraged to gallop ahead.
It is completely false to say that the socialist reformers remained faithful to Marx on this point.
On the contrary, fatalism excludes all reforms, in that there would be a risk of mitigating the catastrophic aspect of the outcome. The logic of such an attitude leads to the approval of everything that tends to increase working-class poverty.
The worker must be given nothing so that one day can have everything'.
- L'Homme révolté

>> No.55948490

'Prophecy [communism] functions on a very long-term basis and has, as one of its properties, a characteristic which is the very source of strength of all religions: the impossibility of proof'.
- L'Homme révolté

>> No.55948499

'We can admit that economic determination plays a highly important role in the genesis of human thoughts and actions without draw-ing the conclusions, as Marx does, that the German rebellion against Napoleon is explain'd only by the lack of sugar and coffee'.
- L'Homme révolté

>> No.55948518

'According to the revolutionary [Marxist] interpreters of [Hegel's] the "Phenomenology" there will be no art in reconcil'd society.
Beauty will be lived and no longer imagined'.
- L'Homme révolté

>> No.55948633
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>Price has stayed the same or gone up a little

fuck these jews

>> No.55948657

luv them purple ones, me

>> No.55948667

candy clipping kek

>> No.55948674

for me its the triangle ones

>> No.55948689

noice lad, share a tin with ya any day m8 cheers fella

>> No.55948700

hot take, shrinkflation has some positives because many eating disorders are from the psychology of eating another chocolate bar, not of eating exactly 50g of chocolate bar. so that shit makes you at least a little healthier

>> No.55948729

obese people just buy more

>> No.55948732

>The government should regulate the size of snickers bars

>> No.55948889

honestly lol'd, thanks

>> No.55948920

>they ignored him because he told the truth
More snickers mass for me plebeians

>> No.55948936
File: 63 KB, 680x940, Reddit NPC Soyjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shrinkflation is a good thing and here's why!

>> No.55948984


>> No.55949032

>I'll gladly drink micro plastics and ruin the planet if it means I can be slightly richer.
All you did was prove my point.

>> No.55949267


>> No.55949275

>addictive nature of the products
kek, americans are not human

>> No.55949398

Because no matter how many times retards say "muh capitalism" and "muh greedflation," the money supply is irrevocably fucked now. It's not a feature of capitalism, it's a feature of fiat
>tthey'd feed you saw dust covered in a thin trickle of some cancer causing chocolate tasting synthetic solution and charge you $100 per bite.
I know anti-capitalists are retards but literally the reason why food purity laws were enacted isn't because people were being malnourished and poisoned, it's because angry mobs kept killing millers that mixed sawdust into flour and butchers that sold rotten meat, and that was a problem for the government's monopoly on violence.

Look up how millers and bakers were treated in medieval and even mercantile-capitalist societies. Oh but you won't, because if you don't stay purposefully ignorant your views might change.

>> No.55949419
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Gotta send some more billions to the Ukraine, kid

>> No.55949430

they should just inflate the price and keep the size the same to offset the fixed costs associated with manufacturing the product. shrinkflation is extremely jewish.

>> No.55950083

Unreal, makes my blood boil

>> No.55950284

You can't have infinite on a finite planet, so they skimp you to keep that growth going at all costs.

>> No.55950414

Imagine what will happen when we hit terminal shrinkflation and they can't realistically shrink products anymore. I'm going to assume the quality of all products will degrade and we will be eating gruel and revert to like 1990's tier consumer electronics. Eventually the shelves will just be empty.

>> No.55950445

Shrinkflation applies to every product you retard simp for mega corps

>> No.55950465

>Why is shrinkflation allowed?
muh free market!
gubment bad!
muh shareholders!

>> No.55951706
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>Snickers Index
>Lines up with double digit inflation vs whatever the bullshit the Fed says

>> No.55952996
File: 75 KB, 641x527, 1691534886488785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the supermarket here they did shrink-skimpflation, replaced 310g frozen basa fillets with 250g of another cheaper fish, and the price is exactly the same.
Mad as hell

>> No.55953190


chocolate itself doesn't make you fat.

beef, potatoes, corn and bread will however will

>> No.55953197

>telling a brown person to think

>> No.55953401

checked you know they don't.

>> No.55953452

>>I'll gladly drink micro plastics and ruin the planet if it means I can be slightly richer.

you can easily avoid this by just filtering your own water and recycling but that's too much work for you big boy

>> No.55953787

i bought a tastey organic watermelon and its the same size from 100 years ago

>> No.55953890

The boxes of cereal and bags of chips being, without exaggeration, half air is legitimately false advertising and pragmatically bad environmental and logistical waste. Not that goyslop isn’t already a problem by itself but corn and dot subsidies are a separate issue.

>> No.55954081

The air is so the stuff inside doesn't get smacked into crumbs, numbnuts.
It's not false advertising because air doesn't weigh anything in the 100g of chips you've bought.

How you managed to even turn on a computer is amazing.

>> No.55954249

>Government literally working hand in hand with central banks to transfer trillions of dollars of wealth
>free market
lol. LMAO even

>> No.55954331

thats not chocolate, thats sugar sprinkled with some cocoa dust powder and some peanuts. real chocolate is a gift from gods

>> No.55954947

Having the government micromanage what the "correct" size for all the assorted consumable products that are out there would be an annoying bureaucratic mess. Plus it would stifle the creation of new sorts of products, if you had to get a government group to sign off on what the "correct" size should be before it is sold.

Products are already required to list the actual measurements (usually weight for food, of course some stuff is sold by volume or other measurements) of the product, so people already have an objective measure to see how much they are getting. That is much simpler and cheaper to enforce.

Of course, the real solution is to fix inflation itself, and not have central banks that can magic money into existence. With a stable currency manufactures would find it cheaper to keep their products the same, unless genuine market changes impacted a product.

>> No.55955238

Very good case for people trying to doom post about inflation.

Almost all the goods going through shrinkflation are non-essential junk. Things like a snickers bar won't sustain the humon body the same way protein and bread would.

If anything. Be a smarter consumer, stop buying shit you don't need, start living life like a miser and wait for the crash.

Save and don't spend. Treat the inflation like a recession, and treat the recession like it's inflation.

>> No.55955362
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Theyre already starting to price food by the gram, like buying some food has turned into a drug deal.
>Let me get a dub of almonds