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55941402 No.55941402 [Reply] [Original]

Hello and greetings.
I made this thread yesterday
>be me
>10 years professional experience
>Bachelors degree
>certified public accountant (US equivalent of Chartered Accountant)
I can get far enough to get a face to face interview then I inevitably face plant and do not get the job. I am currently employed but I do not make enough money to live comfortably and I want to increase my salary by $1-2k per month.
How do I get through the interview?
>t cursed INTJ
Also I realize I am asking for advice. /adv/ thought you chuds could help
Jannies please don’t delete this as it is tangentially business related since I am a CPA (albeit a cursed one)

>> No.55941450

learn to answer interview questions the right way. they're always the same

>> No.55941498

Drugs. Advil fights my anxiety idk why.

Writing down a rough outline of how you want it to go, answer questions you'd ask yourself. Write down all your pros and cons. Turn your cons into pros.

>> No.55941505

I remember jacking my penis to her video 15 years ago

>> No.55941530

she doesn't have nudes

>> No.55941550

Why is cone head doing the autistic roman salute?

>> No.55941560

J'ai la peau douce...
Dans mon bain de mousse...

>> No.55941668

This is not a bad idea. I might pop some herbal supps before the interview on Tuesday. I’ve got some holy basil left, that helps if used in moderation

>> No.55941678

Why does 10 years of experience, 4 years of college, and successful completion of a professional certification mean less than a one hour conversation where everyone is nervous? I hate what HR roasties have done to the workplace

>> No.55941681

pain killers make you become stronger
thats why my dad's grandma always gave him opium kek

>> No.55941929

If I lose my current job I'm not getting another one. Being homeless is less trouble than this bullshit.

>> No.55942022

I hear you.. unfortunately I am basically stuck since I have a family to support. If I were single I’d probably look into living in a camper in the backwoods. Maybe work occasionally or steal. It’s not worth dealing with roasties and numales

>> No.55942216

I have an interview next week for a financial management type of position. If I don’t get that job, I’m going to stop looking for awhile.
It’s over

>> No.55942677

Tylenol has been proven to significantly lower your emotional aversion to risk

>> No.55942741

Holy shit you just reminded me anon. When I did a full day onsite interview that I passed, I took advil a couple of times throughout the day. It does help. Kind of like the other anon said about Tylenol, there is some research that ibuprofen reduces negative feelings from rejection, maybe it has other properties that help with performance anxiety.

>> No.55942781

because anyone can get those credentials if they sign up. I want to make sure you're not an asshole loser before I hire you.

btw if you're actually trying to answer these questions truthfully instead of demonstrating that you know how to read a social situation you're going to have a bad time.

> so anon can you tell us about the time you had a difficult boss?

> yeah this guy was straight up retarded. he didn't know how to open PDFs. he kept asking me to do multiple conflicting things. I got so fed up I quit, and that's why I'm here

WRONG answer.

> yes it was a challenge because we often had different priorities and values. for example, he often didn't want to use technological solutions. of course I talked to him about our different approaches and we reached a compromise that would work for both of us

>> No.55943064

>Just spew shit from your mouth.
No, I don't think I will.

>> No.55943325

stay poor and unemployed and bitter about how many degrees you have

>> No.55943374

> because anyone can get those credentials if they sign up
Stopped reading right there. You are terminally retarded

>> No.55943483

So you basically want people to lie to you?

>> No.55943775

Not this anon but for "personality" questions like this they have basically no way to tell whether or not you're larping so you might as well fluff yourself up to look like the best wagie you can be so you can get the job and use the skills that actually pertain to the job. Those questions are just there to filter out terminal autists

>> No.55943800

Gawd I love french women.

>> No.55943826

This. OP you need to rub one out before the interview

>> No.55943895

I want people who can identify social cues and get the job done.

>> No.55943906

Are you seriously going to argue there is merit to your accounting degree? btw this is why women love credentialed fields. they don't show their value through competing but through checking boxes

>> No.55943946

The merit is in the CPA credential, manlet.

>> No.55943978
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doesn't it also cause a whole bunch of other problems?

>> No.55944103

you are delusional

>> No.55944119


>> No.55944154

Same situation anon. Have 8+ years of very relevant experience. Had two really good interviews (I thought). Used STAR method to perfection to answer all the questions and tried to make friendly banter / small talk. Half the new company hired from my old company, so I know a dozen people.

Get to the interview. Disinterested director, barely paying attention. Follows every single question I answer with "hmm ok, next question". End up getting rejected. I'm convinced these faggot companies have quotas to meet for interviews and have no real intention of hiring good candidates. Fuck all of them.

>> No.55944398


>> No.55944441

I’ve had around a dozen face to face interviews where I didn’t get the job. Pretty much seen it all including the roastie who took one look at me and all but rolled her eyes. I’m getting frustrated because the weakest part of my portfolio (face to face interview) is vastly overshadowing my strongest parts
My plan for the interview next week is to pop a Calm Aid and take some holy basil. Calm Aid is concentrated lavender and it’s basically like popping a Xanax
Next week is the biggest interview of my life. If I get the job it will not only solve my financial problems but will be an “echelon jump” into the next strata of management, setting me up for a director level position in the future.
It’s all so tiresome… I just wanted to grill

>> No.55944609

Best luck to you anon. Hope we both land our dream spots. wagmi