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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55938153 No.55938153 [Reply] [Original]

>start work at a furniture company
>So, how often do you guys refresh your furniture? Once every two years or so?
>cricket chirp...
>*raises hand*
>"I just get stuff at goodwill when I see it."
>...alright, well, we've been in business for...

>> No.55938175

it's insane how mentally ill gen x and boomers will waste thousands a year on the dumbest shit. new cars every few years, new furniture every few years, five figure home remodels every 5-10 years, multiple vacations a year. between consoomerism, antidepressants, and 16 hours a day of talmudvision, their brains are beyond fried and it's all a frantic grasp at straws to feel ANYTHING.

>> No.55938197

It's that and the disconnect. Like, I get you know your life but are you so fucking boxxed in that you think new hires on the ground floor of your company buy new furniture?
"If I could buy new furniture every two years, I wouldn't be here, lmao."

>> No.55938218


That is actually pretty funny. Whole different world out there where people will walk into a car lot to buy a big NEW truck for 60k, then walk to the furniture store and buy 10k of NEW Furniture, then put it all next to their 400k NEW house.

Need like 400k in assets to be lower middle class.

>> No.55938237

yeah that too. i remember working a $57k/year entry level job at a """BIG 4"""" accounting firm. the $700k/year audit partner was bragging to us non-partner serfs about buying a new pool that she didn't really want, but her husband wanted. it was a $50k pool, or nearly my entire pre tax salary.

>> No.55938490
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I've been spending big effort reigning in my boomer parents' spending habits. They did the whole new car every 3 years, furniture, etc. I kept complaining that we were always 1 bad day away from not being able to make mortgage repayments and spent a full year trying to get my dad to understand how interest works, they are finally slowing their purchases down and we immediately have breathing room. Tbh it feels like an entire generation of brainwashing making them spend extra money as soon as they get it and they are only just having the veil ripped from their eyes.

>> No.55938569

They were brain washed. The TV is is the biggest psyop to ever be conceived

>> No.55938842

>Two years
Damn seriously? From 18-32 all my furniture was shit I found on the side of the road. I'd have to periodically reinforce my kitchen table and chairs with pieces of pallet wood and screws that I stole from work. When I bought a house I splurged on a nice couch and king sized bed but all my other shit I bought used it got for free from relatives.

>> No.55938913

When they were young, they had the option of walking into any business, giving the manager a firm handshake, and getting a new job.

>> No.55938922
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My grandma said I need to buy a house now and if I only knew what she knew. I tried explaining how a 700k house with current interest would be over my pretax salary. She kept repeating if I only knew what she knew. And how I am never going to get ahead

Thanks grandma

>> No.55938926
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at least take time to photoshop something like pic rel before making a shitty larp

>> No.55938948

She’s a lead brained boomer you can’t expect to learn anything from them

>> No.55938956

>refresh your furniture
What does that even mean?
I expect any furniture you sell me to last for the rest of my life.
Otherwise I'd just go to IKEA.

>> No.55938961

why cant she just share what she knows...

>> No.55939022

Cuz boomers be boomering

>> No.55939036 [DELETED] 

I just bought a $48k Honda Ridgeline cause i want one. I don't care how much i get for my current truck. And i built a $2500 having pc. And i got a new water heater because my old one is due to be replaced. It's good to have a good job

>> No.55939055

I used to work at ikea and it was actually a really nice workplace

>> No.55939089

did you buy the ridgeline with cash?

>> No.55939099

And that’s why you get the retard alpha personalities running upper management, board directors, and ceo. All it takes is one wrong decision, and the entire company blows up. Then these fucks implode their bank accounts. The fall is faster than the climb, and they greet all the people they stepped on the way up on the way back down.

>> No.55939113
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>> No.55939142

>likely took out a loan
>likely barely over the 6 figures threshold
>compares himself against a person in a story who is actually rich and bought a $50k pool with cash

>> No.55939150

My grandma was bragging to me how her day worked a bottom of barrel job making $5/hr and had a home and supported a family and that we are spoiled because we spend all our money on technology and a car.
I told her that $5 back then was equivalent to over $50 now, and that a couple years salary back then would be enough to pay for a home whereas now it’s 20+ years

>> No.55939175
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It's because of this kind of thing that I end up being the one who doesn't talk, although I have a problem, I've been using my salary for things like duck race, and while others think I use it for drugs, I can't be fired for speculation, can I?

>> No.55939183

It's the same thing with you though but it's Starbucks coffees, funko pop and worthless shitcoins.

>> No.55939196

That's pretty reasonable. Your responsibility is to help the company make money, getting an income is the reward for doing so. That answer would be suitable if you were running your own business.

>> No.55939198

5$ was 5 silver eagles which is more than 150$

>> No.55939207

how much was that water heater + labor?

>> No.55939232

actually a large chunk of my income goes toward railing your dad's asshole while your mom sucks my toes

>> No.55939259

what was the cunt's reaction?

>> No.55939276

went to the polls and voted future gens future to thirdies

>> No.55939615

she knows that housing number only goes up

>> No.55940155

>listening to women
In one ear etc etc

>> No.55940471

I'm a junk man. I sell junk. And let me tell you, boomers LOVE to pay 200-300USD a month on storing the shittiest of shitty furniture, I'm talking grandmas moldy hutch, 14 chairs and three dinning room tables. Oh, and add great Gretas old travel trunk collection too. They have so much money it really makes me sad. Heard a boomer complaining about how his cable bill, between two houses, was 300 dollars a month. Like fuck. Boomers just hate money

>> No.55940510

I think it's mostly women.

>> No.55940691

You should have just said:
>"The groundskeeper remodels the house quarterly."
And see what happens.

>> No.55941314

It's Ashley.
...because of course it is.

>> No.55941756

It's because most 'furniture' stores sell china bug man couches which are literal garbage that fall apart in a year plus zoom zooms constantly need to CONSOOOOOOM and redecorate because they have no purpose.

>> No.55943066
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>women who nag their husbands to buy them new cushions and the demoralized man accepts.

>> No.55943412

Don’t know how people have the balls to do this. How can people just walk into a dealership and think theyre not going to get outright scammed. Or don’t realize they’re 1 bad set of events from losing everything being bankrupt.

I have no debt to my name and 120k NW at 28. I feel like I’m poor as fuck and often do OMAD because fast food has gotten so insanely expensive. Shits fucked only difference is niggers with no impulse control are going to be so fucked in the next couple of years. It unironically only gets harder from here on out and the majority of people (the consuming sheep) are blatantly and blissfully unaware.

>> No.55943521

Precisely once.
Say it with me

[spoiler]except I will be getting fat guy couches unless they make good looking AND comfy couches]

>> No.55944798
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I'm sorry you feel this pain.
t. wizard, we got it all.

>> No.55945032

Yes, like that.

>> No.55946291

>I have no debt to my name and 120k NW at 28
Doing better than most ever will, especially on that debt part.

>> No.55946314

Only retards group behaviors like this into generations. In case you don't understand what I mean, I'm calling you a fucking retard. Not all millenials or zoomers, but YOU specifically.

>> No.55946351

>Damn seriously? From 18-32 all my furniture was shit I found on the side of the road
Do americans really?