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55937308 No.55937308 [Reply] [Original]

how will gen z afford houses?

>> No.55937314

I'm waiting till they get cheaper.

>> No.55937319

Great depression 2 will greatly reduce the prices

>> No.55937332


Look at the demographics of Ukraine, when the war is over , there's going to be so much less young people to buy homes.

>> No.55937378

They don't.
About half are gay.
About half are white.
There's no point them living anyway.

>> No.55937383


>> No.55937388

>don't need commieblock apartments if you just cram 5 people in every studio
Boomers win again

>> No.55937394
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We won't, ever.

>> No.55937436

What part of
>you will own NOTHING
did you not understand?
They want to TOTALLY control the population.
TOTALLY, all aspects of life. Living, shitting, fucking, they want to make money on everything we do.
We won’t even own our money thanks to CBDCs, let alone a house
>it’s not different this time
It is, because BlackRock and their plan is known
Larry Fink and his ideal to “force behaviour” it’s what’s funding BlackRock to buy assets, give them for rent and book a profit for their investors (aside from Aladdin). Esentially, supoorters of the “current trend” (whatever it is) are pricing themselves out of homes.
Troons are a product, for them to have roids they need public money to go into big pharma corpos because transitioning is free (in some cases, for now). Big pharma pumps money into BlackRock, ehich does what I’ve told you.
Supoorting lgbtq => pricing yourself out of housing. Don’t even need to do that, it’s already done deal.
Also, troons are the first step towards actual transhumanism (since body mods didn’t take that much traction). First step towards integrating humans with each other (i.e. internet of humans), and sending personal data (yes, not even the bpm of your heart will be yours) to massive DBs for a highly advanced AI to take into account and model people either through their future chip or through their phones.
Humans will be “optimized” to be glorified cattle. Dumbed down and literally powerless to rise against the system.
Monetized on every step.
Worship the AI, and you’ll be part of the “system”. Don’t, and you won’t be able to live.
Through transhumanism, some that are alive today, might live to see immortality through fully integrating biological systems with man made eectronical systems.
Screencap or remember this, we’re in the end times.
Turn to Jesus Christ.

>> No.55937448
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>> No.55937487

>Turn to Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ = The Sun
God = Your brain
use ur fkn brane bro rofl the bible is an allegory and taken literally by retards, the virtues it teaches are however accurate

>> No.55937536

Globalism rotted tour brain
we’re beyond capitalism/socialism/communism.
I don’t have time to post sources and the whole theory back to back, all financial issues that we have today are all interconnected
And goes back to worshipping money (Mamon). Going against YHWH’s teaching is sin, but it’s profitable today, and will be even more going forward.
The tech behind XRP is part of it, same for LINK, same for ISO20022
Globalism will fail without their “god”, that will solve all of their problems, which is The AI
The system will seem flawed, until “it” will shed it’s skin and be seen as the fake messiah “it” is
Humans will seek death, but it will evade them

>> No.55937546

Hard to unsee this shit. Makes me not want to have kids. Our parents grew up in the wild west of tech. Must have been fun for sure. All this hope and fun around tech.

Now I just see new tech and how it will abuse us.

>> No.55937549

>First step towards integrating humans with each other (i.e. internet of humans), and sending personal data (yes, not even the bpm of your heart will be yours) to massive DBs for a highly advanced AI to take into account and model people either through their future chip or through their phones.
This is where it started to get a little fantastical and retarded. Everything beforehand is 100% correct and is happening as we speak if it hasn't already happened

>> No.55937552
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This but they will encourage fucking, however they will sterilize everyone at birth and all human reproduction will be handled by the state through artificial means. No parents means no intergenerational ideological contamination.

>> No.55937572

maybe for today

>> No.55937578

not sure if bot or schizo
>inb4 dur if you think what I said is schizo then youve already lost the war for humanity blah blah
no, you are schizo because you are socially retarded

>> No.55937590

That would be autism

>> No.55937607

They wont, the western world and in particular America isn't going to last more than 5 years.

>> No.55937611

By paying attention in school

>> No.55937622

Yes, it is fantastical for today. You're not going to convince people by talking about shit that MIGHT happen 70yrs from now dude, focus on what's occurring right fucking now in front of our eyes. We are at war with pure evil

>> No.55937692

By today’s definition, I’d be a “schizo”
People simply refuse to take things in context
Revelation is playing out in front of our eyes

>> No.55937698

What makes you think they will? More and more people are foighting over fewer resources.

>> No.55937717

Its both. He just wanted to continue yabbering about his One World Government talking points with 0 acknowledgement of anything mentioned outside of that.

>> No.55938111

>run out
Ngmi, keep believing the peak oil, droughts, globohomo warming is real.
Inb4 a faggot screeching appeals to authorities

>> No.55938212

they will rent or live in the pod

>> No.55938312

the us will just accept more immigrants though
birthrates in america were below replacement levels since the 70s

>> No.55938528
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they won't, they are doomed to live in deplorable apartments, I mean, they haven't done anything yet, seems like a fair deal to me until the boomers finish their life cycle in solitude, although I see a dirty move by the 2 wanting to avoid things like that by using x.com, or any other shitcoin

>> No.55940252
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who the fuck cares

worst generation ever to exist

>> No.55940265

>how will gen z afford houses?
That's the best part.
They won't.

>> No.55940491

Finding a job where I can work from home and leaving the US.

>> No.55940502

>About half are gay.
>About half are white.
Most gay ones are white, the non white ones are just gonna leave the US.

>> No.55940516

I'd still rather have a million dollars than a house.

>> No.55940524

That's the neat part: they won't.

>> No.55940543

>No parents means no intergenerational ideological contamination.

>> No.55940550

Yes, get gud in school scrub.

>> No.55940562

A house is just a really big pod.

>> No.55940700
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Rate my life plan:
>only child
>wait for parents to die
>inherit farm + condo
>build house on farm
>collect rent from condo
>shitpost + tendies until I die
Any flaws?

>> No.55940717

Yes but the flip side will be 30% interests rates. Only people with hordes of cash that pay in full will be able to buy which will just be the Jewish elite scooping up all the assets for Pennie’s on the dollar.

This is what they always do, bullrun sell the top and then buy assets at bottom

>> No.55940745

Immortal God like space Jews and the rest of us cattle, I bet they just genocide us all in the most brutal of ways for fun like they did during Bolshevik revolution when us goyim are no longer needed.
Shit is dark

>> No.55940780

>inherit farm + condo
Who says you're getting those? You wouldn't be the first person to find out that your boomer parents didn't leave anything for you

>> No.55940801

Sorry we don't want to talk to you, old people are lame, fr fr.

>> No.55940862

>>wait for parents to die
you're a shitty excuse for a son

>> No.55940978
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BlackRock matters.

>> No.55942906

>parents sell everything before dying

>> No.55942963

bro if you are a millennial and don't have a house by now, you're a fucking idiot and deserve destitution. you had your last chance during covid, but you got greedy and missed out. zoomers are the ones that are truly fucked.

>> No.55943033

Boomers will have to sell their houses to pay for medical expenses, rather than leave the houses to their descendants.

Generational Wealth will no longer exist.

>> No.55943157

That is horrifying. The poor babies growing up without parents, crying all day. Then growing up completely alone without kids of their own. Then the state could threaten to genocide humanity if they rebel. However I seriously doubt they would sterilize themselves. But I believe in God so I don’t think he will let his creation be degraded like this. When they threaten to genocide humanity nurses and doctors would risk their lives and lie to the operators when they’re letting these kids go unharmed. At some point he will step in. If you don’t believe in God then idk what to tell you.

>> No.55943181

Yea but if it weren’t for welfare and forced charity and Americans were truly allowed to fight their invaders then there would be prosperity for americans. The lack of fighting and just giving away of resources here is the issue. Fighting isn’t even really necessary besides the bare minimum right now.

>> No.55943187

The real answer is who is giving away your resources to negros like they’re baby birds. J’s

>> No.55943501

Housing Crisis Response Act of 2023 could help with the ongoing crisis, but republicans won't vote for it so they'll probably never be able to afford a home. The standard is probably going to be 4 people splitting 2 bedroom apartments.

>> No.55943526

Exactly look to canada they have triple bunk beds per room in 2 bed condos. For their sfhs they have 10+ people living in them beds essentially just scattered around on free space

>> No.55943572

sucking millenium dick after they inherit their boomer parents' house

>> No.55943753
File: 785 KB, 1024x848, MugShotClubTrump5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you gotten your Mugshot.Club yet anon?

>> No.55943788
File: 258 KB, 389x681, MugShotClubTrump6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mugshot.Club is going to sky rocket, this is gonna be the next pepe

>> No.55943820
File: 559 KB, 749x739, MugShotClubTrump7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last night i was just thinking someone should make this, nigga opened /biz/ and here it is. Mugshot.Club is gonna pump hard

>> No.55943830

lets go


Don't mind if I do niggers

>> No.55943913
File: 118 KB, 832x710, MugShotClubTrump15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trump mugshot nfts and uncensored version of OpenSea, I'm thinking we are back. Mugshot.Club anon...yw

>> No.55944102
File: 122 KB, 832x710, MugShotClubTrump16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me more about Mugshot.Club

>> No.55944261
File: 123 KB, 970x601, MugShotClubTrump17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mugshot.Club is sendy asf

>> No.55944286

Be successful. Unfortunately bagging groceries isn't going to cut it anymore.

>> No.55944300

>how will gen x afford houses?
>how will gen y afford houses?
>how will gen z afford houses?
Coming to a timeline near you
>how will gen alpha afford apartments?
>how will gen beta afford apartments?
>how will gen capa afford apartments?
>how will gen omega afford pods?

>> No.55944406
File: 214 KB, 389x681, MugShotClubTrump18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro im king of america give me them divvvvvvies bitchhhhh

>> No.55944461
File: 81 KB, 750x898, IMG_2173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, listen up zoomers. I'm about to tell you a secret that can help you out financially and allow you to afford your own home. Literally just work as a mailman or any job at your city's utility companies and work there for 10 years. That's it. That's all the time you have to put in to work and you'll be able to claim full federal retirement benefits. If you're 18, you can basically retire in your 30's and max out your income by claiming retirement benefits AND staying in the workforce to build up your retirement portfolios like Roth 401k, fully retire when you turn 63, claiming social security income, federal retirement income and retirement benefits from your company's retirement benefit plan. This is financial advice. Don't be stupid. You just need to work for at least 10 years in the federal sector.

>> No.55944478

>gen [insert gen] has ruined [insert object of interest]

>> No.55944553 [DELETED] 
File: 170 KB, 960x877, MugShotClubTrump19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao those trump mugshots go hard asf

>> No.55944575

Soo...Long Hbar ?

>> No.55944615

gas yourself you disgusting kike vermin

>> No.55944716

Zoomers will have to wait a long time to buy a house. Most will not own till their 40s, by then boomers will be dead, gen x will be retired, and millennials will be in their late careers.

This will significantly decrease birth rates, and the population will collapse. On the bright side, there won’t be much competition for housing by gen y!

>> No.55944796

Fuck no I’ll just inherit my dads business

>> No.55945215

It will be easy to afford a house once society collapses and 99% of people die

>> No.55945334

ok.... so how do I profit from this?

>> No.55945436

Except Jesus was an actual person. Explain that.

>> No.55945604

implying your parents won't do a reverse mortgage and leave you with barely anything.

>> No.55945611

why would covid have been a chance, housing prices didn't really drop during that.

>> No.55945687
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Im gen Z from Poland so i quess i should give some answears
90% of people from my generation are financially illiterate retards who spend all their money on McDonald and designer clothing as soon as they get a paycheck, they lack patience, they lack discipline, they lack ability to plan into the future and manage their finance and even if they open saving account, they don't care about 10%+ inflation and just keep it all in PLN. So yea, most of them will be 40yo rentoids and jewish puppets while other will fall for the big city meme and get 600k loan just to buy a 30m square house in Capital hence becoming a jewish dept slave.

As for me, i have saving account mostly in gold and Euro, also some stocks and crypto but im waiting for bigger crash to buy some more bags.
Home pricec in Poland are bad but not USA-tier bad and you can easily get 60m square house for 250k PLN in middle size cities so i quess im gonna finish college in bigger city and go back to my home town.
The current problem with high house prices will actually be very good for smaller towns in my opinion, it will stop degenerate urbanites from swarming into Warsaw/Gdańsk and pump the rent there.

Shit ain't gonna be easy since im from a poor family even by Polish standards but eh, when was shit ever easy right frens?

>> No.55946715
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>> No.55946781
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Been waiting a decade for a collapse, when the FUCK will we get another 2008 already