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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 52 KB, 1307x627, steak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55936479 No.55936479 [Reply] [Original]

Staking v0.2 audit begins in 12 hours. What features are we expecting?

>> No.55936482


>> No.55936501

>What features are we expecting?
dump from $6 to $4.2

>> No.55936506

Wait what? Do we get to add more if we choose? If retards withdraw? How didn't I hear about this yet?

>> No.55936510

>The next version of Chainlink Staking (v0.2) is currently on-track to launch this year, at which point v0.1 stakers can unlock or migrate their stake and LINK rewards. Staking v0.2 will feature various upgrades, such as greater flexibility around lockups and LINK rewards, improved security guarantees, and a more modular architecture that enables new functionalities to continue being added in a more iterative manner.

tl;dr: stake, unlock, and migrate, followed by -0.8%.

>> No.55936512
File: 204 KB, 1676x920, Screen Shot 2023-08-25 at 2.34.23 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No slashing until v1 so stakechads are still just making easy money with no risk as long as they are willing to make an alert on short notice, and I'm always ready.

>> No.55936513


A new dumping feature

>> No.55936528

Lots of fudders desperate for replies

>> No.55938259

Is it really going to take 10 years to get to v1?

>> No.55938288

WOW it might release THIS year????

Remember when their original plan was two years until 1.0, everyone complained, so they just made two respective years of test versions? Literally the exact same thing, just trying to put lipstick on a pig. That just shows how stupid they think the cult is

>> No.55938394

Why seethe, bro? Just build your own Fourth Industrial Revolution, and build it as fast as you want.

>> No.55938406

The LC feature, you'll find out in two weeks after the audit has taken place, that's all I can say ;)

>> No.55938479

based. 6 hours until release

>> No.55938493

>6 hours until release
release what, you illiterate bagholder?

>> No.55938503

6 hours until we can read the code ranjesh

>> No.55938509

the code for staking v0.2, nigger

>> No.55938525


>> No.55938531
File: 498 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_1243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What features are we expecting?

>> No.55938533

Will I finally be able to fit my tiny little 600 Link stake into the tight wet pool?

>> No.55938667

who remembers:
>Announcing a Crowdsourced Audit of Chainlink Staking v0.1 on Code4rena
>November 1, 2022
>The competitive audit will begin on November 1 and continue until November 15, 2022
>The Chainlink Economics 2.0 Staking Protocol and Staking v0.1 Launch Details
>November 21, 2022
>Chainlink Staking v0.1 Early Access Is Now Live
>December 6, 2022
seems like we could get a staking v0.2 release at smartcon right?

>> No.55938733

Will we have to restake or will our stake be maintained in the pool automatically if we dont withdraw?

>> No.55938851

All it does is unlock staked tokens just so it can be dumped.

>> No.55939051

5 more hours to find out, in the code, what will be in it.

>> No.55939109

Why is the audit starting at 4pm on a Friday? Every normal person is done with work for the week and is going to spend the the last weekend of the summer relaxing with family or friends. Nobody will want to decipher the spaghetti code

>> No.55939179

>Every normal person
Since when are blockchain dev monkeys normal people?
In crypto bunch of kissless virgins regularly wait for releases, mints and presales in the most random times in the middle of the night mid week because of fucked timezones just for the slightest profit advantage.
Same with this, it doesn't matter if it's Christmas evening today the crypto dev monkeys will attack this audit the very second the code is out in the open because someone has to take the 250K USDC.

>> No.55939195

A button that auto withdraws all your link, sends to Binance and market sells

>> No.55939205

They already said what will be in v0.2 in one of their blogs

>> No.55939238

Is this the version where they increase the cap to 75M?

>> No.55939247

How do they determine who gets it

>> No.55939291

Read the How it works page on Code4arena.
Obviously the 250K USDC is spread to multiple auditors, all depending on how important/severe their findings in the code are.

>> No.55939457

Tentative penetration testing, followed by generous 2 month v0.1 soak testing, then in two months they will prepare to announce post audit staking v0.2 bug bounty

>> No.55939683

They had multiple code4rena audits for CCIP btw. Anyone expecting staking at smartcon is setting themselves up

>> No.55939725

>What features are we expecting?
i'm expecting a blog post with an image insinnuating that price will go up, whereas every staker lost money

>> No.55939805

my guess will be the only feature will be the ability to unstake.

cause lots of companies with 400 employees and billions in runways take 8 years to build a 2 line withdraw function

>> No.55939880

the only interesting point is if it will produce warnings on explorers again. they made the last minute attempt to save face even more embarrassing, but they probably learned their lesson to never promise anything and continue the glacial pace they are on

>> No.55940040

Yeah. Chainlink was super far behind on staking so they just whipped up something quick to appease link holders and will drag this out for 8 more years until full release, adding some stupid small feature that should have already existed from the beginning to give illusion progress is being made.
We go up 0.1 every year. It’s such a fkn joke. They better speed up the releases, like a new version every quarter or people will just get tired of holding

>> No.55940299


Nice acronym fuddies. Ill be taking that and iterating upon it

>> No.55940893


>> No.55940919

sorry stakie bro, i have 16k to stake i want airdrops

>> No.55941235

40 minutes until code reveal

>> No.55941374

pretty excited to see what's different

>> No.55941441

It must be HUGE
v0.1 to v0.2
Literally TWICE AS BIG numerically

>> No.55941615

>spam f5 on staking.chain.link hoping to notify a node is down and get a reward
>the actual nodes can just scrape data and make the notification automatically
You're doing nothing for the network, but the appearance that you can do something for it is critical.

>> No.55941646

lurk more

>> No.55941653

aside from unstaking im not seeing much of interest here. i thought we were getting v1 after v0.1 what the fuck happened man

>> No.55941675

>i thought we were getting v1 after v0.1
Why? We knew about v0.2 the moment the 9-12 month period was announced

>> No.55941701

Bros where is the link to the code

>> No.55941751


>> No.55941771


What are you revolting against, being a faggot?

>> No.55941845
File: 150 KB, 568x1200, B2C6D6F7-FFC7-48B7-8CE0-AB2A69E2D59A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got scammed

>> No.55941881


I think it's pretty obvious this releases at Smartcon.

Here's my take:

> Ability to withdraw
> Pool opens wider - first to existing stakers, then to everyone else if it doesn't fill (pro tip: it will)

MAYBE but probably not:

> First BUILD airdrops deployed
> APY is increased for people willing to lock up for longer periods.

>> No.55941908


i guarantee you 1000% you arent getting a fucking cent of “airdrops” haahahah. You have to work for the team right? How delusional are you holy shit wake up bro

>> No.55941915

I'm a boomer and used MEW to create my wallet, didn't bother to stake on v0.1 but i want to get in v0.2. Do I really need to get a metamask wallet to stake or is there any other way?

>> No.55941920

Im just not gonna do it (give you a (you)) i know I knowwwwwww Im sorry.
I’m just not gonna do it is all

>> No.55941922

I hope the staking pool only opens for early stakers to stake more. The rest goes to nodes and big boys. Non-stakers will not get to stake ever again.

>> No.55941937


Sadly It doesn't sound like the wallet cap is raised yet. I just want to stake 70k link and earn 10 a day

>> No.55941936

Immediately afterwards a green candle to $250 being the floor forever

>> No.55941939
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basado drnr poster

>> No.55941987

Juicy details I've deciphered from the release, interesting for us early birds

>> No.55942015

youre such a pussy. You cant help responding because…I own you. Also…youre in a cult that scams you and proud of it. Chainlink…THE cuckolds of crypto

>> No.55942036
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Nothing based about being a limpwristed cuck coward.

Now…onto more serious matters, are you guys just gonna look the other way while the team lied to you once again?

>> No.55942064
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It's a wonderful day

>> No.55942085

How to extract more from baggies

>> No.55942101

so, anyone who gave it a lookie loo and knows their shit wanna spill the beans?

>> No.55942104
File: 102 KB, 1072x527, 45Mpoolcap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current stakers will have priority access to migrate to v0.2. The priority access period lasts 7 days. After that, is Early access. Lastly, General access.

>> No.55942120
File: 183 KB, 1080x841, BUILD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No BUILD rewards just yet bros. But they do seem to make a distiction between v0.1 and v0.2 stakers in regards to who gets how much of them when they are made available.

>> No.55942151

for sdl holders:
>More information regarding exact parameter details for v0.2 will be provided closer to its mainnet launch.
so have to see just how bullish it will be for us

>> No.55942156

Idk about you guys but its pretty funny denying vitriolic amd dishonest 3rd worlders their paycheck by not giving them (you)s

>> No.55942159
File: 325 KB, 1080x1699, v0.2rewards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rewards rate is a little bit confusing. There is supposed to be a total amount of staking rewards divided equally amongst everyone in the v0.2 pool. But nowhere do they mention what that total amount is.

>rewards based on user fees is planned to be in effect in future iterations of staking.

>> No.55942160

You should watch some videos explaining wallets and signing transactions. If you don’t know how this stuff work, you will get rekt. But to answer your question, you will want to either create a fresh wallet in meta mask and send your tokens from your MEW wallet to the Mets mask wallet, or access your mew from the meta ask. Both of these are rather unsafe and you will be 100x more safe by getting a hardware wallet

>> No.55942186

So if the rewards do not come from user fees yet, Chainlink must be subsidizing the rewards from its treasury, like in v0.1. Why do they not state what the total amount of rewards is?

>> No.55942215

If this pulls through investors would be rich anon. I'm holding a decent stash just incase, while getting positioned with DePINs which has shown innovation by tokenizing real infrastructure.

>> No.55942285
File: 407 KB, 1170x2070, IMG_0057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m gonna give you a you just this once to let you know I just bought $4,000 of Link.

>> No.55942414

You’re an angry elf.

>> No.55942526

>giving them (you)s
baka my head

>> No.55942536

serious question why does nobody ever post actual buy orders like this for any other crypto? shit even transactions on dexes if they're buying shitcoins? is this the only legitimate project int he space, besdies btc and eth? I see shill threads for other garbage here all the time, but NEVER buy orders/transactions.

>> No.55942548
File: 71 KB, 750x920, flat,750x1000,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually have $800 worth of Link in my Tap Fintech account and haven't checked it for a while. I don't like seeing my assets bleed in the app. Would staking Link help me earn more? What's the APY?

>> No.55942567

This is my fav cope in a long time

>> No.55942587

Do you realize how easy it is to fake a photoshop like that? The fact that link baggies appear to do it sometimes only speaks of their desperation to get rid of their bags on any victim they possibly can. Plus you have paid Chainlink advocates whose sole job it is to scour the internet for any discussion of link and make sure the sentiment is positive. Anything short of on-chain evidence is fake and gay.

>> No.55942609

Well, looks like you were wrong and I was right so

>> No.55942685

What tokens were you airdropped?

>> No.55942714

>what tokens were you airdropped for v0.2 staking which isn’t even out yet?

This board is peak retard. Fuck GME.

>> No.55942743

What the fuck is early access and general access, why they making it difficult again. I have 30k link on coinbase. Should I move it to 5 wallets to be able to stake?

>> No.55942754

stop giving obv paid fudders (you)s baka

>> No.55942768

Fuck off ape I have 61k link I already have 28k link staked. I'm worried now that I'm not gonna be able to stake my other 30k since this new type of early access I won't be prioritized. I plan to stake another 28k link minimum

>> No.55942778

kek fuddies

>> No.55942780

No. Keep it on coinbase. Seeing as how you are clearly new here, you are more likely to screw up sending to your own wallet. The coinbase team will help you stake them when the time is right.

>> No.55942784

>read my incel manifesto
no i dont think i will.
they get paid by (you)s anon if we stop giving them (you)s they will leave.

>> No.55942807
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i do not reply to the fud cucks. i want them to starve.

>> No.55942817

this loser newfag hasn't kept up with the progrom baka. protip keep up with the progrom

>> No.55942821

nigger answer my question, I have seen numerous buy orders, I know what the fucking kraken screen looks like I've used it myself, if its so easy to fake where are the shills for the other shitcoins?

>> No.55942837

if you're new (pre 2019), you may not know this but chainlink is genuinely the unofficial board coin. Like 90% of people on here had a bag pre 2020 and it was all we discussed. Dont know about anymore, been a brutal crab/bear/accumulation/whatever cycle.

>> No.55942838

V1 comes out end of 2024

>> No.55942849

Other shitcoins actually appreciate in value. No need to fake screenshots and create fake positive sentiment. What are you a brainlet? Chainlink is a well known scam.

>> No.55942881

look into to SDL stake.link

>> No.55943021

holy fuck this is like shazaam/tortanic posting but for business and finance fuck you niggers

>> No.55943112

do you have no conscience? how can you recommend them after past betrayals? pathetic

>> No.55943117

Consistent -5.3% until you have to pay tether to keep your coins

>> No.55943170

Nothing personel kid. Sergey once said: If you're smart, you're gonna make it. If you're not, you're not gonna make it anyway.

I fully agree.

>> No.55943193

Chart tho. Your laugh is that of a clowns

>> No.55943202

I own you. You reply everytime I post. Not at’ing someone does nothing other than expose you as the nonconfrontational pussy you are, pussy

>> No.55943209

Serg made it (net worth $500m from scamming you), but you didnt. In other words, Serg is smart, you arent. But thats why hes the cult leader and youre just…his minion

>> No.55943215

it's still a chainlink board, you see it with bigger announcements, smartcon etc
in saying that many have left to greener pastures, many have fallen, many are fucked up from not selling any in last bull

>> No.55943225

You dipshit general access is how dumbasses like you (who leave their shit on exchanges) get in.

>> No.55943236
File: 1.39 MB, 2536x722, Screen Shot 2023-08-26 at 8.03.43 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the top threads on /biz/ by reply count now that LINK doesn't "shit up the board" any more.
Nice to see all of the other crypto projects that people want to talk about, now that link threads aren't squeezing them out.

>> No.55943254

it's true, i had not been to /v/ in a while. it was shocking to see vitriolic fud between tendies and sony fans for example, as bad as anything you would see here. but here presumably everyone is acting towards some monetary incentive. do they just care that much about video games? is it actually just the exact same brand of mental illness, directed towards different subjects? i don't know.

>> No.55943339

the sandnigger scammer seems to be really riled up. what is the name of that scamshop he set up? the success factory? aren't the authorities looking into it? because i saw a couple comments online and it appears they reported it to the SEC.

whats the status on the scam? its going to be fun to go hunting

>> No.55943341
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Haha get fucked faggot. Hope the 2 cents you get from this (you) is enough to buy rope.

>> No.55943362

lmao this one made that ESL fudnigger froth at the mouth

>> No.55943388

ok i just audited v0.2 it looks just fine where do i claim by 250,000? thanks
-ravindra indrajit mahendra mannan

>> No.55943452

dude stop giving them (you)s lmao

>> No.55943562

>still didn't provide onchain evidence

>b-b-but the CIA is going to know my middle name if i post my proof.

Like pottery.

>> No.55943761

goddamnit anon stop giving them (you)s haha

>> No.55944891

You suggested that person was wrong and you were right. I'm guessing on the topic of airdrops. How can you say you are right when you haven't received them?

>> No.55945113

When will we get the BUILD airdrops?

>> No.55945146

no date:
>Additional upgrades currently being worked on for Staking are new tools that enable BUILD projects to make Chainlink BUILD rewards available to stakers. We anticipate continued momentum around great teams joining the BUILD program over the coming months. The rollout of both user fee rewards and BUILD claiming tools within the Staking platform will be based on user fee volumes and BUILD participation continuing to accelerate and reaching high enough levels to meaningfully contribute to additional security for the network. More information around Chainlink BUILD rewards and eligibility for v0.2 stakers and historical v0.1 stakers is planned to be provided in the future.

>> No.55945147

Um, the team doesn't usually give timelines about expected releases, please just lock your tokens up again for another 12 months and if you try to unlock them we'll take your rewards. Thanks for subsidising DeFi and your huge salaries. We'll post another swag tiktok video soon, stay tuned!

>> No.55945210

this so much this fuddies in absolute disbelief

>> No.55945245

Thanks for the (You), I just got paid!

>> No.55945265

All this work and still no client willing to pay. Sad

>> No.55945367

Will the staking frontend allow us to export a spreadsheet of the time and amount received as Claimable Rewards?
Because I think receiving Claimable Rewards will be a taxable event, so we'll need to know the exact moment when it actually happens. Particularly if we're getting variable amounts with a high frequency.

I'm tempted to email Chainlink about this, because it could be a really important difference.

>> No.55945378

Hold up, are they loosening our cuckcages or are they tightening them?

>> No.55945402
File: 69 KB, 1163x543, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking through the code audit it has some nice tables which have the kind of information I'll need, so it seems pretty likely that they'll make this information exportable. Or at the very least, it's tracked within the smart contract itself so it shouldn't be too hard to make some custom code to export it myself.

>> No.55945413

Serious question as It didnt was explicitly mention in blog post. To migrate for 0.2 do I need to have gas? Or they cover It?

>> No.55945449

Yes, you will need gas. Plan for a similar amount to your entry into v0.1, or double it to be sure.

>> No.55945566

>a-all buy screencaps are FAKED! Why? Because they just are, ok??
>NOBODY has that much money and I REFUSE to believe linkies are STILL buying, less so at these prices
Why does that picture make fudders so irrationally mad?
Its fun to see them squirming when their english comprenhension skills finally catch up to the fact that they have achieved the OPPOSITE of their goal (anons buying more instead of selling)
>just dox yourself and your transactions pussy
Yeah lmao no. We're going to keep on buying and you are going to keep on screaming impotently in the corner, shitskins :^)

>> No.55945568

the bitching was about ability to withdraw so they fixed the one thing causing the most ruckus

>> No.55945676

how do I get paid to FUD? sounds like a very comfy job, seeing how easy it is to trigger any remaining shills on this board

>> No.55945678

Why the risk and waste of time when GLW on MEXC is on a parabolic move, gaining +14 in 30mins? Even MESA and CRB too.

>> No.55945736

Literally says the tokens are unlockable at any time and withdrawn after a security period of a week or two. Kill yourself. You will never convince anyone to sell lmao.

>> No.55945741

>A week or two
I mean the example they give in the code audit is 180 days. It's really hard to say how long it will be.

>> No.55945796

Oooo you seem a little rattled there Linkie, thanks for the (You) though, I just got paid again.

>> No.55945811

bro srs stop giving them (you)s its how they get paid

>> No.55945879




>> No.55946022

taxed when you claim with a transaction

>> No.55946068

I also never seen anyone posting their shorts or sell transactions as well for link

>> No.55946502

just reviewed the code and my favorite feature is the one where the price goes down when any progress is made

>> No.55946685

Why would they care If people got tired of holding?

>> No.55946920
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>> No.55946939

nigga on a 7k stake its only like 1500$ for the whole year. I wish i would have sold at fifty dollars and told sergey to go fuck him self

>> No.55946942

Daily reminder that this guy deletes his tweets. He shorted the bottom in the start of the last bullrun and kept saying we're going down.

>> No.55946948

>like a new version every quarter or people will just get tired of holding
they dont need us at this point. They have the money and the appearance of being a standard. The only thing we have as a "community" is to make them look like shit

>> No.55946972

Link FUD is a 50/50 split between paid agents and people trying o accumulate more at continuously lower prices

>t. used to be in latter category

>> No.55947004

>50 split between paid agents and people trying o accumulate more at continuously lower prices
nigger you had seven years to buy.

>> No.55947016
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Daily reminder that this guy is brown.

>> No.55947042

NO PAYING CUSTOMER. That's not fud that's a fact

>> No.55947056

sorry, which guy? xo?

>> No.55947834

So.. $4 waiting room?

>> No.55947855

He is a corrupt narcissist who used his followers as exit liquidity for his failed trades to dump on them and shilled them scam coins as a paid shill.
Got all passive aggressive against Donalt when he talked of this.

>> No.55948359

I didn't know about this but...

I can't argue with this at all. His coke-fuelled incoherent homoerotic Twitter ramblings with his whole crew of chubby British "muslims" are especially pathetic. Absolute shitcunt who comes off spiritually bankrupt and generally miserable and unfulfilled.

He's been generally dead right on LINK though. Can you link the donalt exchange at all? I'm curious. Such a fat little brit.

>> No.55948408
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alertors on strike!! join the union!!

>> No.55948426

Nvm was easy to find
Glad there are some who see that crew for what they are

>> No.55948882
File: 54 KB, 908x666, IMG_2610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used a ledger to stake. I’m going to withdraw to Trezor and try to get into General Access I guess. No benefit to non-custodial staking when Ledger and glowies have custody of my wallet.

>> No.55948895
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I'm expecting bonks.