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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 1128x328, Ripple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5593460 No.5593460 [Reply] [Original]

It's almost $2 now.

>> No.5593484

Fuck this god damn coin.

>> No.5593528

BTC getting shorted while Ripple going up
banks are so fucking obvious

>> No.5593616

Because it's objectively just the best cryptocurrency to use.

>Super fast transaction times
>Super low transaction fees

Its APPLICABILITY is through the roof compared to other coins. No normie gives a shit about 'fuck muh banks'. What they care about is something they can use and they don't have to think too much about. Ripple is just the answer.

>> No.5593633

Yeah they don't want to think about anything and they, like always, ended up ruining everything.

>> No.5593714


>can use
>>can use ripple

>> No.5593775
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-The supply is fixed.

-The transaction cost is not paid to any party: the XRP is irrevocably destroyed.

-The current minimum transaction cost required by the network for a standard transaction is 0.00001 XRP.

-Ripple's share is locked in 55 batches, only one batch can be unlocked per month. This provides a source of revenue for Ripple to improve the technology and pump XRP. Their incentives are aligned with XRP holders.

-Ripple is more decentralized than Bitcoin. With Bitcoin, you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power. With Ripple, you can run your own validator and setup your own trusted validators list. 10s of non related reputable entities around the world are currently running validators, more keep joining.

-Ripple doesn't use proof-of-work anywhere which relies on inflation or outrageous fees.

-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7, and can scale to handle the same throughput as Visa.

-The software is open-source (Stellar was a fork of Ripple)

>> No.5593777

okay but where the fuck can I trade it that isn't absolute shady garbage and doesn't have 100% hot garbage interfaces or restrictions like binance (seriously fuck only allowing whole number currency trading)

>> No.5593812

im not shilling but this coin Will be worth 4 million dollars per coin in 5 months time
if im short by just a dollar i will crush my testicals in a vice live on cam

>> No.5593838

So can you give me a guide on how to run my own trusted XRP validator?

>> No.5593874


>> No.5593879


>>Owned by banks

>>ALl transactions tracked

>>They hold the majority already.

BTC was supposed to be a wealth transfer from the jews to the common tech-savy person.

This is just a reverse transfer. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS SCAM COIN.

BTC/ETH/XRB. This is the future. OPEN. FREE. NO FEES.

Let the banks DIE. They should NOT be at ground zero for the founding of a new world currency. The PEOPLE should, and the people ARE at the founding of XRB, BTC and Eth.

>> No.5593946
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>When other rippled operators add your public key to their list of trusted servers, you have become a trusted validator.
>Also see Properties of a Good Validator for best practices.

>> No.5593998
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>>ALl transactions tracked

same as bitcoin, if you want anonymity and privacy, don't be a retard and use monero.

>Owned by banks
Ripple is not a bank. The project was started by an engineer who got banned from Paypal for no reason so he decided to do something about it.

>They hold the majority already.
their share is locked in an escrow (55 batches). Only one batch can be unlocked per month. This aligns their incentives with XRP holders (pumping XRP).


With other coins, few early adopters/miners/founders hodl most of the coins and refuse to sell, they cripple the market by keeping the liquidity low and they scare companies because they can get dumped on at any time.

>> No.5594003


Literally everything below the top 10 market cap coins is better when it comes to all the technological advantages you pointed out

Even then, Raiblocks is faster and Stellar is like a much more evolved version that Ripple can never be (given its fixed structure).

This is literally the godsend pump of whales making money off normie money, nothing else.

Enjoy the train and get off before it goes off the cliff

>> No.5594024

DAG is a joke, it doesn't matter if it shits trillions of transactions per second.

Stellar is just a shitty fork.

>> No.5594094


Who said anything anything about DAG?

If ripple literally has transaction speed time as its real 'advantage', then Raiblocks does 5X that speed

Lol why would a bank buy ripple's blockchain tech when they go with a faster one?

I can make an ICO on Stellar platform, can you do that on Ripple?

>> No.5594128

That pump and my margin position just earned me over 70k in less than 24hrs

>> No.5594130

Raiblocks is a DAG scam.

>I can make an ICO on Stellar platform, can you do that on Ripple?

your snowflake coin can run scams, congrats.

>> No.5594152

#2 on coinmarketcap before eoy

>> No.5594154

You're so fucking stupid it hurts.

Don't talk about normies when you're the definition of one.

>> No.5594178
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What would happen if ripple overtakes bitcoin?

>> No.5594194

>predicting the past
So this is the power of /biz/...

>> No.5594195

it already is #2

>> No.5594201

it got there. it will need sometime to stabilize.

They thought we were kidding when we said it will dethrone bitcoin.

>> No.5594220
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>> No.5594266


>your snowflake coin

I'm just talking about fundamentals here, no need to get defensive. I didn't know the XRP bubble was that tight I was going to burst your dreams

If I can find a better alternative thats not being pumped by whales and normies, im going to go with that. Since the only response I get from educated XRP hodlers is just pathetic rebuttals. No wonder this price is exploding, literally only retards are buying and throwing money away

>> No.5594328

>being so contrarian that you hate money
maybe take a break from 4chan bud

>> No.5594420

Post link.

>> No.5594437

-Ripple is more decentralized than Bitcoin. With Bitcoin, you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power. With Ripple, you can run your own validator and setup your own trusted validators list. 10s of non related reputable entities around the world are currently running validators, more keep joining.

That's what a bitcoin full node does you babbling piece of shit.

>> No.5594467

if running ICO scam is all you care about then here you go you little baby:

They were not meant for this purpose, but you can create/participate in ICO scams.

>> No.5594477 [DELETED] 

Paid channel signals shared for free: https://discord.gg/sMsurw4

>> No.5594564
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Try $0.01 average champ, now I can't believe any of that shit in that stupid picture.

>> No.5594578

The trusted validators in Ripple act as the miners in Bitcoin. Their role is to agree on a certain order of transaction. A ledger is considered valid only if a 80% threshold is readed.


In Bitcoin, just Bitmain or China can fuck with the chain. In the future, any rich person can buy most of the mining pools/hardware.

In Ripple, the trust is specified explicit. Good luck convincing 100s of entities with different ideologies and interests to listen to you, and all you can get them to do is to stop validating, double-spending is not possible.

>> No.5594603
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H-Holy M-ma-*BURGPP*ckerel

>> No.5594618

kill yourself.


>> No.5594720

linklets on suicide watch

>> No.5594734
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>basing average fees off bcore infrastructure

Come on goy, Bitcoin Cash is fucking 4 months old and bcore's fees are fucking stupendous - a lot of wallets are grossly overcharging for transactions atm.

The average fee for Bitcoin Cash is $0.001

Kill yourself (after Ripple prints a few billion coins you will anyway).

>> No.5594763

This is the new Verge, shitty normies coin overbought, that will dump hard.

They bought it just because it was at 0.25

>> No.5594894

it will all come tumbling down soon enough

>> No.5594919

except that verge is a shitcoin with no professional company behind it.

>> No.5594970

You got rekt. Accept that.

When the mining rewards drop, Fees will rise to incentivize the miners. Don't you understand that miners don't work for free? They are currently subsidized by inflation.

>> No.5595003

There is literally nothing inventive or unique about Ripple

It brands itself as a cryptocurrency but it is anything but. Can't mine it. Can't stake it. Not decentralized. Literally controlled by Jews.

If you're buying this you're contributing to the death of crypto. No, I don't care if you're making money on it, it shouldn't fucking exist

>> No.5595052


You should not want a 'company' behind a privacy based coin that focusses on you remaining anonymous.

This has to be dark in order to sustain.

>> No.5595064

"The Bitcoin block mining reward halves every 210,000 blocks"

>> No.5595086

Jews win. Crypto dies.

>> No.5595117

>Super fast transaction times
I disagree. It took about the same time as ETH. And ETH is used a million times more so I cant imagine how slow it is when its used properly

>> No.5595119

no you fucking retard, neither Ripple nor Bitcoin are privacy/anonymity coins. Use monero if you privacy/anonymity.

When I'm paying for Uber or placing an order in Amazon. I want to two things only 1) low fees 2) speed.

If I want to pay for a porn subscription or durgs, I would use monero.

>> No.5595728

Ripple is shillcoin, the establishment will try to pump it as they see crypto will inevitably win then they will try to fuck everyone in the ass as they always do.

>> No.5595758


>not siding with the jews

>> No.5595794

I have FreeBSD, can I run a server? How much XRP/day am I looking at generating if I run a ripple server/validator?

>> No.5595826
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For the guys that always call the "dump"
And for the ones that said xrp isnt 1 $ never happen

>> No.5595829

there is 1.7M xrp sell wall on bithumb holy fuck

>> No.5595865
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>> No.5595887

Give it a few minutes and its broken ;)

>> No.5595904
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>Ripple a centralized 72b marketcap shitcoin
>LINK, which makes cripple obsolete and a thousand other things 163m marketcap

kek I fucking hate normies

>> No.5595920
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Lol bought a shitload of (((ripple))) at $0.23 because you fags said the evil banks would ruin crypto with it!

Buying my wife a set of tits and paying off my Lexus, and holding the rest. Gonna be comfy as fuck with me, her plastic titites, and my banker, Shlomo Nosenberg

>> No.5595929

Go away with your heavy link bags, noone wants them

>> No.5595930

holy fuck man, this could go $5 in 2018

>> No.5595942
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Its ok little brainlet. We know sergay hurt you.
Come to the XRP Train :)

>> No.5595962
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validators don't get paid. no one gets the transactions cost. they get irrevocably destroyed.

Bitcoin doesn't have to die even after Ripple eventually dethrones it

Don't blame Bitcoin's shit on Ripple, merchants are dropping it and no one use it for payments anymore because it's SLOW AND EXPENSIVE.

A chinese company owns most of the hashpower which is mostly hosted in fucking china, why the fuck would I pay high fees for that?

Even "Cobra", fucking owner of bitcointalk.org and bitcoin.org agrees.

>> No.5596008

do you think ripple can get to $5? i can totally see it desu. it's not even widely used, just normies jumping in on it. imagine all the banks and more merchants in 2018

crypto will bloom in 2018 thanks to ripple

>> No.5596024
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I hope you're enjoying your 3x gains, because I'm 4x up on LINK right now and you're not going to see anything higher than this with your current market cap.
Better sell now before the bubble pops.

>> No.5596075
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at Bitcoin's current market cap, XRP would be around $6, but Bitcoin's market cap is not the maximum limit. Crypto has only been used for speculation so far. XRP will actually be used in real world. It will penetrate markets measured in trillions, not billions.


>> No.5596088
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3× gains lmao
I keep reading the same shit about ripple since 0.10$ boii
Better give sergay more ico money so he can promise a surprise in 2018 q4 :D

>> No.5596091

how the fuck are you 4x, when it's @ 0.00065 ETH/LINK on Etherdelta right now, and ICO was like 0.0005 ETH / LINK lol

oh you count it dollars, because you obviously would have sold your ETH for dollars if you didn't invest in that shillcoin

>> No.5596129
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Stay hurt xrpleb

>> No.5596135
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>> No.5596198

PoW is a broken garbage that relies on inflation or outrageous fees, and the richest person always get to own most of the hashpower.

>> No.5596232
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>> No.5596241

>tfw you now have almost $40 in ripple stuck in your wallet

>> No.5596247

Just remember what we said, it won't go too high because (they) want to keep it cheap.
So if you go in now or soon, expect a correction if it BLASTS passed $2.

>> No.5596289

This Anon sums up what I wanted to say pretty well.

Monero and ripple are only two coins you'll want to have next year.

>> No.5596307
File: 95 KB, 613x561, ripple xrp revenue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no. they have every incentive to keep it high. this is their revenue model. That's why I'm comfy as fuck. I'm sitting on my ass and a company of professionals are working full time to create partnerships and new deals that pump XRP.

>> No.5596376

Keeping a way out open I see.

>> No.5596424

Reminder that it would take Ripple's 5 YEARS to unlock their share, unlike most of crypto founders who got rich and don't give a fuck anymore. Like Vitalik threatening to leave because of memes.


>> No.5596456

PSA: The market dips every day at 21:00 GMT, if you want to get Ripple do it then.

That's 16:00 EST, calculate other times if you're from other places.

>> No.5596536

So thankful i got in at 1493 sats. Really comfy gains wish i went all in but my 300 still doing nice

>> No.5596549

Best place to buy ripple without verification?

>> No.5596567

Binance I guess, if of course you don't plan on spending more than 2 BTC worth.

>> No.5596640

Binance for lower amounts. 12056910 is referral.

>> No.5596889

Can you buy using USD?
Why is it so fucking hard to buy any coin with money do these people really hate money that much.

>> No.5596996

>mfw it hits 2dollars
>mfw when i lost 1000 XRP given to me on launch

>> No.5597037

The ideal currency has all of these attributes (no fees, speed, privacy). But something that doesn't offer privacy (isn't fungible) cannot even be called a currency, while something that has a bit of a lag can.

>> No.5597105

Go to Coinbase, sign up and get verified (usually takes 20 minutes but can be longer).

Buy Ethereum on Coinbase, choose to pay by card if you want it instantly.

Sign up for Binance or any other exchange

Deposit Etherium in Binance wallet

Exchange for XRP on Binance

Transfer out to Ripple wallet

>> No.5597147

Thanks, still seems ridiculous the amount of shit you have to do to buy coins.

>> No.5597179

No. That is a pain, they don't handle USD or any fiat at all. BTC, ETH, BNB and USDT only.
They have like 7 tether trading pairs though.

>> No.5597185

No problem, here's a more in depth guide I used to buy XRP.


Includes affiliate links for the person who made the guide, up to you if you want to use them but the guide is solid.

>> No.5597210

do the validators get paid in ripple for running them?

>> No.5597306

XRB is a scam you ignorant pajeet faggot.

>> No.5597346
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>being this pseudo-intellectual

>> No.5597396

The autistic screeching is worth every penny I put into XRP. I hope it fucking destroys the crypto market for good.

>> No.5597418

Will every ripple wallet cost me 20 xrp?

>> No.5597564

>e batch can be unlocked per month. This aligns their incentives with XRP holders (pumping XRP).

Based answer.

I'm 90% ripple, 7% monero and 3% stellar. Got in ripple at 19 cents, when i realised how good their tech and business model is. Aligned incentives all the way.

>> No.5597783


how even

>> No.5597953

I like Stellar, but I'm making far too much on XRP at the moment.

Another think not mentioned. Creator of Mt.Gox (before he sold it to that fat autist) created Ripple, then jumped over to create Stellar. This guy knows his shit.

>> No.5598010

ITT: butthurt BTC bag holders

>> No.5598015

You don't even need speed. Online transactions don't need to be fast. Fees just have to be low.

>> No.5598018
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not the best elevator pitch desu

>> No.5598049

I'm all in on XRP, I'm just providing commentary.

>> No.5598088
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>Online transactions don't need to be fast
The ideal transaction time is 3-5 bank days, am I right?

>> No.5598143

>sold all XRP at 0.8
>holding fucking shitcoins like LTC WTC OMG TRX
I want to fucking kill myself

>> No.5598161

mooning again lol

>> No.5598274

The world doesn't follow your petty ideology. It's based on real money and the desire to get more money.

What the people "should" doesn't matter a fuck.

>> No.5598474

Most americans were asleep. So euroes pumped and dumped on each other?

>> No.5598573


>> No.5598639

Same here ":D"

>> No.5598703

This shit is going to correct hard really soon. Don't buy now, wait for a dip.

>> No.5598740

it was the goons

>> No.5598944


please let it be 1 XRP = 10000 usd someday

>> No.5598973

Just hodl until you're 90