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55935712 No.55935712 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto doesn't end up being "it" and we end up hodling down -90% over the next decade of slow decline and loss of interest

>> No.55935753

Then I’ll go all in on ROPE coin.

>> No.55935839

What's a Sui stack

>> No.55935871

That’s why you buy crypto and pursue a career dumb dumb. Crypto is the best bet rn for young people as the boomer growth Ponzi scheme will come to an end within our lifetimes. At least with good crypto (BTC, ETH, LINK) we have a chance to actually make it

>> No.55935880

10 feet.

>> No.55935882

What is it going to take for you to understand? In what world do you think a whole bitcoin is going to cost $3,000 after the next halving? A board game doesn't drop 90% in resale value, but you're worried that the perfect form of money will? Stop being an idiot. Buy more bitcoin.

>> No.55935893

Bitcoins lack of Fungibility is what worries me for the long-term

>> No.55935967

Toad holders only end up with 100x in next month

>> No.55936726

the boomers are making us work for it, but ultimately they know they have to pass down the torch to the next emerging alternative thinkers

>> No.55936735

Everyone wants provable fairness except the top dog. If the US sees themselves getting pipped by China they will release the 4IR as their parting blow. Nobody wants provable fairness when you're on top, because you want to cook the books in your favor. But as soon as you're out of position #1 you want fairness.

>> No.55936773

>Crypto doesn't end up being "it" and we end up hodling down -90% over the next decade of slow decline and loss of interest
That'd be no change from the normal for the average millennial

>> No.55936785

>next emerging alternative thinkers
Implying boomers think

The just mill around consooooooming for the most part. New audi here, new audi there.... what's the big queef?

>> No.55936790

It has to be
There's no other WAY

>> No.55936793

Crypto is already it

>> No.55936812


getting laid is it, always was it, and always will be it.

Everything else is cope.

>> No.55936932

Took you retards long enough. Luckily I got out with a small profit. At this point it's not even a gamble.

>> No.55937063
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The gambit is it either is “it” or the world burns.

>> No.55937183

How does bitcoin lack fungibility? I can literally make 1 bitcoin from tiny fractions of other bitcoins.

>> No.55937279


>> No.55937311

>What if
If? The outcome you fear has already come to pass.

>> No.55937351

Sounds pretty fuckin likely. People just don’t use or care about crypto anymore. You can get massive yields with much safer treasuries or corporate bonds than defi scams and you can get better capital gains with nvidia than bitcoin.

>> No.55937505
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>Crypto doesn't end up being "it" and we end up hodling down -90% over the next decade of slow decline and loss of interest

Dude... buy stocks!!!
Crypto is a Ponzi scheme!

>> No.55937514

try -100%

>> No.55937531

>Crypto doesn't end up being "it" and we end up hodling down -90% over the next decade of slow decline and loss of interest

Buy psych stocks. It is the next revolution in mental health treatments. Get in early.

>> No.55937650

You don't even know what the word means fucking tard

>> No.55937673


if this guy sent you that bitcoin, you wouldnt ever be able to cash out, it would get frozen and confiscated by any CEX or any DEX

Bitcoin isnt' fungible

>> No.55937680
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Crypto is a ponzi.

Great if you entered it 10 years ago, but now that it reached critical mass, the only way forward is downward as new comers are just lequidity exit points.

It was fun while it lasted but I cashout my gains and will invest it in real estate.

>> No.55937706

Lots of shilling. The big dump must be near.

>> No.55938079

every bear market the same posts...

>> No.55938232

>the stock market isn’t a ponzi scheme tho
>those companies are real
>all the numbers and information they give us are lies
>they are also running themselves in the ground to please non-whites and homosexuals
>you should give them your money too

>> No.55938241

Which ones

>> No.55938412
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Then I'll go all in on KREST token. At least I'll get a PEAQ airdrop, Faggot.

>> No.55938434

Don't lie on the biz, Poorfag. I would rather own a fraction of Tesla on Eloop and profit from their daily revenue stream than invest in nvidia.

>> No.55938935
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>> No.55939020

In a world where they could ban all exhanges and mining opertions due muh money laundering and muh pollution.

Sorry but we are fucked, too much risk for little reward now.

>> No.55939060


>> No.55939087

>finite supply
>can't be manipulated
>perfect money

>> No.55939129

We will see 10k ETH within the Next 3 years.
If not i can always kill myself so no need to worry about it.

>> No.55939412

Been accumulating more security and privacy tokens in the dip where Monero has been one of them with SYLO and PHA. I'm positive that security and privacy protocols will do well in the bull run.

>> No.55939415
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>perfect form of money
>can be traced and tracked
>can't be used to purchase anything legal

>> No.55939459
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Reason why you shouldn't sleep on Galactic war games to experience the power of VR technology

>> No.55939470

>privacy tokens
Based. RAIL is top on my list.

>> No.55939474 [DELETED] 

If you commit suicide by yourself in the woods you’re a disgrace at least McVeigh a g20 summit and go out with a bang taking out those responsible for this mess if you’re that hopeless and have nothing to lose.

>> No.55939856

You're an idiot if you believe that, 21 million.

>> No.55939865

>Bitcoins lack of Fungibility
Fungibility is the ability of a good or asset to be interchanged with other individual goods or assets of the same type. Fungible assets simplify the exchange and trade processes, as fungibility implies equal value between the assets
BTC is being used to buy things all the time.
You're an idiot.

>> No.55939883

>Crypto is a ponzi.

>> No.55939893

You are all clinging to a fantasy.

>> No.55939900

You'd be happier holding QANX before the private blockchain is launched, except Alpine eSports to be the first user.

>> No.55939901

You mother fuckers just make up shit based off nothing other than your feelings and faith yet call others idiots.

>> No.55939929

>Crypto is a ponzi.
It sounds weird when I hear this whereas chads are having huge gain from slurping GLW on MEXC.

>> No.55939967

Our confidence isn't solely grounded in intuition but also in the broader macroeconomic influence, fundamentals, tangible real-world use (take DePIN as an example), and the prevailing public sentiment and speculation. Given the great interest shown by major asset managers and institutions, I fail to see why this would go awry.

>> No.55940013
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This ain't the first time we are hearing this, but it still bounced back, and we use retard like you as exit liquidity. This was highly labeled as a scam in the last bear market, and folks who took the risk then made the most. Stay poor, believing shit.

Show me the chart.

>> No.55940140
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why would crypto be "it" for retail investors? it's like investing in SaaS cloud based software (there's literally thousands of those stocks). the best way you can profit is by leveraging while corporations use it to secure hefty transactions, but since there's so much money involved, leveragefags get the rope and will never win because the number one rule in gambling is this: THE LONGER YOU PLAY. THE MORE YOU STAND TO LOSE

invest in something that has use cases that benefit retail investors, like in the 80's, you should've owned Walmart stock, in the 90's you should've owned Microsoft or Apple stock. in the early aughts, you should've owned Amazon, etc.

>> No.55940150

I'm very slowly accumulating, while working as much OT at my a lot of work but still turbo comfy and well-paying job. Working on climbing the ladder while slowly adding crypto. If it blows up after the halving, I'll make enough to pay off any debts and have a nice 5 figure cushion in the bank while continuing that climb up the ladder. We shouldn't be dumping large amounts, unless you can spare it. BTW HAPI, GDAO, MTRG, CELL, STBU, CULT, BON.

>> No.55940456
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Then, add Peaq, and you're ready to fly and wait for the next bullrun season. Polkadot Parachain tokens will make a comeback. GLMR, ACA, and ASTR.

>> No.55940924

>>can't be used to purchase anything legal
That's wrong.

>> No.55940934

There will only ever be 21 million bitcoin.
Maybe you should kill yourself.
Oh she's mad.

>> No.55940995

Icp, fil and iotx are good one.

>> No.55941029

>Stay poor, believing shit.

Fuck you.

>> No.55941030

Crypto is just R&D. When the big guns take it over it will absolutely transform into something else. Take profits while you can.

>> No.55941039

That would be Chainlink

>> No.55941072

QANX has already been hacked before. It'll die a slow painful death the same as Harmony One did.

>> No.55941090

I think buying shares of real estate, human resources, and debt is the endgame. Feudal tech.

>> No.55941140
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>> No.55941438

These are solid ones, especially the last two. Peaq also has a unique approach and concept in this light, and its incentive model makes it an ideal place for devs to build related projects.

>> No.55941457

Kek. You sound so pathetic now. Better get along and lose the beautiful moment ahead in the next 10–18 months.

>> No.55941471

40 crypto
40 stock
20 other

>> No.55941688

don't be stupid. fiat is only going to go down in value. inflation is going to continue trending upward. there are few assets where you can park fiat safely and not be robbed by this.

the market cap of the sound store of value ever created is tiny. $500k bitcoin is inevitable.

you just have to survive until then, anon.

>> No.55941779
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And? The future we are getting is way worse than losing some pocket money

>> No.55941828

>taking anything a nose says unironically

>> No.55942053
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Only retards would rope ranjeet. I'm already making smart moves and slurping the tokenized Teslas on Eloop for based rewards.