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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 118 KB, 1200x1200, dave-ramsey-2-lead-db-062023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55926771 No.55926771 [Reply] [Original]

>Anon, if you wanna retire and buy a house you need to balance your budget. You can't eat out all the time. Rice & beans are enough. You don't need to buy new clothes every year or a new phone

>> No.55926778

I unironically agree with what you posted and I'm surprised so mamy people think it's absurd. He's ansolutely right.

>> No.55926781

Damn OP this dude really sticks in your craw huh

>> No.55926798

I REALLY want to see a /biz/ anon ring him up and ask for finance advice.

>> No.55926836

ramsey is a retard
debt maxxing is the best way to accumulate crypto investments
if i listened to him, i wouldn't be retired at 31

>> No.55926905

what's the deal with white Southern guys looking Chinese

>> No.55926906

kys beantard

>> No.55926914

Hi Dave, I'm going to eat the rice and beans so that I can afford to go creampie some Thai hookers and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.55926944

I make my own bread and marmalade and dinner and have a vege garden and don't eat meat all the time and ride a bike to work. And own 2 houses and have no debt.

>> No.55926953

I hate that this faggot American boomer gets posted here daily.

>> No.55927654

>starch diet
You'll get way more nutrition per dollar by eating eggs and avocadoes

>> No.55927687

Here's my advice *sniffs armpit fumes* just be born into a family where daddy has real estate connections and get a giant mortage despite being 20 or so.
It's that simple.

>> No.55929713
File: 22 KB, 277x340, index (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your living paycheck-to-paycheck read his book - It's the Red Pill for money. I paid off $16,500 in debt using his plan and I'm never going back.

Not a single person mocking his book has read it.

>> No.55929720


>> No.55929739


>> No.55929757

LARP. You are an obese weeb living with mommy losing money "investing" in crypto.

>> No.55929762

what's crazy is how fast it piles up once you start thinking of annualized costs. that was the moment for me, asking myself what it would cost if I did or bought x thing every week for 52 weeks. The numbers get to be pretty shocking, and when you cut it out for the alternative your accounts just balloon.

Based boomers let me see the light. They are rich because they didn't have bullshit like fast casual dining, luxury automobiles, internet subscriptions etc. weighing them down.

>> No.55929767


>don't buy shit you can't afford

woooow I solved your problems

>> No.55929837

This, mostly

But the economic environment that boomers
Existed in was also different ? Blue collar jobs
that paid well with very little education ?

>> No.55929906

Actually, thinking about it, I don't know the situation in the blue-collar job market, I'm so bubbled into sales. Does an average blue-collar need to know a lot more now and is his payment lower, considering the inflation of course?

>> No.55929935

The man who filtered /biz/. 99% of anons on here would be way better off if they stuck to his advice.

>> No.55929967

you can still do pretty well for yourself if you have certifications.

>> No.55930100

What if you never did any of this shit and still have no money

>> No.55930117
File: 136 KB, 569x518, D0A956A5-410D-4BD1-A68B-8238CA77FF09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55930310

I think it's actually the opposite. Minmaxing bullshit is not the difference between Making It and not. Let's say you have two $15 per month subscriptions and a $20 per month subscription, $50 a month is $600 a year. Wow, it's literally fucking nothing.
You can make big swings like a $0-down Cadillac. But there's no nickel-and-diming your way to the top, that's Ranjeet-tier thinking.
Boomers are rich because they grew up in a country with a fraction of the population, they were invested in (by their families and their state) on a per-capita basis unparalleled in all human history, technological leaps and bounds unlocked the entire world (air travel opening the world, air conditioning opening the country, stuff like what the USACE did to make Florida habitable) and then they lived a long time while their gains appreciated and compounded. They DEFINITELY didn't get there by coupon-clipping. They were just first. I basically believe that this will be how people talk about millennials in 20 years or so.

>> No.55930370

>rice and beans are enough
t. vegan shill

>> No.55930401

>Hello Dave. Thanks for taking my call. I recently inherited $500k and put all in crypto. When should I take the profit?

>> No.55930437
File: 691 KB, 1226x1080, biglezwp8798250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol NGMI

>> No.55930496

> Inflation skyrockets 100% over the next couple of decades, eating beans and rich no longer affordable


>> No.55930570

crypto is gonna crash about 90%
probably will start toward end of year and reach deep into next year

once it bottoms out then buy

however if you've mined a shitload of coin early on since it started, you got it goin' on like a mother fucker. good shit.

the cock sucking mother fuckers need something to crash for what's about to happen in the stock market. anyway i don't know what the fuck i'm talking about and who gives a shit


>> No.55930666

>$600/year is fucking nothing
not really. even alone that's a decent chunk of change. I make $114k/year and $600 represents a pretty consequetial amount of cash.

but man, lets say you spend $600 a year on fast casual lunches, bar tabs, food delivery, entertainment subscriptions, new electronics, extra gas for a low-mileage car...the list goes on forever...eventually you add it up and its like $10k out the door every year. that's nearly 15% of my post tax income (I live in a state with 9.5% income tax) that is just gone with nothing really to show for it. add that up over 10 years and its fucking depressing amounts of money.

and to think there are people spending four or five times that $600/year figure on eating out and other wasteful bullshit.

I know you're going to say I should fix my earning and yeah you're right. I'm re-training as we speak for a better paying job. but these habits I developed to pay for school while still working full time I am keeping. pinching every penny fucking works.

>> No.55930673

>Not a single person mocking his book has read it.
His book is catered to the financially retarded, you, we dont need it so we mock it and people like you.
Congrats on your retardation.

>> No.55930756

because many /biz/ posters, perhaps a majority even, believe that it is better to appear rich and be poor than appear poor and be rich.

>> No.55930791

I wish pleddit would fuck off!

>> No.55931551

Most people pay rent instead of living with their parents and saving up money, so they're wasting way more than $600/year just on that. The problem with paying for Netflix subscriptions isn't that it wastes a couple hundred of your dollars (which really is nothing - a couple hundred a year does not affect your lifestyle in the slightest bit). The problem is that it wastes hundreds of hours of your time for garbage TV shows

>> No.55931565

>Cost of living is high and only getting higher. So die. Now your cost of living is zero.