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55923896 No.55923896 [Reply] [Original]

How is the average person even getting by these days? I make about 30k more than my friends and I'm noticing cost of living going up and squeezing my finances. No hope to own property or a home. Hoeflation completely out of control. Is everyone just lying about how they feel and how life is since everything is fake nowadays, or are most people actually out living a full life and I'm just retarded?

>> No.55923922

Most people are carrying at least 5 figures of “short term” debt. I say short term because they are paying high interest. In reality they will be debt slaves until they die, myself included. Fuck this gay earth Jesus Christ is my only hope.

>> No.55923952

Life... finds a way.

>> No.55923977

>Most people are carrying at least 5 figures of “short term” debt.

you mean credit card debt? i would think most have in $2000-$4000 range because after that it spirals out of control.

>> No.55924317

>atleast i have a job and can afford a house, car, food, wife and kids, maybe even start a side business!
>atleast i have a job and can afford a house, car, and food, maybe even start a side business!
>atleast i have a job and can afford a house, car, and food!
>atleast i have a job and can afford a car and food!
>atleast i have a job and can afford food!
>atleast i have a job!
you are here.

>> No.55924523

Nobody wants to admit that times are bad, but they are. Also there is no middle class anymore everyone is either set up good or they’re used to being paycheck to paycheck

>> No.55924545

Is it bad that I'm getting use to the poverty and deprivation? I just hope we keep getting bread rations.

>> No.55924789

>getting used to it
That’s the whole idea.
Get used to owning nothing and being happy.

>> No.55924814

This. Every day will be better than the one that follows. Enjoy how it is now anon.

>> No.55925121

Very few people are actually getting by. It's all fake bullshit and the moment things get hard at all it's all coming apart.

>> No.55925142

Getting the plebs into debt slavery and building up neo-feudalism is how it's supposed to work.

>> No.55925161

>i would think most have in $2000-$4000 range because after that it spirals out of control.
I had 15-20 in CC debt not so long ago. I bounced it around from 0% to 0% and then knuckled down and paid it all off. Now I'm at 0 debt and 108K limit on 5 cards

>> No.55925171

congrats bro

>> No.55925193

I'm still going alright. But I'm a total tight arse, about 40% of my pay goes to living expenses the rest is disposable, crypto etc.

>> No.55925210

Everyone is in massive debt trying to get a taste of prosperity before it goes out. We have record high credit card, mortgage and auto loan debt with all extremely high interest rates.

As soon as zombie corps start mass layoffs since they can't pay their bills at high rates, then reality will finally catch up to everyone.

>> No.55925241

Almost back at 1 cent.

>> No.55925262
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>> No.55925447

wrong I make $40k and while yes I live in a terrible area I get by otherwise
everyone else is just massively retarded with money
if I made $80k I'd probably retire in a decade due to my frugal experience with being a poor

>> No.55925473

Have you ever seriously looked into home ownership? With these rabbinical rent increases you might be able to afford more than you think.

>> No.55925503

Because we’re not awful with money

>> No.55925505

You just want to feel like a normie saying that, times are better than ever before

>> No.55925512

You’re trolling right? Home ownership is illegal basically

>> No.55925525

It’s not yet and I guess it depends on where you live. Thing is the new grift is for companies to buy up cheap housing, apartments, trailer parks, etc and jack the prices up. Basically, find a way to buy a house now or there is a good chance it will legitimately be out of reach for most people.

>> No.55925553

Housing in my country is about to crash, right now know one can afford them and they’re shit investments anyway

>> No.55925691

I'm doing fine, close to retirement at 27. Still want to kys though.

>> No.55925717

Nah the average person is absolutely fucked. Shit wages, unaffordable expenses and huge credit with massive interest that cannot be paid back. Repossessions will skyrocket. The bottom of the clown market will fall out.

>> No.55925761

I was working in a nice neighborhood this week and I saw a fat used up roastie (with a mystery meat child) following around a realtor. They were looking at houses nicer than the one the owner of the company I work for has.
The major pattern I notice is lookism, there's mainly women in those neighborhoods during the day, but when I see the man of any particular house come home he's always 6+ ft tall, in great shape, and good looking. Usually older too, they then to be older Gen X at the minimum.
One guy was playing pool in his 3 car garage at 9 A.M. on a monday morning, he looked like Guy Fieri.

>> No.55925762

I don't think a lot of people really believe that times are better than before.

>> No.55925813

I make $60k in Nashville. It's alright but honestly don't save a ton. Maybe $5k a year. No chance I can afford kids on this salary, much less a house.

>> No.55925825
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They're not getting by they're going into debt and pretending to be fine. Normies will ruin themselves to keep up appearances.

>> No.55926311

I noticed the opposite, people over 6 feet are basically manual labor slaves

I know, because doomerism is mainstream

>> No.55926329

This is just an anecdote. At my work, everyone in the late 20s to mid 30s seems to be one or two paychecks away from being homeless. My friend at work wants to start "making his money work for him", he has 1000$ in savings.

>> No.55926352

Everyone I know at work lives paycheck to paycheck.
One time, payroll was late by 24 hours due to some technical glitch and at least half of my coworkers were freaking out because they wouldn't be able to make rent or mortgage payments or car payments.
Literally, they're one paycheck away from being homeless.
This is much more common than you guys think.

>> No.55926382

My friend asked me about investing and I told him stop smoking weed and drinking beer.

>> No.55926413

what part of fucking interest rates are up and the bond market is starting to react to 1,000,000,000,000,000 per quarter of debt issuance is fucking '2 weeks'. we have never seen anything like this before, interest on the national debt is skyrocketing you fucking moron lmfao
every single day the word inflation appears in more articles than in entire years of the post 2008 period.
Math is in charge now

>> No.55926434

wait there's bread??

>> No.55926458

>Is everyone just lying about how they feel and how life is since everything is fake nowadays
but since you're the OP also this > I'm just retarded

>> No.55926526

>100k+ salary
>2k a month in expenses
I’m currently paying off my wife’s debt because she just had our baby and with how much I’m making I’ve been paying everything. She’ll be making 80k a year upwards to 100k based off bonus potential, I’ve convinced her that once her debt is paid I’m gonna take her money to play into stocks and investments, she’s so grateful. Sinking 15k to take control over 40-60k annually is an easy choice.

>> No.55926622

He just needs to buy a parking lot

>> No.55926642
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I'm making around $200 a day via passive income by just holding $VINU
I also make $20k a month as a programmer so I end up having $26k a month

>> No.55926647

that movie was wild

>> No.55926654

How would their plan work if I only let the one on the left in? The one on the right is clearly a man

>> No.55926660
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man fuck jeff goldblum

>> No.55926726

I've been able to save up about $40k but it's all about to get consumed by my student loan debt and then some. I don't know how other people do it. On paper I'm supposedly a high earner but in reality I own nothing and I'm not happy.

>> No.55926883
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They don't. You're not unique. Better buy a hoome before you're priced out forever though.

>> No.55927523

People have been saying that in my country (UK) for two+ decades now.

But the market is kept afloat by foreign investment. My buddy is a mortgage advisor and 80% of his clients are from China, if he ever has to tell them their deposit isn't enough they will make a phonecall then and there and get their parents to give more.

They're not even buying luxury apartments anymore, standard family homes.

>> No.55927940

I'll never be able to afford children, so I don't need to worry about buying a house.

>> No.55927987

>2 weeks.

>> No.55927996

I absolutely would not invite these two cunts into my house. I would call the cops if they don't leave.
Then I will install a big fence and let a Shitbull free in my yard to make sure I don't have any more trespassers.

>> No.55928016 [DELETED] 
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>he makes 30k

>> No.55928203

No one cares about national debt. It will hit 100 trillion in a few years and still nobody will give a shit

>> No.55928312

You just want to feel like a woman saying that. You will never be a woman.

>> No.55928418

How much invested? Seems pretty futile to worry about a couple hundred bucks a day with a 20k income

>> No.55928455

I was in your exact situation 4 years ago, and life doesn’t really work out that way. Shoot for the stars, of course. But don’t be too hard on yourself when it doesn’t work out the way you planned.

>> No.55930008

>mystery meat child

>> No.55930767
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>> No.55930782

Once you realize everything is mental and start developing the power of your mind, none of the circumstances that people whine about mean anything to you anymore.

>> No.55931712

Anon gets it. You have your mind, that's enough.

>> No.55932604

dont forget anons
you are not the only mind that exists

God punishes or rewards the collective behavior of a population
by not killing criminals we are disobeying the law and making things enter total nightmare mode

>> No.55932659

And then what? The sold houses remain empty? I'm curious m8.

>> No.55932924
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>> No.55933018

Shills come after these threads so hard. Implying anyone who can’t make it is lazy, stupid etc. Like you should be content living in 1200 sf in the with your wife and two children and everyone should eat nothing but beans, rice and clearance meat. Oh, and the home should be in the middle of nowhere but also don’t you dare spend money on a reliable car newer than 10 years old. If you still can’t cut it you gotta up your hours to 60-80/week so you never even see your family. Never mind if you were comfortable 4 years ago, it’s your fault you can’t afford groceries now.

>> No.55933347

Where can I learn more about this?

>> No.55933356

Demoralisation thread weeeeee

>> No.55933386

You’re retarded. Verification not required.

>> No.55933403

Ofc, we don’t want no gweilos drinking shit up.

>> No.55933422
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How To Think Like A Roman Emperor by Donald Robertson awoke this journey within me
The Practicing Stoic: A Philosophical User's Manual by Warn Farnsworth really cranked it into overdrive with me, as it covers many philosophers, their trains of thought, and various topics really well
Big turning point for me was when I was able to start peacefully living my own inner life as a 32 year old the same way I remember being able to live when I was 15. Like a mix of that youthful energy and awe at the world, with the wisdom of having learned some hard ass lessons since. Honestly, life only gets more wonderful.
Best wishes anon

>> No.55933440
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>> No.55934679

Because people aren't saving. Every last dime they have each paycheck, plus debt, is being spent. Nobody under the age of 50 who isn't an anomaly will be retiring. We are entering late stage capitalism, and I'm not some commie. It's just the truth.

Every entity is being designed to squeeze your money from you at every opportunity.

>> No.55936291

I also make shitty money but I do have a TFSA (tax free savings account) that I use to invest in index funds and I have a decent gold collection. All the people that I work with have significantly less savings than me. The ability to save money just isn't that common anymore.

>> No.55936323

Currently have maybe 25K in savings, and no debt. 20 and in college. How well am I doing, anons? I'm getting a tutoring job soon

>> No.55937969

I finally finished Meditations this morning. While it got sort of rambly and I much prefer just picking through this sort of book I wanted to read the whole thing.
Definitely recommend anons read from the source.
>How To Think Like A Roman Emperor by Donald Robertson awoke this journey within me
>The Practicing Stoic: A Philosophical User's Manual by Warn Farnsworth
Going to have to check these out
Also it's not just stoicism about having power over the mind. Read
>Tao Te Ching
>Anything by Mantak Chia for meditation.

>> No.55937989

latch onto a woman that makes more than you
living on easy street rn

>> No.55938042

Here's where the trouble lies: your best bet in that's scenarios, usually, is to pare back your economic activity. Cook at home, rent shit from the library and exercise for entertainment, have people over for socialization. However, to get the bare minimum necessary to sustain life, is now not enough to be competent or willing to work. You also have to know people - people who value status symbols and conspicuous consumption as tribal identifiers. It's a catch-22.

>> No.55938052

>you gotta up your hours
Raise. You gotta raise your hours.
Jesus fucking christ when did this grammatical atrocity become a thing?

>> No.55938068

I don't understand why people don't just seize the homes en masse.

>> No.55938430

I don't think this is real.

>> No.55938455

I drive

>> No.55939243

Hermeticism. The kybalion, the corpus hermeticum.

Look up mark passio for a modern person to explain this stuff to you

>> No.55939312
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By what metric?

>> No.55939395
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I overheard a turbo normie talking to another turbo normie about how he hasn’t had a GF in such a long time and feels so lonely he felt a connection to a nurse at a doctors checkup that held his hand when he was getting blood drawn lol. Normies for some reason love to pretend everything is fine and they aren’t drowning for some reason. I don’t think this song would have blown up like it did if people truly thought everything was fine.

>> No.55939452
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5-8 years ago this kind of discourse was limited to the dark corners of the internet. It is increasingly common to hear it talked about by low or mid tier normies. COVID caused distortions that accelerated the social decline meaningfully.

>> No.55939502

And I will add prior to 8 years ago (before tinder and instagram were as important as they are now), incel discourse was negligible.

>> No.55940669

Where do you hold the asset and how sustainable is the reward? Right now I only earn from staking ROOT, asides my job as a photographer.

>> No.55940673

Ultra Jewish movie