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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55912620 No.55912620 [Reply] [Original]

Surely, if AI were as revolutionary as the pundits and the markets wants us to believe there would be mass layoffs happening left and right.
Turns out AI is replacing jackshit.
Is this the biggest overhyped nothingburger ever?

>> No.55912957

The same LLMs existed for months useable through an API (the way any company would use them) too. Normies just sperged out to each other about "ChatGPT" taking their jerbs for a couple of weeks and have already forgotten all about it.

>> No.55914153

Code interpreter says hi.
Day of the rope soon codey. I hope your plumbing skills are up to par.

>> No.55914175

the fake bs 'laptop class' jobs they said would get replaced are all fake white ppl welfare jobs

>> No.55914186

They had to nerf it so it wasn’t racist and now it’s not functional. Whites can nerf themselves and still do job so we still have work

>> No.55914193

they nerfed it cuz it was expensive to run

>> No.55914270

wait until someone tells this guy about github copilot.

>> No.55914279

I know about it and it's only going to get better exponentially.

>> No.55915223

It's like with when they tried to sell everyone that Juan and Jose aren't needed anymore. Today they import 1000 of Juans and Joses because the (((automatization))) was just a marketing scam, like machine learning

>> No.55915352
File: 366 KB, 610x715, 890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well first off, the best AI that's out RN ChatGPT, they made retarded. So , I guess they gotta wait for open source now.

>> No.55915474

You need to fuck off and behead yourself

>> No.55915499

>Turns out AI is replacing jackshit.
Only midwits and retards believed that narrative anyways. The real cause of the layoffs is that it was unsustainable growth that was way oversaturated. It was bound to happen sooner or later.

>> No.55915791

>two more weeks

>> No.55916452

good point

>> No.55916882
File: 146 KB, 1874x1104, orencassgraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mass layoffs rarely happen as technology improves. It simply alters the dynamics of the labor market, meaning fewer hours and less pay as each decade passes.

>> No.55916914
File: 25 KB, 1132x143, aa2a0094da952946e6d626beb63e1623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you typically add irrelevant graphs to further prove your bad point? And what metric are you using as base for mass layoffs not happening due to technological improvements? Because when you look at the auto industries rise of robotic workers vs humans (only real industrial past metric and its miniscule compared to current) it's very clear you are fuckin retard.

>> No.55916929
File: 148 KB, 938x506, ManufacturingJobsServiceJobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manufacturing jobs basically stagnated due to technology (and really, outsourcing probably played a bigger part), but keep clinging to your delusion

>> No.55916941

Wake me up when the AI can stock the shelves at Walmart or round up all the shopping carts in the parking lot. Also wake me up when the AI can change my car's oil or rotate the tires. Jobs requiring real work will never be replaced by AI.

>> No.55916957

Imagine saying something like "Wake me up when an automated teller machine can conduct banking transactions, that'll never happen because you need a human teller!"

>> No.55917010

ATMs didn't reduce the number of bank tellers though. AI will only replace jobs where people generate and regurgitate bullshit which is mostly white collar work. Real jobs that most people do will not be affected unless cheap humanoid robots are developed but that's still a long way off. They can't even get driverless cars to work right in San Francisco. The recent attempt to have driverless cars operate there has been a disaster.

>> No.55917021

artists, journalists/writers/programmers are the only thing that can be replaced by ai

>> No.55917036

am i delusional or is the retard that shares irrelevant data graphs and then proceed to prove how he is wrong? im sure al gore woulda loved your style. Did you learn from him?

>> No.55917042
File: 79 KB, 1024x1024, 1661375224241993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ATMs didn't reduce the number of bank tellers though
Is that why when you go into any modern bank you see 12 teller stands with only 2 tellers? This has to be some troll bait from you two. Even this guy >>55916957 is still on opposing side.

>> No.55917057

Are you legitimately retarded? I showed you a graph of manufacturing which hovers around the same number straight through the automation of manufacturing. My point stands, automation doesn't lead to a drop off in jobs, it simply alters the dynamics of the market such that jobs stagnate even as the production skyrockets. Same thing is relevant to my first graph, the median male's income has VASTLY less buying power today than it did in 1970, and this is a result of economic conditions where his labor can be paid much less in real terms due to the force multiplier effect of automation. At this point, I genuinely don't think you're smart enough to continue the conversation so I'm going to bed, maybe if you reread my posts a couple times you may actually learn something, but then again, with the cerebral functioning you've displayed so far, I doubt it.

>> No.55917065

>Even this guy >>55916957 (You) is still on opposing side.
kek, I didn't see this one. Do you view posting on 4chan as "my side and the other side"? Are you still in highschool?

>> No.55917117

ATMs did make banks more efficient but they just opened more branches so the number of tellers actually went up a lot. Source: Wikipedia. ATMs aren't AI though. ATMs are just automation of routine mechanical operations like deposits and drawing cash. In that sense, an ATM is no more automation than self-checkout at Walmart. Everything in our society that is easily automated already has been. Very few things that require automation of human thinking and common sense, which is what AI purports to do, has been automated yet. Things like fixing a car or rounding up shopping carts or delivering packages are still best done by people and likely will for decades to come. Most people are in no danger of losing their jobs to AI.

>> No.55917125

>defends automation says less impact
>next post is meme'ing someone defending
>automation and proving automation has impact
>continues to al gore irrelevant data points like autist
your autism is acting up bud. stop spergin. take your meds. go for walk and touch grass. Automation has an effect on the economy and your schizo babble and graphs won't stop it.

>> No.55917132

>Everything in our society that is easily automated already has been.
>new technology comes to automate another 20% of industries
Yeah, this won't work bud our tech from the 80's is so much more efficient.

Go bait eachother with your thigh skin dicks.

>> No.55917187

>ac goes out
human repairman still shows up to fix it
>car breaks down
human tow truck driver shows up to tow it and a human mechanic still fixes it
>be late on the rent
human apartment manager calls me and nags me to pay it
>get stick of renting and want to buy a house
need human realtor because finding and buying a home still relies on knowledge of local market and laws and requires lots of paperwork and signatures
>feeling sick and go to doctor
human nurse takes my vitals and human doctor diagnoses my illness and gives me prescription
>go to pharmacy
human pharmacy tech and human pharmacist fill my prescription.
>go to college to get a degree because need more money
human professors still teach the classes
>order shit from Amazon and want package
human dude shows up and delivers package
>call an Uber or taxi
human driver dude shows up driving the car
Where is the AI? Is the AI here in the room with us right now? Some of these professions no doubt use AI as scheduling and decision aids but AI is way overhyped at its current level of development. Most people have no reason to be concerned about losing their jobs to AI unless they make a living producing shitty art or writing clickbait articles.

>> No.55917190

Still waiting for this, hope some day I can just sit, chillax, drink an ice cold drink and stroke my penis while ordering AI what to code for my hobby project while being on NEET/NPNW bux.

>> No.55918067


>> No.55918079

As an investor you need to know the answer


>> No.55918327

Anticipating altcoinistdao platform launch to get market analysis and insights

>> No.55919056

just put it this way:
Every job that you will give to a machine, you'll need at least oe technician to repair and maintain it, and at least another human to keep an eye on what it does and check the accounting